Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 94.3: 94.3



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A platinum-colored shell, trailing flames like a miniature meteor, suddenly swept past the Chu family’s forces gathered just in front of the warships, clearing away the small Zergs in front of them. Then, it slammed directly into the Zerg Queen’s body from the side.

“Boom boom boom—!”

Something exploded, causing the Zerg Queen to writhe in pain, twisting its body. It slowly retracted back into the black hole.

Everyone froze.

What’s going on? Who fired first? The direction of this shell seems a bit off. And only the flagship of the Four Great Families should have the firepower to launch such a projectile. Could it be the Xiang and Wei families?

“Execute Plan 3 Retreat! Everyone move towards direction N03, I’ll open the hatch and wait for you!”

A familiar cold and solemn voice suddenly echoed across the battlefield, and then a massive, pure black flagship, as if it had already merged into the universe, suddenly appeared on the side of the battlefield.

Its arrogant hatch swung wide open, completely undaunted by the small Zergs closely following its assault. The cannons on board aimed directly at the platinum-colored flagship in the rear after repelling the Zerg Queen, while the cold and solemn voice continued to resonate: “Leave the Zerg Queen to me. Traitors and the remaining vermin are yours. Move out!”

The soldiers gathered outside the circle, and Chu Yan stared blankly at the familiar yet unfamiliar flagship. His lips trembled, his eyes suddenly reddened, and then he raised his hand to wipe his eyes vigorously. In a departure from his previous quiet obedience to orders, he shouted loudly on the general channel, “Retreat! Head to Marshal Chu’s location!”

As if awakening from a dream, after a brief moment of silence, a frenzy erupted on the general channel, as if victory in the war had already been achieved. Everyone raised their weapons high, swiftly dispersing according to the requirements of Plan 3 Retreat, and then cooperated with each other as they headed towards the hatch of the black flagship.

At the same time, the Chu family warship on the other side also responded and began to help the soldiers.


“It’s Marshal Chu!” After issuing the final command, Yuan Lie couldn’t help but slam his fist against the console. The burly man, normally so stoic, choked up for a moment, but his tone was particularly impassioned as he roared, “Obey the Marshal’s orders! Kill the traitors!” With that, he quickly redirected the cannons at the rear of the warship, aiming at the Ning and You families’ flagships.

The person in charge of the Xiang and Wei families stared in disbelief at the suddenly appearing black flagship, hesitantly asking, “Is that… the Chu family’s flagship? It’s… repaired? When did this happen?”

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“The person who issued that command just now is Chu Rong?” The other voice followed in confusion.

The two exchanged a glance, then both shuddered involuntarily, their minds filled with disbelief.

For the second time, the Chu family, this sinister deity, emerged from the black hole, this time bringing along their even more sinister flagship!

Without giving them a chance to continue their shock, a forced communication suddenly broke through the defenses of both families’ flagships and intruded. Chu Rong’s icy voice resounded, “Traitors or heroes who kill the traitors; two choices, you have ten seconds to decide.” With that, the communication was abruptly terminated.

The leaders of both families felt as if Chu Rong’s voice was a sharp blade grazing their necks. After stiffening for a few seconds, they both snapped back to reality. They quickly pressed the communication devices and shouted loudly to their subordinates, “Fully cooperate with Marshal Chu’s orders! Redirect the cannons! Redirect the cannons!”

“Swish swish swish.”


The previously silent flagships of the Xiang and Wei families suddenly sprang into action, their cannons all redirecting to aim at the Ning family flagship behind them.

The battlefield situation turned sharply.

The confident expressions on Long Ruifeng and Ning Tianya’s faces froze, their eyes widened as they gazed at the massive flagship that posed such a threat that even the Zerg Queen dared not emerge from the black hole. While their smiles remained, expressions of shock and fear crept onto their faces, distorting them into a terrifying visage.

“How is it possible!” Long Ruifeng roared incredulously, his eyes cracked wide open. “No! Chu Rong is dead! How could he show up! Why–“

The Ning family’s flagship commander suddenly spoke, panicking and said, “Second Master! Communication is blocked! We can’t reach the outside world!”

Ning Tianya trembled upon hearing this, hastily retrieving his communicator to dial An Xei’s communication, but of course, it couldn’t connect. His hand shook as he glared at the black flagship, his gaze almost ablaze with hatred. Through gritted teeth, he said, “It’s Chu Rong again! It’s the Chu family again! Keep stimulating the Zergs! Kill Chu Rong! Kill them all!”

The commander trembled at his distorted tone, quickly obeying orders and operating the console in front of him.

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On the Chu family flagship, Qiao Zhiya wore protective gear and stood at the hatch, his feet on a magic circle, with Qiuqiu and its two children by its side. He nervously commanded Qiuqiu to pull out any Zerg attempting to charge in, while tightly gripping a small crossbow in his hand, occasionally striking down with it.

Soon, the first wave of retreating soldiers rushed over, and his eyes lit up. He quickly extended his magic to guard the position of the hatch, vigorously waving towards them and shouting, “Quick! This way! This way! We have a magic circle protecting us here! Come quickly!”

The first group to arrive was Fan Xiangnan’s squad. They didn’t have time to talk to Qiao Zhiya upon landing, immediately pitching in to assist the others. However, Qiao Zhiya swiftly approached them, pulling Fan Xiangnan aside and saying, “Go to the command room and help with the flagship. Chu Rong is going to kill the Zerg Queen. Hurry.”


Upon hearing this, Fan Xiangnan paused his weapon action, then suddenly turned to rub his head and ears. He then pointed out two members of his team and hurriedly led them towards the command room.

Qiao Zhiya felt awkward petted like this. And before he had recovered, his body was hugged by a taller man from behind.

“Xiao Yan?” He suddenly smelled someone familiar. He struggled and turned to look up at the other.

Chu Yan held onto him tightly as if afraid he would disappear again. His eyes were red, and his expression was very serious. He carried a cold and stern demeanor from the battlefield, making him seem rigid all over.

Qiao Zhiya’s heart softened as he quickly comforted him, patting him gently and pushing him towards the command room. He said, “Go on, Chu Rong is in the command room. He probably hasn’t gotten into the mecha yet. You can go talk to him.”

Chu Yan stood firm, glaring at him with narrowed eyes for a few seconds. Suddenly, he reached out and gave his ear a hard tug, then turned around and walked to the hatch, pulling out his weapon and joining the ranks of the support troops.

Qiao Zhiya was once again taken aback. He rubbed his ear, which had been “abused” repeatedly today, and his gaze swept over Chu Yan’s thinner figure and shortened hair. A hint of pity flashed in his eyes, and he quickly stepped forward to help.

The elite troops brought by Yuan Lie, who were trained by Chu Rong himself, executed Chu Rong’s orders with great efficiency. In no time, everyone had retreated into the flagship, and then the airlocks closed, blocking all attacks from the outside by the Zergs.

Lin Zhen stayed behind to count the number of people and make further arrangements, while Qiao Zhiya and Chu Yan hurriedly went to the command center.

After Chu Rong explained to Fan Xiangnan that he was going to take his mecha out after the follow-up, he saw Qiao Zhiya and Chu Yan return.

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He paused, his gaze falling on Chu Yan in military uniform. After a moment’s hesitation, he stepped forward and patted his shoulder, saying, “Well done. You’ll be rewarded when we get back home.”

Upon hearing this, Chu Yan, who had been holding back tears all along, trembled slightly. Suddenly, he stepped forward and hugged him tightly, resting his forehead on his shoulder. His shoulders shook, and he let out a muffled sob, whispering softly, “Erge.”

Chu Rong immediately hugged him, and his voice sounded a little lost. He patted his back hard and said, “It’s fine, everyone will be safe. We are all fine.”

Qiao Zhiya was affected by Chu Yan’s crying, and a feeling of heartache arose again. He sniffled and also lowered his head, silently shedding tears, afraid of being noticed. He pretended to wipe his nose to discreetly wipe away his tears.

Fan Xiangnan looked at the scene with helplessness and warmth, feeling that the weight he had been carrying for over two months had finally lifted. The leader had returned, the backbone of the team was restored, and they no longer had to live in fear.

“Sir, the Zerg Queen emerged again!”

The soldier staring at the detection screen suddenly made a noise.

The sentimental atmosphere of the reunion was broken. Wiping away his tears, Chu Yan looked at the screen, while Chu Rong turned his head to see the fearless return of the Zerg Queen, furrowing his brow. He quickly exchanged a few words with Fan Xiangnan, patted Chu Yan on the shoulder, then grabbed his mecha and strode purposefully towards the exit of the control room.

Qiao Zhiya stared back and forth, busy following in the footsteps of Chu Rong.

Chu Rong heard his footsteps and looked back at him. He touched Qiao Zhiya’s reddened eyelid, slightly frowning. 


“I can help you,” Qiao Zhiya thought Chu Rong might not want him to follow, so he quickly assured, “I won’t get close, just provide long-range support for you. I’ve made a new bow and arrow with the grade ten materials given by Elder Tree-xiansheng. It has great destructive power.”

Chu Rong remained silent for a few seconds before finally nodding his head and holding his hand.

On the battlefield, the flagships of the Ning, You, and Empire’s were all held at gunpoint by the ships of the Chu, Xiang, Wei families, along with those of Yuan Lie and He Hongjun. They dared not make any move, leaving only the swarm of Zergs to continue their rampage.

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The Zerg Queen attempted to extend its body again, and the scattered small Zergs outside became even more frenzied. Just at this moment, a black-gold mecha suddenly flew out from the black flagship, directly raised its double-barreled gun, and fired towards the Zerg Queen. 

He aimed it at the Zerg Queen’s eyes. 


The glow of the cannonball was even more dazzling, hitting the Zerg Queen directly in the eye. The Zerg Queen writhed in pain once again, retracting its body towards the black hole.

The black mecha immediately followed.

Ning Tianya widened his eyes in shock once again—was that a double-barreled gun? No! It couldn’t be! He had seen Chu Rong’s double-barreled gun before, and it definitely didn’t have that kind of power!

No, now is not the time to worry about that! Only one Zerg Queen has been nurtured, and if Chu Rong kills it, then all their plans will be ruined! Moreover, there are some absolutely confidential secrets hidden in that black hole!

“Set fire! Set fire on that black-gold mecha! Never let him near the black hole!”

He lost his temper and shouted loudly, but the commander dared not move at all, trembling as he said, “B-but we are already surrounded. Once we open fire…” they would surely be blasted into pieces by the surrounding mechas and warships!

Behind the black-gold mecha, within the brown mecha, Qiao Zhiya enveloped himself in magic, disguising himself as a member of the Zergs and followed behind the black mecha. His cheeks were flushed red — finally, Chu Rong had used the double-barreled gun he personally made. Previously, Chu Rong had never used it, and Qiao Zhiya had thought that Chu Rong didn’t like his creation.

For victory! 

He clenched his fist, and so did the brown mecha, moving agilely towards the Zerg Queen hidden within the black hole.


Chu-cockroach-Rong, who will Not Die despite various attempted murders: Surprise bitch, I bet you’ve thought you seen the last of me

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