E-Rank Healer

Chapter Prologue


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She was part of an adventurer’s party.

Their job was to get rid of monsters while traveling, and the members were the hero's Gran, the swordsman's Christian, the wizard's Gill, the Warrior's Lian, and the healer's Carol.

Carol was responsible for treating wounds and restoring physical strength and magic. She ran around every day looking for medicinal herbs to be used as ingredients for her potions. And no matter how hard it was, she continued to make medicine for the ones she considered her friends.

Carol had less physical strength than other members, so she followed behind them. But… as she wanted to help, she was always desperate to make medicine. Even when tired and unable to move, her priority was to recover the physical strength of others rather than herself.

But there are times when she felt exhausted of such life. Looking at Carol, the leader, Gran, tells her to make them happy.

"If you can't do it, then leave it… it’s okay." Gran said while smiling.

But although it was a very kind voice, Carol was scared for some reason, and her eyes held back the tears forming.

(TL: here starts Carol thoughts…)

If I don't help the party, I feel like I’ll be thrown away ...

"I can! So don't throw me away!"

My words were desperate. I don't want to be disliked. I want to be near Gran.

However, with that one heart, Carol continued to make as much medicine as he wanted.

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--One day. Carol was introduced to a woman at the inn.

“Carol, Liz is a new friend of ours.” Gran said.

Standing next to Gran, she has bright green eyes, and pink lips. And she was a beautiful woman with big breasts and a beautiful body. She is a spiritual master and is good at healing magic.


Liz smiles and says. She was full of confidence and Carol even felt admiration at her.

"This is the future plan ..."

Gran expands the map. He said that he decided on his next destination, the neighboring country of Syl.

Carol was trembling as she thought about leaving Amst.

“I've traveled all over the country so far, but it was my first time to go to another country.” She said.

“Suyl, located in the north of Amst, is a small country surrounded by high mountains on all sides. Unlike Amst, where there are many plains, in Suyl there are many mountains and forests, and the road is steep no matter where you go. Moreover, because the forest surrounding the country is deep, there are many monsters hidden in it. Even if you take a detour and take a relatively safe route, it will be a much more difficult journey than those we ever did.”

Gran said, pointing to the top of the map.

"This path crosses the North Mountain"

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Gran looks around with his confident eyes. But Carol immediately opposed.

“Eh? Do you want to cross the North Mountain at this time? It’s impossible.”

Gran showed the shortest route from here to the country. However, it is too dangerous to go anywhere near there now. All party members looked at Carol with cold eyes. Carol doesn't understand what they’re angry about. Then Christian said with a big sigh.

"You can’t. But we can."

In short, it was said that it was her problem, but Carol couldn’t understand their words. Christian continues saying funny words.

"Look at her. It's very easy to cross the mountains. And she says we can’t… It’s autumn now…"

When the snow gets deep in winter, it is difficult to cross the mountain. But in the autumn, I would like to say that crossing the mountain is not so difficult.

But that mountain is dangerous in autumn. Winter is safer.

Because there are many monkey-shaped monsters on the North Mountain. These wild monkeys are carnivorous, and it is not uncommon for them to eat humans.

Usually, they live in the mountains by swarming, but in the fall they actively hunt their prey and start accumulating for winter.

[Human with soft meat becomes the preferred prey of a wild monkey. If you enter the mountain during this season, they will surely attack you in groups. The number can be from several tens to as many as one hundred.

No matter how strong Gran’s party is. It is suicide to enter the North Mountain at this time. If they don't know about it, I can tell them. But they wouldn’t believe me anyway.

“There are wild monkeys on North Mountain ...”

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When Carol opens her mouth, this time they stare fixedly at her. But while looking away from them, Carol tries to explain it.

"In autumn, the monkeys..."

However, as soon as Carol begins to speak, she hears a heavy sigh and cannot continue.

--Oh, I see.

They are not willing to listen to Carol's opinion in the first place.

When he noticed that Carol was silent, Gran said in his usual kind voice.

"Okay, Carol. You know that you can't keep up with us, right?"

The gentle voice stabbed in my heart and hurt me.

"I've crossed that mountain before. I've already decided. If we go to the neighboring country, we should be able to earn more."

There are many monsters in the country. I hear that monsters can be the object of faith there, so there may be no one who is going to get rid of them actively. However, since attacks from monsters have occurred, it does not mean that there are no requests for subjugation. In addition, because the country of Suyl is rich in resources and economically rich, the rewards are high. Therefore, there were many adventurers in Amst who bothered to go to there.

“We should be able to cross that mountain easily.”

――If you don't exist. I felt like I could hear those words.

The gaze of all members is speaking. “I want you to leave.”

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Carol looked at Gran like hesitating, but he looked down and ignored her.

¡Looking at his attitude, Carol realized that she can't continue with them anymore.

-- For everyone happiness, I leave the party here.

And all the members are waiting for Carol to say it herself. Because, if the leader Gran asks her to leave, it is their duty to send Carol to her home town. If they do things like throwing her out in the middle of the journey, others eyes will get cold while looking at them. The party's prestige will be lost. However, Colon, Carol's hometown, is at the extreme south of Amst. It takes a minimum of several months to get there from here.

So they want Carol to leave the party herself.

Carol, who knew that, moved her shivering lips and squeezed out.

"I can't keep up ... let's break up here" “Oh, Carol, we’re thankful of your mindfulness.”

It seemed that the gran smile was very far away. is appearance, which always looked shining, couldn't be seen through my tears stained face.

"See you" "Goodbye"

The people at the party stood one after another. Meanwhile, Liz was approaching Carol.

"I'm sorry. It seems that you need to leave because I entered."

She laughed at Carol and apologized on purpose.

Thus, Carol was left alone in a city far from her hometown. Two years after traveling, Carol was now eighteen years old.

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