My name is Miina Filua.

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My dad’s the village chief, and the village chief position has been in our family for generations.

Since today, the lord is coming for an inspection, dad told me to be obedient and stay indoor which is boring.

Everyone says the lord is kind, and that they’re glad he’s their lord.

Apparently the lord before him was terrifying.

Sometimes when the lord comes, he brings me sweets, there’s no way such a person could be scary, right?


Suddenly a knocking sound is heard from the door.


Oh, it seems the lord has come.

Dad immediately went to open the door for the lord.


After doing that, dad immediately returned to me.


I wonder what’s wrong?


[Miina, today the lord brought his daughter called miss Liliana with him. Could you play together with her? Miss Liliana is the same age as you are.]


A playmate!


In Filua village, there are younger and older children, but none around the same age.

Because of that, when playing with older kids I always lose in whatever we do, and when playing with the smaller children who still have trouble walking, it always ends up with me simply looking after them.

The first time with someone of the same age.


[Dad, I want to play with her!]

[I thought you’d say that. You don’t know how to speak formally yet, but at the very least call her miss Liliana.]


Formally? I don’t get it, but it’s fine if I simply call her miss Liliana, right?


[I got it! Dad, hurry, hurry!!]


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I took dad’s hand and dragged him towards the door.

At the door stood the usual kind lord and his knight.

And finally, a girl I’d never seen before.


An angel!


With pure white skin and silver hair silky to the degree that it made you want to caress it.

Above all else, her pupils were a beautiful amethyst color.

The lord has the same eye color, dad told me that it’s called amethyst and sometimes appears in the lords family.

Those eyes were incredibly beautiful, almost like they sucked you in.

The girl looked like a beautiful angel.


I could hardly believe she was human and found myself mesmerized gazing at her.


[How do you do, my name is Liliana. What is your name?]


The angel spoke!

What’s more, her smiling face is dazzling.

This person is like an angel.


[My name is, Miina.]


Because I was so nervous I couldn’t speak properly.


[Miina, would you like to play with me?]


The angel wants to play with me!?


Amazing! Amazing!!


The lord told us to behave, then went out with the other adults.

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I grabbed the hand of the angel and lead her inside the house.

I wonder what the angel usually does when playing. I guess I’ll ask.


Ah, right, dad told me to call her miss Liliana.


[Miss Liliana, what should we play?]


After I asked, the angel had a troubled expression.


[Miina, stop calling me miss. Just call me Liliana.]

[But, dad told me to call you miss Liliana.]

[I told you it’s okay to call me Liliana, so from now on that’s what you’ll call me, right?

Besides, I simply call you Miina anyway.]


The angel told me it’s fine to call her like that.

Wah, Liliana huh, I’m on good terms with the angel, it makes me soo happy!


Without thinking I tightly grasped Lilianas hands, and tried asking her: [Liliana, what should we play?]


Then Liliana taught me something called cat’s cradle.

With one circular piece of string, after following the directions of Liliana, I could make it take tha shape of brooms and bridges, how curious and amusing.


[Miina, are most of the villagers farmers?]


[Yeah. There are some hunters too, but most of the villagers are farmers, Liliana.]


[Since this village is surrounded by forest, there seems like there’d be lots of leaf mold too. That seems like it’d be great for the crops.]

[Leaf mold? Liliana, what’s that?]


I’ve never heard about leaf mold before.

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[In forests, won’t fallen leaves turn into black dirt? That black dirt is called leaf mold.]


[Oh, is see.] I didn’t know that black stuff was called leaf mold.


[Dirt from decomposed leaves, and also ash, is good for the fields.]

[Liliana is so knowledgable.]


This is amazing!

That she knew about not only leaf mold, but even that ash was good for the fields.

As I thought, Liliana is an angel!


After that, we continued playing cat’s cradle, until the adults returned.


[Liliana, it’s about time we leave.]


The lord was about to take Liliana home.


[Liliana, don’t gooo!]


I’ve finally gotten a friend, I don’t want her to leave!


Before I knew it, I was crying rivers.


[Miina, you don’t have to cry, because I will drop by with father again.]


Liliana gently said that while embracing me.

Liliana is so soft, and smelled somehow smelled really good.


[Liliana, can we play again?]

[Yes. Of course!]

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That Liliana wanted to play with me again, that means---


[Then, we’re friends, right!]


After that I followed Liliana to the village exit, we exchanged farewells, and while I felt sad I endured and saw them off.


When we returned home, I was so happy about playing with Liliana that I told father about what happened today.

I showed him cat’s cradle, and boasted about what Liliana taught me: [Did you know that leaf mold and ash are good for the fields?]

And then, dad asked me: [Leaf mold? What’s that?]

Therefore, I told dad about what Liliana taught me.

Then dad muttered something about it being worth a try, how boring.

Even though I wanted to speak more about Liliana.


For a while nothing happened, then one day dad came back looking very cheerful.

After Miina told dad about what Liliana said, immediately the following day he tried it on a part of an unused field to see what would happen.

The plants grew quickly, they were also big and the yield even doubled, so he gladly shared his findings with others.

He said that he’d try it on other fields, and if he got good results they’d use the method for all fields in the village.


The next time Liliana dropped by at the village, father delightedly told her that they’d tried what she said and that the plants had grown well.

Then, Liliana for some reason seemed relieved.

I wonder why?


After that, the leaf mold and ash Liliana told us about were spread over all the fields of the village, and apparently we had the biggest harvest we’d ever had.

When the lord learned of that, he had every village in the Oliviria region, and the Oliviria region became known as the country’s food warehouse.


Then, I wonder which villager started it,  but Liliana became known as “the girl of bountiful harvests”, and those two names of hers began to spread without her knowledge.


Even though Liliana isnt “the girl of bountiful harvests” but an angel!

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