Dungeon Predator

Chapter 75: Tower of Wisdom

There was a three-story tower (shaped like a three-tier cake) near the hidden oasis, and the oasis's water was clear enough that it reflected the ground.

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Within the water lay gold coins, bars, and ornaments, as well as jewelry made of all sorts of precious gems. There was also old pottery, platinum cups, etc.

Plenty of items worthy of being called treasure were submerged in the water.

"Heok. I've hit the jackpot!"

Kang Oh's jaw dropped. To think he'd find so much treasure here!

"There's so much treasure here," Eder admired.

"This is... holy water," Grano drew some water and said.

As befitting a mage, he could feel the divine power that lay within.

"All of it is holy water?" Kang Oh asked.

Holy water possessed the power of purification, and it could never be created naturally.

It could only be created via a god's blessing or might. In other words, the oasis must have been touched by a god's influence, as it was filled with holy water.

"Are you alright?" Kang Oh looked at Eder and said.

"I'm ok. Why?"

"This is holy water. You're undead," Kang Oh said.

"Oh, that's right. I wonder why I'm ok."

Eder touched the holy water, but he wasn't affected in the least.

"Not all holy water is fatal for the undead," Grano said.

"Ah, is that so?"

"Yes. It depends on the god; some holy water will harm the undead, but some won't."

"As expected."

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Kang Oh and Eder simultaneously nodded their heads.

"In any case, it seems like the hidden oasis is somehow connected to Turu."

Grano retrieved Turu's Slate from his subspace.

The slate was radiating a never-before-seen gentle light.

Grano had realized that Turu had a close connection with the hidden oasis ever since he'd seen the phrase on the slate. 

"So is this Turu's shrine or something?" Kang Oh asked.

"I'm not sure. Whatever the case, we need to take a closer look to know for sure. We need to keep a particularly close eye on that tower."

Grano pointed towards the three-story tower. 


Kang Oh scrutinized the treasure with his arms crossed. Although he wanted to rush over and claim the treasure right away...

'Something feels off.'

It was strange; why would they just leave the treasure here in broad daylight for anyone to take?

"It feels like a trap, doesn't it?" Kang Oh asked Grano.

"Probably? I believe it best if we look around and then come back for the treasure later," Grano said.


Kang Oh nodded his head.

He couldn't forget his experience in Beskamen I's tomb, where he'd fallen for a trap (the tomb caving in) and had come out of the dungeon empty-handed.

Yet here he was, being forced to ignore the treasure right before his very eyes... He couldn't move away from it easily.

Seeing that, Grano said, "The treasure won't go anyway, so let's go into the tower first."

"Mr. Grano is right. If you're too greedy, you could lose it all again," Eder said.

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"I understand."

'Please wait for me.'

Kang Oh regretfully glanced at the treasure and forced himself to step away from the treasure.

A short while later...

Kang Oh's party stood before the entrance of the tower.

The entrance was shut tight via a tough stone gate.

Eder tried to force the gate open, but it refused to budge an inch.

"Looks like it's locked," Eder said.

Grano approached the gate, and pointed to the engraved letters that were written in the Bariton Desert's ancient tongue.

"What it says on the gate is: 'Courage completes wisdom.'."

"I feel like I've heard that somewhere before."

Eder furrowed his brow. He could’ve sworn he'd heard that somewhere before.

"We saw it before we defeated the golem," Kang Oh said.

"Ah, you're right. We saw it back then!"

Eder clapped his hands.

"It must be asking you for proof that you possess both courage and wisdom."

Grano stretched out Turu's Slate towards the gate.

Once the gentle light shined on the door, the gate's ancient letters began to shine as well.


The massive gate opened on both sides.

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[You have discovered the Tower of Wisdom.]

[You are the first to discover it.]

[Fame has increased.]

"The Tower of Wisdom, huh... Have you ever heard about it before?" Kang Oh asked Grano.

"It's the first I've ever heard of it, but it's definitely connected to Turu."

Grano stated the obvious.

After all, the gate could only be opened with Turu's Slate, and the tower was called the Tower of 'Wisdom'.

"We don't have any info regarding the tower, so everyone keep your guard up. We don't know what's going to show up in there," Kang Oh said.

Eder and Grano nodded their heads.

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"Let's go."

Kang Oh entered first, being wary of his surroundings.

Grano and Eder followed close behind him.

* * *


Kang Oh examined the inside of the tower.

To start, it was bright. He didn't see anything in particular illuminating the tower, but it was bright nonetheless.

There was a passageway that went straight forward, and the ceiling was high. Both walls were covered in a mural.


Grano seemed interested in the mural.

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"What's wrong? Is there something that caught your eye?" Eder asked.

"The mural uses various letters, shapes, and meanings that appear across the Arth continent."

"Ah, now that you mention it, there are letters in the mural," Eder said as he closely studied the murals.

"Yes. This mural is a dictionary for Arth's letters," Grano said.

"A dictionary? Why would they add a dictionary to a mural?"

Eder tilted his head.

"We'll find out as we go along I suppose," Kang Oh said.

Kang Oh's party progressed through the mural-filled passageway.

When the passageway ended, they found themselves in a vast space.

"Is this a library?" Kang Oh asked.

"There are tons of books in here," Grano said.

As they said, there were a large quantity of books within the tower.

There were countless bookshelves filled to the brim with books.

Eder, who normally loved to read and was interested in books, was excited.

He quickly examined the books.


Eder's eyes widened.

"What? What's wrong?" Kang Oh asked, as Eder's reaction was unusual.

"P-Please give me a moment," Eder stammered and tried to pull out one of the books.

This book was called

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