Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 77.2: 77.2


Qiao Zhiya had a weird dream after falling asleep. He stood inside a thick forest, filled with mist and familiar plant aromas. it again that night. In front of him were his parents, hazy beneath the thick fog. Once he saw a glimpse of them, his eyes brightened and he happily rushed forward. 

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“Baby, how are you doing?”

His mother’s voice came, blurry as if it went through thick molasses. His ears twitched as he sped up his steps. “Mom, I’m fine! Now, I have someone I like. His name is Chu Rong, and we’re about to get engaged. You will come—”

Both the forest and his parents suddenly disappeared. He stood in a completely dark space, eyebrows furrowed. Two familiar light bands suddenly appeared and drilled towards the center of his eyebrows, his mother’s voice seemed to be ringing in his head.

“Baby, wait…”

Then, it all coalesces into nothingness.

He opened his eyes, and was greeted with a cute rabbit with a ribbon around his neck.

“Woke up?”

The familiar voice called him beside the bed. He looked up, and then found Chu Rong’s serene and tender look. The taller man patted his head, and swept his bangs. “Get up and wash, the guest is coming soon.”

He sat up in a daze and realized that the room had changed at some point. It was decorated by various floral arrangements, dotted with fresh plants, bursting with pastoral charm. The usual decorations on the walls were removed and replaced with pictures of him and Chu Rong, some of the walls were even replaced with wallpaper, and a family of rabbits that were never allowed to be carried into the room were freely hopping around on the floor, all of them wearing pretty little decorations.

“Chu Yan claimed that you will like this. Fortunately, you didn’t wake up before we finished the surprise.” 

Chu Rong saw that the youth’s eyes fell on the rabbit, and suddenly he found a black rabbit-headed spiritual power simulator in his pocket. He put it on the youth’s ear, then moved his hands to frame his own face, asking, “Does the rabbit look better than me?”


Qiao Zhiya looked up at him, his gaze moved from his full forehead to his deep eyes, then sliding down towards the straight bridge of his nose, and finally at his thin lips, bent into a gentle smile. His heartbeat sped up, but he masked this by jumping over into Chu Rong’s outstretched arms. “You look the best!”

Chu Rong smiled and hugged him, bowed his head and kissed his forehead. “Then you just look at me today.”

In the Ning family–

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Ning Kongran changed his clothes and walked out the door. As soon as he went downstairs, he saw Ning Kong’an sitting in the living room talking with Elder Ning. He stopped and raised his hands to arrange his coat buttons. A usual smile appeared on his face as he politely greeted, “Grandfather, cousin.” 

Elder Ning heard his voice and turned his head. He saw that Ning Kongran had changed, so he reached out to him and asked with a kind expression, “Is the car ready? Is the gift ready? I didn’t expect the Chu family’s Qiao Zhiya would invite you to the noon engagement private banquet. Remember to keep a low profile and try to talk to them as little as possible. Don’t be fooled by them.” 

‘Sure enough, these orders again.’

Ning Kongran smiled and nodded, looking very sensible and steadfast. “The gifts are ready, they are some of our home-made potions, not too outdated, and sincere enough. I did not expect Qiao Zhiya to invite me to the private banquet… he probably did that because he has too few friends, and I happened to be one of his school acquaintances, so he sent me an invitation to liven things up. Grandfather, rest assured, I have a sense of proportion.” 

Elder Ning liked his dependable nature very much. The Eldery man nodded with satisfaction at Ning Kongran’s words, then pulled Ning Kong’an’s hand beside him. “It’s good that you understand these things. I have always been at ease with you, Kongran. However, it would be too lonely for you to go there alone. Kong’an here happens to be free, bored at home everyday, might as well…” 


“Grandfather.” Ning Kongran interrupted his words and refused implicitly, “It’s the first time since years since the Chu family held this kind of personal banquet, and today’s protagonist happened to be Chu Rong. This banquet isn’t the same as a formal lunch. All guests are related to the Chu family. Even I was surprised I got an invitation – but I supposed it was because I was someone from the Ning family that Qiao Zhiya somewhat acquainted with, so I became the Ning family’s representative of sorts. I heard that Prince An Tyn and Princess An Leen will attend, but only to greet them then they will go home. Although Jian also received an invitation, he didn’t attend to avoid suspicion. He only sent blessings and gift over…”

“You see, it’s the end of the year, and many… things happened this year. Your arrangement would be… somewhat improper, wouldn’t it?” 

Ning Kong’an has a special identity – he is a citizen of the Empire, and of Royal blood to boot. In this kind of private event, if such a person was to become an invited guest’s plus one… 

Chu Rong’s temper is not very good, and it’s the end of the year again. This year’s festival theme voting has reached the most critical time. In case the Ning family accidentally slighted someone today, Chu Rong’s unhappiness could turn everything on its head. He might even have pulled the hind legs to the Ning family, but that was quite unlikely. 

Elder Ning quickly understood the meaning behind Ning Kongran’s words. He quickly put Ning Kong’an’s hands down, then looked at Ning Kongran with a genial expression. “Ahh, Grandpa is confused. Yes, it must be my age. Well, you go out now, don’t be late. Your father will come home in the evening, so come home before him.” 

“Mn.” Ning Kong nodded, looking at Ning Kong’an, who had been sitting quietly next to him. The young man seemed very quiet and obedient, so Ning Kongran pretended he didn’t see the slight frown and sneer, and instead gave him a very understanding expression at him. pretending not to see his slightly frowning frown and unpleasant eyes, smiled kindly at him and said “Cousin, please accompany Grandfather at home, okay?” 

Ning Kong’an smirked at him and replied, “Cousin is polite. I heard that your graduation work has a Qiao Zhiya name on it. I think your relationship is very good. I have to trouble my cousin on my behalf and give my blessing for him. After all, we have been roommates for this semester.” 

This remark was odd, but it also implies that Ning Kongran’s relationship with Qiao Zhiya was actually closer than it appears, and he was lying through his teeth. 

Ning Kongran also understood what Ning Kong’an was trying to do. However, instead of replying, he only let out a helpless smile, then nodded towards Elder Ning. Finally, he walked out of the room. 

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Ning Kong’an didn’t expect Ning Kongran to do that. He frowned as he tried to analyze – he had been trying to smear Ning Kongran’s pristine reputation in front of Elder Ning. As he turned his face, he was surprised to find out that Elder Ning looked displeased… at him. So he inquired with an innocent look on his face, “Grandfather?” 


Elder Ning looked at Ning Kong’an eyebrows, which were identical to his daughter. The doubt in his heart dispersed, but the frown remained. He said in a serious tone, “Kong’an, you can’t speak like this in the future. Qiao Zhiya’s involvement was due to Kongran’s teacher’s arrangement, as Qiao Zhiya was the only person available to do what Kongran had planned since the year before. It’s not a personal relationship. You shouldn’t make such a wild guess, it’s easy to get into trouble at a critical moment, understand?” 

“…Understand, Grandfather, I was wrong.” Ning Kong’an admitted his mistake with an obedient look, but inwardly, he was very unwilling. 

He came to the Ning family for half a year, and all the people in the Ning family have been fooled by his attitude, and was somewhat won over. Only Ning Kongran won’t accept oil or salt, will not eat soft or hard1油盐不进,软硬不吃 idiom; someone who refuses to be influenced or persuaded, regardless of the approach or manner used. Aka unyielding and stubborn, which was actually repeated multiple times by Ning Kong’an on this passage to emphasize the degree of this trait.. He clearly understood what Ning Kong’an was doing but always pretended otherwise. A truly stubborn and unyielding, will not accept him be it in life or death.

With his soft yet reliable persona, all the elder in the Ning family very much liked him. If Ning Kong’an wanted to be more involved with the family, he had to pull Ning Kongran into his camp. 

During the holiday this month, he tried countless times to try to give Ning Kongran some trouble or pull him over, but every attempt has been futile. 

Upstairs, Ning Kongting noticed his unwilling expression, and this jolted her memories of that time when Princess An Leen said to her. Immediately, a flash of schadenfreude sparked inside her eyes – she originally thought that Ning Kong’an was a noble prince who came back to visit his relatives, but it turned out that he’s just a poor beggar trying to make money from the main family. Utterly ridiculous. 

Around 10 AM, the guests arrived one after another, but the heavens seemed to be jealous of such a happy occasion, so it gave them a rain of snow instead of endless sunshine. Fortunately, the Chu family had already prepared for this, and immediately opened the protective barrier of the entire house, so the snow never reached the ground. 

“Such a big residence, and yet, this barrier can cover it up fully… just how much energy this device burned?” Yuan Xiu couldn’t help but sigh.

“No need to raise a fuss, it’s not you who will pay for it anyways.” 

A very familiar voice came from behind him. Yuan Xiu was startled, and he turned his head in disbelief. What he saw was shocking – it’s Xiang Kun, dressed neatly in a white suit. He immediately exclaimed, “Why are you here!”

Xiang Kun snorted disdainfully, instantly destroying the elegance and gracefulness inherent of his outfit. He took out an invitation card from his space button and waved it in front of Yuan Xiu’s face, saying, “How else?” After that, he sauntered inside the Chu family’s house. 

Yuan Xiu watched him leave like a ghost, raised his hands and rubbed his eyes, mumbling to himself, “Oh my god, Xiang Kun can actually get the invitation for the private party. Did the Chu and Xiang families really break the ice? I didn’t hear Chu Yan say anything about this, ah…” 

In the courtyard, Yun Xiachu, who had arrived early, stuffed a packed gift into Qiao Zhiya’s hands with a pout. “Congratulations.” 

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He quickly cast a glance at Chu Rong, who was standing next to Qiao Zhiya. His eyebrows tightened as he added, “It’s just an engagement. If he is not good for you, you can throw him away and get a younger and better man to marry you. “

Chu Rong immediately glared at this underaged brat with a tight frown. His spiritual power was about to fly off.


Yun Xiachu looked back indifferently, clearly taunting him back. However, he was hiding his now-taller body behind Qiao Zhiya, complaining, “Look at him closely, don’t get blinded by his looks. You dare to pick such a violent person as your future husband, aren’t you afraid of him beating you up in the future?” 

Qiao Zhiya didn’t think that Yun Xiachu was purposefully riling Chu Rong up. He thought that the young boy just expressed his concern in an awkward manner. He patted his head, and replied with a smile, “No, Chu Rong is good to me. Thank you for your blessing.”

Yun Xiachu shook his head and hands away, looking at Qiao Zhiya’s pure eyes, full of shyness and joy. A dull pain throbbed in his heart, but he ignored it in lieu of hugging him tight. “Don’t pat my head like that ever again! I’m a big boy now, you—” 

Before he finished speaking, the spiritual force simulator on Qiao Zhiya’s ear suddenly strengthened the fluctuations. He was forced to release his hand and stared at the rabbit simulator with a hate for a while, then glared at Chu Rong before running away. 

Qiao Zhiya looked at Chu Rong around him — he finally found the true purpose of this spiritual power simulator, and that was to bully children. 

Chu Rong looked at him with a black face. He first reached out and touched his face, took his hand and wiped it with a handkerchief, patted his shoulders as if there was something dirty on it, and finally hugged Qiao Zhiya close. 

Qiao Zhiya: “?????”

Standing next to them, Chu Yan almost burst into a laugh. He saw his older brother’s stinky look towards barely-a-teen boy’s escaping back, then shook his head and sighing. 

‘Unexpectedly, Erge would declare sovereignty against a little boy. Tsk tsk tsk, at the very least, this means Qiao will never inadvertently gather rotten peach blossoms. This little ghost is lucky and so brave ah, he dared to pry Erge’s corner! A newborn calf really isn’t afraid of tigers!’ 

As he cackled inwardly, he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure in the corner of his eye. He had a certain look in his eyes. After confirming what he saw was true, he stared at it, then shouted, “Xiang! Kun! How are you here! Fuck, if you dare to mess with my Erge’s engagement banquet, see if I won’t strangle you!” 

Xiang Kun, who heard his annoying shout, turned his head and saw Chu Yan running towards him. His eyelids twitched, but he decided to avoid that bundle of trouble. ‘Today isn’t a good occasion to pick a fight with that dumbass.’ he rationalized.

Seeing that he was about to escape, Chu Yan felt that Xiang Kun was even more suspicious. He quickly speeded up to catch up.

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Hearing the commotion, Qiao Zhiya shook his head sheepishly, no longer wondering about Chu Rong’s sudden embrace. He took the initiative to bury himself into his chest, pretending he hadn’t seen anything.

Chu Rong also saw the appearance of Xiang Kun. He frowned, then glanced down to see Qiao Zhiya’s obvious guilty conscience. He simply moved the youth inside the house, and tasked Chu Huai to greet the guests. 

In a corner of the courtyard, Sang Bu, who was sitting alone in the lounge area eating buffet, felt someone was sitting next to him. Once he saw that it was Ning Kongran, he took the initiative to greet him. “You didn’t go there and give them your blessing?” 

“I have given that long ago,” Ning Kongran replied. He looked at Sang Bu, and asked back, “How about you? You didn’t say hello to them?” 

“I’ve greeted Qiao via communicator. He knows I’m here.” Sang Bu put down his empty plate, then moved on towards eating the dessert. He looked at the bouquet of flowers on his hands, still dotted with dew. “The tree house in the middle is very pretty, isn’t it?”

Ning Kongran followed his gaze towards the quaint and beautiful tree house in the courtyard. He took a moment’s attention, nodded, and replied, “Yes, it’s beautiful.” And this kind of beauty was something that no one present at the moment, including the Yun family’s precious young master Yun Xiachu2Ning Kongran has some support from the Yun family, who is an ore-hunter family., could afford to give.

Only Chu Rong was able to give Qiao Zhiya such a thing. 

T/N: I can’t believe Chu Rong was about to throw hands at a 13-something boy at his own engagement party…

On the other note, after much thought, QZY befriending (?) Xiang Kun makes sense. He’s a tsundere magnet and minder. So XK’s prickly personality only meant that QZY took it as a challenge.

If you can, please support me by donating on my ko-fi~ For every 2 ko-fis, I’ll release an additional chapter ^^

1油盐不进,软硬不吃 idiom; someone who refuses to be influenced or persuaded, regardless of the approach or manner used. Aka unyielding and stubborn, which was actually repeated multiple times by Ning Kong’an on this passage to emphasize the degree of this trait.2Ning Kongran has some support from the Yun family, who is an ore-hunter family.

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