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The captain approached the rabbit and looked at the cut.

“It’s quite a cut. Which is it your arm is good or the weapon is good?”

“I think it was by chance. I think that this Tsuruginata or my arm isn’t big deal”

“That skillfully cut by chance? There are also such things”

The other people of the SDF speak.

“More than that, Captain, Is not it a bit unexpected that a Blade Rabbit comes out here?”

“Right. Well then, doesn’t this dungeon increase the difficulty level?”

“E-to, why?”

Why does the difficulty increase when this rabbit comes out?

“Does Takuya-san know anything about rabbits in a dungeon?”

“I lightly examined the details of major monsters in the dungeon…”

“Is that so? So, I will explain in detail. There are three main types of rabbits. One is the Horn Rabbit whose a horn is growing, the other is called Kick Rabbit which mainly fights with kicks, and the last is called Blade Rabbit whose ear has become like a knife. By strength is Horn Rabbit<Blade Rabbit<Kick Rabbit, but speaking of troublesomeness, it becomes Horn Rabbit<Kick Rabbit<Blade Rabbit”

“Is the Blade Rabbit more troublesome though the Kick Rabbit is stronger?”

“Yes, that’s right. The Blade Rabbit is more troublesome”

“May I ask the reason?”

“Of course. I think that the way of attack of the three kinds of rabbits can be understood by their name, but Horn Rabbit uses headbutt with its horn. The Kick Rabbit uses mainly kicks. The Blade Rabbit cuts with its ear like a knife. The Horn Rabbit and the Kick Rabbit simply charge when it encounters an enemy, but I think that you understand the Blade Rabbit because you fought it, but it rarely attacks from the front. Anyway, I will get back on it. It doesn’t attack properly and use surprise attacks, back attacks, and others”

“To the Seekers becoming able to kill this Blade Rabbit determinate whether he is a beginner or not”

“It’s called Novice Killer”

“By the way, there is some guess why the Blade Rabbit fights like this, it’s said that the main reason is that it is not effective for a tough enemy with its blade ear. In other words, it has such way of fighting searching for a place that would inflict even slightly heavy damage? Or so I have been told”

I see.
A thought one won’t be cut if the knife isn’t an excellent blade.
If it’s a dull katana, it breaks and bends in the moment when it hit the top of the armor, this rabbit may be similar.

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Therefore, it’s said that it’s better not to use a katana if you don’t have an excellent blade and handling.
A western sword isn’t for cut, it’s made for slash, and I have heard that it’s possible to handle it even if your sword skill is bad.
Hmm? How about this Tsuruginata?
Because the hatchet is made to cut firewood and branches, it’s pretty sturdy and it’s made so hard to not break even if you treat it roughly.
So, the Tsuruginata is just a hatchet with the edge sharpened, isn’t it okay to think like that?
Even though I felt like I treated it with such feeling.
At the moment the edge of the blade isn’t chipped, it’ll be fine for a while.

“That’s why the Blade Rabbit is the most avoided of the species. A beginner party may be annihilated by this Blade Rabbit”

“Re, Really?”

Now cold sweat flows to my back.
Because there was a possibility that I was also being killed if I was unskillful.

“It’s okay”


“Because now, we can help you”

Apparently, my anxiety is being reflected in my expression.
He said that to get rid of that anxiety.
Actually, if these people helped even if I get injured, it won’t be a fatal injury.
I felt such sense of security.

“For that reason, let’s fight several more times”


What is saying this person?

“Therefore, let’s fight the Blade Rabbits several more times”

“Etto, that”

“It’s okay. Because I’ll help you as soon as it gets dangerous”

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He says so with a smile as there is not more.

“Ah, it came out, the bad habit of the captain”

“Poor you”

The others members looked at me with pity.

“Is it okay? He is a civilian?”

“That’s fine. Because the captain is doing it knowing that”

“I won’t say anything other than those who are likely to be promising”

“Yeah yeah, because he’s colder to those who have no prospects”

“His tone is polite, but it makes me feel like he doesn’t care anything”

“That’s pretty scary”

“Is it still better than it?”

“Now, what do you think?”

He said that at a short distance, but I want them to help me.
The pressure released by this person is overwhelming.
Even if I refused it, it’s likely to be forced to say “Because it’s okay”
There is no choice, I have nothing but hang myself.

“Understood. I’ll do it”

“Is that so? Then let’s go”

The captain said that with a smile.

“That said, that dog, was it Pochi? I’d like to see him in battle”

Because the captain told so, I look at Pochi.
Pochi looks at me.
Apparently, Pochi seems to be waiting for my decision.

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I’m also wondering if Pochi can do this here.
So, I will let Pochi fight when the next rabbit comes out.

“That’s right. I will like to check whether Pochi passes here, would you mind letting Pochi fight the next rabbit?”

“Yeah, of course. Then, next time is Pochi’s turn”

So I decided to continue and look for the next prey.
After a while, the next prey appeared.
There were three rabbits this time.

“What do we do?”

Though I didn’t think that it will appear three at the same time.
If it’s only Pochi and me, it’s an immediate withdrawal, but I guess for these people this number isn’t a problem.

“Of course, we will fight”

“Is that so? So, who is going?”

“You and Pochi will”


“So, please go with Pochi”

The captain said that with a smile.
When I looked at the other members to ask for help, they turned their eyes.

“It’s okay. Because I will help if it becomes dangerous”

“No, no, no, imposible!”

“It’s not like that. You should be able to predict how the rabbits will attack by the fight from a while ago. Then, if you fight based on it, this number should be good”

“It should be okay”

“It is only the feeling I saw on it, but that dog, Pochi is quite strong, isn’t it?”

When you said that, I cannot deny it.

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Originally Pochi is considerable strong as a dog because he was trained quite a bit as a watchdog.
You know, wild boars sometimes appear near here.
It’s impossible to scare away a wild boar without a decent strength to drive it away.
Although such Pochi is weak in the dungeon, he has defeating quite a few rat type monsters.
Without weapons, it would be difficult for me to win Pochi.
If it’s unskillful, he may be stronger than a bear.
He is using that much strength.

“I regard the silence as affirmation. Then, please kill those rabbits skillfully with Pochi”

That said, I sighed.
So I look at Pochi.
Pochi is already in battle position, as soon as I make the signal he will be attacking right away.
I look that and prepared for it.

“Pochi, Go-!!”

Pochi jumps out as soon as I made the signal.
A little later I also run forward.
The rabbits noticed us at a little further place.
But, it was deadly late.
At that time, Pochi has already jumped over and one becomes a prey for him.
While they’re in turmoil about it, I caught up with him and stick out the Tsuruginata.
But, the rabbit suppressed the agitation at that time, to evade by jumping.
Two rabbits focus on us.
At this time, Pochi had already chewed the rabbit’s neck and turned his attention to the rest of the rabbits.
The rabbits are divided in left and right, moving using the walls and ceilings, but Pochi jumps to the moment of their landing.
It swings the ear to counter it, but Pochi bites the ear.
Pochi whirled while holding its ears, pounding it on the wall and the ground.
The other still fly around using the walls and ceilings, but my eyes started to get used to its movement.
Then, wield the Tsuruginata in the right timing.
The Tsuruginata caught the neck of the rabbit and cut off its head.
When I look at Pochi, the ears are torn apart, and he was stepping on the rabbit whose neck was bent in an impossible direction.
Apparently, it seems to have been able to beat them down safely.

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