Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 62.1: 62.1


Half an hour later, the hover car arrived at the Presidential Palace. Chu Rong got out of the car first while Qiao Zhiya was about to follow up. But, the taller man turned around suddenly and stretched out his arms very naturally to hug Qiao Zhiya gently. He went down and helped him straighten his clothes.

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His chaotic emotions started to swirl around again. Qiao Zhiya’s body stiffened, and he looked up at Chu Rong who was getting weirder today. His eyes were wide open and his mouth gaped, looking lost and stupid. 

“Don’t look at me, look at the road.”

Chu Rong stretched out his fingers and pinched his lips, making him close his mouth passively. He then took the youth’s hand, led him onto the carpet, and walked towards the banquet hall.

There were guests arriving and getting off the car one after another, and when they saw Chu Rong, they greeted him politely. Chu Rong nodded indifferently as a response, and kept holding Qiao Zhiya’s hand, which attracted those people to look at him several times.

Qiao Zhiya passively followed him and walked forward, looking down stupidly at his hand that was being held completely. He tried to wiggle his fingers, but Chu Rong only held him tighter. The cufflinks of the two were of the same style, and they intermittently collided because of this movement. There was a “cling cling” impact sound every time it hit, but the sound was so faint that almost no one heard it. 

As if to match the sound, the spiritual power simulator on his ear suddenly and slowly sent out a wave of fluctuations. It slowly enveloped his whole body, causing him to lose his pace for a second. “Ch-Chu Rong, this simulator…”

He was a little panicked, but also felt a secret joy that he couldn’t understand. The complex emotions that surged up in an instant made his brain freeze, and he faintly realized that if this continued, something might get out of control.

Chu Rong stopped in place once he heard Qiao Zhiya’s voice. He turned to look at him, and asked, “What’s wrong with the simulator?”

“I-it just…”

Chu Rong stretched out his hand, touched the simulator lightly, and pinched the soft earlobes. Lips hooked into a smile, and said, “That’s all right. Let’s go, Dage and Dasao have already entered.” After speaking, he turned around and continued to lead him in.

A stronger spiritual power was playfully circling around his ears, brushing against it from time to time. It felt as if someone was gently stroking him. 


Qiao Zhiya was even more confused, though his face gradually flushed red. He looked up at Chu Rong who was walking in front of him, eyes darting from his snow-white hair to his broad shoulders, and then finally resting at their laced hands. Subconsciously, he tried to pull his hand back, but after he realized what he had tried to do, he relaxed and let the taller man pull his palm. 

He has been immersed in his own little emotions, so he didn’t notice the strange expressions on the faces of the guests who entered the venue with them.

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The pair wore the same suit, entering the hall hand-in-hand, and that very intimate caressing motion… The guests also could see that the Exoplanet Native boy seemed to be wearing an earring engraved with the Chu family emblem. 

The last person with a foreign surname who was qualified to wear something with a Chu family emblem on their jewelry was Gu Yan’an, the wife of the current family head, Chu Huai. But now, this Exoplanet Native boy… was Marshal Chu doing this to officially adopt him to the family, or was there some other ambiguous meaning?

If it was the former, then the Chu family would definitely win the hearts of all the Exoplanet Native people and their descendants! If it was the latter… Marshal Chu actually liked a man? But that’s not the point — the Imperial Princess made such a high-profile of love for Chu Rong while she visited the Federation. If Chu Rong actually courted him, then the situation would only be more interesting to watch. 

The guests secretly looked at each other and exchanged messages with their eyes. The men were thinking about the possible consequences of the Chu family’s actions, while the women were gossiping wildly and getting excited at the same time.

‘The Exoplanet Native boy is so good-looking after he puts on the suit and combs his hair!’ One of them thought. Although she already knew that this child was very good-looking from the live-broadcast, she only felt he only got even more good-looking like this! 

She used to think that this kind of delicate and cute boy was only suitable for fresh and cute clothes, but now she saw that the thick and gorgeous black and gold suit him unexpectedly!


‘So handsome! Awesome! If this is my own child… Ahhh! If he’s my own son, then I will also keep holding him like the Marshal!’ 

The waiter and the President’s son, Long Xuyang, were waiting at the door to welcome the guests. Chu Rong glanced over lightly, nodded to the infinitely-less-annoying Long Xuyang, and led Qiao Zhiya directly towards the hall. 

“Marshal Chu is still so rude.”

Long Xuyang’s friend who came next, Ding Huazhan, was the young master of the Ding family, which was a second-tier family in the Federation. He walked to his friend and greeted him, but also lowered his voice to apologize for his friend.

Different from Long Baorou’s cool and beautiful face, Long Xuyang’s facial features were more like his father’s. His brows and eyes are gentle and had a welcoming aura, and his temperament was also very soft. At first glance, he looked like a good old boy who was easy to bully.

“Huazhan, don’t say that. Marshal Chu’s position is very different from mine. To be able to nod to me, the Marshal is already giving me a face,” Long Xuyang blocked his friend’s next words with his eyes, and greeted him again. A wave of guests entered the venue, and after the door was vacant, they continued their chat. “–And this banquet doesn’t need me to welcome the guests at all. Father… Forget it, go in quickly. It’s inappropriate to stand with me at the door, I don’t want my uncle to get angry at you.” 

Although the Ding family was just a second-tier family, they still knew a lot of information. Ding Huazhan himself also tried to keep up-to-date with the latest Federal news, so he understood his friend’s helplessness. 

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This was a banquet for the Federation to welcome visitors from the Empire, not a family banquet for the Presidential Palace. It was not necessary for the president’s son to greet the guests in person. Not only was it unnecessary in terms of Long Xuyan’s status, it was also kind of inappropriate. 

Ding Huazhan frowned. Just as he was about to say something, he saw the Xiang family coming over with their juniors from a distance. He hurriedly shut up, wanting to back off a bit so that his friends could go up to greet the guests, but the Xiang family didn’t seem to see them. They all entered, ignoring Long Xuyang completely. 

“How unreasonable!” Ding Huazhan said under his breath, angry at his friend’s behalf. He didn’t want him to endure such embarrassment, especially because it wasn’t his fault.


“Huazhan,” Long Xuyang quickly pressed his shoulders, shook his head at him and sighed. Forcing a polite smile, he said, “Look, I just said, Marshal Chu is willing to take the initiative to nod to me, it’s already considered a good face for me. Go in, Uncle should be in a hurry to come here.”

Ding Huazhan was dissatisfied, and said, “You go in with me!”

“You know that’s impossible,” Long Xuyang patted him on the shoulder. Then, he pushed Ding Huazhan in, waved his hand at him, then turned back to the door and continued to wait.

Ding Huazhan took a few steps forward passively and looked back at him. He knew it was for his own good, so he held his breath and anger. Eventually, he went inside. 

The guests who had arrived in the hall were scattered everywhere to greet each other freely, waiting for the formal banquet to start.

Chu Rong was impatient to deal with this. He took Qiao Zhiya directly to the waiting room where the Chu family was. On occasions like this, although people from each family would not be late, they would not wander around the field too early, and prefer to stay in the lounge. 

“Don’t you need to greet the President first?” Qiao Zhiya followed Chu Rong down the stairs to the lounge on the second floor, his little emotions were washed away by the glitz and bustle coming from the hall. He was successfully distracted. 

Chu Rong slowed down and walked up side by side with him, frowning slightly. With a hint of impatience, he replied, “No, it’s not necessary.” 

After all, if the President can let his son greet the guest at this kind of event, why should the Four Great Families give him a face in return? 

Qiao Zhiya nodded. Although he didn’t quite understand why, adhering to the principle that everything Chu Rong said was right, he obediently followed him up and stopped talking.

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Seeing this, Chu Rong loosened his frowning brows, squeezed his hand reassuringly, and explained in a low voice, “The President will change next year, and the current presidential faction will definitely step down. And yet, he got in line with the Empire, wanting to turn this Federation into a second Empire. Except for Long Xuyang who was standing at the door just now, everyone in the Long family had bad intentions. Long Ruizhang was barely a sensible person, but he didn’t have the power. In conclusion, it’s better to ignore him.” 

‘Turning the Federation into a second Empire? That means—’

Qiao Zhiya stared wide-eyed in shock, lowering his head to hide his expression. He tightened his hold, and with a tense expression, he whispered, “I understand, I won’t hold you back.” 

Chu Rong looked at his frowning brows. With a small smile, he replied, “I know you won’t.” Qiao Zhiya has been helping him and working hard, earnestly and carefully. Chu Rong always knew. 

The two held hands and entered the lounge where the rest of the Chu family lived. The atmosphere was warm and sweet.


Xiang Kun, who turned up the stairs on the opposite side before his family, saw this scene from a distance. He frowned suspiciously, and then his expression darkened, “Damn Chu family, why do they like to flaunt their family affection recently? This must be a scheme.” 

“What are you muttering about?” Xiang Hui raised his hand and knocked on his forehead, pulled him back to his side, and whispered, “Don’t run around today, just follow Father or Second Uncle honestly. Be quiet, understand?” 

“Ah, okay,” Xiang Kun scratched his head and nodded, trying to be obedient. 

Similar instructions also appeared in the Wei family’s lounge. While in the Ning family’s lounge, Ning Kongting was pulling her mother. She wanted her mother to ask her aunt Ning Tianwu about her husband, whether or not the Prince-slash-Uncle was really like the rumors, unparalleled in his elegance. 

Ning Tianxing glanced over there indifferently, then coughed to remind her.

“She’s just a romantic girl, like many girls her age. Don’t worry, she’ll mature with time,” Ning Kongting’s mother immediately pulled her daughter to calm her down.

Ning Kongting shut up, took a look at Ning Tianxing, and calmed down obediently.

Although she looked down on Ning Kongran, she was still very afraid of Ning Kongran’s father, her genius uncle, and she didn’t dare to approach him at all.

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The private lounge fell silent. Ning Tianxing took a sip of tea from his teacup, looked at his eldest son Ning Kongran who was sitting quietly beside him. His eyes softened as he said, “Kongran, you are still too withdrawn. You have to learn to socialize more. I heard that Prince An Tyn is involved in medicine and mecha manufacturing, you can chat with him if you have the opportunity.”

‘Prince An Tyn?’ Ning Kongran immediately analyzed the meaning of what he said, but didn’t show it on his face. He nodded obediently, and replied, “I understand, Father.” 

“Good,” Ning Tianxing was satisfied with his son’s temperament. He casually continued, “Are you really not going to continue learning pharmacy? Although you are good at mecha manufacturing, our family’s resources are lacking in this department. If you learn pharmacy,  your future will be much easier…”

Ning Kongran knew that he was going to mention this incident. He shook his head, his eyes were stained with some disappointment, and said, “Father, I probably have no fate with pharmacy. Every time I pick up a pharmaceutical tool, I will feel a splitting headache, as if something is about to come out of my brain. I can’t continue at all, I have failed your expectations, I’m deeply sorry.” 

Ning Tianxing’s expression changed when he heard what Ning Kongran said. He stabilized his tone, and tentatively asked, “You said it feels like something is about to come out of your brain? When did this symptom appear? Do you… remember?”

“Remember what?” Ning Kongran turned to look at him, with pure doubt in his eyes, and asked, “Father, have I forgotten something?” 

“Of course not,” Seeing this, Ning Tianxing was relieved. He took another sip of tea, and said helplessly like a good-tempered father who can’t control his child, “Then you can continue to learn mecha manufacturing. Even if you don’t learn pharmacy, our family will try our best to pave the way for you to come out.”

Ning Kongran showed a moved expression, and said, “I’ve troubled you, Father.”

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