Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 86.2: 86.2


“Ah!” Qiao Zhiya exclaimed, he was baffled. He didn’t see how Chu Rong moved – it felt like a dark blur flashed over, and then Chu Yan fell to the ground.

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Chu Yan turned his head in disbelief to look at the black mecha towering at him, feeling stunned and amazed. ‘What kind of speed was this? Why did it feel much faster than before?’

“Sure enough, it’s perfectly synchronized.” Chu Rong’s voice came out of the mecha again, with a slightly different tone than usual, sounding more excited than usual. He reached out and patted Chu Yan’s silver mecha, saying, “Get up, continue to attack. Attack me with your full strength.” 

Regaining his senses, Chu Yan angrily got up, wanting to withdraw and give up—he had already exerted all his strength! In front of Chu Rong, how could he dare to hold back and go easy on him? Was he asking for death?

The two mechs clashed again. This time, the black mecha visibly restrained itself, slowing down its speed. At least, Qiao Zhiya could now see its attack trajectory clearly, and Chu Yan could finally exchange more blows with it.

The sound of bangs kept coming, and the movement of the black mecha became more and more flexible. As Qiao Zhiya looked at the black mecha moved just like Chu Rong, his heart was surging.

In the past, the manually-piloted mecha battle style was all fixed, even if it was piloted by Chu Rong. After all, moving the mecha required him to press the operation panel to issue a command. This mecha was different, as long as it can be done by one’s body, the mecha could move the same way. 

Another familiar leg sweeping action appeared, the arc and strength were exactly the same as the one Chu Rong showed him. He couldn’t help leaning over, and his ears were fluttering with excitement.

—Sure enough, his decision to refine the joints and all movable parts of the mecha, allowing it to approach the human body more closely, was correct. Such modifications allowed the pilot to better unleash the mecha’s potential!

Inside the silver mecha, Chu Yan became even more shocked. His expression became more serious in tandem.

Too strong! He has always known that his Erge was very strong, be it in mecha-piloting or real life combat. But he never knew that when his Erge applied the strong synchronous reaction he displayed in real sparring to the mecha, it would result in such a stunning and amazing effect!

His next move was completely unpredictable, his attack speed was inhumane, and all kinds of small movements only enhanced the lethality of each action. Even the mecha seemed to be enveloped in this living, murderous aura! 

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This was not just a mecha; it was like a living person clad in armor, engaging in hand-to-hand combat with him!

He had to intentionally broaden the advantage of the spiritually-piloted system, performing various complex and sophisticated maneuvers that would be impossible to be done by a human body. However, the usually invincible attack methods now seemed cumbersome and powerless. The black mecha always quickly found gaps in his high-end maneuvers, launching powerful counterattacks, breaking through, and delivering fatal blows, leaving him with no chance of successfully executing his maneuvers.

He had to distance himself. 

Sweat beaded on his forehead as he began piloting his mecha backward. The black mecha seemed to sense his intention and suddenly retreated as well. The distance between the two mechs quickly widened. Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, thinking he had escaped the oppressive atmosphere of the black mecha, a black short dagger suddenly rushed straight towards his cockpit.

There was no way to evade this move. Instinctively, he raised his arm to protect the cockpit, closed his eyes, and awaited the impact of the short dagger. However, the expected impact did not come. Confused, he opened his eyes and moved his hand away, only to be shocked by the scene before him, almost dropping to his knees.

The black mecha had somehow moved to a position almost face-to-face with him. Its eyes were directly aligned with his cockpit, and it still held the short dagger that was about to pierce into his cockpit. Judging from the posture, it seemed that the black mecha had taken advantage of his distraction with the short dagger to rapidly close the distance and promptly seized the opportunity.

In other words, even if he avoided the short dagger attack, he could not avoid the following attack. 

It was terrifying—not only in terms of speed and the intensity of its attacks but also in terms of its presence and psychological impact. Unlike purely spiritually-piloted mechas, manually-piloted mechas were noticeably more “barbaric” and “imposing”. Their attack patterns were also more diverse.


“The next time you encounter such an attack, you can defend it with a counterattack instead.”

The black mecha retracted its aggressive stance, took a step back after gripping the short dagger, and suddenly patted Chu Yan’s mecha on the shoulder. In a rare moment of praise, he said, “You’ve improved. Take a break, and later, you can spar with Qiao Zhiya.”

Chu Yan was momentarily stunned by the pat but nodded. The tense strings in his heart finally relaxed—no more sparring with Erge. That was great. He knew Qiao Zhiya’s skill level. Sparring with him would be much easier. 

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Then soon, reality gave him a slap.

The black mecha descended from the sky with an overwhelming force like Mount Tai. It came crashing down, and Chu Yan dodged in a disheveled manner, swiftly executing several high-end maneuvers to evade Qiao Zhiya’s subsequent attacks. Then, he attempted to create distance between them.

However, Qiao Zhiya showed no sign of letting him run away. Like a predator locked on into its prey, he pursued Chu Yan. 

Chu Yan’s heart is full of tears of vicissitude. Was all manually-piloted mecha this poisonous? Why is it so “barbaric” no matter who piloted it? Especially Qiao, who looked like a strange switch had been flipped inside of him, his combat style was even wilder and barbaric than usual. 

Although he could still handle it, the constant vigilance against unexpected attacks from all directions was truly exhausting. Moreover, Qiao Zhiya was strong, and he couldn’t shake off the feeling that if he got his hands on his mech, his mecha would be scrapped. 

After a full hour, Qiao Zhiya finally jumped out of the mech, his forehead covered in sweat but her eyes shining with excitement. Happily, he said, “The flexibility in the joint areas can be improved a bit more. The piloting system is completely fine. The speed control device on the pedal can be adjusted further too.”

After all, legs couldn’t compete with machines. There was still room for improvement in terms of mobility and flight in the manually-piloted mechas.


“Mn.” Chu Rong nodded, took out a towel and stepped forward to wipe his sweat. “This piece can be studied by Master Ren. According to my estimation, only individuals with at least an intermediate level of physical fitness can pilot it. Otherwise, they won’t be able to withstand the combat intensity of mecha battles.”

“They also need some level of martial arts skill. This is non-negotiable.” Qiao Zhiya added that when he brought the towel over. His fluttering ears intentionally and made it worse. He was very excited and livelier than usual.

Chu Rong’s eyes calmed down. He nodded as he squeezed the youth’s ears. 

On the other side, Chu Yan, descending from his silver mecha, watched the sweet scene unfold. He covered his head and squatted in a corner. ‘This is bad. Not only is my family status inferior, but my mecha piloting skills are also at the bottom in this family.’

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‘No, no… Dasao and the old butler are still weaker than me…. Ah, I want to run away from home again.’ 

A shadow suddenly covered from behind. He froze, and turned to look behind him.

He didn’t know when Chu Rong walked over. When Chu Yan saw him, the older man suddenly bent down to pat his head. Then, he turned and walked back to Qiao Zhiya’s side, retracting the black mecha. He said, “We’ll continue in the afternoon. Let’s go eat first.”

Chu Yan raised his hand and touched his head, his mouth narrowed, then suddenly took a deep breath, stood up, and raised his voice, saying, “Alright! We’ll continue in the afternoon!” He could still fight! He could fight 10,000 more rounds!

Qiao Zhiya noticed his brief moment of loss of composure, narrowed his eyes, and smiled. Although Chu Rong had always wanted to make Chu Yan mature and strong as soon as possible, occasionally he couldn’t help but want to pamper the youngest brother. At such times, Xiao Yan’s reactions were always cute.

After lunch, Fan Xiangnan and Lin Zhen both arrived at the Chu family’s house. Chu Huai and Gu Yan’an also spared their time in the afternoon. All of them gathered in the mech battle hall to see Chu Rong’s new mecha.

In the afternoon, Chu Yan still had a turn, but the time was not long. He only fought for a while before stepping down. For the next few hours, Fan Xiangnan and Lin Zhen took turns going up to spar with Chu Rong.

When sparring with his two subordinates, Chu Rong no longer restrained his strength. His movements became more fierce, and his speed was so fast that it was almost invisible to the naked eye. The intensity of the battle was far beyond the playful sparing of the morning.

After a test drive in the afternoon, Chu Rong and Qiao Zhiya discovered several subtle bugs in Rong Tian. Qiao Zhiya took note of them separately. In the next few days, they helped Rong Tian get debugged. 

Rong Tian’s success gave him a lot of new inspiration, and he wanted to try to make his own smalle mecha. 

Time passed in a flash. After almost a month of preparation for the preliminary’s final, the competition schedule was finally out. At this moment, there were faint rumors about the Elder Ning family preparing to retire to the Empire to be with his daughter.

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After such a long time, Qiao Zhiya was no longer depressed because he heard the news of the Ning family. Chu Yan now had no qualms about pulling him into such gossip. 

“I heard that not only Elder Ning, but also Ning Kongting, Ning Konghua, and even Ning Kong’an are all planning to go together,” Chu Yan dramatically sigh, smacking his lips. Thinking about the current situation of the Ning family, he felt a bit melancholic and continued, “After the summer vacation, the presidential election will begin. It seems like their family wants to avoid the public scrutiny. The public’s resentment towards the Ning family is too great now. After this incident, most of the Ning family’s industries have collapsed. They also dare not introduce new drugs temporarily. Without sufficient financial support, their private army will definitely shrink. It’s a chain reaction, one problem leading to another… Well, it’s a case of reaping what you sow.”

Upon hearing this, Qiao Zhiya thought of Ning Kongran, whom he hadn’t contacted in a long time. Putting down the parts in his hands, he asked, “Is everyone from the Ning family going? Aren’t they interested in the affairs here in the Federation?”

Although the Ning family’s pharmaceutical influence was severely damaged, they were not completely uprooted. They only lost the problematic drugs, but they also put out a lot of real, helpful drugs. The Ning family would not be left in that desperate of a situation. 

“Not at all. Ning Tianya and Ning Tianxing will stay behind. Only the elder and younger generations are going, bar Ning Kongran, I think, since he’s the heir. The Ning family cannot abandon the Federation’s stronghold. Even though their situation is dire now, they still have significant strength that other emerging families can’t match.” Chu Yan explained. Then, remembering something, he added, “Final exams are about to begin. Remember to take your exams. Don’t forget.”

Qiao Zhiya nodded, thinking of Ning Kongran, his frown slightly twisted.

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