Dwarf In The Future

Chapter 96.3: 96.3

Character ListQiao Zhiya: Half-elf, half-dwarf MC.

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Chu Rong: Marshal ML.
Fan Xiangnan: ML’s second-in-command.
Tan Shengwei: A captain in ML’s army.
Zhuang Yu: A doctor in ML’s army.
Chu Yan: ML’s younger brother. Is the same age as MC.
Lin Zhen: MC’s designated teacher during his stay in ML’s warship.
Chu Huai: ML’s older brother, he’s in politics.
Gu Yan’an: Chu Huai’s wife. She’s a doctor.


Yuan Lie: Yuan Xiu’s father, a Lieutenant General.
Xiang Kun: Chu Yan’s mortal enemy. Xiang Hui’s younger brother. Mecha manufacturing student.
Xiang Hui: A colonel. The Xiang family’s current heir. Xiang Kun’s older brother.

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Wei Xiongchang: Wei family’s head. A Lieutenant General.
Xiang Lingyun: Xiang family’s head. Xiang Kun and Xiang Hui’s father.
He Hongjun: one of the four Marshal from the Federation.
The Yun family: a family of ore-hunters, allied to Ning Kongran. (Yun Xiachu is the current heir)

Ning Tianya: Ning family’s head. Former Chairman.
Ning Tianxing: Ning Kongran’s father, Ning Tianya’s older brother.
Long Ruifeng: the President.
Long Xuyang: Long Baorou’s younger brother. The President’s youngest child.
Long Ruizhang: The President’s younger brother.
An Xei: The Emperor’s younger brother. A Prince and a scholar.

Qiao Zhiya’s rampage lasted for a long time this time, and the Chu family was followed by the vines for a long time as well. It was like having a clingy little pet; wherever they went, the vines followed, obedient and well-behaved.

The scene was too bizarre and not suitable for others to see, so the Chu family voluntarily confined their activities to the two floors where the isolation rooms were located. The soldiers who remained on board and were unaware of the situation were all arranged to rest on other floors, with Fan Xiangnan and Lin Zhen managing them. They had no authority to enter this area.

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Actually, according to Chu Rong’s idea, he hoped that only their own people would remain on the ship, without leaving a single soldier. However, just in case, Fan Xiangnan insisted on keeping an elite team on standby. 

Although the Zerg Queen has been caught alive, the Zergs have not been cleaned up, so it was better to keep some people around to ensure their safety. 

The Chu family members on the flagship were playing with the vines cheerfully, while the citizens of the Federation were on the verge of collapse.

After the livestream ended, the authorities did not provide any further detailed explanations, leaving people to speculate wildly. While they understood that the post-war government would undoubtedly be busy and need time to handle various matters, especially in the absence of a president in charge of affairs in the Federation, they were impatient!

The Chu family flagship never landed at the Capital Planet, with Chu Rong only speaking but not showing up in person. Later, Chu Huai also never appeared in subsequent official news. Additionally, the whereabouts of Qiao Zhiya, who had been missing since the battle, and Chu Yan, who hadn’t been seen since joining the fight, were unknown. This series of events made them extremely uneasy!

The war may have been victorious, but the Chu family members seemed to be avoiding the public eye, all disappearing from public view as if they were hiding. They no longer appeared immediately after events to explain the situation and reassure the people as they used to.

Then, faintly, there arose a speculation online: Has the Chu family grown cold? Are they unwilling to remain in the Federation any longer?

After Chu Rong and Qiao Zhiya went missing, Chu Huai immediately fell ill. At that time, instead of showing concern for the Chu family, everyone was led by the President to continuously criticize and question them, forcing Chu Yan, despite his young age, to personally go to the front lines to quell public opinion.


Looking back, the Chu family has been almost constantly pushed by the public in the past two months towards worse outcomes, especially Chu Yan, who was even forced to confront the Zerg Queen at the frontlines.

If they put themselves in their shoes—

Should they be in Chu Rong’s position and just returned from a perilous situation to find their older brother critically ill and their younger brother forced to the frontlines, while the public, whom they have tirelessly protected, continues to question and criticize their family, nearly pushing their only remaining family members to collapse, they would certainly feel disheartened.

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Many citizens felt they were too easily swayed by the public opinion at that time, making themselves too harsh, not listening to their own conscience. 

This speculation initially appeared in a small circle, but when Lieutenant General Yuan Lie mentioned in a routine interview after completing the battle report that Chu Huai had also boarded the Chu family flagship and was not on the Capital Planet, temporarily unable to take charge, the speculation quickly spread across the entire Starnet and became a fact believed by the public.

——It’s over! The Chu family is leaving the Federation! They don’t want to protect the Federation ever again!

Public opinion exploded once again, with countless people rushing to the Chu family’s official website and the social media accounts of Chu Yan and Qiao Zhiya to apologize and express gratitude. Those who had previously followed the trend in questioning the Chu family felt deeply guilty, while those who had remained rational but refrained from speaking out due to the public opinion environment finally felt vindicated. They began to recall the contributions the Chu family had made to the federation over the years and criticized those who had been wavering.

People’s hearts began to favor the Chu family, and the Starnet was filled with the Chu family’s past glory and record.


Xiang Lingyun turned off his photon computer, sighed, and said, “If a presidential election were held now, Chu Huai’s approval rating among the public might exceed 80%. The war has deeply affected public sentiment, and the Yuan family has managed the situation well.”

On the other side, Wei Xiongchang remained silent, furrowing his brow in contemplation for a while before hesitantly asking, “Do you think Chu Huai and Chu Rong really don’t intend to return to the Federation? With so many planets under their name, they could easily establish their own independence.”

Upon hearing this, Xiang Lingyun was momentarily stunned, then looked at him with some speechlessness before saying, “Lao Wei, how could you be confused? Anyone could potentially betray their country, but not the Chu family. It’s one thing for normal citizens to believe the current speculation, but how could you believe it too?”

Wei Xiongchang, upon hearing his words, belatedly realized that his own thinking had also been led astray. He raised his hand, tapped his forehead, and then asked, “So, what do you think the Chu family is doing? Are they just stopping up there, admiring the view?”

What scenery could they see from above? The more he tried to guess, the wilder it got. 

Xiang Lingyun waved his hand, indicating he didn’t want to speculate randomly with him. He also didn’t have the inclination to do so. He just pointed at the electronic document that they had scrutinized numerous times and said, “The focus now isn’t why the Chu family is hovering over the Capital Planet, but rather how to resolve this.”

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Wei Xiongchang’s attention was drawn back to the electronic document. His brows furrowed, his expression turning cold. With a snort, he said, “The Empire dares to create the Zerg! Once we’ve recuperated, let’s just take our flagship and crush the Empire!”

Alright, they couldn’t discuss this matter today. 

Xiang Lingyun poured a glass of water in front of him, motioned him to drink it and calm down. 

Wei Xiongchang saw his expression freeze like that, suppressed his temper, picked up his tea cup and took a sip of water, furrowing his brows as he asked, “So what exactly do you want to do? We can’t fight, the Chu family is all holed up in the sky, and the Federation is currently like a headless dragon. Are you suggesting…” He gestured upwards as he spoke.


“In the current situation, which family dares to aspire to take that position? Aren’t you afraid the people will drown you in spittle?” Xiang Lingyun finally gave up trying to make him understand his point and said directly, “Chu Rong definitely holds more truths about the Zerg in his hands. By giving us this, he’s bluntly telling us to stop internal strife and focus on the real enemy, the Empire. The stability of the Federation now relies on the Chu family, and the subsequent game with the Empire also relies on the Chu family. All the important information is in the hands of the Chu family. We only have one path to take: to support Chu Huai and Chu Rong.”

What he implied was too obvious. Wei Xiongchang lowered his tea cup to sit upright and asked in surprise, “You want to push Chu Huai as the president?”

“It’s about aligning with public sentiment and showing goodwill to the Chu family by supporting Chu Huai’s ascent,” Xiang Lingyun corrected him, suppressing his lingering discontent from years of conflict with the Chu family yet ending up with this outcome. He shook his head and continued, “Yuan Lie has already hinted that even if we don’t push for it, Yuan Lie and He Hongjun will start pushing. So, it’s better for us to take the initiative. Lao Wei, the situation in the Federation has changed.” He gestured towards the electronic document beside him as he spoke.

Wei Xiongchang frowned silently, remembering the truths written in this document. He knew the atmosphere of the Federation and the unknown situation on the side of the Empire.

Indeed, the situation has completely changed.

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