Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 93.3: 93.3


On the primitive planet, Qiao Zhiya finally finished the repair of the entire flagship. 

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Chu Rong first arranged for him to rest, then used the reserve energy stored on the flagship to fully replenish its energy. He spent the afternoon cautiously fine-tuning and making various preparations for departure.

That evening, bidding a reluctant farewell to Elder Tree-xiansheng, the two stood in the control room, facing the asteroid belt shrouding the primitive planet, setting off with the gifts brought by the small animals sent by the venerable ancient tree. 

Outside the asteroid belt. 

The new Emperor of the Empire, despite opposition from the people, personally went to the frontlines to oversee the troops after the appearance of the Zerg Queen. 

A few days later, probably unable to bear seeing his soldiers suffer any longer, the new Emperor, who outwardly appeared very benevolent, surprisingly extended an olive branch to the Federation. He invited both the Federation and the Empire to join forces and confront humanity’s common enemy – the Zerg Queen!

And he expressed that if they wanted to resolve the conflict as quickly as possible, they must first kill the Zerg Queen. Otherwise, the new peace would not arrive. As long as the Zerg Queen existed, the Zergs would keep emerging endlessly, much like indestructible cockroaches.

After receiving the invitation, Long Ruifeng felt that the new Emperor was quite logical. He immediately responded to his invitation.

Both the citizens of the Empire and the Federation showed support for this cooperation. Amidst the collective anticipation, the You and Ning families from the Federation were the first to step forward, expressing their support for the President and the new Emperor’s decision. They were willing to organize their armies to join forces and eradicate the Zerg Queen. 

The Xiang-Wei family also expressed support after a few days of silence. However, the Chu family never expressed their stand.

After learning about this development, the public’s feelings towards the Chu family became increasingly complex.

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Firstly, there’s no doubt that the Chu family has saved humanity. Secondly, the disappearance of Chu Rong and Qiao Zhiya while protecting others can be seen as a heroic sacrifice. Thirdly, with only Chu Huai left as the head of the family, and Chu Yan having gone to the frontlines and recently faced danger, the situation within the family is precarious.


In summary, the Chu family has already made significant and substantial contributions to the Federation and humanity. People should be grateful to them. However, the current behavior of the Chu family, encouraging Yuan Lie and He Hongjun not to use medication for the soldiers, was indeed irrational.

Given the situation of the Chu family, even if they don’t participate directly in the joint operation to besiege the Zerg Queen, it wouldn’t be a problem. However, their continuous delay in making a statement, and even influencing Yuan Lie and He Hongjun not to express their stance, was somewhat concerning.

“I’m going. Dage, you should stay.” Chu Yan said in the call, his attitude unflinching. 

Chu Huai firmly refused, saying, “No way! This is a trap! Long Ruifeng and Prince An Xei are obviously unable to deal with the Chu family directly, so they’re planning to seize an opportunity to weaken the military strength of the Chu family. If you go, it’s just walking into a death trap! Everyone going is walking into a deathtrap! I won’t allow it!”

“That’s why I should go!” Chu Yan insisted, eyes reddening, “Only I can go!” 

“Bullshit!”  Chu Huai was so angry that he really lost his temper with him for the first time in forever. He continued to shout, “You come back right now! Don’t force me to tie you up!” 

Chu Yan’s expression tensed, and he suddenly glanced at the bowed figure of Gu Yan’an sitting behind Chu Huai. He clenched his fists tightly and said, “Dage, you must stay. The Chu family will rely on you for support in the future. You have to think about Dasao.” 

“There’s only me and Yan’an in the Chu family. I—” 


“Dage!” Chu Yan interrupted him, took a deep breath, and suddenly changed the subject, saying, “Zhuang-jie contacted me this morning. She said she saw Dasao sneak back to her parents’ home yesterday while you were away. She seemed a bit absent-minded. I was worried, so I contacted the Gu family to ask about it. Dasao, she—”

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“Xiao Yan!” Gu Yan’an stood up in alarm, raising her voice to interrupt him, then stepped forward to pull Chu Huai, soothingly saying, “Alright, alright, let’s not argue. Let’s both calm down. This time, the Xiang and Wei families have obviously also seen the President’s intentions. Let’s see how they are going to respond first. Both of you, don’t be hasty.”

Chu Huai was immediately soothed. However, after a brief pause, Chu Yan continued, “Dage, Dasao is pregnant. So you must stay.” 

Upon hearing this, Gu Yan’an stiffened for a moment, then quickly reached out to turn off the communication device. She forced a smile at Chu Huai and said, “Don’t listen to Xiao Yan’s nonsense. He’s still a child, what does he know? Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him again. He’s just being stubborn for the moment.”

Seeing this, Chu Huai, still reeling from the bomb dropped by Chu Yan, instinctively put his hand on her shoulder. His gaze fell on her still-flat abdomen, and he reached for the communicator to dial his in-laws’ number.

“Stop.” Ge Yan’an hurriedly pressed his hand, knowing that she couldn’t hide it any longer. She stepped forward and hugged him, saying, “Ah Huai, it’s okay. This child came at an inconvenient time. I can, I can…” She couldn’t finish her sentence.

Chu Huai tightly hugged her, his eyes slightly reddened. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, and in a hoarse voice, he said, “No, no, it’s not inconvenient, I assure you.” 

He patted Gu Yanan’s hair, but he couldn’t say anything more than this sentence.

The next day, Chu Yan posted an announcement on his social media account stating that the Chu family fully supports the operation to surround and exterminate the Zerg Queen. He personally commits to accompany the army to the forefront.

The online discussion about the Chu family disappeared immediately after this announcement dropped. For a brief moment, the Starnet was eerily quiet. 


Chu Yan, not even twenty years old this year, is representing the Chu family to battle against the Zerg queen. This inevitably brings back memories of Chu Rong from over a decade ago. Once again, regardless of the mistrust and skepticism from the public, the Chu family was doing everything within their power to contribute.

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As for the matter of the Chu family’s military refusing to use the medication, perhaps the Chu family has some other considerations. In the midst of a great war, at the very least, they should not doubt the Chu family’s desire to protect the people and the Federation.

After Chu Yan’s announcement, which was not formal, was issued, both the Xiang and the Wei family also made  a statement, saying that they would send soldiers to go to the frontline. 

The joint operation to besiege the Zerg Queen by the two countries has been completely finalized, and preparations for the siege operation are proceeding rapidly.

The Empire seemed prepared as if they had been ready for a while, immediately deploying a well-equipped army. The Ning and You families also quickly mobilized their elite forces. However, the Xiang-Wei delayed for two days before ostensibly presenting their respective main forces.

In the end, it was Yuan Lie and He Hongjun who represented the Chu family. Yuan Lie temporarily assumed the position of marshal in place of Chu Rong and, along with Chu Yan, led the army personally trained by Chu Rong to the front lines. He Hongjun followed suit after Yuan Lie’s actions and also organized his strongest army to join the effort.

Three days later, the most powerful army in the entire Blue Galaxy gathered together and set off towards the Zerg Queen. 

Chu Huai sat silently in his study, gazing at the beautiful star map of the Blue Galaxy. After a moment of contemplation, he took a deep breath and picked up the communicator, dialing his assistant’s number. He ordered, “Increase surveillance on all planets, implement the highest level of alertness across the board. Our elite forces are already at the forefront, we cannot afford any issues in the rear.”

He didn’t wait for a reply before hanging up. He then looked at Gu Yan’an, who just pushed open the study’s door, waiting quietly for the result. 

The Zerg Queen was hunkered down above a border planet of the Empire, where a black hole roughly the size of three large spaceships was slowly spinning in space. At its center, the Queen’s tentacles could be seen swaying back and forth.


Around the black hole, densely packed small Zergs kept circling it, protecting the center. 

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After arriving at their destination, everyone gathered for a meeting aboard the Imperial Royal Flagship. Next to the gleaming platinum-colored imperial vessel were the family flagships of the Ning, Xiang, and Wei families. The Chu family’s slightly less imposing warship was arranged alongside the ships of the You, Yuan, and He families, subtly indicating a lower status.

“To defeat the Zerg Queen, we must first eliminate the surrounding swarm. Let Lieutenant General Yuan and Marshal He lead the vanguard forces, while the task of dealing with the Zerg Queen can be left to those of us with flagships,” Ning Tianya proposed, displaying a spirit of selflessness.

Yuan Lie immediately voiced his opposition, but Emperor An Mhu disregarded his objection and voiced support for Ning Tianya’s proposal. Following suit, the You Family also expressed their support for Ning Tianya’s suggestion. As for the Xiang and Wei families, after some hesitation, they remained neutral.

Looking every bit like a scholarly military strategist despite his rank as a marshal, He Hongjun finally spoke up, saying, “It’s no problem for me and Lao Yuan to lead the charge together. But the Empire’s side can’t just sit back and watch. We need someone to lead the charge there as well. I’ve heard that His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire enjoys the feeling of being on the front lines. How about he joins us this time?”

As soon as this remark was made, the conference room was quiet. Finally, Long Ruifeng immediately uttered and yelled, “Marshal He! Pay attention to your words.”

“I merely offered a suggestion, much like Ning-xiansheng did. Is there something wrong with that?” He Hongjun retorted calmly, then seemed to suddenly remember something as he looked at Ning Tianya, asking with a hint of puzzlement, “Strange, if Marshal Chu’s younger brother Chu Yan wasn’t allowed into this meeting due to his low position, then how did Ning-xiansheng manage to get in?”

Ning Tianya, who was targeted and ridiculed, shuddered. He appeared speechless. 

Long Ruifeng frowned, and said again, “The Ning family’s contribution is huge. Ning-xiansheng was invited by me. What’s your opinion, Marshal He?”

“No objections,” He Hongjun said with a smile, getting up. “Let’s forget about it. If you want to bully someone, just do it directly. What’s with the theatrics here? Old Yuan, let’s go and deal with the Zergs. Ah, I wonder if some people will be scared to death by the innocent souls coming to haunt them in their dreams at night.”


Upon hearing this, Yuan Lie got up without a word and left the meeting room with him, leaving the rest of the people in silence with various expressions on their faces.

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