Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 47.3: 47.3

The climbing route had obviously been cleared in advance. Although there were one or two beasts that came out to attack on the road, Qiao Zhiya, who had already noticed their movement, took them down with one arrow as soon as they appeared. Those attacking beasts soon became a part of their food reserve. 

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The audience was fascinated by his neat figure, which was perfectly hidden among the trees and quickly shot.

During this period, Chu Yan also showed a strong ability to cooperate. He might not have a combat ability equaling Qiao Zhiya’s, but his strength was impressive enough.

The other two teams were in a more embarrassing situation. Because they had to protect a young boy and non-combatant girls, they had to resort to using mechas to defeat the beasts. Although they looked very powerful, they felt like treating a small problem into a big one. 

At dinner time, Chu Yan and Qiao Zhiya arrived at their supply point first. They finally found the supply box inside after breaking open a big rock. The audience scolded the person hiding things for being cunning and bullying these juniors.

After the two found something, they ate and rested in place, and did not continue to act in the dark. There was a simple tent in the supply box, so they didn’t build a treehouse, and instead opted to sleep soundly inside it. 

The other two teams arrived at the supply point after it was completely dark. There were two tents in the supply box of the Ning family, and two tents in the Xiang family. It seemed that they were specially prepared for the convenience for the girls to rest alone, which was considerate enough. 

After discussion, the two teams decided to take the second supply box the next day, and go hunting for treasure after making all the preparations.

Another night passed.

Going to bed early and getting up early, Qiao Zhiya and Chu Yan got up alongside the dawn. After a quick wash, they got together to study the complete topographic map and treasure clues in the supply box.

A treasure map only points to one treasure, and if they want more treasures, they need to analyze the map to find out. The information in the supply box showed that there were a total of fifteen treasures hidden in the surrounding forest. After the five ones that were pointed by the map, that meant there’s ten hidden treasures. 

“I don’t know what the treasures they hide are, but hopefully it won’t be anything worthless, or it will be too disappointing,” Chu Yan said without any filter in the live broadcast, and then handed the topographic map and the treasure map to Qiao Zhiya, saying, “You decide: should we go for the pointed one or the hidden ones first?” 

Qiao Zhiya glanced back and forth at the map and the treasure map, and recalled the route they took, which was beyond the expectations of the audience and parents. He looked at the topographic map, pointed to one of the places where the water pool was drawn, and said, “There must be something good here.” 

The supervisors looked at the place he pointed, and promptly chuckled while shaking their heads. They were sighing at Qiao Zhiya, who is so “self-willed” despite no hidden treasures located there. 

Chu Rong’s pupils shook, and his movement of knocking on the armrest slowed down.

Chu Yan had no objection to Qiao Zhiya’s decision, and followed him trustingly towards the pool.

It was another round of galloping in the woods. At noon, the two arrived near the water pool. They found an open space to settle their lunch. 

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Then, Qiao Zhiya plunged into the water pool. After a while, he swam up with a piece of beautiful, dark blue sapphire on his hand. He happily said, “Look! I said there is something good! But there is a little snake protecting it underneath,  and I had to beat it to death. Here you go!” 

After speaking, he threw the sapphire ashore. As he climbed back up, he also carried up an ugly big snake – it was as thick as his own waist. 

Chu Yan was stunned, and ran to him to look at the limp snake, his eyes were blown-out wide, “How did you kill it?? I didn’t even notice any movement in the water!”

“I walked around behind it and hit it with a hammer, it was too rough,” Qiao Zhiya climbed ashore, shook his head to help drying off his hair. He picked up the sapphire and said happily, “There are still several pieces of these at the bottom, too! This must be the treasure!!” 

Chu Yan looked at the ugly and ferocious “little snake”. It was covered with hard scales all around its body. After a long silence, he reached out and patted Qiao Zhiya on the shoulder, boasting, “You are so amazing. Look at the quality of this sapphire, this must be a treasure, unlike those I found in the Xiang’s family’s office.”

The audience: “…”

The supervisors: “…” 

Xiang Lingyun turned his head to look at Chu Rong, almost couldn’t hold back his anger, and said: “Marshal, is this reflecting the quality of the teaching of your Chu family? Why do you always talk about my Xiang family?”

Chu Rong glanced at him lightly, and nonchalantly replied, “Chu Yan lost his parents when he was young, and this will happen. Xiang Kun, who has been provoking and pestering him all the time, has contributed a lot.” 

What he actually said was: “It was too generous of me not to settle accounts with you. And yet, you still have the nerve to accuse my family.”

Xiang Lingyun was choked back, holding his breath in his heart, and it was not easy to calm back down. He had to remind himself that Chu Rong’s parents sacrificed themselves for the sake of the Federation and indirectly saved all their lives. It would be too rude to accuse these orphaned children for not having qualified teaching.

But in the end, because he couldn’t get angry, he retorted in a low voice, “Xiang Kun is very sensible.”

Chu Rong didn’t answer, and just glanced at Xiang Kun who was looking for Xiang Jing for food on the screen No. 10, and twitched the corner of his mouth coldly.

Xiang Lingyun decided not to talk to Chu Rong for the time being. He didn’t want to lose his lifespan by being excessively angry. Xiang Hui poured him a glass of water and glanced at Chu Rong with a cold look.

Seeing that they had finished fighting, Long Baorou reached out and opened the communicator connected to the camera equipment, and reminded them, “Treasures outside the map markers will not be included in the final statistics. There are 15 treasures in total, and there are still four days left. Good luck in your hunt.” After speaking, she turned off the communication and flicked her hair.

Chu Rong, who had been ignoring her all this time, finally frowned and looked over with deep eyes.

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“The rules are like that. Please forgive me, Marshal.” Long Baorou smiled at him, and offered him some tea.

Chu Rong didn’t even look at the cup of tea. He coldly ignored her again, and instead focused on Qiao Zhiya, who was obviously downtrodden after hearing this announcement. He held the sapphire in his hand, his pointy ears were sagging down. 

The Marshal’s gaze wasn’t friendly at all, but he was still silent. 

He agreed that it’s good to follow the map’s instructions, so as not to encounter unknown dangers. In fact, if they had to go killing a giant snake for a treasure, it was considered too much.

“If it doesn’t count, let’s find something else,” Chu Yan patted Qiao Zhiya on the shoulder to comfort him, took out the simple tent and said, “You wipe off the water first and change your clothes. Let’s go find something else in the afternoon.” 

Qiao Zhiya responded positively while stuffing the sapphire into his storage space. “Then I’ll change it quickly. Let’s hurry up and find it. There are only ten treasures hidden, so we have to work harder.” 

The audience looked at his floppy, expressive ears, and it made their hearts itch.

[Why is it not counted! Forget it! Look at those sagging ears, how can you bear to make him sad? Isn’t sapphire precious enough?]

They were delayed all morning, and the other two teams had already taken advantage of this time to get their second supply, so everyone stood on the same starting line again.

After listening to the announcement, Ning Kongran glanced at Ning Konghua who was discussing the treasure hunting route with You Xia, and at Ning Kongting who was holding You Yuanyuan and talking. He leaned back against the tree and closed his eyes.

‘Experience the life of an Exoplanet Native… But apart from the first two days of acting for the audience, what kind of experience is this game now?’


Audience: [This young master of the Ning family is so handsome, lick, lick, lick1licking screen!] 

In the afternoon, the three teams set off almost at the same time, heading for the location shown on the treasure map.

Logically speaking, the other two teams needed two treasures to be counted as one point, while Chu Yan’s team only needed one. He actually had an advantage in that.

At first Chu Yan thought so too, but when he arrived at the treasure land and found a cliff in front of him, he couldn’t help but sneer.

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“I know the Xiang family is pitting us!!” 

Xiang Lingyun in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but slam down his teacup — this Chu Yan was too outspoken!

Chu Rong ignored him, and only watched Chu Yan who took out the mecha in the live broadcast and flew Qiao Zhiya towards the cliff. Remembering that when he was on the ship, Long Baorou dragged him to prevent him from concentrating on investigating the surrounding environment of the treasure place. He frowned, and his eyes were a little heavy with suspicion.

The audience has gradually gotten used to Chu Yan’s straightforwardness. Hearing him scold the Xiang family again, and remembering the rumors that Xiang Kun and Chu Yan are bitter nemesis – the kind that grew up choking each other – the audience couldn’t help laughing and sighing. This meant that big families were actually the same as ordinary families sometimes. Petty frictions existed. 

Qiao Zhiya sat in the narrow co-pilot of the mecha, flipped through the treasure map carefully, and said with a frown, “This cliff just separates us from the valley where we were active before, the environment may be different. Xiao Yan, you have to be careful.”

“Don’t worry, I know it.” Chu Yan said while manipulating the mecha steadily. Seeing that there was a hazy mist under the cliff, and his face darkened, “There is still miasma down there? Shit, this task is set too much.”

“It’s okay, there are protective suits in the supply box,” Qiao Zhiya reassured him.

Chu Yan looked a little better, and said, “They still have a bit of humanity.”

The mecha landed safely, the two changed into protective clothing, and got off the mecha. As they landed, they looked around. Qiao Zhiya pointed to a cave under the cliff, saying, “It should be there. The place shown by the coordinates is not only the cliff, but the cave.”

“Then let’s go in,” Chu Yan put away the mecha, protected him from behind, and said, “Follow me closely, we can’t separate.”

Qiao Zhiya nodded.

Surrounded by miasma, the live broadcast screen became foggy. The audience was heightened by this atmosphere, and couldn’t help becoming nervous.

In the other two directions,the  Xiang-Wei and Ning-You team have successfully found their first treasure. 

The supervisors in the live broadcast room were satisfied and chatted easily.

The cave was somewhat damp and the soil was very soft, which was completely different from the situation where there were many hard rocks on the cliff.

“It doesn’t look like a natural cave, but it looks like it was dug out by some kind of beast,” With excellent night vision, Qiao Zhiya quickly saw the environment in the cave clearly despite the double interference of miasma and dim light. He quickly analyzed it too. 

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Chu Yan also noticed something was wrong. He nodded and replied, “And there are traces of being tidied up by beasts here. This kind of soil is definitely not from this mountain wall.” 

The soil was indeed soft and sticky.  Qiao Zhiya thought of a certain possibility, and hurriedly urged Chu Yan as he felt an ominous premonition bubbling up inside his chest: “Find the treasure first, and then go out immediately. This place is not suitable for staying for a long time. If there is a wild beast attack, we don’t even have space to take out the mecha. It’s too narrow here.”

After being reminded by him, Chu Yan also realized this. He became more and more angry at the despicableness of the Xiang family, so he hurriedly walked forward a few steps at a faster speed. Finally, he saw a supply box at the corner, alongside a big box around the same side.


After the box was removed, there was a faint animal whimpering sound from underneath. 

Chu Yan looked down, and then his body froze immediately. He was about to curse out “Damn it”, but he quickly choked his words back.

There was actually a pit under the box! There was an egg in the pit! What the hell is this?? There’s even a large piece of broken egg, revealing a baby animal with pink skin and sparse hair!! 

This was actually a cave where a mother beast laid her cubs! What’s even worse was that the person who put the box deliberately broke the egg and hid it right under the box. Their intentions were really sinister!

Plus, due to the dim lighting and the miasma, the live broadcast screen would be too blurry for the viewers to notice. And with his toes, he knew that the female beast that was feeding the cub must have been lured away in advance, and it might be on its way back now!

Qiao Zhiya realized that something was wrong. He also stretched his head to look, then frowned fiercely, quickly bent down and hugged the egg, and said, “Quick! Get out first, take out the mecha after you get out, and immediately go into the air!” 

Chu Yan was stunned by his order, but still executed it perfectly. He aggressively whispered, “What are you doing with that egg! Its mother may be back soon!”

Qiao Zhiya immediately followed, carefully guarding the egg, and said seriously, “I’m guarding it. Thankfully, despite the eggshell being broken like this, it shouldn’t actually hurt the cub as long as we can protect it. I can save it.” 

Chu Yan was speechless, and could only keep praying in his heart that the female beast would not come back so soon.

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