Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 49.1: 49.1

At dawn, the live broadcast returned to normal.

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Chu Yan and Qiao Zhiya were the first team to get up again, and the giant beast still insisted on following them, and would not leave no matter how hard they rushed.

“What should we do? It really won’t leave us alone,” Chu Yan threw a hunted animal in front of the giant beast. He was very distressed when he saw the giant beast burying its head and ate the carcass happily. “Why do I think it depends on us?”

The giant beast shook its furry tail upon hearing this, and its ferocious and domineering face unexpectedly showed a hint of cuteness.

“Oh my God, I must be blind to find it cute,” Chu Yan raised his hand to cover his face. He was a bit speechless at this point. 

The comment area of ​​the audience was full of laughter, calling Chu Yan cute and persuading him not to “abandon his wife and son”.

Qiao Zhiya couldn’t help laughing. He threw his teammate a freshly picked wild fruit, tilted his head to look at the giant beast, and gave his guess: “It hasn’t left, but I don’t think it’s dependent on us. It’s more likely it wants to take us somewhere.”

“Ah?” Chu Yan took a bite of the wild fruit and asked, “Is it going to repay the favor and take us to find the treasure?”

The giant beast seemed to understand what they said. It suddenly gobbled up the carcass in two-three large bites. Then it ran over and arched at them, turned around and took two steps in one direction.

“Damn, we hit the spot!”  Chu Yan jumped up in surprise, quickly grabbed Qiao Zhiya and climbed onto it, and said happily, “Let’s go treasure hunting. Finding boxes is so boring.”

Qiao Zhiya didn’t expect that the giant beast really meant this. His eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help hugging it, and said with joy, “Sure enough, animals are the cutest!” 

The audience couldn’t help but scream when they heard this: [No no no ! You are the cutest! You are so powerful and heart-warming, you are simply the cutest little guy in the world! Hug me, hug me! Don’t hug the beast!]

In the supervisors room, seeing these comments, Chu Rong’s face turned dark. His aura also dropped to freezing point.

Xiang Lingyun, who had just stepped inside, paused when he saw this. Thinking that he was still upset about the matter of negotiating with the President yesterday, he hesitated for a while, but endured the bad reaction in his heart, and comforted him awkwardly, “Long Baorou is the President’s daughter, after all. So it’s not easy to punish her publicly. The punishment of depriving her of the right to join the military is already very heavy. If you continue to make trouble, the President might really retaliate harshly, and you won’t get any benefits.” 

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Actually, hanging the fact that the President’s daughter didn’t have the crucial piece of evidence was a great decision. Selfishly speaking, they were very envious of Chu Rong. They also want this kind of clue and evidence, because they wanted something to hold over the President. 

Although the Xiang and Wei families were technically on the President’s side, they were not happy to see the President’s daughter really grown up. What they wanted was a “shield” that could be controlled, not a knife that could backstab them at any moment. 

Chu Rong’s sour thoughts stopped. He glanced at Xiang Lingyun with an irate heart, making his expression even more unreadable. 

Xiang Lingyun was uncomfortable being watched by him, so he poured himself a cup of tea, changed the topic and said, “Marshal Chu, you have re-examined the safety situation of the venue last night. You must have not had a good rest, why don’t you sleep more today?” 

A care from his old enemy tasted gross. 

Chu Rong withdrew his gaze, did not answer his question, and only said lightly, “All hidden safety hazards in the forest have been eliminated. With the strength of each team, the remaining ten treasure chests can be found in a day and a half at most. There is one and a half days of activity time left, so we must come up with a plan.”

‘Huh? What does this mean? He said all hidden safety hazards… Does that mean even our innocuous little tricks have all been eliminated too?’

‘With the current strength of Chu Yan and that Native boy, this treasure hunt competition was nothing more than an award show to the two boys of the Chu family.’

The tea suddenly tasted like ash in his tongue. Xiang Lingyun put down the teacup, thinking that he who was kind enough to comfort his opponent just now must have lost his mind. With a dark face, he said, “Then, we should wait for the others to come up with an idea together. This event has caused some doubts, and the festive atmosphere has also faded, so we must try our best to repair it in the next few days.” 

Chu Rong nodded, agreeing with his words, then turned his head to look back at the live broadcast, and stopped talking to him.

Xiang Lingyun’s face twitched. He decided decisively not to take the initiative to provoke this old opponent. It’s better to plan ahead. 

Unlike Chu Yan and Qiao Zhiya, who followed the giant beast to find treasures, the other two teams immediately began to analyze and search for the remaining ten treasures after resting.

After breaking away from the treasure map, the strength of each team gradually showed differences, and the shining points of each juniors began to appear one after another.

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In the Xiang-Wei’s team, Xiang Jing, who has always played the role of a good sister, showed strong logical reasoning and observation skills when analyzing the map. She took the lead in analyzing the location of a secret treasure, which attracted the audience’s admiration for her. Wei Yu’s mecha driving skills were also remarkable, and he has gained a group of little fans. Xiang Kun, as the best mecha maker in the Xiang family’s generation, was able to make mecha weapons alone at the age of seventeen. Needless to say, his strength was self-evident. He also gained the love of some audiences. Although Wei Lan, the youngest, has no abilities and is considered a fool by Chu Yan, he was adorable. Under the pressure of Wei Yu, he looked like a sensible and obedient youth, so the audience’s evaluation was not bad.

In the Ning-You’s team, Ning Kongting relied on her appearance to attract fans, and she made her character as a strong young lady. After Ning Kongran deliberately kept a low profile, Ning Konghua received a lot of praise for his appearance and smart mind. You Xia has a free and easy personality, but he was not reckless. He also drove the mecha very well, which was unexpectedly very popular with the audience. You Yuanyuan was relatively low-key and mediocre, not attracting much attention. As for Ning Kongran, he has quite a lot of fans, but most of them are fans of his face and character. He was labeled as a caring big brother by the audience.

Of the two teams, the Ning-You’s team was stronger, which was obvious. Because of Wei Lan in the Xiang-Wei team, the audiences understood if their progress was slower. 

From here, the scheme of the Xiang-Wei family could be seen. If they were ahead, it meant that they were strong and could win despite having a child around. If they lose, they have a justifiable reason, so it wouldn’t look ugly. 

In short, they couldn’t actually lose. 

Both teams gained a lot of fans, but what people didn’t expect was that they – who purposefully worked hard to perform for the audience – weren’t as popular as Third Young Master Chu, who was just being himself. This was simply unreasonable. 

Xiang Lingyun secretly compared the number of comments on each split screen, and was so angry that he didn’t want to drink tea even more.

The treasure hunt in the forest continues.

One morning passed, and the other two teams had each found a secret treasure, but Chu Yan and Qiao Zhiya were still on their way to hunt for the treasure with the giant beast.

“There is actually a swamp here,” Standing on a tree, Chu Yan looked towards the swamp where the fog was so dense it drastically lowered the vision. He turned around and said, “I can only fly over in a mecha, and walk close to the ground. Otherwise, we might sink.” 

Qiao Zhiya nodded, glanced at the giant beast squatting obediently under the tree, and said, “Take the beast with you too. It has wounds on its paws, so it’s not suitable for walking in this terrain, because it could get infected.”

“Absolutely,” Chu Yan took out the mecha without saying a word. He wanted Qiao Zhiya to sit in the co-pilot, but was rejected, so he went in and started the mecha by himself. Then he took out a super-large cage, put the giant beast and Qiao Zhiya in it, and held it in a dangling fashion.

“I can only hold it like this. It is too big to hold in the palm of my hand,” Chu Yan explained with some embarrassment.

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Qiao Zhiya comforted the giant beast who seemed a little uneasy after entering the cage, waved towards the direction of the cockpit, and said, “It’s okay, go in. Let me point you in the direction.” 

The live broadcast screen became foggy again, and the audience felt numb. They directly resigned to their fate of only “watching” it by listening to the sound cues. At the same time, they silently guessed what treasure the giant beast was taking them to find.

Apart from Long Baorou, the supervisors had already entered the live broadcast room, and they all began to speculate upon seeing this.

Wei Xiongchang asked, “Have you checked here before? What’s in it?”

“I remember it’s just an ordinary swamp, nothing there,” Xiang Lingyun replied. Looking at Chu Rong, he couldn’t hold back his curiosity, and took the initiative to provoke him again.

He paused and asked, “Marshal Chu, you re-examined the situation in this forest yesterday. Did you find anything in this swamp?” 

“When I checked, I didn’t find anything good here,” Chu Rong politely replied.

‘Then this is strange.’

Xiang Lingyun and Wei Xiongchang looked at each other, each muttering in their hearts.

The treasure that Chu Rong didn’t find… It’s either a very rare and good thing, or it’s just a dud… They hope it’s the latter– No, it must be the latter!

The fog got thicker as the swamp got deeper, and they couldn’t see anything clearly on the live broadcast. They  could only vaguely hear some fragmentary conversations between Qiao Zhiya and Chu Yan, and they knew that the two seemed to be still flying deep.

Chu Rong couldn’t help tightening his hands on the chair, and his mood was a little heavy. He felt something was wrong. During the investigation yesterday, the fog on this swamp was far from being this thick.

After entering the swamp, although Chu Yan relied on the scanning and defogging functions of the mecha for a while, as the fog thickened, the defogging functions failed. They basically became blind again.

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“I can’t see at all. The scanning function is out of order. There is something weird ahead. Qiao, I think we have to evacuate, the situation ahead is unknown, so it’s not suitable to go any further,” Chu Yan stopped the mecha and said seriously.

The giant beast, which was not affected by the fog, seemed to be surprised why he stopped. It turned its head and roared at the cockpit, and turned a few times in a hurry.

“It said that the treasure is just ahead, and we’re almost there,” Qiao Zhiya, who was also unaffected, comforted it, thought for a while and said, “Then you open the cage, and I’ll jump off the tree and look to see what’s going on.”

Chu Yan rejected his proposal without thinking about it. he shook his head and said, “No, what if it is really dangerous, then I might as well go with you!”

“I’ll come back soon,” Qiao Zhiya tried to persuade him again. But his words weren’t clear in the live broadcast due to some interference. From a moment ago, he had felt that this “interference” was actually caused by magical fluctuations, just like what he experienced on the mining planet not long ago. This time however, it did feel a little different. 

The magic fluctuations he noticed this time were very weak and sporadic, as if something had hidden the magic fluctuations. The giant beast brought them here specially, and it was definitely not an ordinary treasure that it wished to show. The stone grass he discovered last time on the mining planet could help Chu Rong cure his spiritual pollution. So maybe… this time… it might be of similar properties.

Qiao Zhiya insisted that Chu Yan had no choice but to compromise. He opened the cage to let him go to the front to check the situation. As a result, after Qiao Zhiya left, the giant beast jumped out of the cage, and then sprayed water from its mouth when it was close to the surface of the swamp. A large mass of viscous liquid was stuck on it, and he stood firmly, and then ran away and disappeared.

“Fuck…” So this liquid can still be used like this?

‘Wrong! Now that both of them have run away, what should I do!’

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