Dungeon Sherpa

Chapter 21

 The attrition rate of the monsters controlled by Yuika saw a drastic rise.

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 Enemies and allies both had gotten stronger, the number of battles developing as exchanges of ranged attacks increased, these were some of the reasons.

 Furthermore, in cases when it was their first time facing a particular type of monster, to understand the special characteristics of the opponent, the first move needed to be a direct confrontation.

 Even if the monsters remained alive after battle, were they to have any limbs lacking, Yuika’s recovery magic “Dark Bed”, would be unable to restore them, leaving them to be only usable as simple decoys.

 In order to prevent the decline of their forces, [Phantasmagoric Needle] had to be injected for increasing their followers, this meant that Yuika needed to be on the front line.

 Being part of ”Twilight’s Sword” meant that you were constantly forced into tense battles.

 Still, the Adventurer party bearing the title of Hero of the East did not hesitate, and they thrust through the passageways and rooms.

 The labyrinth is not regularly structured, so in any case, there is nothing to do but advance.

 When the members’ physical strength, magic power, as well as their endurance can no longer be relied upon, fall back to the Dungeon Oasis, replenish with potions, take rest, continue progressing on the previously trodden path, gradually expand the search range.

 After 4 round trips and 12 battles, the spiral path heading down to the 49th Floor was discovered.

 With luck on their side, it was a short clearance that took about a day and a half.

 The map that Rowe drew on grid paper did not exceed more than a small part of the entire floor.

 In the unexplored areas, beneficial herbs or ore veins might be lying, but given that “Twilight’s Sword”’s ultimate objective was the labyrinth core, the possibility of them traversing other areas was low. The completion of the map would have to be left to the Adventurer parties that come later.

visit http://www.hakuci.wordpress.com for a better reading experience than the terrible formatting on this aggregate site.

 On the 49th Floor, they took 3 days to discover a new spiral path.

 And so finally, they entered the goal of this time’s dive, the 50th Floor.

“We must find the Dungeon Oasis.”

 The surrounding landscape had changed.

 The pale emerald green luminescent moss changed its colour to a light purple.

 This was evidence that the difficulty level of the floors had risen by a step.

 Recommended level, 16.

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 Coming into the 7th day of the labyrinth exploration, under Yuika’s eyes, faint bags appeared.

 From the 48th Floor’s Dungeon Oasis that they were currently using as a base to the 50th Floor, the route had been swept to some extent, however, given some days, monsters would definitely start to respawn. If they had to keep repeating this process, they would never be able to reach the lowest floor.

 To aim for the labyrinth core, a new base was necessary.

 The Salamanders that had played tremendous roles thus far were reduced to only 1 remaining, but this was supplemented with a new 4 squad of Garrison, 3 Minotaurs (that had already begun to appear as normal enemies), 1 Skeleton Knight with the active Gift [Bomber]. Furthermore, possessing the species-unique Gift [Physical Resistance] were 7 Slime Men. This totalled to 16 in their lineup.

 By the way, the one who identified the monster’s Gifts was Magikan through [Appraisal].

 Due to the characteristics of the monsters, “Twilight’s Sword”’s fighting style once again changed.

“’Slimy 1’ to ‘Slimy 7’, form up on one side, adopt defensive postures!”

 The glossy grey Slime Men entwined their tentacles and constructed a highly elastic wall.

 On the other side of the translucent wall were cow-like monsters with two sharp horns — a herd of Bicorn.

 They numbered 13.

 They seemed to be led by an individual with a particular strong build, in an inverted V formation, their hooves clacked.


 A force comparable to a Monster Carnival. Their surging charge was enough to make the entire room to shake, and the grey wall directly received their attack.


 The Slime Men were stretched to an extent where one might wonder if they could still retain their shape.

 However, their tentacles entangled the legs of the Bicorns, and one after the other, the enemy troops collapsed.

“’Dark Bed’.”

 On the Slime Men, Yuika continuously used her recovery magic.

“’Dark Bed’ — ‘Dark Bed’.”

 Eventually, enemy and ally monsters became contorted as they wrapped and squirmed together into a simple lump.

 The battle situation had stalled.

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 While protected by the Minotaurs, Yuika approached and pierced her Estoc into the head of the Bicorns.

“Fuuu, my spine was chilled.”

 Letting out a sigh of relief was Magikan.

 At a quick glance, it appeared that the battle had ended anti-climatically, but in fact, it was a victory on thin ice. In the case that the initial Slime Men wall had been breached, the only one that could meet the speed of the Bicorns was none other than Berii, who had cast “Winds Lull”. Magikan’s attack magic was powerful, but it would have been difficult to deal with multiple mobile enemies.

“But it was worth the challenge.”

 In addition to mental fatigue, Yuika’s magic power was also exhausted, but even so, she retained her fearless smile.

 After all, without receiving any casualties, they were able to obtain a herd of Bicorn.

 With this, the number of monsters under control was 29. Including the previous exploration, it was their largest force so far.

 Moreover, the horns that were the drop item of this monster could be made into two powerful drugs. The problem was that it could not be distinguished which was the medicine and which the poison, but this was not an issue with Magikan’s [Appraisal].

“Ok, everyone assemble.”

 All the monsters gathered.

“From you, ‘Goat 1’, ‘Goat 2’–“

“Princess, these guys, they look more like horses?”

 After Yuika gave the Bicorns sloppy names, a warning from Nuuk arrived.

“Black Princess, from the front, enemies.”

 From the passageway after the exit of the room came the dry clanking of a squad of Skeleton Soldiers.

 Their number was 6. An enemy, or in other words an ally, that had helped them out many times. However, speaking in terms of recommended level, they were opponents that were now 2 levels lower.

 They were also of a lower rank than the Skeleton Knight currently controlled by Yuika.

 And for some reason, they had neither weapons nor armour.

“Just in time. Let’s test their usability. ‘Goat 1’ to Goat 13’.”

 The carelessly named Bicorn herd took up an inverted V formation and charged. The Skeleton Soldiers were blown away, trampled, and literally shattered into fine dust.

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“More enemies.”

 Along with Nuuk’s warning, another crowd of Skeleton Soldiers appeared.

 Their number again, was 6 — this crowd also had neither weapons nor armour.

 While finding this utterly bizarre, Yuika ordered the Bicorn herd to charge.

“More enemies!”

 Following that, this pattern of monsters appearing and being crushed into pieces repeated several times. All the Skeleton Soldiers were in squads of 6, and they were not equipped with a single piece of equipment. It even made the members feel like the Skeleton Soldieres were just coming helplessly to be slaughtered.

“What’s going on?”

 Yuika started having thoughts of doubt.


 Above the heads of the Bicorn herd that had stopped, suddenly, a large magic formation was suspended.

 The pattern was not geometrical. It was an oval magic formation that consisted of overlapping undulating lines and distorted shapes.

 Immediately after, the magic formation exuded darkness.

 It was a phenomenon similar to an amorphous fog, there was a jarring buzzing like an immense number of winged-insects simultaneously in flight.


 The cries of the Bicorns that resembled howling could be intermittently heard.

 Eventually, when the dark fog dissipated, only black stains remained on the ground.

 There were no Bicorn corpses.

“Dark-type, ranged attack magic?”

 With an astounded appearance, Yuika muttered.

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 In her knowledge, there were several kinds of monster that could use dark-type magic, but when it came to deep layer monsters, the kinds were limited.

 With this wide a range, and what’s more, the power to be able to eliminate the Bicorns in one shot.

 Without a doubt, advanced magic.


 The danger of congregating together in one spot was high.

 From the passageway — wrapped in the soft light emitted by the luminescent moss, a black entity swayed as it emerged.

 A huge skeleton covered in a jet-black cloak.

 It likely had the Gifts of [Floating] and [Propulsion]. It had no legs, and from the back of its waist was extended a tail-like thing.

 The head was a skull, but there were countless black snake-like things growing from it, looking as though long hair was flowing in the wind.

 And the arms protruding from under its cloak numbered 6.

 A thin arm like a dead branch grandly extended.

“[Hidden World Door]…”

 A drawn-out shrillness that echoed in numerous layers, a voice that could not be thought of as belonging to this world.

 Not magic, more like an active Gift.

 Around the 6 arms of the skeleton, 6 shadowy oblong globes were born, and from their middle, 6 Skeleton Soldiers appeared.

“You must be joking?”

“No way.”

 The rarely shocked Berii had her eyes wide open, the one who could always be counted on to stay calm and collected, Nuuk, stood shocked in a defenceless pose.

 In the room that was silenced, Yuika’s murmurs came through.

“…Ugal, Dragon.”

 Once encountered by “Twilight’s Sword” in the deepest part of the Ugal Labyrinth, where only after a life or death struggle with wounds covering their entire bodies were they able to barely defeat, the strongest enemy.

 That monster’s official name — Lich.

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