Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 356: 356

"Well, into the cave!"

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After killing Bao Daoyi, Ji Ye rushes to the cave without delay.

Although I know that since Fang La chose to enter the cave, there may be some means like Bao Daoyi's "array" or even traps and ambushes.

But in any case, it can not give him a chance to recover.

Besides, compared with the Taoist who just tried to pretend to be dead and save his life, Ji Ye's own means of "saving his life" are definitely several times more than his.

Moreover, strictly speaking, although Bao Daoyi is the "Southern Heavenly Master" under Fang La's command, his status and strength can not be compared with Li Zhu, the "golden sword" under Wang Qing's command, or Qiao Daoqing, the "magic king" under Tian Hu's command.

Fang La, as the biggest opponent of Liangshan, can be called the "ultimate boss" of the whole water margin. He is also a character in real history. After killing him, he can gain more than Bao Daoyi.

Not to mention anything else, just the one in her hand that can resist the Dragon subduing palm force, and even turn into the "holy fire order" of the holy fire counterattack, let Ji Ye's heart look forward to it!


Unexpectedly, Ji ye, who entered the cave with "Xuantian Hunyuan sword", was not "ambushed" as expected, and the scale and internal scene of the cave made Ji ye a little surprised.

Twelve huge black flame pillars with inscriptions on them are unidentifiable and dizzy at a glance. They are large altars that can accommodate hundreds of people. In addition, the white statue in the center of the altar, which emits white light, should be the so-called "mingzun" white statue.

At this time, Fang La was kneeling under the white statue with his back to the entrance, and the "sacred fire order" had been handed back to the white statue.


The blazing flames on the twelve black pillars of flame are flying towards the white statue as if they were swallowed by a whale. As a result, the previously exhausted "order of flame" has been completely restored. More importantly, a large number of holy fires are enveloped in Fang La, forming a "statue of holy fire" with a face highly similar to that of the white statue.

With the condensation of the "sacred fire statue", the smell of the wax kneeling below is constantly improving, which vaguely exudes a sense of threat that makes Ji Ye feel full of oppression!

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Does this scene seem to be a way of "inviting God"?

And it is similar to the extra blessing of Liangshan Renjie to Xingli, which is obviously more powerful than the ordinary means of "asking God"!

Face a Lin, Ji night didn't have the slightest hesitation, both hands fiercely separate empty push palm.


A large number of gravel on the cave floor, swept by the majestic Qi, became a rolling "dragon of gravel" and rushed to the square wax facing the center of the altar.

It's the most destructive move of "dragon subduing palm"!


However, when this "stone dragon" is about to submerge fangla, the holy fire order in the hand of the statue is bright, reappearing the previous transparent "flame border"!


After a loud sound that made the cave seem like an earthquake, although the "dragon of gravel" hit the boundary of the fire and shook violently.

However, under the huge energy supply of the twelve black flame pillars around, Ji Ye's strongest move was stiffly blocked.

On the contrary, it is the "stone dragon" condensed by the Dragon subduing palm force, which disintegrates in the huge impact, and the crushed stones in the impact are quickly melted into magma form by the high temperature of the flame boundary!


Ji night's brow a wrinkly, but is again separate empty palm.

"On, on, on..."

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The sound of six dragon chants rings at the same time, which represents the perfect level of "Shicheng six dragons"!

This time, the six transparent dragon shaped Qi gathered and formed. After circling in the air, they did not rush to fangla, but rushed to the six black Sutra flame pillars!

"Bang, bang, Bang..."

There are six transparent dragons. The color is black, but the pillars still stand in the original place. There is no slight crack on the surface!

These pillars are made of the same material as the order of the holy fire, and can be kept intact under the strength of the Dragon subduing palm?

Of course, it's not because Ji Ye's move "Shicheng Liulong" uses soft strength instead of conventional masculine strength. Its purpose is not to destroy the pillar itself, but to extinguish the burning flame on the black Scripture pillar!

Because one of the pillars is too big, even if he can't do a move, he will destroy them to pieces.

After they defeated Fang La, these pillars will become the spoils of Erlong island.

You don't have to destroy your home.

"On, on, on..."

After putting out the six pillars in close range, the transparent dragon shaped Qi did not dissipate, but continued to pounce on the other six burning black Scripture pillars.

The Dragon subduing palm has reached a perfect state. After more understanding of the extraordinary artistic conception, the strength of the palm can be "rigid or flexible", and can "operate as you wish"!"Well?"

However, after putting out the remaining black pillars.

The "flame border" on the altar did not weaken or dissipate as Ji Ye expected!

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Just because the "white god statue" in the center of the altar emits a dazzling white light, directly flying out a large number of white "holy fire" to supplement the holy fire order, which quickly makes the "holy fire image" around fangla from illusion to reality, and makes the breath of fangla even reach a certain level.


Ji Ye has a feeling that Fang La is able to gather together. He may have to face an opponent of almost extraordinary level!

And in the face of the situation, Ji night has no idea to exit the cave first.

It's the ring of emptiness in my hand. The purple light flashed and a yellow mallet appeared.

Extraordinary level, perhaps very powerful!

But it may not be impossible to fight.

For example, it's a very simple one, to be extraordinary to be extraordinary!


The Yellow mallet in Jiye's hand suddenly becomes about 10 meters in diameter in the yellow light, and then it is directly slapped by Jiye with "dragon subduing palm strength", and then it turns into a yellow rainbow and shoots towards the "flame border".


Can resist Ji night ten success force of "flame border", this time is almost no resistance to the same fragmentation.

However, the Yellow mallet, which had shrunk a circle, continued to roll and smash towards Fang La, the order of the holy fire and even the white statue on his back!


Facing the incoming yellow mallet, the holy fire in the air made the light soar out of the hands of the white statue.

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But with their own entity, towards the Yellow mallet to meet up.

The order of the flame vs the Yellow mallet!

A white flame counterattacker who can dissolve everything and turn it into a terrible high temperature.

The other is that it can "destroy" everything without fear and fire.

The two collide and the result is


The yellow light and the white light become prosperous at the same time.

Both sides were suspended in the air.

Obviously, the order of the flame does not have the ability to absorb the Yellow mallet, which belongs to the extraordinary level, but the Yellow mallet can not directly destroy it.


After the two sides froze in the air for a few seconds, the yellow light from the Yellow mallet began to dim, and finally narrowed and flew back to Jiye.

The reason is that the quality of the Yellow mallet is only "ordinary", and the extraordinary power contained in it is too little, while the "order of the sacred fire" has white statues constantly replenished, and the ammunition is sufficient.

However, it was not a total failure.

At least, he has broken the "sacred fire barrier".

In addition, because the "holy fire order" left the hands of the white statue, the white holy fire that had been pouring into fangla was also interrupted.

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