Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 48.2: 48.2

The audience was also confused by what Qiao Zhiya said. There were a lot of comments on the screen discussing whether the cub should be taken away.

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In the supervisors’ area, Chu Rong’s tense nerves relaxed. He stretched out his hand to take a sip of water. Remembering that the tea was given by Long Baorou, he withdrew his hand very childishly, and looked back at Fan Xiangnan who was sitting behind him.

Fan Xiangnan understood what he meant, got up and poured out the cup of tea, washed the cup for him, and poured a new one over.

Long Baorou, who witnessed the whole process and was very unhappy, almost couldn’t control her expression. Her eyes darkened, and she said in a loud voice, “Is Marshal Chu not in good health again? You have to bring a servant with you to participate in the event.” 

The supervisors of Xiang=Wei’s families also looked over after hearing her brash words. But they were witty and silent — based on their experience, Chu Rong would never tolerate others saying that about the people around him.

And Chu Rong really lived up to expectations. He took the teacup Fan Xiangnan handed over, and replied lightly, “Xiangnan came here as a supervisor. You made a mistake in registering the list and kicked him out of the supervisor team.” 

“Also, please remember that Xiangnan is my subordinate. I will not pursue this point, but, his military rank is a Colonel. Ms. Long, who has not yet graduated from the military academy, needs to call him an Officer, not a very impolite ‘Servant’.”

Fan Xiangnan spoke at the right time, and with a gentle tone to boot, “There’s no need, Marshal. Ms. Long has a different status than mine, and she does have some privileges.” 

These words were like salt into her wounds. Long Baorou’s chest heaved twice, and turned her head and stopped talking.

The Xiang-Wei supervisors withdrew their gazes and decided to keep quiet — Chu Rong’s fighting power was too strong, and he didn’t bother to make superficial efforts at all; they couldn’t stand it. Besides, the matter of the giant beast this time has nothing to do with them, so they can just watch the show.

Long Baorou thought that the silence was because Chu Rong would no longer find fault.  But he proved her wrong – he didn’t let her go. He put down his cup and continued, “It has been confirmed that there are some mistakes in the investigation. Why is there an egg next to the treasure that was placed in advance? Why is the mother beast nowhere close to it? Why did it come back at this time? It’s such a convenient coincidence, isn’t it? I hope that the person in charge of investigating this trek can give me an explanation to the Chu family.” 

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent again. The Xiang-Wei supervisors quickly put aside their thorny relationship with Chu Rong and looked away, while Ning Tianya directly looked at Long Baorou.

“Naturally, it will be done,” Long Baorou took a deep breath and said this. She then got up and left, as if to help Chu Rong ask for an explanation.

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Chu Rong watched her leave coldly, and motioned to Fan Xiangnan, who understood, turned around and followed Long Baorou.

In the forest, Qiao Zhiya comforted the giant beast. He then asked Chu Yan for a silver net and made it into a soft bag to put the eggs in. He ran to the giant beast to chat with it. After a few words, he carefully tied the silver net to the giant beast so that it could carry the egg with it.

The giant beast rubbed against him gratefully, raised its claws and gently flicked the pouch on its chest, and growled happily a few times.

“It’s still cuter when it hums,” Chu Yan couldn’t help covering his ears when he heard the growl. Seeing that the matter was finally resolved, he remembered the cheating treasure box that caused all this, and couldn’t help cursing, “Who put that damned treasure box there? Why are they so irresponsible! Not to mention occupying the beast’s lair, but putting the box on top of the beast’s eggs, do they still have any shred of humanity!” 

The audience cursed with the same hatred, completely sympathizing with Chu Yan. With this rhythm, it was very favorable to the Chu family. 

This was the power of Third Young Master Chu. 

Qiao Zhiya touched the giant beast’s long fur, checked its wounds, and replied, “The mother beast will not leave the nest easily when the cub is about to break its shell. She must be trapped for several days. Look at her claws – it’s all worn out. She definitely tried to escape multiple times.” 

Chu Yan had already felt that something was wrong. With these observations, he lowered his head and glanced at the bloody claws of the giant beast, and couldn’t help speaking even louder, “This must be specifically done to target us! How could an egg be accidentally pressed under the treasure box like that? Plus, this treasure hunt has been ongoing for several days. It’s quite the timing for the mother beast to “coincidentally” return just in time with us. It didn’t come back yesterday, nor tomorrow. This is definitely purposefully done!” 

Still immersed in the fact that the Exoplanet Native boy helped the beast so amazingly, the audience, who were full of emotions, were taken aback after listening to Chu Yan’s reasoning. After thinking for themselves, they couldn’t help to feel that he made sense. 

Yes, everything is too coincidental. Plus, they can see other teams too – and as a fact, other teams’ journeys were smooth. In contrast, Chu Yan and Qiao Zhiya looked positively targeted. 

Then, they remembered Chu Yan’s dislike for the Xiang family, and their thoughts instantly turned to the Xiang family. They couldn’t help guessing and muttering amongst themselves.

Xiang Lingyun looked at all kinds of speculation about the Xiang family in the comment area. His face darkened, and he said coldly, “Marshal Chu, how do you want to settle the account of Chu Yan ruining the reputation of my Xiang family?” 

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“Did Chu Yan mention the Xiang family just now?” Chu Rong asked back, and then said lightly, “I hope your family will not forget about the whole red tin mine incident.” 

—what Chu Rong implied was: It is easy to destroy your family’s reputation. Once the matter of the mine is publicized, it is guaranteed that the Xiang family’s reputation will be driven to the core of the planet.

Xiang Lingyun’s expression froze. He snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

Wei Xiongchang hurriedly opened his mouth to comfort Xiang Lingyun, and wisely stopped trying to snipe Chu Rong.

Ning Tianya pretended to be stupid and remained neutral.

Chu Yan’s principle is that the moment he finds the fox’ tail, he will step it to death! 

He pretended to be angry and ran back into the cave, and took out a super bright lamp to take a picture of the pit where the eggs were placed and the marks made by the boxes beside the pit, so that the audience could see clearly. After that, he ran out of the cave, looked at the giant beast lying obediently at the cave entrance, and took out the treasure box with a bang.

The giant beast immediately smelled the scent of those who drove it out of the cave and the smell of egg liquid left on the box. It stood up vigilantly, and growled at it in a low voice defensively and resentfully.

“Look! It reacted so strongly, the person who put the box must have deliberately broken the egg!” Chu Yan yelled loudly, for fear that the audience would not be able to see the situation clearly.

Qiao Zhiya tensed his face, motioned Chu Yan to put the box away, then stroked the giant beast’s fur comfortingly in Elvish. 

The giant beast lay back on its back, and then nodded.

Chu Yan was curious, “What did you say?”

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“I asked it to take us to the place where it was trapped, and it agreed,” Qiao Zhiya replied, took out the medicine in the supply box, and said, “But before we go, I have to help it treat its wound first, and feed it something to eat.”

The “Little Snake” that Qiao Zhiya hammered to death before became the meal of the giant beast. After helping it treat its wound, Qiao Zhiya and Chu Yan were signaled by the giant beast to climb onto its back together, and were carried by it towards the depths of the miasma.

“Fuck! This is so cool!” Chu Yan was very excited.

Qiao Zhiya grabbed the horns of the giant beast’s head, touched its head lightly, and smiled, “It seems to be the boss of this area. It’s very powerful, and other beasts are too afraid to get close.” 

This made Chu Yan even more excited.

The audience was infected by him, and they became excited too; and at the same time, they became more and more disgusted with those who manipulated behind the scenes. 

The place where the giant beast was trapped was not far away. The journey only took about half an hour. 

In front of them was a deep pit that partially collapsed. The bottom of the pit was full of gravel and trees. Judging from the appearance of the trees, it wasn’t long before it collapsed. The traces of the giant beast staying at the bottom of the pit were very obvious.

The giant beast stopped at a distance of more than ten meters from the deep pit and refused to go forward. Chu Yan and Qiao Zhiya got off it and were about to go forward to take a closer look at the situation, but the giant beast stopped it with its tail, as if afraid they would fall.

When the audience saw this scene, they all sighed: [This is a good beast that knows how to repay kindness. Although it looks a little fierce and ugly, it has a beautiful heart.]

Qiao Zhiya comforted the giant beast for a while, coaxing the giant beast to move its tail hesitantly.

“Looks like a natural collapse,” Chu Yan walked around the pit twice, pointing to a big rock on the edge, “It crawled out using this rock as a leverage, I think. Judging from the traces, it should be a collapse that enlarges the pit’s entrance, allowing it to jump out. Look, that big stone over there must’ve fallen from the lip of the pit. It’s big enough to partially close the entrance before it falls.” 

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After listening to this explanation, the audience became puzzled again, was it really a coincidence?

Qiao Zhiya inspected the stone, and suddenly jumped into the bottom of the pit. The anxious giant beast kept circling around the edge.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, he can come out,” Chu Yan comforted the giant beast, but unfortunately the giant beast couldn’t understand him. It was Qiao Zhiya who looked up at it and whispered something to calm the giant beast down.

After pacifying the giant beast, Qiao Zhiya stepped forward to lift up the stone. Then he jumped out of the hole with a few jumps against the irregularities of the pit wall, smashed the stone to the ground, and finally, he took out his hammer.

The audience: […] Although this was not the first time they had seen the strange power of this Exoplanet Native boy, they still haven’t got used to this. 

“What are you going to do?” Chu Yan asked suspiciously, and stepped forward to touch the stone, “Is this stone weird?”

Qiao Zhiya nodded and replied, “The pit it left when it was dropped is too shallow, and it doesn’t meet its size. It should be empty inside.” After speaking, he lowered the hammer and smashed it hard towards the stone.

With a click, the stone cracked; the outer layer shattered, revealing a small strange device inside.

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