Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 38.1: DITF Chapter 38.1

Sorry for the late update! My real life is kicking me in the ass right now lol. Anyways, today I uploaded a bonus chapter, sponsored by the lovely Kris Xian and Jess Crafting!

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Next ko-fi donation goals for bonus chapter (0/2 ko-fi)

Character ListQiao Zhiya: Half-elf, half-dwarf MC.
Chu Rong: Marshal ML.
Chu Yan: ML’s younger brother. Is the same age as MC, currently attending intermediate college.
Xiang Kun: Chu Yan’s mortal enemy. Xiang Hui’s younger brother.
Yuan Xiu: Chu Yan’s bestfriend.
Yun Xiachu: MC’s classmate, a first-grader at intermediate college.
Ning Kongran: A fifth-grader at intermediate college.

For the three virtual materials, the bearded teacher demonstrated their processing methods. He quickly explained their respective characteristics and which mecha part they were suitable for, and finally cross-explained the effects of their respective combinations and matching. It seemed with every iteration of combination, the function would also change. It was quite confusing. 

The teacher’s material handling was proficient and beautiful. Although the speed was fast, he had a sense of rhythm, which allowed Qiao Zhiya to see every subtle movement with careful eyes. His explanation was also very concise and to the point. Overall, it was very easy to understand. 

The more Qiao Zhiya listened, the brighter his eyes became, and the more excited his mood became—as expected of a classroom rated as excellent by the system, the teaching content was really sufficient and neat! Much better than those big-name teachers with multiple students! 

When the fifteen minute trial was up, the bearded teacher put down the materials, chose to extend the trial class time, and said to Qiao Zhiya, “I’ll give you another fifteen minutes to show how much you learn. How about you remake what I just demonstrated?” 

Qiao Zhiya didn’t bother to answer that verbally. He immediately got up and walked to the three virtual materials, took out the notes just written down, took a deep breath, and did it. He was exceedingly nervous, but he knew that he must stay in this classroom! 

Because of anxiety and unfamiliarity with the materials, his attempt was several levels worse than the teacher. But he knew his limits, so he just tried his best. He aimed for quality, not speed. 

Although his method of materials handling was jerky at best, his steps were all correct. The end product was expected, as the ratio and placements were good enough. After he finished the assembly, he explained his work. He even put forward some opinions of his own, which showed that he has a solid foundation in mineral knowledge.

The bearded old man listened to his explanation quietly, nodding his head from time to time, his eyes tolerant and encouraging. Qiao Zhiya was influenced by him, and his tension gradually eased, and his speech gradually became smoother. 

After the fifteen minutes time limit expired, Qiao Zhiya put down the materials ahead of time, but he knew that his presentation this time was unqualified—he had not processed one of the materials, and only repeated its characteristics and functions.

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The bearded teacher extended the trial class time again, walked up to the material, and asked, “Why didn’t you deal with this material? You obviously have time.” 

With the time left, it might not be enough, but he probably could finish it halfway through. 

There was indeed time, but…Qiao Zhiya gave him an embarrassed look, and replied in almost a whisper, “Sorry laoshi, my level of spiritual power is not enough to handle this…”

This last material was one that needs to be processed directly with spiritual power. For now, his access to the Internet was thanks to the Stone Grass, which only gave him E-level spiritual power. While material processing here was different from the real world, it still had the same spiritual power requirement, which was C-level. 

E-level spiritual power was too fragile, and it was rare to be able to move freely in the VR world. If he overdraft his spiritual world, the safety protocol of the Starnet Cabin would kick him out. 

Long story short, his current level of spiritual power was only enough to log him in.

The bearded teacher only stroked his long beard, the redness in his eyes seemed to become deeper. He looked at Qiao Zhiya silently, as if he was looking at someone who looked stranger than him.

Qiao Zhiya was uncomfortable by this staring. If anything, he became more embarrassed. “I have carefully observed the way you handle the materials. What you need to deal with the materials with spiritual power is stability and tolerance. I wrote this down, and I will improve my spiritual power later. And… when the time comes, you, you…”

After successfully simulating spiritual power with magic power, he would be able to freely process materials in the VR world. He hoped that the teacher could continue to teach him by then, but by now, he still didn’t know how to convert magical power into spiritual power. 

He wanted to make a promise so the teacher would continue teaching him, but he couldn’t come up with a sufficient one. Finally, he just lowered his head dejectedly, bowed to the bearded man, and said, “Thank you for your teaching, I hope to have the opportunity to be your student in the future, I’m sorry for wasting your time. “

The teacher even extended the trial class twice, which signalled his sincerity. On the other hand, he, as the student, could repay him properly thanks to his deficient spiritual power level. If the teacher had a bad temper, he might not be able to resist beating him up.

With other paid teachers, he could have the cheek to suggest that they only teach the parts of the material that didn’t need spiritual power to process for the time being. But in front of this teacher, he felt guilty for no reason, probably because the other party also showed the idea of ​​selecting students. With other teachers, he was the one who chose with money. 

The bearded man never replied, which only further aggravated his embarrassment. He bowed as he apologized again, and prepared to leave the classroom.

“No need for the future.” The bearded man suddenly said a second before he left, and he immediately stopped the exit button and looked up at him.

“I’ll accept you as a student. But with a special condition. If your spiritual power hasn’t improved by the time we got into the course that requires that level of spiritual power, then you leave directly.” The bearded man compromised. If Qiao Zhiya looked carefully, he might have spotted the teacher’s hidden smile. The older man continued, “Go to pay the course fee, I’ll wait for you in the classroom.” 

The surprise came so suddenly, Qiao Zhiya stared wide-eyed, fully stunned for several seconds before he bowed excitedly to the bearded teacher again. “I’ll continue—uh…” The weapon hasn’t been sold yet, and he has no money now…

Seeing him looking over with that embarrassed look again, the smile on the bearded man’s face disappeared, he frowned slightly, and asked, “What’s the matter?” After finally meeting a smarter student, why are there so many hindrances?

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“Well, can I come back in two days? I don’t have the money to renew right now… sorry!” Qiao Zhiya blushed as he spoke, and quickly apologized again.

Fuck. Why did he forget to obtain the money… 

The bearded teacher began to look at him in silence with that deep look again, but this time his silence was shorter. Soon, he waved his hand and said, “Two days later, no matter whether you have the money to renew, come and see me once. You can log off now. It’s getting too late, go to sleep.” After finishing speaking, he left the classroom directly.

The teacher left, the paid class was automatically closed, and Qiao Zhiya was escorted out by the system.

Standing in the course selection screen, he looked at the locked classroom, and couldn’t help showing a satisfied smile — this teacher seemed to have a good temper, although his appearance was a bit strange.

After logging off, he looked at the time and saw that it was not ten o’clock, so he hurriedly got up from the bed, first put away the helmet, then drank a large bottle of water. Finally, he picked up his pillow and sneaked into Chu Rong’s room.

The door wasn’t locked, and it opened with an easy push. He poked his head in and took a look, and heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom. He was overjoyed by his luckiness, ran to the bed with a silent trot, lifted the quilt, and quickly climbed up.

After Chu Rong took a shower, seeing that it was just ten o’clock, he wiped his hair casually, put on his bathrobe, left the room, and walked to the next door.

Qiao Zhiya, who was hiding under the quilt, froze when he heard the opening of the door. He hurriedly rolled into the bed and pretended to sleep on his side. He also covered his ears with his own smaller pillow, trying to pretend that he couldn’t hear the sound and was already asleep.

No one answered the knock on the door, Chu Rong thought that Qiao Zhiya was still on the Internet. His face darkened, and he turned the doorknob to go in, but what he saw was an empty bed and a pillow that was obviously missing from it.

He immediately understood what was going on. With raised eyebrows, he turned and walked towards his own room.

On his bed, there was a small lump inside the quilt. There was a peek of light blue pillow, and on top of that, was a tuft of messy blond hair.  

“Qiao Zhiya.” He stood by the bed and called out to the quilt.

The quilt didn’t move, as if the person inside had fallen asleep. But Chu Rong knew how the youth would really sleep – his breath was different. The rate of the was too uniform, so this Bald Chicken definitely was only pretending. 

Ancestor Chu sneered, bent over to lift off the quilt, pulled out the pillow and pulled him over. Seeing that he was frowning and closing his eyes, trying to pretend to be asleep, he laughed angrily, and pinched his nose with his hand.

Qiao Zhiya was slowly blushing, so stupid that he didn’t remember to breathe through his mouth until he was out of breath, and his ears were quivering with tension. 

This was really…

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Ancestor Chu couldn’t get angry anymore, but he couldn’t laugh either. He let go of Qiao Zhiya’s nose, turned to pinch his ears, and ordered coldly, “Open your eyes, and go back to your room to sleep.” 

The long eyelashes trembled, but he still refused to open his eyes. 

‘No, no. I must continue! I must try to treat this White-Haired Monster again. Dwarves never give up!’

Very resilient. 

Ancestor Chu looked at him deeply for a few seconds, then suddenly stretched out his arms and picked him up, then turned around and strode towards the next room.


The youth’s slender body was picked up like a sack of potato, making Qiao Zhiya open his eyes in reflex. He hurriedly wrapped his limbs around the Marshal to try stabilize his body’s balance. With a strong grip on the taller man’s clothes, he protested, “No! Don’t–! I want to sleep with you!” 

“Finally stop pretending to sleep?” Chu Rong was unmoved, asked coldly, and then ruthlessly refused, “You are already an adult, go sleep by yourself.” “

“But the treatment—”

“Don’t even think about it.” Chu Rong couldn’t bear this squirmy mass of Bald Chicken. He messed up the blond hair ruthlessly as a warning. His irritability level shot up. He was fine with Qiao Zhiya making a fuss out of petty things, but he’s a responsible guardian, so he would stop him if it threatened his health. 

Qiao Zhiya shut up, held his breath, and clung to him even harder — he  would try it until the end! 

When the two came to Qiao Zhiya’s room, Chu Rong bent down and tried to put him on the bed, but he was entangled even tighter.

“Qiao Zhiya.” He frowned.

Qiao Zhiya reached for the bed, then swished the bed back into his storage storage ring – making it disappear – then turned around and continued to hug him.

Chu Rong: “…”

Qiao Zhiya, who was doing willful things but was very weak in his heart, explained weakly, “I want to sleep with you, and I promise not to use the in-depth treatment method before. I came up with a gentle method —Ah! my ears!” 

“Get off me.” Ignoring the youth’s squeals, Chu Rong grabbed his ear with a dark face and tugged it threateningly.

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Qiao Zhiya pouted, looked at him with red eyes, then coquettishly buried his head on the older man’s shoulder. With a soft voice on the verge of (fake) tears, he whined, “It hurts…”  He shook his ears pitifully as he spoke.

Chu Rong’s hands froze, and he let go of the tip of the ears he was pinching just now. Seeing that it was indeed a little red, he frowned — it was obvious that he didn’t use much effort, and it was just a little bit heavier than the previous pinching force. This ear was so sensitive?

“Sorry.” He touched his ear lightly again, his tone eased, and he explained with a frown, “Still, get off me. As I said, the current treatment won’t work… not even mild ones.”

Qiao Zhiya’s unspoken explanation was directly blocked back. He blushed — ashamed of lying and pretending that his ears hurt and deceived him just now. His reddened eyes were the result of using his magic powers to slightly irritate his eyeballs. While his shaky voice was just his natural voice after being prodded by his own guilty conscience. As he gently grabbed Chu Rong’s clothes, he whispered: “Then I will die, I don’t want to sleep alone. Mom and Dad slept with me…” –before the age of five.

Chu Rong looked down at him.

Qiao Zhiya looked back with red eyes, with obvious anticipation and longing on his face.

…forget it. He was the Bald Chicken’s parental-figure now. He has… an obligation to fulfill. 

Stupid Bald Chicken.

Chu Rong frowned as he soothingly rubbed the reddened ears. Then, he hugged him, turned around, and walked towards his own room. With a slight frown, he said, “I’ll allow it only for today. Qiao Zhiya, you are already an adult, so you can’t rely too much on your parents.” Qiao Zhiya rolled his eyes secretly. But he still hurriedly lowered his head to cover his expression, rubbed his face to Chu Rong’s solid chest endearingly and nodded.

In Chu Rong’s eyes, the stupid Bald Chicken looked pitiful buried into his chest. He sighed, and nodded to the youth with a frown. 

‘Maybe tomorrow night too…’ He frowned and thought, raised his hand and rubbed his pointed ears that were no longer shaking from the pain.

Sleeping with Chu Rong as he wished, Qiao Zhiya happily put his smaller blue pillow next to Chu Rong’s gray pillow. He laid down obediently, and looked at him expectantly with wide eyes.

Chu Rong paused when he lifted the quilt. He first turned off the lights, then he waited until he could no longer feel the youth squirming as he tried to find a comfortable position. He hugged the youth’s body across the quilt, patted it lightly, and said, “Close your eyes and go to sleep, it’s past ten o’clock.”

Qiao Zhiya nodded cooperatively, reached out and grabbed the corner of his pajamas, and closed his eyes obediently. Because of his habit, he quickly fell asleep. Chu Rong knew how disobedient this stupid Bald Chicken actually was, so he waited until Qiao Zhiya fell asleep before stuffing his pillow with a few pieces of jade. But later, he was worried that the jade would make the pillow too hard, so he set it aside near the pillow instead. 

Finally satisfied, he locked his spiritual power and closed his eyes to sleep.

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