Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 84.1: 84.1


Intermediate medicine? Energy conversion agent?

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The audience was shocked, and their expectations grew stronger.

During this time, they watched Qiao Zhiya’s live broadcast religiously, learning various tips and tricks for using and substituting basic medicines in their daily lives. It greatly broadened their knowledge and saved them a considerable amount of money. They had been hoping that Qiao Zhiya would eventually help them upgrade to intermediate medicines, as the price difference between those two was quite substantial. Little did they expect that it would happen so soon!

The Energy Conversion Agent, as the name suggests, was a kind of drug that can convert the energy in the body, which made it very popular with mecha pilots. This is an emergency drug that can help them continue to fight by turning part of their physical energy into spiritual power when their spiritual power is about to run out.

This drug clearly states that it should be used with caution on the packaging. It also stated several side effects, which were uncontrollable muscle twitching, soreness, and tiredness over a period of time. 

In the mind of the citizens, such side effects were no big deal – they could be cured by a good night’s rest, so they didn’t think much of it. 

But this was not the case at all. A person’s physical strength and spiritual strength are completely two things. How can it be “converted”? How can the side effect be as simple as muscle soreness? Qiao Zhiye knew that with prolonged use, the consumer could be paralyzed for life! 

Qiao Zhiya was shocked when he first knew of this drug. Then, he was overcome with blistering hot anger. 

It’s terrible. He never thought that human beings could be so vicious to their own kind. His perception of the Ning family became worse.

The Ning family was cunning, and they knew what they’re doing. While they did label the side-effects, they only listed the light and obvious ones. They never listed the serious side effects. 

They also omitted a lot of ingredients of the drug. The Pharmacy Patent Protection Law, which the Ning family promoted and established many years ago, stipulates that certain individuals or enterprises’ unique drugs are not required to be fully disclosed to the masses, that is, the label does not need to state all the ingredients used, or the amount of each ingredient. They are allowed to only list the ingredients they wanted, and the rest can be listed as the type of the materials, or written to be as vague as possible. All of this is allowed in the name of “protecting trade secrets” over the drug’s formulation. 

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Of course, the premise is that the drugs must pass a safety audit to ensure that it is safe for its intended use. However, the Ning family controlled the Federation’s pharmaceutical industry and the government sector of it. They have people who worked in the drug’s safety audit. With that, why would the Ning family worry about whether or not their product passes the review? 


Before the festival, before the Chu-Ning family was still “amicable” to each other, Chu Rong wanted to review the Stone Grass potion in other planets, where the Ning family’s grip over the pharmaceutical industry was rather lax, so they wouldn’t be able to purposefully sabotage the safety review. One can imagine the strength of the Ning family in the pharmaceutical industry at that time.

Now, Chu Rong’s ability to counteract in the review process was due to his swift action in replacing a group of Ning family employees in the government’s pharmaceutical department during this period. He placed his own people in those positions. Meanwhile, Ning Tianya resigned from the position of the chairman, and the Ning family lost its biggest umbrella of protection in the Federation’s political sphere. 

The audience watched Qiao Zhiya’s action of organizing herbs behind his working table, and their emotions became more and more intense. Especially the mecha pilots who frequently used Energy Conversion Agent – they were already speculating whether Qiao Zhiya was going to share other methods for energy conversion with them.

After making sure all the herbs were sorted out, Qiao Zhiya looked at the audience and said directly, “There is no harmless method of energy conversion in this world. Physical strength and spiritual strength are specifically listed as two separate items for testing during qualification evaluation for a reason. They are completely different things, however, they are each other’s complement. Good physical fitness may give birth to higher spiritual strength. Advanced spiritual strength can relieve physical fatigue and make you recover faster. Also, it is widely known that the higher the spiritual strength, the slower the aging, and the longer the stipulated life span will be. In return, overexhausting one aspect can lead to collapse to the other – exhausting your spiritual strength can make you sick, and your control over your spiritual power will go haywire if you do it while you’re physically tired.” 

The audience was awoken by his explanation. He made sense. And so, many began to think: ‘Is there a harmless method of physical fitness conversion to spiritual power? Then that drug…’ 

Qiao Zhiya observed their reactions and saw that they didn’t immediately start questioning the drug’s negative effects. He reached out, picked up a herb, and said, “Now, I’ll demonstrate the process of making this so-called Energy Conversion Agent. Due to certain limitations in the patent protection law, I can’t fully reveal the formula. Therefore, I’ve already pre-processed some of the herbs for you, and these are their extracts.”

He pointed to a few metal sealed boxes on his hand, and threw the herbs in the processing instrument, and continued, “I’m starting, let’s take a closer look.”

Leaving aside other things, Qiao Zhiya’s method of making drugs was very smooth and pleasing. The audience’s attention was immediately drawn to his hands, forgetting their numerous questions. 


After processing all the herbs from the publicly disclosed formula, Qiao Zhiya paused and pointed to the metal boxes, saying, “Now, I’m going to mix them with the pre-prepared herbal extracts. Once the reaction is complete, the final product will be the Energy Conversion Agent you’re familiar with. During the reaction, let’s first test the composition of the liquids in these metal boxes and observe their components.”

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It’s almost done! 

The audience is getting excited, and their favorite part is the various unveiling segments during Qiao Zhiya’s live broadcasts.

What is the formulation of this medicine? In actuality, many of those high-sounding ingredients are just the scientific names of many common plant extracts. Those impressive-sounding “twenty-four processing steps” are just filtering the ingredients through instruments twenty-four times. Some drugs are essentially just fancy water with extra sugar, and many of them have higher packaging cost compared to the production cost1this is real for many RL drugs btw. The most famous example is insulin, which costs like, 1 USD to produce.! These are the little secrets revealed during this segment, and overall, this part is the most exciting part of the stream! 

After putting the remaining medicinal solution in the metal box into the detection instrument, Qiao Zhiya looked down at the data spat out from the instrument. His grip tightened. 

Due to patent laws, he couldn’t directly disclose the formula of the Energy Conversion Agent. However, he wanted everyone to intuitively understand why this drug was harmful based on the effects of the ingredient2just a side note, even if a compound is incredibly toxic and dangerous, it may become harmless after it reacts to something. Natrium is a very reactive element, and it can burn when it comes into contact with water. Chlorine is a very toxic gas. Combined, they make table salt.. So, he came up with this method – by only testing the efficacy of a certain “unknown” liquid, and so it did not involve patent infringement.

“Ping!” and the test results are out. He zoomed in on the results and let the audience see it. He began to explain the meaning of the various test data one by one. Then, when he pointed to a complex-sounding component, he paused and raised his voice. 

“Here, this ingredient is called XX3-type hormone.  It is a very special compound, and it’s a newly discovered ingredient. In nature, it is only found in a very few animals and herbs, and the most common one is the well-known Scaredy Grass.” 

‘Scaredy Grass? Isn’t that a kind of nasty plant that you can’t touch? It can swell if it perceives danger, then repel its aggressor with toxic gas?’

Immediately, the audience remembered the appearance of the Scaredy Grass. And overall, they did not have a pleasant association with it – in fact, many of them doubted if this kind of trashy plant can be used as a medicine at all. 


“Now, let me explain the principle of the Scaredy Grass’ defense mechanism of swelling and releasing toxic gas.” Qiao Zhiya changed the topic and brought up a video showing Scaredy Grass wilting after being touched. While playing the video, he explained, “When the Scaredy Grass is ‘frightened’, it instinctively squeezes all the energy in its body, causing its death and sudden size expansion. This swelling can scare enemies away by appearing larger, and it can protect the seeds hidden in its root. To ensure that enemies do not approach after its swelling and subsequent death, its body will immediately undergo a physiological change and release a pungent odor to drive away enemies.”

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The disgust on the audience’s faces was much shallower, and suddenly they felt a little sympathetic – Alas, this is just a plant that is so small that it can only use this extreme method to protect its future progeny. Quite pitiful. 

“What allows it to swell rapidly and immediately release the toxic, pungent gas is the abundant presence of XX3-type hormone in its system. When this XX3-type hormone is applied to the human body, the muscles in the human body will quickly accumulate strength, instinctively sending a message to the brain, ‘I am in danger, I’m about to die, please release power to protect me or drive away enemies.’ At the same time, the muscles, under the influence of the XX3-type hormone, release all life energy accumulation to the brain. Combining with the brain that received the danger signal, it squeezes the potential of the human body, rapidly replenishing spiritual strength.”

Qiao Zhiya continued to explain, and projected an animation of the human response prepared in advance.

The audience, who was still sympathetic to the Scaredy Grass, turned their attention to digesting this easy-to-understand animation. 

What does that mean? That damned XX3-type hormone will turn them into a Scaredy Grass? Is “squeezing potential” the meaning they understand? Then, what happens to them after they forcefully “squeeze out” their life energy… 

Qiao Zhiya took a look at their reactions and was pleased. He finally talked about the highlights of this issue, explaining in detail. “After repeatedly experiencing such ‘death’ fraud, the muscles and brains will gradually become insensitive to this danger reminder. As a result, the human body’s ability to cope with crises will greatly decrease, and at the same time, the muscles will gradually age and become damaged after this repeated overworking of their capabilities. This phenomenon manifested in those soreness or uncontrollable twitching, which can be cured by rest, yes, but that only if it happened once or twice. With prolonged use, the muscle can be severely damaged, atrophied, or even become permanently paralyzed.” 

One after another, terrible words spilled out of Qiao Zhiya’s mouth, shocking the audience, leading them into internal panic. The atmosphere in the live broadcast room became a little disturbed.

Qiao Zhiya was aware of their uneasiness, but did not stop explaining. “The damage and aging of muscles can also cause a problem, that is, it causes them to become weak and fragile. This is why some mecha pilots are famously physically weak despite their high spiritual power. For mecha pilots in this live broadcast, you must pay more attention to your body if you use this drug many times in the past. I suggest that you go to a hospital for a detailed physical inspection.” 

The comment area of ​​the live broadcast was flooded with questions. Many such mecha pilots felt their situation matched what Qiao Zhiya said, and they posted a lot of questions and anxieties. Of course, some people also doubt that the test data and the medicinal solution in the metal box were not the hidden components in the existing Energy Conversion Agents on the market.

After all, it was a patented medicine, and Qiao Zhiya’s formulation might not be correct. 

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Qiao Zhiya knew that without definitive evidence, some people wouldn’t be swayed. He immediately replaced the tested liquid in the detector with several others and quickly pointed out the various components.

Then the audience was shocked to discover that all the liquids in the metal boxes actually contained XX3-type hormones, and some even had other harmful substances to the human body.


The reaction apparatus stopped working and the drug was successfully synthesized. 


Qiao Zhiya took out the drug, bottled them, and placed them next to the purchased ones. He said, “Now let’s test these two drugs. Number one is the one I just made, and number two is the one I bought. Here is the purchase record and certificate for the number two drug, complete with the code on the label. Take a look. Also, I haven’t opened this packaging; it’s sealed. Now I’ll open it.”

In front of the audience, the drug was taken apart. Qiao Zhiya put the two drugs together and showed them to the audience. Then he put them together in the testing equipment.

Soon, the test results spat out, and Qiao Zhiya projected them into the air.

“Everyone can take a look. The final detection data of the drug I made and the bought one are statistically identical. Now we will test the finished product separately.”

In order to make everyone more visually aware of the harm of Energy Conversion Agents, Qiao Zhiya went through the trouble of testing the purchased energy conversion agent again. Then, pointing to the very clear data of XX3-type hormone on it, facing the audience, he said, “I emphasize once again, there is no harmless and safe method of energy conversion in this world. The human body is a whole, interconnected system. If it is made to forcefully ‘squeeze’ one part to replenish another part, it will ultimately result in the complete loss of function of the squeezed part.”

The audience rarely saw him look this grim and serious. Some were shocked by the momentum he showed at this time.

“This time I won’t send out the finished product to you. I don’t want to send this thing out.” Qiao Zhiya quickly calmed down and just prepared to end the live broadcast. But then, he remembered something, so he added, “I don’t recommend the usage of this Energy Conversion Agent, but I acknowledge that it has several use cases. Should you face a critical battle that threatened your life, then using this drug as a last ditch effort definitely will help. But remember, go to the hospital afterwards to ensure your body is still healthy. The doctors also may give you a complete treatment plan. As for daily usage, please don’t use them.” 

After saying that and being assured he had said all he wanted to convey, he let out a sigh. Facing the audience, he gave a smile and a wave. “Today’s live broadcast is over, thank you for watching, good night.” After speaking, he turned off the live broadcast equipment.

1this is real for many RL drugs btw. The most famous example is insulin, which costs like, 1 USD to produce.2just a side note, even if a compound is incredibly toxic and dangerous, it may become harmless after it reacts to something. Natrium is a very reactive element, and it can burn when it comes into contact with water. Chlorine is a very toxic gas. Combined, they make table salt.

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