pter 2

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Supporter’s Circumstances
“In other words, you’re a Supporter that has no affiliation……”
“Yes, Lili did enter a <Familia> though”
Babel 2nd floor, the simple canteen. Most of the Adventurers have already entered
the dungeon by noon. In the vast space that was used by a few, I was currently
having a conversation with a petite girl across the table.
This was to carefully consider the suggestion that was brought forth by the girl,
Liliruca Arde.
“The <Familia> name is?”
“<Soma’s Familia>, Onii-san. Lili reckons that it is a rather famous faction.”
According to Liliruca-san, it seems that she negotiated and was allowed to
accompany Adventurers in exploring the dungeon as a Supporter. However, it
seems that her contract with her companions was canceled. Afterwards, she was
perplexed while she was trying to find a target to renew her contract. She had
passed through days of walking back and forth to the guild and Babel. Then today,
she found me.
Since I had no Adventurer companions and also no Supporter, I was a genuine solo
According to her, she would not consider supporting anyone else. In other words,
she already had the feeling that I could be the only one.
Although I really wanted a Supporter since a long time ago……However, I was
not happy to the extent where I could straightforwardly nod my head to her request.
I quietly observed the girl in front of me. Her body was very thin. Under her deep
hood that she was wearing, her thin lips had an innocent smile sketched onto it. 
She had a cute and compact face, and her nose also had a graceful curve. It gave
off an impression of <Precocious> that matched her appearance.
Although I was reluctant to suspect such an innocent child, but it was simply
common sense to not accept the other party’s request without questioning it.
Since there were also other areas that I was concerned about, I decided to first
question her and understand her completely.
“Why are you choosing me, who belongs to a different <Familia>? Having a
relationship with another <Familia> member isn’t necessarily a good
thing……Can’t you form a party within your own <Familia>?”
“Ehehe, Lili is small and does not have much strength. To Lili, who is slow in
everything, the other <Familia> members all hate me and also treat me as if I was
in the way. Even if I beg them, they are not willing to let me join”
Being excluded by her companions, but describing it as if nothing had happened, I
could not help but have a cold sweat.
“People who do nothing cannot rest or eat in peace. Continuing to stay at the
<Familia> residence would make me feel uncomfortable, so I have often wandered
around, searching for a cheap hotel to stay overnight.”
Even though it was their residence, but she couldn’t sleep there. It even got to the
extent where she feels like she couldn’t hang around that place……H…How could
there be such a thing.
What she said to me was shocking. There are actually people who are excluded
within a <Familia>.
In my opinion, a <Familia> should be something like a family.
Although <Hestia’s Familia> only has Kami-sama and I, but it was filled with our
deep bonds inside.
This was absolutely not a way to comfort others, it was a place that was filled with
a warm atmosphere that you could call it your home. Even if the amount of people
increases, this should not change.
A relationship that should share the joys and sorrows throughout your life, that
should be a <Familia>.
And this child’s <Familia> actually……had contempt for their own family
I felt a bit dizzy. Although I simply could not believe it, but it feels that I was
suddenly pulled back to the world that I was familiar to, and I produced a slight
“The money that I have left to live in the hotel is only a fist-sized amount, so I
really don’t know what to do. Please Please Please! Lili wants to enter the
dungeon together with Onii-san!”
Did she notice my hesitation to speak, Lili added a large explanation in one go.
……Although there were many thoughts that emerged, but I ignored them.
I, who was deeply troubled by various things, quickly switched my thinking and
turned my consciousness back to the original purpose.
“I understand Liliruca-san’s circumstances……There is one final point that I want
to confirm. Is that okay?”
“Yes, what is it?”
“We, really never met each other before?”
Yesterday, the hobbit girl that I met in the alley, is she really not Liliruca-san.
That was what I was curious about. Although I wasn’t able to clearly confirm from
just the appearance and the voice, but that child had characteristics that was
exceedingly similar to her. Only one day had passed, so I should not have been
“Lili feels that it is her first time meeting with Onii-san……Could it be that you’ve
noticed wrong?”
“……If it is possible, can you take off that hood?”
If I’m able to confirm what was underneath that deep hood she was wearing, then I
should be able to make an accurate judgment. The reason why I couldn’t be sure 
whether or not they were the same person was mainly because I had only seen half
of that child’s face.
Liliruca-san, who clearly revealed a shaken expression from this request, had her
body trembled slightly a few times, and quietly muttered “I understand……”. She
used both her tiny hands to lift up the hood.
“I…Is this okay?”
What entered my view was extremely cute animal ears that trembled slightly above
her head.
I half-opened my mouth, and was frozen on the spot.
“Y…Yes, Lili is a dog person.”
I was stunned and stared for a few seconds, pa, I stood up imposingly and leaned
over from one side of the table.
Perhaps feeling my gaze, Liliruca-san, who was sitting on the chair, seemed to be
embarrassed and slowly wrapped her body. The tail that was hiding underneath the
robe was also revealed. A maroon colored tail was constantly moving around.
Not a Hobbit, but a Beastman girl?
……It can’t be.
I couldn’t accept it and unconsciously raised my hand towards Liliruca-san’s two
ears. Ignoring Liliruca-san’s trembling shoulders, I grabbed onto the two animal
There was a warm and soft feeling in my fingers that wrapped around it. There was
also a fluffy feeling.
When I moved my fingers, Liliruca-san’s face was blushing and constantly
……It was real.
Whether it was this bushy hair or the flesh underneath its skin. Even the pink and
moist inner part of the ear, all of it cannot be made. There is no doubt that it was
animal ears.
(I…It’s not that child……)
This isn’t a mistake anymore. No matter how similar they look, but their race was
different, and there is nothing more convincing than this.
Pushing out those common points outside of my mind, I gave up on my original
“A…About that, Onii-san……”
“——!? S…Sorry!”
Hearing the voice that was about to disappear, I finally noticed my own posture. It
was like I was about to jump over to her. So I pull away from her.
She, as a beastman, quickly used her hands to cover the two ears that was played
around by me. Then with reddened cheeks, she stared at me and revealed a
mischievous smile.
“There was actually a boy who played around Lili’s most important ears, and made
a big mess out of it……If that’s the case, you have to take responsibility, right?”
……I was surprised to the extent where I could not speak.
Instantly, I was embarrassed and my face turned red, and I could only temporarily
“……W…Why do you have to hide your own race’s behavior?”
“Lili’s hair is very thick, so it is very ugly. So I do not wish to let other people
After apologizing for a long period of time, I timidly inquired. Liliruca-san shyly
replied while she wore the hood again.
Although I find the broomy hair very likable, and very cute……But this was a
problem that I, as a man, would not understand. Perhaps if I was a female, then
maybe I would understand.
Anyways, if it was the dwarf race’s Hobbit then I might still understand, but there
was actually such a small beastman child……Could Liliruca-san’s age be only
around 10.
“Then, Onii-san, how about it? Do you want to hire Lili?”
“……I understand. Then tentatively, just for today, please be my Supporter”
“Thank you!”
Because of the guilt generated due to the ears, I was unable to reject her request. If
I had rejected it, then wouldn’t I have become a perverted man who harassed this
girl before running away.
……And, to be fair, a Supporter is an existence that I hope to have one of these
days. I, who wish to become stronger, wanted to fully concentrate on the battle.
Liliruca’s proposal was just what I hoped for.
“Then, when do I have to pay the contract price……I should have to give, right?”
“Although there is also the circumstances you have just said, but since today is still
a trial period, so it should be okay if you give me part of your share of revenue
from exploring the dungeon? Lili will be so happy if she is able to receive 30% “
“Ah ah, you only want this little? Actually you should have a bit more…….”
After some time, Liliruca-san, with a carefree smile, and I faced each other and
immersed in a conversation.
× × ×
In the dungeon, using the confirmed floors as a threshold, the terrain and nature
will change.
The 1st to 4th Floor are constructed with light blue walls. Almost all monsters that
appear are low-level monsters such as Goblin and Kobolds. There are very few
Although there is a subtle change that is produced when approaching the 4th floor,
but it is known that the only area that the rookie Adventurers can easily raid are the
uppermost floors, as long as you’re not acting by yourself while being surrounded
by monsters. In other words, if you form a party, it is difficult to lose your life.
However, from the 5th floor onward, the situation begins to change.
Not only does the wall’s appearance turns into a light green color, the dungeon
structure itself becomes more complicated. Led by the <Killer Ant> that first
appears on the 7th floor, many other tricky monsters also frequently appear.
And the interval between the monster emerging from the wall cannot be compared
with the 4th floor. The instant you enter a dead-end, it was common for numerous
monsters to climb out from the walls and surround you.
Most of the rookies that lack tension on the upper floors will die here. Even if they
aren’t careless, the 5th to 7th floors is the first to demonstrate the dungeon’s
threat. It is also the first difficulty that Adventurers will encounter.
Once items that were brought were overused, then they will not be able to progress
further to a Lower Floor easily. First they should train their foundations on the 4th
floor or above. This is not limited to just <Status>, Experience, Equipment,
Intelligence, the qualities of an Adventurer must all be improved.
To rookie Adventurers, they should first have the goal of building up strength and
working hard.
And this is especially so for solo Adventurers.
Bell’s circumstance was slightly different.
Although he had not entered the ranks of a top-class Adventurer, but he had a
growth speed that was well above ordinary people.
A violent horizontal strike caught the Killer Ant’s thin abdomen and split it in half.
The current location is on the 7th floor. Normally, it is a floor that requires a team
to work closely together, but Bell continued to battle by himself against the endless
swarms of monsters.
Dodging the <Purple Moth> that descended from the sky, and at the same time,
using <Hestia’s Dagger> to cut off one of its wing.
Taking advantage of when the huge moth loses its balance after its wing was cut
off, and inserting the <Dagger> into its body. He swiftly caused it to stop breathing.
“Stay there, don’t move!”
What headed to Bell this time was Killer Ants again. And it was two of them.
Staring at the monster that used its mouth, which was specialized for insects to
intimidate me, the next instant, I accelerated.
I pretended to have both Killer Ants as targets and headed towards the middle of
the two, but my actual target was the one on the right.
Suddenly, I forcibly changed my direction. At that moment, the monster’s
reactions was also slower by a beat.
The dagger that assaulted forward, stabbed at the middle of the Killer Ant’s body.
To crush the hard shell, <Hestia’s Dagger> roared as it tore through the flesh. The
Monster did not even issue out his final cry. Its eyes gradually became dim, and the
Killer Ant became silent.
Although Bell wanted to immediately deal with the other Killer Ant——But he
could not pull out the Dagger.
The hard shell that was pierced caused the Dagger hilt to be stuck. Bell temporarily
could not move.
Just at that moment, the Monster that had its brethren killed entered a berserk state
and dramatically turned around, its sharp claws swung down towards Bell.
Bell rapidly lifted up his left arm.
Gakin, what repelled the claw was the jade colored hand armor.
Sparks flew out from on top of the armor, which even the Killer Ant’s attack
power could not cause any damage onto.
Bell began his counterattack. Ignoring his numbed left hand, he threw the dagger it
was holding onto into the air, then grabbed it using his right hand, which left the
<Hestia’s Dagger>
And slashed.
The <Dagger> entered through the gaps of the hard shell. The purple blood
sprayed out, and then continued to leak out.
Ignoring the power of the weapon that was evaluated as the lowest, the dagger had
already given a fatal injury to the Killer Ant.
After recovering <Hestia’s Dagger>, Bell gave another attack onto the Killer Ant,
and without a break, headed towards the remaining group of Monsters.
“Bell-sama, so strong~”
Beside the scene where Bell was continuously dispersing the group of Monsters,
Lili was gathering the corpse of the monsters that he killed together.
Her actions were very skilled. Even when she was smiling slightly, she did not
forget to be careful of her surroundings. There was no doubt that she was trying to
avoid to bump into other monsters. Using a tea-color specially created rope for
Supporters, she was tying the hands and legs of the monsters, and pulled them
through the dungeon.
The area that Lili was actively moving around did not seem to limit Bell, he turned
the <Needle Rabbit> into food for his <Dagger>.
Bell was faithful to the basics. Although he already had the power to defeat Killer
Ant level monsters, he did not feel overly confident. Following the guidance of his
adviser, Eina-san, he first defeated the tricky Killer Ants that could call for
companions, in order to try to avoid a development where it was many against one.
It could be said that the battle within this wide room was all within Bell’s grasp.
“WAAAAAA! B…Bell-sama, new ones are coming again!?”
The Killer Ants issued a pitiful cry as it slowly climbed out from the dungeon
The scene that had already happened who knows how many times, had appeared
again. Bell quickly took action.
He took care of the remaining monsters swiftly, then ran towards the Killer Ant
that was trying to climb out from the wall.
After running around 10 meters, he stomped hard onto the ground with his left leg.
A flying kick burst out.
Don,a blunt sound came from the wall. The Monster that had its head twisted in a
strange direction also had its body limp down as if it had lost its strength.
“Ahhh~……What should we do, Bell-sama? This Killer Ant still had part of it
buried inside the Wall?”
“W…What should we do then?”
It was in a strange position since it did not successfully come out from the hole,
Bell looked at the Killer Ant that had half its body hanging from the wall, and
could not help but sweat. Heading towards the location of the Monster that was
larger than hers, Lili skipped, patapata, and noticed Bell’s troubled face from the
side, and smiled.
“Bell-sama is so strong, but there are still areas that are strange. Ahahaha!”
“……This isn’t something to laugh at”
Bell revealed a helpless expression towards Lili’s laughter sound, then a gentle, but
wry smile also appeared slowly.
After that, their surroundings finally started becoming gradually quiet. The two of
them finally had a short break and they began to do recovery work for the Magic
Although there were two people, but this field could be said to be the specialty of
the Supporter-class Lili. Bell was only responsible for being alert against enemy
“Ha, you’re really skilled at it……”
“Lili’s only merit is in this. Bell-sama, who defeated these monsters, is much much
more amazing”
The technique that Lili, who was using a dagger she had prepared herself, used to
neatly dig out the Magic Stone was very refined.
Following the light dance from her tiny hands, the Monster’s body had an
additional hole and then turned to ashes.
Bell compared the view of his own immature technique with Lili’s technique,
while he uttered the words he was thinking about.
“……About that, isn’t it about time you stop calling me as Bell-sama……”
“Sorry, but what you said is absolutely impossible. Although it is only a temporary
contract, we must distinguish the line of authority. While facing Adventurer-sama,
Supporters must remain modest at all times.”
“No, but, Liliruca-san”
“Bell-sama, please call Lili as Lili. Although other names are also fine, but please
do not add –san.”
“But it is obviously just how we call each other, why do……”
After the third Killer Ant turned into ashes, Lili raised her head and looked at Bell.
Underneath the eyes that were covered by the hood, the corner of the mouth moved,
“Is this okay, Bell-sama?”, and began to explain.
“Supporter. Although the name sounds good, but after you understand it, you will
find that Lili and the other Supporters are simply people who carry the luggage.
From the perspective of the Adventurers, who directly fight with Monsters, Lili
and the others can be seen as cowards who are hiding at a safe place, as
we’re watching on the sidelines. They are just parasites that want a piece of the
From the instant that they enter the dungeon, Supporters are also exposed to the
same danger, so it should be lumped together, but Lili did not change it and
continued to talk.
“It is already arrogant if we think that Lili and the others are on the same level as
Adventurer-sama. Adventurer-sama will not allow it as well. If we do such a thing,
Adventurer-sama will be mad and won’t give out the appropriate rewards to Lili”
“There is actually such a thing!?”
“Bell-sama’s kindness, even Lili, who have just met you, also understands.
However, we must draw a clear line. If Lili disrespects Bell-sama, then that means
Lili is an arrogant Supporter. If such an assessment was sent out, then while other
Adventurers, aside from Bell-sama, are entering the dungeon, they will not
consider hiring Lili. So sometimes being futile is also a good point.”
If it was just me, I could deny it. However, to represent the other Adventurers, Bell
could not say a thing.
What might be a needless matter to me, could be another matter for others.
“Although I have to force Bell-sama to do something that he is not accustomed to,
but can you please accept? Please Please help Lili”
“……I understand, Lili”
“Thank you!”
In the end, Bell still gave up. Since it was for the sake of Lili, he should still give
up on his own trivial insistence.
He will not use the formal words, and strive to create an atmosphere, as if they
were friends of the same age.
“Anyways……Is Bell-sama really a rookie Adventurer? You could defeat so many
Monsters by yourself……”
Lili seemed to have temporarily taken a short break, stopped her hands from
working, and counted the amount of corpse remaining.
Including the corpse that had already turned into ashes, there are 4 Killer Ants, 3
Purple Moths and 5 Needle Rabbit. All together, there was a total of 12 Monsters.
Aside from the human-sized Killer Ant, Purple Moth and Needle Rabbit are all
small-sized Monsters. It was not so cumbersome if they had to fight against it.
Although saying this, others will view it as very strange for a single person being
able to defeat so many Monsters.
“Although saying that I defeated them, there were many times that I was in
“Because Bell-sama is fighting alone, there is no other way. A normal Adventurersama
will usually form a team of three or more before entering the dungeon, you
know? Normally no one will go solo.”
“But, it isn’t that I wish to fight by myself. Even if you say normally no one does it,
but I have no choice? Besides, there are still many Adventurers that are stronger
than me, who is a Level 1.”
“About that……Perhaps that might be true.”
“Since you have formed a contract before with many parties, haven’t Lili seen a
stronger Adventurer than me?”
“……Yes. Indeed, Lili have seen many Adventurers that are stronger than Bellsama……”
“Ah, looks like I’m still weak”
Lili revealed a puzzled expression while looking at Bell, who had a wry smile.
This is due to the slight deviation from the topic between the two of them.
There are indeed Adventurers that implement the principle of being alone. But Lili
was not asking questions about this point, but rather the point about how Bell had
not yet become an Adventurer for even a month.
Based on common sense, the floor range a Level 1 Adventurer can raid is from 1st
to 12th floor.
If it was based on Basic Ability to divide the ranks then, 1 – 4th floor is I to H, 5th
– 7th floor is G to F, 8 – 10th floor is E to C and 11-12 Floor is B to S.
However, this was ultimately just limited for reference. After reaching the 13th
floor, there will be Monster that appear that only a Level 2 Adventurer will be able
to defeat. A Level 1 Adventurer will absolutely not be able to raid it.
If we had to estimate what was the <Average> Level of Orario’s Adventurer, then
it would be Level 1. Half of the Adventurers are all currently in this state.
Then the remaining half which included the elite strength, would be Level 2. There

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are only a small number of Adventurers that have their Levels above this.
The transitional phase between Level 1 and Level 2 is the boundary between a
low-class Adventurer to a high-class Adventurer. In other words, there was a
wide gap. Being able to be recognized as a <Third-Class Adventurer>, which is a
clear position, only begins from Level 2. If the average was Level 1, then from
that point, it is a world that requires the talent and qualities in order to compete.
Since the personal information such as Basic Abilities are strictly managed, it was
hard to define what was considered the standard <Status> for a Level 1 <Status>.
They only know that Adventurers who have not <Level Up> will most likely stop
between the 7th to 10th floor.
Which also means that the Basic Abilities ranks from G-C. This could mean that
this was the universal <Status> for <Average> an Adventurer, who had not pass
through the evaluation of a rookie, but had entered the area of being experienced.
And Bell, who had become an Adventurer for just over half a month, was able to
match them. It was justifiable for Lili to expose a puzzled expression.
“……Nnn, the reason why Bell-sama is so strong, beside from the <Status>, the
weapon also plays a key role.
There was a slight change in tone from Lili.
Underneath the hood and covered by her bangs, her eyes flashed out as if she was
planning something, and she stared at the dagger hung along Bell’s waist.
Bell, who did not notice this expression, could only shyly smile.
“Looks like that’s true. I seem to be overly relying on this dagger. If that’s the case,
then could it be that I actually did not become stronger?”
“There is no such thing. As a weapon, it is their wish to be relied by their owner.
The most important thing is to not be played around by the weapon. If you are to
control it effectively, then it will become a powerful strength for Bell-sama.”
“I…Is that so?”
At this moment, Bell was currently alert against the surroundings and had his back
against Lili. He could not help but stretch out his hand behind and gently touch the
From the tip to the handle, it was his treasured dagger that was completely black.
Through the gaps of his finger, you could see the < Ήφαιστος> engraving.
Lili’s eyes shone brightly.
“Even Lili, who is not familiar with weapons, also understand that Bell-sama’s
dagger is an amazing thing, where did you get it? Please allow me to be rude, but
Bell-sama, as a rookie, should not have that much money……”
“It is Kami-sama……My <Familia>’s Goddess bestow it to me. I think it was said
that she begged her Goddess friend for it and finally obtain this item. It was really
“……That is … a really nice Goddess”
“Yes……She is a very important person to me”
The tremble hidden inside her voice, and the slight jealousy did not seem to be
conveyed to Bell’s ears.
“Ah, finished already?”
To Bell, who had swiftly changed his direction, Lili smiled.
“Let’s get the Magic Stone from the Killer Ant that is buried in the wall, after all,
you did waste your effort to defeat it”
“Ahah, that’s right. But how should we do it?”
“I think that as long as we cut through that narrow body, then it will be okay. Since
the Magic Stone is inside the chest. Lili will be responsible afterwards.”
“I see. Then……”
“Here you go, Bell-sama”
“Eh….Ah, yes”
Bell accepted the dagger that Lili suddenly handed out. Although he originally
wanted to use <Hestia’s Dagger>, but forget it, he went over to the Killer Ant that
had half its body buried.
He held onto the hard shell of the corpse while cutting through the waist that
connected the upper and lower body.
(Ah, it is slightly difficult to cut……)
Bell, who was entered in a tough battle as he was not used to the dagger, could not
help but tiptoed.
He concentrated all his awareness to his sight, and completely did not notice the
His uncovered waist was revealed to the surroundings. It was a completely
defenseless state.
He felt that his nerves was slightly sensitive and felt as if something was pulling.
Then he immediately turned around.
Within his gaze, Lili was standing next to Bell, and had straighten her back to look
at the monster. Bell, who was stunned for a moment, could only give a wry smile,
then after a while, he moved his hand again.
The Killer Ant was swiftly cut apart, and in Lili’s hand was the extracted Magic
“Then that is all for today, Bell-sama”
“Eh, that’s all? I still haven’t felt tired yet.”
“That’s not the case, you were too careless. Bell-sama defeated many Purple
Moths today, but they are Monsters that spread poisonous spores. Although it
doesn’t have an instantaneous effect, but facing it numerous times will still
produce a <Poisoned> symptom”
“I…It can’t be!?”
“It’s true. And unfortunately, the antidote that Lili carries around was used
up……Please return to Babel as soon as possible in order to go through treatment.
Then he finally remembered. Eina had also warned him that he had to pay attention
and maintain a distance while fighting against various Moths. Owww, Bell, who
pressed his temple, agreed with Lili’s opinion.
“What happens if I enter a <Poisoned> state……Isn’t there not much time before
the symptoms appear? Or do I have to make every effort to defeat all the monsters
while returning……”
“That’s not a problem, Bell-sama. Let Lili teach you the method of how to swiftly
return when not fighting against Monsters”
“T…There is such a method”
Yes, Lili nodded while she talked and pointed at the entrance of the room. After
passing through the entrance, there were a number of Adventurers at the very
depths of the road. Once that side noticed Bell, they understood that there were no
monsters nearby, and turned around and left.
“If you follow the other Adventurer’s path to retreat, then you will not encounter
any monsters. After all, Adventurers all chase after Monsters —— They enter the
dungeon for the Magic Stone and Loot.”
“Ah ah, I see.”
“If there is a Monster, then just hide so the other team fights it. The most important
thing is to select a route that has people in it. Then it is possible to reduce the
chances of battling a monster to zero.”
Normally, in order to not have any unnecessary dispute, you should try to avoid
the areas where other <Familia> members gather. But depending on the situation,
there were no limits.
If you skillfully use the correct timing, then you may find a breakthrough point to
pass through the dilemma.
“If it is at this time, then Adventurers should still be entering the Dungeon in a
large amount. Please follow Lili, to Bell-sama, there is no need to use your weapon
Towards Lili, who revealed a smile, Bell felt that she was very reliable.
Whether it was the knowledge about the dungeon, she would definitely understand
it better as she had been in longer contact with it, so he frankly nodded his head.
“Lili, you are really amazing. Although they say that Supporter is this and that, but
you are very reliable”
“As long as Bell-sama accumulates experience, then you will be able to swiftly
approach it. Okay, let’s go!”
Bell was pulled by Lili, who seemed to be desperate to leave, began to leave.
Following the trial remaining on the ground, they had bumped into other
Adventurers a few times, and only occasionally encountered Monsters. Lili’s
technique was really beautiful since they were able to do this.
It was to the point that it felt that it was too successful, the efficiency was so high.
“Bell-sama, Bell-sama. About today’s payment……”
“Yes. Since you have already helped me so much, let’s just split it evenly……”
“I’ll give all the Magic Stone and Loot that I recovered to Bell-sama. This will also
allow you to have a comfortable income.”
“Ahhh! Then if that’s the case, won’t Lili have worked for nothing!! Didn’t you
say you originally wanted 30%!?”
“If I am able to gain Bell-sama’s trust this time, then I am happy. Today could be
said to allow Bell-sama to recognize the value of Lili, which could also be a ritual
to see whether Lili is trustworthy or not”
“Nnn, you know……?”
“Everybody does that, not only Bell-sama”
Doing actions to test Lili’s behavior, and was seen through by Lili, Bell felt very
His face was embarrassed to the extent where he felt sorry for her.
“……Forget it, I’ll give him a parting present”
A mosquito-like whisper entered the air and disappeared with the wind.
“……? Did you say something, Lili?”
“No, I did not say anything. Bell-sama, if it is possible, then please hire Lili again
in the future?”
“Yes, I will try,, please let me think about it”
Afterwards, Lili ran ahead, turned around and faced Bell.
“Okay. Lili will always be staying inside of Babel, you can find me at any time.
Lili will absolutely never escape, please carefully consider it.”
Then, she revealed a whole-hearted smile.
× × ×
“Eh…A Supporter from another <Familia> huh……”
“As expected, it is bad right?”
In the familiar meeting room inside the guild headquarters, I was currently
discussing with Eina-san about the matter regarding Lili. When I returned, I first
headed off to the healing facility in Babel (It costs money) and also the gold
exchange, then I headed straight here.
Anyways, I am ashamed of myself. I feel that I would not be able to judge this
situation correctly by myself.
Being able to seek the advice from others was definitely good, so I headed off to
find Eina-san for her opinion.
“Although there are problems between <Familia>, but it isn’t the first time that a
contract was formed on the premise that both sides will benefit……What do you
think, Bell-kun, about that child called Liliruca?”
“Yes, she is a good child……Her skill as a Supporter is not bad”
Including her work ability as a Supporter, my impression towards Lili wasn’t poor.
Or perhaps I should say, I was filled with feelings that were similar to compassion
and, at the same time, I felt that I could not ignore that child.
Although I know that I should not mix such feelings……But as expected, I could
not do it.
Being excluded by her <Familia>’s companions and was always alone. It feels that
the words that Lili had said at that time were not fake. It gave off this feeling that
she was just stating the facts in general.
“Do you know which <Familia> that child belongs to?”
“Yes, I remember that it was the <Soma’s Familia>”
“<Soma’s Familia>?……Appearing again at this situation where there is no clear
reason to accept or reject?”
“About that, Eina-san. The <Soma’s Familia>, what kind of <Familia> is it?”
After being inquired by me, Eina-san could only say “wait a while”, then she
quickly flipped open a large file that was already prepared. During this period, she
also neatly put on her glasses that she took from her pocket.
Not only just from her own knowledge, she probably wanted to teach me more
detailed information about it.
“<Soma’s Familia> is regarded as a typical exploration <Familia>. If I have to say
what is different about them compared to the other similar <Familia>, it would be
that they are involved in business as well”
“Business? If that is said, then what products are they selling in the market?”
“Ah…Selling wine”
“Yes. Although the type of wine will constantly change based on the market.
However, what has not changed was that the amount produced was very little, and
that the taste is also top-class. It seems to be a popular product with high demand
in Orario”
It is also understandable that they were developing into a business, Eina-san adds
Because this class, an Adventurer, would always be haunted with the risk of losing
their lives at any time. So if they wish to have a stable developing <Familia>, it is
best to engage in ordinary occupations. Although business may be considered as a
gamble, but Adventurers are always fighting with their lives on a bridge that may
snap any moment. This also means that it is a career that is on the border next to
However, Adventurers are also different from the others. In this labyrinth city, only
Adventurers who follow the high-risk, high-return principle, may be able to earn
money quickly.
“The <Familia>’s strength is also considered to be in the middle of the middle.
Although there are no superior individuals, but the strength of the Adventurers are
all above average. Wow……The main point is that the number of members are too
amazing. This was something that I just learned.”
“The <Familia> having many members, this represents……”
“Seems like many people have faith in the main God, Soma. About that god, it
seems that there are absolutely no rumors whether he is good or bad……”
“About that……From what I heard from the child called Lili, it seems that Somasama
does not interact with the other Gods, correct?”
“Why not say that the God Soma is more famous in that perspective. It’s already
strange for the gods to exist in this mortal world, and that God is just like that. I’ve
heard that he had never once attended the banquets that the other gods organized.
In fact, he does not seem to have a single friend. Maybe it is better to say, is there a
God that knows that God? It is even to this extent”
This is really……How should I put it, extreme if nothing else.
Never being concerned about the future or anything else, this was what Lili had
The reason why Eina-san would not say words about rejecting or accepting is
because this <Familia>’s attitude to the outside was too ambiguous. It cannot claim
to be a <Familia> that makes everybody friendly and smile, but it is also not a
<Familia> that you absolutely do not want a relationship with…….Or a similar
kind of feeling?
“I feel that the <Familia> itself has no strange areas…….But”
Eina-san seemed to grit her teeth and frowned, but then she cut through her doubts
and opened her mouth.
“It is just my own subjective opinion, but the atmosphere from the Adventurers in
the <Soma’s Familia> seemed to be different from the normal <Familia>’s
Adventurers. I should say that even if they are companions, they do not concede to
each other, and are too passionate about Magic Stone and Items……”
“Although it doesn’t feel like they are anxious for success. How should I express it,
that is…….Anyways, it feels that all the members that belong in that <Familia> are
too desperate”
Eina-san, who was constantly talking, also had a puzzled face. Needless to say, I
was also extremely confused.
I do not know why, but after understanding the background of the organization, I
feel that the situation about Lili seemed to be even foggier.
“For the time being, I agree to hire her as a Supporter”
“Ah, is that alright?”
“Yes. Indeed there are many strange areas in <Soma’s Familia>, but I also believe
that the dispute between factions will absolutely never happen. Based on Soma’s
Which means that it was the same opinion as Lili, right.
“Just be careful not to annoy other members, then it should be okay. And
personally, I also hope that you, who is alone, will quickly find a Supporter to form
a party. Should I say that this is something that I have always been trying to
persuade you about.”
“But the decision will be made by Bell-kun himself. Of course, the final decision is
still up to you. You have to take on your own responsibility”
……Of course.
If I accepted Lili based on another person’s decision, then it will be very rude to
her. From this point on, I will have to think about it myself and draw a conclusion.
I tidied my head again and reached my final answer.
“I also agree. Although I have always been trying to find a solo Supporter, I still
couldn’t find any. The previous Supporters that I met had already joined who
knows what <Familia>.”
Sorry, Eina-san gave a wry smile. I had discussed with her before about whether or
not if I should hire a Supporter. Perhaps she had always been concerned about it.
“Another reason is because solo Supporters will not specifically enter the Dungeon.
With a different contract individual, their rewards will also vary. Also, there
are many other jobs that are safe and give out high rewards”
No affiliation will also mean not belonging to any <Familia>, Of course <God’s
Grace>……<Status> will also not be granted. Basically, they will have the same
physical ability as an average person.
Nnnn, there are dwarves with high physical power or elves that control magic that
won’t be at a disadvantage against a battle against normal Monsters, so you can’t
say that all of them have no battle power.
Once I thought about this, Fuuu, I began to recall the phrase that I was concerned
about when I talked with Lili.
“Eina-san. Supporters, do they not have a very close relationship with
“…….It is like this. The people who specialize in Support may have a relatively
lower status. The reason behind is something that you should already know without
me saying it……”
People who only carry the luggage. The phrase that Lili had said before
reawakened in my mind.
If that is really true, the feelings towards Adventurers, must have changed from a
dream to a feeling close to despair.
“Normally, only people who are weak will select to become an Supporter. And
among the top-class <Familia>, even if they <Level Up>, they will still be let the
Adventurers, who may have a lower rank, to act.”
However, if that’s the case, they will be able to observe in close distance the
Adventurers that are leading while exploring the dungeon. This means there is also
a side where they can learn. Although they are just the people who carries the
luggage, but by following others, they will be able to reach a floor that they will
never achieve by their own strength, an unseen territory—— The strength of the
powerful monsters and the tactics used by the elites from their <Familia>——
They have the opportunity to perceive it with their own eyes.
“Even if someone is granted a <God’s Grace>, it does not mean that anyone can
become infinitely strong. It also depends on their qualities and their mental
strength of not flinching when a Monster is in front of them. Even if you’re able to
defeat Low-Level Monsters, there will be many tricky situations that one will have
to eventually encounter.”
“If I have to say, the Adventurers, that eventually give up, will specialized into
becoming a Supporter……Even though it is not a large number. But that may also
be a reason why they will easily become a target of contempt.”
The atmosphere seemed to have become somewhat heavy. From Eina-san’s bitter
expression, it was clear that this type of topic was not especially pleasant.
However, that was it. This was why Lili will be so modest. Perhaps it was because
she was labeled by the surrounding people as useless. Including being excluded by
the people inside her <Familia>, all of it.
…….I feel that my chest was slightly stuffy.
What, this kind of feeling. Although it was not my own problem, I still became
While I was attacked by the urge to unconsciously scratch my head, I gritted my
teeth and stood up from my seat.
Originally I only wanted to casually ask, but it seems that we had completely
entered it.
“Thank you, Eina-san for giving so many suggestions out. I will carefully consider
“Yes. I’m always very free here, so if there are any troubles, please come and find
Towards the gently smiling Eina-san, I thanked her again.
Then I gently stretched and prepared to head to the door of the room.
“Is there any problem?”
“Your Dagger, what happened?”
“Eh?” I unconsciously made a dumb response.
Eina-san, who was just about to stand up, had an surprised expression while staring
at my waist.
I placed my hand onto my waist.
<Dagger> was still here.
The waist bag that carried the Magic Stone was still here.
<Goddess’s Dagger> was also here.
……However, only the sheath was here.
In the location where the handle should be, only air passed through my fingers.
Saaaaa, the blood receded from my face at a terrifying speed.
Looking at me, who was panicky searching around my waist, Eina-san also
expressed an <It can’t be> expression.
——<Goddess’s Dagger> was gone.
My face turned pale.
× × ×
Walking forward in an alley.
Compared to the spacious and bustling shopping street in the Main Street Area,
this was an utterly narrow path.
Looking upwards, the sky that was cut into pieces by brick houses was also very
Underneath the thick cloud that was dyed yellowish-orange, this path seemed to be
even darker. It gave off a feeling that the sun had never shone down at this place
before. The black cat lied down onto of the crude garbage field and looked at the
golden rays shining down. Meow. Then, it swiftly escaped.
Patapata, the gentle footsteps echoed around the surroundings.
She heading forward with no hesitation as if she was already familiar with this
labyrinth-like complex road which crosses over. After passing a few more corners,
she soon saw the building that was her destination.
On this slightly empty land, a single shop stands alone. Although it wasn’t
clear if this was a really old shop, it did give off such an atmosphere.
On top of the wooden constructed building, there was a mottled sign hanging in
front of the shop, which was slightly tilted.
Pushing open the door to enter the shop, the bitter sound of the doorbell entered the
“Ohoh, it is you again”
A bald gnome, who sported a long white beard, lifted its head from the information
report he was reading.
Although he was wearing a red cap, you would still know that he had no hair.
Without saying anything, she placed the dagger on top of the counter.
“Ah, this time you brought a strange item again”
After adjusting the position of his glasses, he carefully looked at it, then he said
“wait for a bit”, and the owner stood up. After watching the hunched figure
disappear into the depths of the shop, she began to look at the various antiques that
decorated the shop. Towards the many colorful gems inside a window display, she
spat out a sigh.
Earlier than expected, the Gnome owner returned.
It was rare for him to reveal a frowning expression.
“What is this? Did you pick this up from the garbage dump nearby?”

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“No matter how I press it or pull on it, it cannot cut anything. It doesn’t look like
there is a special ability either. I really don’t know what this thing is used
for……This blade seems to be dead”
Looking down at the pitched-black dagger that was placed onto the counter, he
scratched his beard as if he did not know what to do with it. Then the Gnome
owner concluded that <This was truly garbage>.
“It is rare that you would actually bring such a thing over”
“P…Please wait a moment, it should not……”
“Although you say that, I shouldn’t let a regular customer go back empty
handed……Perhaps I can decorate it on that wall? How does 30 Varisu sound?”
“……I’ll come back again!”
“Oh ho, I look forward to your next visit……However, those unreadable text that
was distorted like earthworms, I feel that his old man had seen it before……”
Her shoulder was trembling and rudely pulled open the door.
She returned once again to the alley, patapata, the footstep sounds were even more
crude compared to when she was coming.
30 Varisu? The same price as the potato croquettes that the mobile kiosk were
Don’t play around, this is a high-class product that could even easily cut through
the hard shell of Monsters. This top-class weapon should have the value of 3
luxury suites and still have money remaining.
Then I thought for a while, the owner should not be acting like a fool. However, a
few days ago, he had given a satisfactory appraisal price. It can’t be that his brain
broke down in just a few days.
His appraisal technique were genuine. Even the guild employees cannot compare
with him.
Another appraiser that could match him, I have at least never heard of one in this
She looked at the dagger held in her hand.
The blade without any brilliance. In the center of the dagger, exquisite engravings
were written in a complex path, from the tip to the hilt, it seemed to be pitchedblack
as if it merged with the darkness of the path.
It showed such a rotten-like dark color, no matter what, there was still a feeling
that something was wrong.
Before, it was obviously shining a bright purplish-blue light and was even able to
leave a silver-white path in the air.
(If only it had the < Ήφαιστος> engraving……If only I had the sheath……)
As long as I was able to obtain that unshakable evidence, then even if it was
garbage, it will still be bought at a high price.
Sheath. The sheath is necessary. Looking at the dull black blade, she concentrated
on thinking.
I must change the preplanned schedule. Even though it might be risky, I must have
contact with him again……
“Sorry, Seal. Asking you to help me carry the items”
“Ah, it’s no big deal……Ryuu, do you always walk this path?”
“Yes. As long as you’re able to grasp the route, you will save a lot of time by
taking this path. There is no need for Seal to worry about it”
“I am not talking about this point……”
People were coming in front. An elf and a human. Both of them were carrying
paper bags. Looking closely, with apple as the main item, it was filled with fruits
and vegetables that seemed to be crammed into the paper bags.
Immediately avoiding their gaze, she swiftly hid the dagger inside her sleeves.
While she was surprised that there were actually people that pass through this
secluded alley, she naturally allowed them to pass by her side.
“——Please wait a minute, the Hobbit over there”
A voice that did not allow her to argue attacked her from behind.
She could not help but stop her footsteps. Then, cold sweat spread around and
enveloped her entire back.
Why did she call out to me. It can’t be, this unbelievable idea appeared at the
corner of her mind.
“Can you let me see the dagger that is tucked inside your sleeves”
Her heart seemed to be completely speechless.
“……Is there a reason why?”
“It seems to be an item from an acquaintance. If it is possible, I wish to confirm it”
What kind of vision do you have, she could not help but wanting to yell out.
“Unfortunately this is my own item. You must have seen wrong”
Not giving her the opportunity to refute, she left after speaking.
Refusing her request and attempting to leave this place.
“Bring it out”
The scene seemed to be nervous to the extent that the sound of the air was creaking.
“A person with a weapon engraved with <Sacred Text>, I only know of one”
It was as if there was an ice blade placed against her neck. Even her toes seemed to
be frozen.
There was no need to look. You would still understand that the elf girl was
currently angry. The surrounding was filled with this kind of pressure.
She did not look back. She also did not wish to look back.
“Please don’t move”
She was unable to even bite down her teeth. Her breathing began to tremble. Her
heart seemed to be jumping as fast as if it was popping out of her ribs.
The footstep sounds were quickly approaching. The space between them could not
be called as a distance.
If that’s the case, there is no need to care that much. Just take a step and then
another step, just escape first.
She desperately inserted strength into her knees that were about to break down, and
at the moment when the other person’s foot left the ground, she kicked off from the
ground and headed to the crossroad.
“I warned you”
A powerful impact attacked her arm at the moment she was about to enter the
The apple.
The apple exploded.
The red fruit directly hit the left arm that hid the dagger, turned into debris and
scattered away. The impact was too strong.
“It would be better if I use more strength towards the abdomen”
The dagger also fell out from her sleeve, so she turned around and looked to the
The elf had sky-blue eyes and a calm light emerging from it. Then she lifted her
leg behind substantially and was currently looking at her.
So that was it. She, herself, was the ball. Don’t joke around.
In a hairsbreadth, the leg kicked out in front, and hit the abdomen just like what
was announced in advance.
× × ×
I was currently running at the guild headquarters located at the North-West Main
Street Area.
A sharp impact sound echoed from the nearby alley.
In order to confirm that <Hestia’s Dagger> did not fall out during the path, Bell
was currently searching on the route that he came back. But after hearing that
unnatural commotion, he stopped.
The surrounding demi-human also imitated the same action as Bell —— In the
next instant, from an alley, a large number of cats rushed out. Bell widened his
crimson eyes to its limits.
Meow~ Meow~! It was a powerful torrent of cats that was pitifully escaping for an
unknown reason. One by one, they passed through the legs of the pedestrians,
causing the enter street to be forced into a chaotic state. Bell, who was steaming
with sweat, looked at this scene, and a person approached the exit of the alley.
After probing around and looking at the situation inside the alley, suddenly, a
petite figure emitted a large sound and fell in front of his toes.
“F…Fuu, ah……”
The figure that unexpected appeared was completely shaken, Bell kneeled down
beside Lili.
“Hey, what is it!? What happened!?”
“T…This voice……Bell-sama?”
The petite body trembled slightly, Lili, like a newborn deer who was lying on the
ground with both hands and legs, instantly revealed a tense expression, but it was
soon replaced with a stiff smile.
“Actually, a violent woman……No, I was attacked by a wild dog……”
“A…Are you alright!?”
“Looks like I survived……”
Although the cream-colored robe could not hide anything, but Lili seemed to have
suffered a serious injury. Bell first lifted her up and brought her to a location that
was right in front of the alley.
Did I bring a potion, just when Bell was panicky about to reach into the small
poach beside his thigh,
“I can’t believe that I actually let him escape……”
Zaaa, following the moaning sounds, Ryuu, from the elf race, appeared from the
“It is Ryuu-san again! W…What on earth happened?”
“Ahhh, perfect. Actually, your……”
After saying up to this point, she noticed the powerless Lili on the floor and
instantly narrowed her eyes.
Lili, just like a kitten, trembled, and was muttering something, and placed her hand
on top of her hood that she was wearing.
“Cranel-san, please move away”
“Eh, W…Wait a minute!?”
Pushing away Bell, Ryuu stretched out her hand towards the robe, and lifted the
hood without any hesitation.
What appeared in her eyes was a big eyes and fluffy, thick chestnut colored hair.
There were also animal ears. Staring at Lili, who exposed a fearful expression,
Ryuu only said “I’m sorry”, this kind of apology, and quickly put down the hood.
“W…What are you doing! Lili, are you okay!?”
“Sorry, I recognized the wrong person. Seems like my actions were too rash”
What was the situation? Bell was somewhat confused because of the sudden act.
While supporting Lili, who was gently sliding towards the ground, he looked back
and forth from the alley and Ryuu multiple times.
Quickly, the alley issued a patapata sound again, and Seal appeared while carrying
two paper bags.
“R…Ryuu~! You can’t treat food like that! Mama will be angry!?”
“If that’s the case, then I will be very troubled……”
“About that, can you please explain the current situation……”
“Ah, Bell-san”
Good day, Seal politely bowed down towards him, Bell could only interact by
saying “Ahhh, you too……”
Ryuu, who was temporarily quiet and was watching the interaction between the
two of them, soon questioned Bell directly.
“Cranel-san. Did you bring that black dagger today?”
“Ah, right!? You two, did you see a dagger that was completely black from top to
Looking at Bell, who seemed to have remembered and began to panic, Ryuu and
Seal exchanged a gaze.
After Ryuu turned her gaze back to Bell’s body, she pulled out a simple dagger
from her arms.
“Is this it?”
Bell’s cry seemed to completely resound through the evening sky.
Hearing this large sound that could scare off others, various females from other
races all unanimously shrunk back their shoulders.
Even Ryuu-san, who was usually calm, also widened her sky-blue eyes.
“Thank you!! Really, thank you!!”
“……Cranel-san, about this, I am very troubled. This kind of thing should not be
done to me, but should be done to Seal, who is next to me……”
“Ryuu, what are you saying!?”
Bell, who was almost in tears, gashi, used his two hands to wrap around Ryuu’s
smooth white hands. He quickly approached, revealing a childish crying face, and
she looked away unlike usual.
Hearing the cry from Seal, Bell, goshi goshi, rubbed his face and received the
pitched-black dagger.
“Ah, that’s good……Kami-sama, sorry, I will absolutely never lose it again……”
Bell held the dagger to his forehead and uttered an oath, that garbage seemed to
have recovered its feeling and was dyed a purplish-blue light again.
It had turned back from a simple piece of metal to <Hestia’s Dagger>.
Gyo, Lili originally large eyes became even wider.
“Sorry, really. Where did you find this dagger?”
“Yes, in fact a Hobbit was holding it”
Towards Ryuu’s answer, Bell was stunned.
The beastman girl that was standing nearby seemed to be nervous underneath her
“Could it be, just now……”
“Ahhh, Although I was chasing after the Hobbit earlier, but it seemed like he
escaped……That was why I suspected her, who was here. It was my mistake.”
“Mistake, could it be……?”
“Yes. She seemed to be a dog person. And the Hobbit that I was chasing after was
a male”
Bell, who had finished listening to the explanation, finally expressed an “I see”
expression towards the whole incident. However, on the other hand, Lili revealed a
mixed expression of being tired and being relieved.
“Is there a male Hobbit nearby? Do you remember?”
“No, I can’t remember anything……”
“Then, that Hobbit picked up the thing you lost. It was lucky that I had seen your
dagger yesterday in the alley. Because it was a slightly special dagger, so I was
able to recognize it by looking at it just for a bit”
“Ahhh, so that’s it”
While Bell was talking with Ryuu, Lili always seemed to be in a bad mood.
Seal seemed to quietly observe Lili through the gap between the two paper bags
she was carrying.
Soon, Ryuu used the excuse of that they are still shopping as a reason to say
goodbye. Bell, once again, thanked the two of them. Ryuu nodded with an
unchanging expression, while Seal claimed that she did nothing and gave a wry
Then, Bell, in order for them to enter the alley again, moved away. At this moment.
Seal, slowly moved her mouth near Lili’s ears.
“——Don’t get too carried away okay?”
Zoku, goosebumps appeared all over Lili’s body.
Her petite body swayed pitifully.
Seal seemed to stand up as if nothing had happened and returned back into the
alley with Ryuu, who had a puzzled expression.
“Lili, what did Seal-san say to you just now?”
“N…Nothing……About that, Bell-sama?”
“Those people, who are they?”
“They are employees in a bar. Inside <Mistress of Abundance>. It’s also
considered a rather famous shop. Does Lili know it?”
“Absolutely never bring Lili there, please……”
Looking at Lili, who was smiling through her tears, Bell could only “Eh, ahh,
yes……?”reply like that. Looking at her, who had an expression that seemed to
describe her having a unstable mental state, quietly shed sweat.
Shrouded under the sunset, this Main Street area seemed to have finally become
quiet, Bell and Lili temporarily shared a strange atmosphere.
× × ×
The following day.
Lili and I rushed into the dungeon early in the morning. Under the
phosphorescence ceiling that was similar to the Magic Stone Lamps that were sold
above ground, the two of us steadily reached the soil ground of the 1st floor.
In the end, I still hired Lili as a Supporter.
After carefully thinking about it, while blocking off the suspicions I had in my
heart, I followed my own feelings and readily selected this choice. Kami-sama also
agreed. Since we had come this far, there was no need to be confused.
Lili and I did not set a specific deadline and exchanged a team member contract,
then until today.
“That dagger, where did you hide it……?”
“Nnnn, in order for me to not lose it again, I hid it together with the sheath inside
my hand armor. Because there was a storage space in it.”
“I…Is that so……”
Towards Lili, who bowed her head in disappoint, I tilted my head.
From the beginning, Lili did not seem to have any spirit. Although she was still
smiling, she was lifeless. What happened?
“……Bell-sama, once again, thank you for hiring Lili. Because I do not wish to be
abandoned by Bell-sama, Lili will work hard”
“What abandon, I will absolutely not do such things. Moreover, there are no other
Supporters that I know of aside from Lili”
“That’s great……Just joking, Lili does not believe that Bell-sama will do such a
thing. Because Bell-sama seemed to be surprisingly gentle.
Looks like I was still not used to it, this sense of distance.
Although Lili originally was not that reserved, but gentle huh. I do not know why,
but it seems to give me a tingly feeling.
“Bell-sama, may I inquire what is the schedule for today?”
“Nnnn, today I also plan to go to the 7th floor. Then I plan to stay until evening. Is
there any problems for Lili?”
“If that is what Bell-sama decided, then Lili will obey. However, is this alright?
After all, Lili is only a Supporter, and cannot help as a fighting force. It may
become a situation where Bell-sama will have to continuously fight?”
“No problem. After all, I was usually fighting by myself, and today I allowed
Kami-sama to update my accumulated <Status>”
It was not because of a playful manner that I had explored the dungeon everyday
by myself.
But thanks to fighting alone, I’ve already gotten used to long battles. Also, Einasan
had also taught me properly. Adjusting my pace was one of my rare strengths
that I was proud of.
More importantly, after receiving the updated <Status> that Kami-sama handed to
me, I should not lose to the Monsters on this floor. Truthfully, I was eager to try
out the strength I had right now.
The growth rate of my <Status> had not changed from before. I’m afraid that my
current condition was perfect.
……Only that, I do not know why Kami-sama’s mood worsened when she saw my
perfect condition’s <Status> improved rapidly……In the end, why is it.
“Compared to that, it may create a bigger burden to Lili, right? If loot continues to
drop, the luggage will become heavier and heavier……”
I looked at Lili, who was beside me. That petite body was only up to the height of
my abdomen. It must be extremely difficult to walk around the dungeon while
carrying that much luggage.
“Please do not worry, Bell-sama. After all, Lili is also granted a <God’s Grace>.
Unless the luggage is rather large, then it is completely not worth mentioning”
I also believe that must be the case……But in the end, I was still not able to
Lili’s backpack was larger than the standard size. Even before we began to recover
items, it was already filled.
“Also, Lili has a Supportive Skill. Even if there is an accident, it should not affect
my transporting operations”
“Ahhhh! Lili had already gotten a Skill!?”
Amazing! Envious! I did not try to conceal these feelings as I cried out.
To my surprise, Lili only shook her head with a wry smile.
“It is only true that I have one, but it is a useless skill. It is not that kind of <Grace>
that Bell-sama is thinking about, oh?”
“However, that is already good. Unlike me, who still do not have a single
I heard that because <Skill> and <Magic> was different, there was no limit to the
window. As long as the <Experience> conditions were met, then you will be able
to master a number of them. I had unintentionally overheard that there exist
Adventurers who have more than 5 (!) Skills. Even if it was just like Lili had said
that it was a useless skill, but as long as there are no negative effects, then it was
still better than not having one.
“I am really jealous. Aren’t Skill and Magic really difficult to obtain right? I also
do not have Magic……Ah, while we’re at it, it can’t be that Lili also obtained
Magic right?”
“……Unfortunately, Lily also have not obtained Magic. I’ve heard that many
people will never be able to see their own magic during their life, so Lili is
probably also in this kind of situation”
That was true. Even the Magic inside <God’s Grace> was something that only a
few would get out a tens of thousands of people. But in the end, Magic was still
nothing but a possibility, there seems to be many people who did not obtain this
When I was young, I had often been immersed in books about heroes. I
daydreamed myself using multiple magics. Because I had these fantasies before, I 
had hoped that such a terrifying thing will not happen……Just like this, towards
my imagination that I had hated and trembled slightly, it was noticed by Lili.
As long as you are not the companion of the same <Familia>, the act of referring to
the other’s <Status> contents was considered to be rude and was strictly
prohibited. There was no exception, even if the person was bound by contract.
It was obvious if you carefully think about it. After all, a person’s information
about their <Status> is said to be that person’s lifeline.
I, who heard the reply, began to deeply reflect my idiotic speech.
“Also, is it really enough to just pay the advanced payment for the contract?”
While I searched for the presence of Monsters, I asked about the contract’s
contents again to Lili.
When we were performing the contract ritual at Babel earlier, I was told this by
Lili. The reward would be a part of the revenue earned through exploring the
I, at any rate, seemed to be standing at the side of the employer. I still need to have
some pride……
“Ahah, it’s okay. Bell-sama did not form a party with another, so when we are
dividing it, it will not be very cumbersome……And”
And? I took advantage and asked.
Lili, changed her cheerful attitude that she always had……In the depths of her
bangs, a cold gaze emerged from it.
“……And, this way, it will be more convenient for Bell-sama, right?”
Following the words of the unfinished sentence, there was a bit of sarcasm and a
somewhat self-mocking gaze.
I do not know why Lili used such a gaze to look over here, and I panicked.
Then before a second passed, Lili’s revealed a smile again, as if nothing had
happened, and showed over her usual joyful atmosphere.
“Then let’s go faster. As long as Bell-sama works hard and allow Lili’s revenue to
increase, then there is no issues!”
“Nnnn, Yes……”
It will be more convenient for me……?
In order words, I will not pay Lili, is that it?
Or is there another meaning?

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I really do not understand. What is Lili trying to say.
Since I’m not her, I had no clue about what that child was thinking or hiding.
——You are also the same as the other Adventurers.
It feels that this was how Lili’s eyes commented on me.
× × ×
“Eina, Eina”
Inside the counter of the guild headquarters, Eina was currently working. Her
female colleague, who was also responsible for receiving visitors, began to talk
with her.
What? She used her eyes to inquire this, she said “Look quickly, Look quickly”,
and pointed to a certain direction.
Her gaze followed the direction of the finger……In front of the gold exchange, a
guild employee was currently in a fierce quarrel with an Adventurer.
“Look quickly, it’s happening again. It’s a <Soma’s Familia> Adventurer again”
Eina reflexively frowned.
She didn’t try to deliberately listen, but the angry roars emanating from that
direction came over.
“Only worth 12000 Varisu!? Don’t joke around, are you blind!”
“Bastard, how long do you think I’ve worked in this career! My eyes can’t be
Eina understood that it was a dispute based around the contents of the gold
Actually this kind of scene was actually not that surprising. Adventurers are using
their lives as chips to enter the dungeon. They will mostly have an expectant mood
when heading to the gold exchange. If the price was lower than what they had
expected, then they will definitely raise their voice and strongly refute it. This was
also forgivable.
The guild was already used to dealing with this kind of situation. The appraisal
employees at the gold exchange are all carefully selected to have the most guts and
courage. Currently, they were also yelling at a volume that did not lose to the
Yes, this type of scene was already common.
“Did you even properly appraise the loot as well!? Hey, go check it again! Quickly,
It should not be this, It should not be this little……?”
However, this trouble was caused by the <Soma’s Familia> again. This abnormal
scene was quickly becoming common for them.
The core members of <Soma’s Familia> purposely finding faults with the gold
exchange’s assessment was already too numerous to count. It happens
continuously every day. Towards the repeated yellings, even the appraisal
employees did not withdraw.
They will normally raise a claim, which is <Give me more money> and only this
It was an unusual and incredible dedication to money.
Just by looking at it, you will feel the chills. That was how strong their desire for
money was.
“Nnnn~, being stared at by the eyes that seem to wish to rip out your eyes,
disgusting! It is lucky that I am not responsible for the people in <Soma’s
Eina could not help but reveal a bitter expression to her human friend, who was
freely expressing her opinion.
Although Eina had never acted as an adviser for the Adventurers in <Soma’s
Familia>, but it has gotten to the point where she couldn’t keep out of their affairs.
“Damn it, if this is it……Only this little……!?”
Looking at the Adventurer, who held his head with both hands and left, from a
distance, Eina, herself, also held onto her forehead as if she was enduring a
(Looks like it was still too early, right……)
× × ×
The existence of a Supporter like Lili was dramatic.
First, because she was carrying the backpack, it wasn’t necessary for me to
transport my rewards back to the ground level. I was able to stay in the dungeon
for longer periods of time.
Every time I explored and entered a new floor, it will also mean that the repeated
distance between the dungeon and gold exchange will also increase (This also
means that the time I can spend in the dungeon will also be shortened). As the floor
achieved increased, my revenue should also increase, this was not always the case.
In order words, it was the time loss.
Today, this problem was beautifully solved.
Thanks to Lili, it was no longer necessary for me to equip the heavy backpack. My
body had become lighter and it began to show off its talent on the 7th floor. The
amount of monsters that I hunted, even I do not know how many I killed.
The instant the enemy appeared in front of my eyes, I would swing my dagger.
Then Lili will swiftly recover the Magic Stone and the randomly appearing Loot.
This was the result.
The amount of money that I earned from the gold exchange in the guild was ——
“ “…………” ”
Towards the opening of the flaxen bag, Lili and I placed our foreheads together
and looked inside.
The scene that was seen through the wide opening was …………Coins Coins
Coins Coins.
Countless number of coins, it can be said that it was extremely crowded in the
overly narrow bag.
It was dazzling.
“ “ 26000 Varisu……” ”
The two of us lifted our head together from the bag and looked at each other at an
extremely close range.
The next instant.
“ “YAAAAAAAAA ————————!!” ”
We both jumped out while cheering!
“Amazing, Amazing! Even though there obviously wasn’t that many Loot, just by
Bell-sama himself was able to earn more than 25000 Varisu!!”
“WAAA, WAAA, WAAA! Is this a dream! It is reality right!? Actually being able
to earn this much money in one day……This is also thanks to Lili!”
Hooray for Supporter!
“Don’t say such foolish words, Bell-sama. Although this is related to the type of
monster and the Loot, a 5-man party of Level 1s may spend an entire day and still
not be able to earn 25000 Varisu. In other words, Bell-sama was more productive
than them by himself!”
“No, you see, isn’t there a saying about how if a rabbit is praised, then it will also
be able to climb a tree! It is that one, that one!”
“Although Lili do not fully understand what Bell-sama is trying to say, this is your
glory! Bell-sama is amazing! We should continue to strive for better results!!”
“You’ve praised me too much Lili!”
Although the excitement seemed to become more and more intense, but we still
couldn’t stop.
Even though we were not at a bar, but the two of us continued to laugh and smile.
Because it was night had already fallen, so the simple canteen in Babel had no
other Adventurers aside from us. The others must have entered a variety of bars.
Ya~, I clapped my hands against Lili, who was standing up on a chair, our
excitement had reached its climax.
“……Then, Bell-sama, it is about time to split the rewards?”
“Ah, yes!
Doba, I handed 13000 Varisu to Lili.
“Ahhh, if that is the case, then perhaps I can normally let Kami-sama eat delicious
Holding my fist, a scene emerged from my mind.
I will finally able to pay back my debt of gratitude towards Kami-sama!
Although Lili’s eyes suddenly became a dot, I did not care and continued to be
immersed in my own imagination.
“B…Bell-sama, this is……?”
“Your share, didn’t we say so already! Ah, right! Since this doesn’t happen often,
why don’t you come with me together to a bar? I know a very tasty shop!”
I invited her while I was in a good mood, but Lili widened her eyes and held her
Ah, didn’t she say that she did not wish to go to the <Mistress of Abundance>
But, forget it, it should be okay! Only for today!
“Hurry, let’s go Lili!”
We must hurry for the our own good! I, who was swiftly packing up, Lili called
Eh? Revealing an incredulous expression, she gently moved her thin lips.
“……Y….You’re not going to monopolize it…….Bell-sama, did not think about
“Eh, why?”
I, who felt incredulous deep down, asked back.
Towards my response of asking back a question, Lili was loss for words.
“If it was by myself, I will certainly not be able to get such a result. It was because
Lili was here right?”
So, thank you, I happily said.
From now on, please take care of me, I added another sentence.
Being able to encounter Lili was really great, I revealed a smile.
“Lili, hurry up, let’s go?”
I stretched out a hand towards Lili, who suddenly lifted up her head to look at me.
Towards the outstretched hand, she only just stared at it, then she slowly
overlapped it with her own hand.
That whisper, I completely missed it.
[Bell Cranel]
Affiliation: [Hestia’s Familia]
Race: Human
Class: Adventurer
Achieved Floor: 7th Floor
Weapon: <Goddess’s Dagger>
Money: 18900 Varisu
Lv. 1
Strength: D 591
Endurance: G 233
Dexterity: C 607
Agility: B 702
Magic: I 0
[ ]
[Single-Minded Pursuit]
 Accelerates Growth.
 Effects last as long as his feelings are unchanged
 Effects are determined by the strength of his feelings
<Rabbit Armor MK-II>
 The first defensive series of <Hephaestus’s Familia> affiliated
Welf Crosso’s creation.
 The name of this creation was once called that, and due to an
incident, it had its name changed. The reason why it was placed
in the box was because of the incident. It gently left an impact
on Bell’s heart.
 Using the Drop Loot <Metal Rabbit’s Fur> as the material.
Bell had once said that it was <Extremely Light>
 It can be said that the defense of it was extremely high to the
extent that the <Hephaestus’s Familia>’s management team
also gave an excellent evaluation.
<Jade Supporter>
 Selling price of 7700 Varisu.
 A present given by Eina. It is the same color as her eyes,
which is jade color.
 It is a hand armor that has the same purpose as a shield.
Although its durability is lower than a pure shield, but it is
very light.
 It uses its long length to compensate for the narrow width.
It is able to store dagger and short sword.
Alas, Goddess-sama!
The color that covered the sky was gradually turning from a bright dark red color
into the deep blue color of evening.
Western Orario. The West Main Street was composed of many employees that
were coming home back from work or a party of Adventurers that had just finished
their dungeon exploration. Right now, it was also the most bustling time period
that happens within a day.
“F…Finally survived today……”
Mixed with the crowd of people, Hestia staggered forward on the road. She
was staggering towards her home as if she was trying to escape from the
skyscraper in the center of Orario.
She was currently returning home after completing her work at the <Hephaestus’s
Familia> Babel branch.
“That person, Hephaestus, shouldn’t it be possible to be slightly merciful…….”
Even though it was because she had to repay money. It was still extremely cruel to
Hestia, who was now forced to experience the bits and pieces of a busy work for
the first time, since she had always lived on the basis of a lazy life.
She did not know whether it was due to her Goddess friend’s orders, but the
children working at that branch had no respect towards a Goddess. It was to the
extent that it can be said that they would not restrain themselves while ordering her.
Towards the job that was given to her, she repeatedly issued a sigh.
The wish of Hephaestus, who wished to correct Hestia’s personality of wanting to
rely on others from the root, could be seen from here.
“Ah, I really want to see Bell-kun……!”
Hestia, who had her mind and body completely drained due to the continuous days
of hard work, recalled the matter about her own family’s dependent.
It had already become a daily activity during this time to look forward to gently
receiving the boy that had come back from the dungeon —— Thus she would
often leave early from work——, but today the position was completely reversed.
She really wanted to quick jump into his chest and act like a spoiled child. Hestia,
who was fantasizing about these things, dragged her heavy body and sped up to
return home.
Among the crowd in the Main Street Area, she saw a thing that looked like a rabbit
from the corner of her eyes, Hestia almost reflexively looked back.
Mixed in the middle of the crowd with many races, a familiar figure would appear
for some time and disappear again.
——It’s Bell-kun!
Hestia’s round eyes twinkled as she instantly noticed that body.
Perhaps he had finished his dungeon exploration and was preparing to go
home. He was wearing his new defensive equipment and had his back facing her.
He was currently heading in the direction of their residence.
Hestia, like a fish that had just been returned to water, instantly recovered, took a
step and prepared to approach Bell, who was in front of her——but in the next
A figure that was extremely close to Bell, that was covered by the crowd earlier
and could not be seen, entered her view.
Its body was even smaller than Hestia, the big round robe was holding a backpack
on the outside. Although it was difficult to judge from the back whether the gender
or other details, but Hestia was certain that it was the same gender as her.
If it was a male, they will wish to protect, and to protect that mysterious girl, he
was currently stretching out his hand beside him.
Then, towards the girl he was looking at, Bell’s appearance from the side was a
kind smile.
——Gaan! This shock pierced through Hestia’s head.
To her, who was extremely fatigue both physically and mentally, this additional
attack was equivalent to causing her to stop breathing. The boy, that was her final
reliance, actually revealed such a happy to smile to a woman beside from her, and
the scene, that seemed to be like heaven falling down to the ground, complemented
each other. The amount of damage Hestia suffered was immeasurable.
This matter about how that this girl was the Supporter that he talked about in Babel,
she had no chance to be aware of it. Hestia embraced a great sadness, staggered a
few steps, then finally turned around and left.
× × ×
“——Listen to me, Miach! Bell-kun, he, Bell-kun is having an affair!”
Dan!, Banging the glass cup, that she had drained the wine in one attempt onto the
table, Hestia cried out with tears.
In a pub that was built in an alley near the outskirts, slightly far away from the
Main Street. Within the old, wooden and narrow space, most of it was occupied by
Adventurers who were wearing crude equipment. The rowdy laughter and the
inelegant conversations were issued everywhere.
Mixed among the Adventurers, who were drinking cheap wine, Hestia told the
events that she had previously witnessed to the God that was sitting across from
“Affair? If that’s the case, we must care about it. However, I still can’t imagine the
scene of Bell doing such a thing.”
Using a careful tone and issued a slightly muffled deep voice, the handsome male
God, Miach, was currently nodded his head against Hestia’s complaints, while 
voicing his own opinion. Wearing a worn and deformed robe, and without a
strange feeling, he was integrated into this old renovated bar.
Hestia and Miach are the lowest of the lowest —— The God of <Familia>’s that
are near the bottom, having a similar identity, so their relationship ran quite deep.
The <Miach Familia> who creates and sells potions and the <Hestia’s Familia>’s
relationship was also quite close. The Gods also have a certain degree of
understanding about the members of these two factions.
Even though he met Hestia by chance on the Main Street and was forcibly dragged
here to accompany her for drinking wine, Miach still did not reveal a trace of
disgust on his face and listened carefully to her words.
“I personally saw it! The moment that Bell-kun was holding hands with the girl he
had a good relationship with! Isn’t that a conclusive evidence that cannot be more
“Bell may also have Bell’s own circumstances, and there must be a circle that he
interacts with. I feel that saying that it is a conclusive evidence is still too
early……And anyways, it’s weird to say that it is an affair when you are not a
couple or lovers.”
The last half of the sentence did not enter Hestia’s ears as she drained a glass of
Looks like today she’ll get drunk and act crazy again. Miach shook his blue hair
and deeply sighed.
“Damn! Who is that girl anyways!? Bell-kun is MINE, AHHHHH!”
“Just like that. That speech, even if you are his Goddess, it is still too outrageous.
Bell isn’t anyone’s”
“I know, ahhh, this kind of thing! I only want to say it! No, it is that I only wanted
to say it before!!”
“Are you already drunk?”
“Not even close!”
If I don’t get drunk, how will I pass my life, said Hestia, who seemed to be
chugging the wine as she poured it. Once she noticed that the table was filled with
glass cups and beer bottles, bon, the moment she thought that she had to look from
afar again……Then her eyes suddenly became moist and she shouted.
“WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Bell-kun, Bell-kun, Bell-kun,
Bell~kun~! I beg you, please don’t disappear in front of me
“Hey, hey! You’re too loud Hestia!”
Facing the specially loud cry that overshadowed all the commotions nearby,
Miach was also suddenly overwhelmed and was at a loss on what to do. The other
customer’s gaze also stared at Hestia, and bombarded the two of them.
“If you make me smile, even if you want me to live in the sewers, I am still
willing!! That is how much I like you! Frankly speaking, I want to sleep together
with you on the same bed and affectionately stick to your chest and go GuriGuri
and rub my face on you, ahhhh!! If you smile slightly at me, then I’ll be able to eat
three breads continuously, ahhhh!”
Even Miach was stunned and could only watch.
“I love you, ahhhh, Bell~kun~!! ……Ehehe, even if it was once, I still wanted to
say everything out about Bell-kun. Fufuu, I’ve said it all out…”
“It was lucky that the person involved isn’t here. Shopkeeper, check please”
Not being able to end her disillusion, Miach and the shop employee muttered as
they walk. Hestia, who had a loose expression while lying on the table, was
currently foolishly laughing happily at something.
Towards this posture, Miach murmed, YareYare, and tirelessly brought the drunk
goddess and headed on the way back home.
“Miach. What about the bill there?”
“Nnnn. I paid it all.”
“Hey, hey, why such an outsider. At this time, we should split it evenly.”
“Nnnn. Didn’t you only bring 20 Varisu”
Towards the prolonged sounds of Hestia, Miach faintly replied. Placing her into a
four wheel trolley, stacked with goods, and pushed it as if it was a baby carriage.
Heading towards the depth of the Main Street that was lit up by the light from the
Magic Stone Lamp, the two Gods’ figures followed the dry sound of the wheel and
gradually disappeared.
“Miach. Help me make an aphrodisiac. This way, I can make Bell completely
entranced by me ——.”
“Nnnn. I’ll pretend that I’ve never heard that”
× × ×
What hit her was a severe headache when she woke up.
Hestia, who was lying on the bed, was struggling with the sudden pain and groaned.
The ceiling that entered her eyes was a thing of her already familiar residence.
The time displayed on the clock hanging from the wall showed that it was
currently early morning.
An entire night has passed since she had gone to drink with Miach. Currently
Hestia was caught in a hangover state.
“A…Are you okay, Kami-sama?”
Bell stood close to the bed.
He held a glass of water in one hand, while looking very worried at Hestia.
“S…Sorry, Bell-kun, allowing you to see such a ugly sight……”
“How is it possible, of course it isn’t……About that, I heard yesterday from
Miach-sama, so it really is?”
“……Ahhhh, looks like I drank too much”
Hestia maintained her lying down posture while gently drinking a few sips, then
she frowned.
Yesterday, Miach, who sent her back, left these meaningful words “I’m a bit tired.
Even if it is a little, please take care of her” and left straight away.
(I cannot remember anything at all……)
The memories of yesterday had completely vanished. What she had said or done.
After hearing the message from her God friend, she had a strong sense of unease.
A few days later, Hestia will be plunged into a dilemma of having a deep
depression while facing Miach, who would have a silent expression of compassion.
“……Bell-kun, are you not going to the dungeon?”
“I cannot leave the Kami-sama today like this. So I prepared to rest today.”
And he had already contacted the hired Supporter, Bell’s eyebrow drooped while
he smiled.
Although she felt apologetic since she made Bell worried, but Hestia was still

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really happy. This way, they will be together for the entire day. And at this time, it
was already given that she would not go to work today.
What rage from the Blacksmith Goddess. It is something to consider later.
“Kami-sama, this, are you able to eat it?”
“……I…It is slightly difficult. Bell-kun, can you feed it to me?”
“Ah, okay, I understand”
Bell used a spoon to scoop up the apple that was already cut into tiny pieces, and
raised it near her mouth. Seeing this, Hestia, who was sitting on the body, was
delighted and swallowed it with a blissful expression.
Probably because of the premise of taking care of her, Bell, who would usually be
too shy and would absolutely not do such things, quickly accepted it for today.
While she was desperately trying to hide her own embarrassment, the figure of the 
boy proceeded without any hesitation. Hestia still felt an incomparable feeling of
“Uu…Uuuuu…, my head……”
While she was saying this in a monotonous tone, Hestia suddenly tilted her body
dramatically, her head descended down towards Bell’s chest. It was a posture that
was as if she was being hugged by Bell.
Understanding clearly the conflicted state Bell was in, but even so, Hestia still
rubbed her cheeks on his chest while they were being dyed red. His chest had the
smell of a gentle forest. Then she hugged tightly.
She had a tug o war with Bell, who had finally began to panic, which still lasted for
some time.
“Nnnn……Then yesterday night you went to eat with the Supporter than you
mentioned last time?”
“Yes. Because something happy happened yesterday……”
The time gradually passed, without knowing, it was already noon. Sitting on the
bed, Hestia was full of interest while talking with Bell. By this time, the overnight
drinking symptoms have already reduced by a lot.
After listening to the truth of the incident yesterday, she was temporarily at ease;
But once she recalled the intimate scene of them holding hands, she could not help
but allow her fantasies to run wild.
……Moreover, remembering about the soaring growth when she last updated
his <Status>, she felt that she couldn’t not care about it. The boy’s thoughts were
still accumulated towards that hateful golden-haired, golden-eyes female, while
there was no progress in her own love between the two of them.
irst she should not worry about that <Sword Princess>, since there was a strong
impulse of wanting to ask about the Supporter girl and get to the bottom of things.
Of course, this includes how she would treat her.
Towards the girl that she had never met before, Hestia’s flames of jealousy were
already gradually beginning to burn.
“That must be nice, you. Since you must have eaten some good food together with
that Supporter yesterday, then you must have been happy, right? Ah~ Ah~, I also
wanted to go”
Subsequently, Hestia, who suddenly began to mock the situation, her childishly
turned her face to one side. Towards this moment, Bell, who reacted by shrinking
his shoulder and nervously swallowed, she did not have the chance to see it.
Bell was trembling restlessly at this period of time, then he seemed to have decided
and said.
“T…Then, why don’t we go? The two of us together, um, to eat a bit of luxury
“A L…Luxurious meal or something……H…How does that sound?”
Looking at Bell, who had red cheeks and was desperately trying to suppress his
shyness, Hestia froze.
She could not believe the things she heard in that moment.
“A…Actually, I earned a lot of money in yesterday’s exploration……! That, I
wanted to show my gratitude to Kami-sama, I……!”
She was not listening to the words that appeared afterwards.
The invitation words that Bell had previously said, Hestia was constantly replaying
it in her head.
(Could this be an invitation to a dateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!?)
Can’t believe that Bell-kun would be the one to take the initiative!? And also a
dinner!? Hestia was surprised.
Then shortly afterwards, she became ecstatic.
“Let’s wait until Kami-sama recover, next time……”
“Let’s go today!!”
“We’ll go, today!”
Gaba, suddenly throwing off the blanket, Hestia jumped down from the bed.
Bell was stunned at the scene.
“K…Kami-sama, your body……”
This sentence was not a lie. The sudden passionate excitement made the strength
within Hestia’s body grow rapidly.
Leaving the stunned Bell aside, Hestia quickly began the preparations for the date.
(——No, wait a minute)
Hestia, who suddenly stopped her action, lifted her collar and ,sun, issued a
sniffing sound.
Smelly. An alcoholic smell. What floated around was the smell of alcohol that was
far from the identity of a goddess.
Gu, Hestia widened her eyes.
“Bell-kun, 6 o’ clock!”
“We’ll meet at 6 o’ clock at the Amor Square on the South West Main Street
Being watched by Bell, who was sweating, Hestia took a bit of luggage and rushed
out from her home.
× × ×
If you have to describe it with one word, then it would be a paradise.
“You, looks like it really became bigger, right?”
“It is impossible for Goddesses to grow……Huh, Hey, don’t rub around!”
The Lower World people ——If these children were present at the scene, they will
most likely have a nosebleed and directly faint.
Hidden in the enveloping steam, the dazzling body lines, the voluptuous and ample
body figure, and the naked body as if they were newly born, the beautiful
Goddesses were currently generously revealing everything.
This was indeed a heavenly paradise that all males would have surely fantasied
“Fufuuuu……This is really comfortable”
Arousing ripples, Hestia, who was soaked in the hot water up to her bare shoulders,
muttered with a loosen expression.
The Sacred Bath. Just as its name suggests, it is the cleansing bath only allowed for
The spacious bathroom was configured with a variety of different sizes bathing
pools. There are also huge trees and naturals rocks here, creating it as if like in the
nature. Because the decorated walls and pillars, that were carved from stone, were
carved so delicately and dignified, it was extremely extravagant.
This large bath that was specifically for Goddesses was created and managed by
the Guild for the Gods living in this city. From a small part of tax collected from
each <Familia> ——Which also contained the meaning of reverencing the Gods
——It was the result of restoring their own entertainment facilities.
The male Gods’ bath and the female Goddesses’ baths are, of course, separate. The
male Gods would rarely come here specifically though. And due to the low
usage from males, when people talk about the Sacred Bath, it is not wrong to
assume it was the Female Goddesses’ thing. It was once said that it was invaded
by a perverted old male God before (Which had already become a legend), and
from then on, the guild’s security measure were so strict that even a mouse would
not be able to pass through.
And just like the Goddesses nearby, that were naked and defenseless. Hestia, who
was soaked deep in the hot water, also had her smooth skin dyed into a light pink
color, fufu, and let off these heated breath.
“Ara, Hestia? It is really rare for you to come here”
“Ah……Ah, Demeter. Long time no see.”
Hestia, with a relaxed expression, said to the familiar Goddess that was
Demeter, this was what this Goddess was called, immersed her voluptuous body,
hidden under a thick towel, into the hot water beside her.
“Unnn……Same as usual, such a huge chest”
“Isn’t yours also quite big”
Tataki, Hestia skilfully shot down the outstretched hand that was approaching her
own boobs.
Due to the reaction effect, Demeter’s own twin valleys in front of her chest began
to shake, the water also began to violently ripple.
“Then, what happened? You coming here, isn’t it the first time today?”
Watching Demeter, who was currently fixing her fluffy honey-colored hair while
asking, Hestia concealed her loosen expression.
Since this Sacred Bath requires a fee, she had never imagine before that she would
specifically come here for a bath. But because she has a date with Bell now, Hestia
decided to spend what was left of her little savings to wash herself.
She wanted to completely wash herself both, physically and mentally, from the
stench of alcohol.
This was all for the date with Bell.
“After this, I made an appointment with someone else to go eat dinner. So I want
to put more thought into it.”
“……Could it be, the other person, is a male?”
“If I say yes, then what are you going to say?”
Towards the Goddess friend that was already in a stunned state before she
answered, Hestia revealed a surprised expression.
The sound of the water spraying, echoed everywhere from the small waterfall in
the center of the bath. Demeter’s already matured face seemed to shine brilliantly
as if she was a child.
“Arararaaaa! That Hestia actually, with a man!! Ahhhhhhh, That… EVERYONE!”
“H…Hey hey?”
Facing the suddenly excited Demeter, Hestia was just aware of her own big
To the loudly echoing voice, the surrounding Goddesses all lifted their face, with a
“what happened” face, and continuously approached……Without Demeter saying
the reason out completely, they, just like her, began to perk up.
“Hestia, with a man!?”
“What on earth happened?”
“Hestia, who did not welcome the males in Heaven, actually!”
“The Loli girl Hestia!”
“W…What on earth happened, could it be……”
“Quickly confess everything to us!”
Instantly, a barrage of attacks was launched at Hestia.
Even the unsightly behavior of jumping into a pool emerged, the mutual peachcolored
skin were pushing and shoving at each other, and continued to approach
“W…What. Is it really strange for me to have a relationship with a man?”
“You are wrong, Hestia. You, till now, didn’t you always refused the courtship
from the males?”
“Tied with the Goddess of Wisdom and the Goddess of Purity, one of the Big 3
Virgin Goddesses in Heaven”
“In short, we only want to know the origins of the person that successfully
captured the impregnable citadel.”
Towards the noisy Goddesses, following Demeter, Hestia could not help but
revealed a subtle expression.
Although she attempted to clarify that the Gods that attempted to seek a
relationship, none were ever serious. However, this matter seemed to be a futile
explanation towards the twinkling eyes of the Goddesses.
Even at this moment, the nature of Gods pursuing entertainment was still
unfortunately in effect.
“……The other person is my <Familia>’s child. He is a human.”
Ooooooo, this sound poured out from the surrounding Goddess. “As expected!” or
“Did he provoke your desire to protect?”, these casual speculations and inquiries
continued to fly out one after another.
“Won’t you be fooled? You shouldn’t be attracted to a strange male, right~”
“Don’t treat me as an idiot. Even I’m considered a God. I am still insightful when
looking at people”
“Everybody knows, even if it’s a child, they will still conceal something towards
the Gods”
“Then, what qualities of the child captured your heart?”
“……Should be, his character”
There wasn’t an exact moment, so while the whispering went around, Hestia
thought again. If she had to say, it would be his innocence and his incurable
After this had passed for a period of time and the questioning that have no signs of
stopping, Hestia, who had no way out, prepared to leave the bath. Considering that
she would have to head back to prepare, it was almost time.
Ignoring the Goddesses who tried to stop her from standing up. Numerous water
droplets, that were stuck onto the seemly perfect slender and petite body, gradually
began to fall down, and they seemed to sparkle and twinkle through the projected
rays of the sunlight that was reflected by the skylight. Her dark black hair that had
not been tied up was still slightly moist, and while it was still moist, it was
somewhat enchanting.
Just only for a moment, Hestia closed her eyes, and stood there.
It was just like a painting, towards the young Goddess’s figure, which was quietly
standing underneath the sun’s rays. The others could only squint at the beautiful
and dreamy scene.
“About that Hestia. Hestia, what do you like about that child?
At the very last, a Goddess raised her hand.
Hestia, who turned around and looked behind, gently revealed a slight smile.
“All of him, I like.”
× × ×
Amor Square, after one more path that extends from the South-West Main Street,
then she will arrive.
Within the Square’s garden that was decorated with colorful paving stones, flowers
were being cultivated, which was surrounded by a fence. It created a beautiful and
enchanting atmosphere. The sunset had already disappeared, the sky was being
covered by a layer of light dark, and the Magic Stone Lamps hung directly above
emitted a light glow, hazily lighting up the entire square.
The time was before 6. Mixed among the intimate lovers sticking together, Bell,
who stuck out, was currently huddling his shoulders and standing in front of a
certain Goddess’s statue.
Seeing Bell’s figure, Hestia quickly approached.
Bell, who had his name called out, revealed an eased expression, then instantly in
the next moment, he blinked his eyes as if he was in disbelief.
Hestia had changed her hairstyle. Her hair that was always in twintails was put
down, and flowed straight down from behind her. Her youthful appearance also
gave off a bit of an adult-like feeling, and immediately stole away Bell’s gaze.
The hair ornament she used to tie her hair with was currently being worn like a
bracelet around her wrist. The clothes that she was wearing was also her finest
clothing. This was Hestia’s fully dressed appearance.
After Hestia, who was panting breathlessly, stopped in front of Bell, her cheeks
were dyed red and she nervously asked.
“H…How is it, is it suitable? I slightly changed my appearance……”
“……Ah, yes, suitable, very suitable! Um, how should I say it, I should say that
Kami-sama is more dignified than usual……Anyways, it means that it is very
While blushing, Bell desperately tried to use his poor vocabulary and praise Hestia.
Probably, these praises also included the side of respecting the Gods, but the
beginning phrases leaked out were due to his own embarrassment. Indeed at that
moment, Bell was fully absorbed in looking at Hestia.
Good, Hestia did a victory sign within her heart.
“I originally wanted to come earlier. Sorry Bell-kun. Did I keep you waiting?”
“N…No, I also just arrived.
As expected. He was trembling unnaturally.
Towards the dialogue that seems just like a real date, Hestia felt that as if her
strength was currently flowing to her cheeks.
Even if she hates the developments later on, her chest still throbbed, and her
emotions soared.
“Then what’s next Bell-kun? You have to protect me well tonight, okay?”
Then he smiled and stretched out his hand, Bell’s leadership was about to be
bestowed to her ——But right before this moment.
Suddenly, a commotion stirred up in a corner of Amor’s Square.
“Ah, found her…!?”
“Hestia is there!”
“In other words……The one next to her is!”
It was the Goddesses. Without exception, a group of beautiful females was
currently heading here to launch a massive attack.
Next to the stunned Bell, Hestia widened her eyes to the very limits.
“Ah~Eh~, it’s quite cute!?”
“So Hestia like this type of child”
The wave of Goddesses instantly pushed Hestia away and swallowed Bell.
Numerous hands constantly pulled Bell’s body and alternately hugged him tightly
inside their chest.
Within this heavenly cage that did not guarantee any breathing, Bell’s face
instantly flushed and burned up.
“Sorry, Hestia. We were still so curious about your child, thus we followed you
over……Ahhhh, I can’t stand it, he really looks like a rabbit”
“Nnnnn ————, Nnnnnnnnn——————!?”
Hestia’s cries burst out.
Being tightly sandwiched by Demeter’s overwhelming boobs, that were unmatched
compared to the other Goddesses, Bell’s life was already fading away like a lit
candle in face of the wind. Every time Demeter’s hands lovingly stroke Bell’s hair,
Hestia’s chest would feel a pull, and her eyes seemed to be leaking out bloody
Her own dependent, under the curious fingers of other Goddesses, was currently
being ravaged without mercy.
Then, just when Hestia’s mental state was about to collapse…
A ragged Bell, who had half of his body still engulfed by the Goddesses, appeared
between the gaps.
“A…Are you okay, Bell-kun!?”
“……I, already, have no more regrets…….”
Dogooo, towards Bell’s legs, Hestia kicked out with her toes.
“I’m very sorry……!!”
“Okay, we have to escape now!”
Forcibly pulling one of Bell’s leg, Hestia began to flee.
Taking advantage of the gap where the Goddess was frozen due to their prey
disappearing, she escaped from Amor Square.
In order to get rid of the stubborn pursuit from the Goddess, Hestia and Bell were
fleeing towards the center of the city.
× × ×
“Ah~Ah~, so that’s why I say Gods, these group of people!? They are all too
faithful to their own desires!”
“Ha, Haha……!”
Next to Hestia, who was shouting loudly, Bell only gave a wry smile.
Even though they had finally gotten rid of the pursuit, they were currently located
at West Main Street Area’s outskirts in a certain old clock tower. The brick
constructed, single floor tower had already lost its function and the clock that could
not issue a chime was currently hanging over their heads.
After hurriedly rushing into this clock tower in order to hide from the pursuit of the
Goddess for a while, Hestia and Bell was finally able to obtain brief period of rest.
“It is already this late……Ha, since it was rare to have a date with Bell”
There was not much time before the date changes. While she was using her hand to
comb back and forth the messy hair, which was because of running everywhere,
Hestia let out a deep sigh.
Why is there so much trouble today, she let out a powerless sigh.
“Ah……K…Kami-sama, please look!”
Bell issued a clear voice and pointed at a certain direction.
Just as Hestia turned around, what entered her gaze was the labyrinth’s city’s night
scene that was like the stars shining brightly within the sky.
The numerous Magic Stone Lamp emitted different colors of light, and lit up the
entire city.
Even in this dark night, the huge tower with white walls in the center was currently
heading forward endlessly into the sky.
To this beautiful night scene that could be seen from the clock tower, Hestia’s gaze
was temporarily taken away. She wordlessly looked next to her, Bell, too, within
his eyes, was staring at these bright lights as he watched the scene.
Soon, Bell, who noticed Hestia’s gaze, had his cheeks filled with a gentle
excitement. As if his own feelings were overflowing from his chest, he moved his
lips to slowly weave out the words.
“That, Kami-sama……One day, let’s go together again. Next time, we would,
absolutely would”
“Until that time, I will work hard to save more money than now. Then we’ll go to
eat delicious food, drink tasty thing……Then, we’ll come here together again”
“Today we were very lucky to see such a beautiful scene……That, we should
come see it again, just the two of us”
That’s why today looks like it wasn’t in vain.
He was very happy to be able to come here together with his Goddess.
Bell seemed to encourage Hestia as he spoke. The words were not to comfort her,
but rather to express the feelings from deep inside his heart.
Looking at the blushing face as if there was a fever, the carefree smile of the boy,
Hestia felt that something inside her chest was currently throbbing. Then she
quietly narrowed her eyes.
It was not like he was saying one thing, but meaning something else. This snowlike
purity, and the incurable idiotic smile, instantly made her his prisoner.
Towards Bell, who made the memories of today as a promise for
tomorrow…….This Goddess felt that she was deeply in love with him.
“……I’ll look forward to that, Bell-kun?”
She also let off a blooming smile, Hestia and Bell looked at each other and smiled.
Not long after, they would look at another direction and once again look at the
scene outside of the clock tower. It was a time period that was silently committed
to just the two of them.
Hestia, who moved swiftly and successfully, reduced the gap between Bell. Her
cheeks became slightly red and the corner of her eyes also gently relaxed.
(I originally wanted to hear more about the things about that Supporter……Fine,
I’ll forget about it just for today)
Hestia, who did not want to do anything that would destroy this atmosphere, stared
out at the night scene in front of her eyes and thought.
While feeling the warmth from the close proximity of the boy, she smiled and
closed her eyes.
The cool night wind blew past the hair ornament on her wrist, and the tiny bells
were gently shaking.

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