Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 82.2: 82.2


The political landscape of the Federation became lively again thanks to the open hostility between the Chu and the Ning family. On the surface, the public only thought that the Chu and Ning families were in disagreement because of their differing views in the pharmacy industry. In secret, all families knew that the Chu family wanted to crush the Ning family to dust. 

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Chu Rong became busy, and so was Qiao Zhiya. He was in the laboratory every day, concocting potions and remedies for the five patients. Thankfully, his efforts bore fruit before the five patients’ condition worsened. 

After taking this new potion, Eddie recovered quickly, while the situation of the other three people began to improve slowly. Only the old man – who claimed to be named Rick – who didn’t seem to improve. Although his consciousness returned to normal under the influence of the medicine, his physical body seemed incurable. If Qiao Zhiya did not use his wood-elemental magic to help him maintain his health everyday, it’s no exaggeration that he would have died. 

“The sun feels really good today.”

The gray-haired old man was sitting on a rattan chair in the courtyard, basking in the sun with a serene smile on his face. Seeing Qiao Zhiya looking at him worriedly, he went over to pat his head, and at the same time, lamented at the poor condition of the skin of his hand. The old man then quietly dismissed his thought and turned his attention to the rabbits who bounced around in the courtyard. In a nostalgic tone, he recalled, “I also liked rabbits very much when I was a kid. Unfortunately, my parents didn’t allow me to raise them back now… Now, I saw that my life was almost over. … “

“Grandpa Rick.” Qiao Zhiya called him anxiously.

The old man looked back, smiled at him, and stopped talking.

Qiao Zhiya became more worried when he saw this. After thinking about it, he got up, carried a little rabbit, and put it in the old man’s arms. He said, “Butler Grandpa is very busy these days. He can’t take care of the rabbit alone. So, Grandpa Rick, can you help me take care of them? Just for a few days.” 

The rabbit, fluffy and lively, was not shy at all. Its mouth and nose moved, making it look very cute. The old man smiled, reached out, and gathered the rabbit into his arms. He looked at it with affection, nodded, and said, “Alright, Grandpa will definitely raise it until they’re plump.”

Qiao Zhiya replied with a bright smile.

“That Ning family…” the old man said suddenly.

As soon as that mumble reached Qiao Zhiya’s ears, the smile on his face disappeared and his expression tightened.


“Has the TV series ‘Your Home My Home’ finished airing? What was the ending? I can’t seem to remember.” The old man suddenly changed the subject, looking very distressed and confused.

Qiao Zhiya’s straight ears fell down, and a smile appeared on his face again. He took out his photon computer and said, “I don’t remember it either. Grandpa, how about you accompany me to watch the ending again?” 

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The old man quickly smiled and nodded. The smile on his face lightened when he went to look at the photon computer, and a little regret flashed in his eyes.

‘Such a good day, I really want to live like this forever, ah.’

The Mecha Piloting Competition was about to start. After spending a few days with Grandpa Rick, Qiao Zhiya had to stay on the Internet for a long time to change the driving system for Rongtian.

At first, in order to cope with the Mecha Manufacturing Competition, he installed Rongtian with a spiritually-piloted system. Now that he wants to bring it for a test drive, he naturally has to change the system first.

The alien beast-based materials on the Internet were very complete, and they were all made from data. There was no psychological burden on using them. Qiao Zhiya’s research has gone smoothly. Then, when the entire manually-piloted system was about to take shape, he encountered a difficult problem. In reality, he could use his magic power to draw the perceptual magic array on the water-elemental magic stones to complete the core of the system. But he couldn’t do that – the jades on the Internet were just minerals, they didn’t have an ounce of magical power. 


There was also another problem. The manually-piloted system relied on the synchronization between the pilot’s movement and the mecha. But in this VR world, everyone’s “body” was a projection of the owner’s spiritual power. There was no physical movement at all – everything was just a simulation. 

In other words, there was no such thing as a manually-piloted system on the Internet. No matter how he sliced it, every mecha was piloted by spiritual power here. Essentially, every mecha battle in the VR world was just a spiritual power battle with extra steps. 

In reality, people without spiritual strength couldn’t log in at all. 

All in all, it was completely unrealistic to test drive a manually-piloted system online. 

After thinking about this, Qiao Zhiya completely withered, and almost wanted to withdraw from the competition. Chu Yan quickly stopped him and gave him a reason to continue to participate in the competition. “While you can’t test the piloting system, you can still test the mecha performance in general. Don’t forget, your mecha is completely made from remodeled parts that you invented. How do you know which ones are good and which ones are unnecessary without an actual test drive? ”

This statement woke him up. Qiao Zhiya cheered up again.

Yes, the test drive was not only for the piloting system, but also to see the performance and coordination of the various parts of the mecha.

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After cheering up, he immediately removed half of the failed manually-piloted system installed on Rongtian, ​​and replaced it with the previous spiritually-piloted system. Then, in order to thank Chu Yan for his reminder, he also made a handful of weapons for him. 

A few days later, the rules and schedule of the Mecha Piloting Competition came out.

This game is different from the previous Star Network Mecha Manufacturing Competition. Each game was scheduled from 2pm to 5pm every weekend. The whole competition itself was separated into 3 big rounds: the preliminary, the semifinals, and the finals. In the preliminary round, each round will select the top 10 winners to move to the next round. The game itself is a point-based randomized match, with the minimum point requirement being 100, and this goes on until the top 1000 of each division are decided.


Qiao Zhiya and Chu Yan both belong to the Federation Division, and because their registration time was close, they were actually assigned to the same stadium for their first game.

“It’s okay, we can definitely squeeze into the top 10. It’s a point-based match. If we’re lucky enough, we won’t ever confront each other. We can win this.” Chu Yan was comforted, and his mood was very good.

Qiao Zhiya nodded, waved his hand at the countdown, and teleported into his waiting room.

The points rules for this Mecha Piloting Competition were the same as the rules for the finals of the Intermediate College that Chu Yan originally participated in. Each win will net them 1 point, and each loss will lose them 1 point. However, the rules for this competition were more cut-throat. As long as the players lose three games in a row, then no matter how good their previous performance is, they will be eliminated.

‘I can’t lose three games in a row…’ Qiao Zhiya patted his face, encouraged himself, and set a goal in his heart – he must not lose in the first round, he must at least be competent in this preliminary round! 

At 2 o’clock, the game started and the system began to match them with their opponent. Qiao Zhiya finally confirmed Rongtian’s status and chose to log in to mecha.

The matching finished. After the countdown ended, he was teleported into the battle room, standing opposite a strange cyan mecha. A countdown to the start of the battle was hanging directly above the room.

Qiao Zhiya breathed a sigh of relief. ‘A cyan mecha, definitely not Chu Yan.’ 

In order to prevent cheating, players are prohibited from communicating in the battle room.  So after the countdown ended, Qiao Zhiya eliminated his friendly greeting procedures, and without hesitation, took out a hammer that was as big as the rule allowed, and rushed aggressively towards the opponent. 

He was still decent at driving a purely spiritually-piloted mecha. After familiarizing himself with the basic operation, he could make it move according to his will, even if it meant he couldn’t do those high-level mecha operations that needed many hours of practice. 

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The cyan mecha’s pilot saw the black tall mecha holding a large hammer, rushing over at a speed that did not match its height and shape. It was so fast its movement looked like a blur. 

It swung its giant hammer in a single, decisive blow.


The cyan mecha’s shoulder was crushed. The system determined that the cyan mech was too damaged to continue fighting, automatically making Qiao Zhiya win the game. 

Qiao Zhiya froze. He looked strangely at the cyan mecha, who didn’t even attempt to resist or evade his moment. ‘So weird, why didn’t they hide? Are they a novice? Are they scared?’ 


At the end of the game, the players were teleported back to the waiting room. The damage gained and energy used during the game were automatically restored, and the system began to match him for his next game. 

Qiao Zhiya quickly put his doubts behind him. He was a little excited and happily looking forward to the next game. It was so simple to win a game. If everyone was just at the level of cyan mecha in the preliminary round, he was still confident to survive this round.

On the other side, the cyan mecha pilot, who was also teleported back to their own waiting room, finally regained their composure. They stood blankly for a few seconds, then finally came back with a yell. 

That’s right! The black mecha was definitely made by the popular Qiao Zhiya, for his fiance Marshal Chu! The pictures of that mecha were going viral on the forum for quite a while after the competition ended. He wouldn’t be mistaken! Moreover, that mecha’s design was patented, and Qiao Zhiya didn’t let anyone buy the rights to use it. So there’s only one mecha like that in the entire whole world!

Oh my God, they actually encountered this kind of popular figure in their first match. Because of sheer shock, they froze in place even when Qiao Zhiya attacked them! 

Shame! Too shameful!

‘If the person in that mecha is Marshal Chu… wait! It is absolutely impossible for Marshal Chu to participate in this kind of competition. So… who’s piloting that mecha?’ 

That wild attack movements, distinctive weapons, and the unique driving style… Could it be that Third Young Master Chu borrowed Marshal Chu’s mecha for the competition? But that doesn’t make sense. They heard that Third Young Master Chu had a swift and elusive combat style, not this kind of brute force approach.

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Before they could figure it out, their next opponent had been matched, and they were teleported into the battle room. In front of them, a familiar silver-gray speedster mecha appeared.

‘Wait, wait, why does this mecha look a little familiar? Isn’t this Third Young Master C–’ 

At the end of the countdown, he watched the silver-gray mecha rushing forward. It was fast, its pathing was erratic, and instinctively he wanted to operate his mecha to avoid it. However, it was useless. His mecha shoulder was attacked again. It was badly damaged and the system judged him unable to fight – he lost again. 

He was teleported back to the player’s waiting room again. He stared numbly at the ceiling and was utterly numb.

‘The combat style of that mecha just now was definitely Third Young Master Chu. So… who was driving that black mecha before? It must not be Qiao Zhiya, hahahaha, how could a weak mech maker like Qiao Zhiya come to participate…’

He suddenly remembered the small hammer that Qiao Zhiya skillfully used during the competition, then the massive hammer in the black mecha’s hand. The numb smile on his face vanished, replaced by sheer shock of realization.

He remembered that the black mecha’s original weapon was a black dagger. Not a hammer, like in his previous game…

Qiao Zhiya loves using a hammer…

‘It can’t be, right?’

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