Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 371: 371

"I'm still here

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Facing the passing silver light.

Ma Ling's reaction was also very fast. He quickly recited a mantra in his mouth, and an eye reappeared in the middle of his brow, shooting a golden light and silver light.

However, this "xiaohuaguang", which can hold down bullets and arrow feathers, can only slow down the speed of silver light, but can not completely resist it!

"Wind fire curse!"

Seeing this, Ma Ling quickly pinched another set of tricks in his hand.

Then he pointed to the long gun in his hand.


The "wind and fire wheel" that he stepped on immediately rotated at a high speed, blowing out a violent wind, carrying a rolling flame towards the "silver" covered by the golden light, trying to "incinerate".

"Tiangang five thunder, Shenxiao Zhengfa Disease

However, the flame produced by the "wind and fire" has just blown towards the "silver".

Wu Qiao's mouth above the volcano below even followed the mantra, and his fingers picked up a magic formula.


There was a thunderclap in the sky. The rolling fire and the strong wind suddenly turned back and burned Ma Ling in a mess!


"Is this the art of returning wind to pour out fire?"

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At the same time, the area around the volcano.

Hundreds of banners and bright armored soldiers surrounded a chariot that looked exactly like it was made of gold. It was more than ten feet high and dazzling in the sun.

Qiao Daoqing, standing on the side of the chariot and shaking a five color feather fan in his hand, said softly.

"Isn't this the" Tiangang magic "recorded by the Chinese side in the legendary" Tiangang five thunder Dharma "? What's the relationship between this woman and the great man in Erxian mountain?"

Then, his face became a little confused.

Yes, Tiangang five thunder Dharma.

Wu Qiao's personal talent is spiritual power, which does not match Erlong island's martial arts.

As the only real "immortal" on Erlong Island, Gongsun Sheng didn't accept any apprentices until the last Qiyun battlefield. Fang agreed to Wu Qiao's request to worship his master, and passed on the most authentic Taoist Shenxiao sect, Tiangang Wulei Zhengfa!

Wu Qiao, as an internal test player who has passed the initial trial, is sure of his ability and hard work.

Now, part of Taoism has been cultivated to great success, and today's strength has reached the eighth level.

Although Ma Ling has a powerful magic weapon and magic weapon, after entering the land of inheritance, his level is only seven, which is inferior to her.

In particular, the "golden light" from Ma Ling's eyebrows was restrained in the face of Wu Qiao's "Tiangang five thunder Dharma" as well as the "wind and fire two wheels" and could no longer slow down the speed of the throwing knife.

That soon in this "daoshu" and "magic weapon" duel fell into the wind, was forced to retreat in the air!

"Even among the enemies, there are those who know the magic. It seems that you have to do it yourself, master! "

In the huge gold chariot next to Qiao Daoqing, a lazy voice came out at this time.

Tian Hu, with a big stomach in the carriage, was surrounded by several maids in waiting to feed him wine and delicious food with all kinds of gold utensils. He didn't seem too worried about the defeat.

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However, his address for Qiao Daoqing is still more respectful.

Different from Bao Daoyi under Fang La, Qiao Daoqing is definitely the first of all the officials under Tian Hu.

He was not only honored as "National Teacher" and "inspiration for protecting the country" by Tian Hu, but also served as "military adviser" and "prime minister Zuo", which can be said to be in power.

However, after entering the land of inheritance, Tian Hu, as the leader, gained the strength equivalent to the Ninth level of moufan. Moreover, his mind changed, and his reliance on Qiao Daoqing was not as heavy as before.

"The minister orders!"

Qiao Daoqing hesitated a little.

Then nodded, hands of the five color fan a shake, suddenly floating under the feet of a black billowing clouds, holding it to fly toward the top of the fire.

Flying in the clouds!

Just this means is better than Bao Daoyi under Fang La.

"Someone's coming up again!"

"Don't let him interfere with the battlefield."

And this kind of movement can't hide from the people on the volcano.

As soon as Qiao Daoqing entered the attack range, many bullets swept up into the air.

"Laws, magic soldiers!"

Qiao Daoqing's five color fan shook several times continuously.

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In the surging black clouds, hundreds of black armour soldiers appeared, waving shields in their hands to block all the bullets.

Even the magma shells fired by Wei Dingguo could not break through the defense of these "magic soldiers".Of course, these are obviously not real soldiers, but belong to the category of "magic" in Daoism, just like the "yimulishi" in Baodao before.

However, Bao Daoyi needs to arrange "array" in advance to achieve this, while Qiao Daoqing only shakes his fan a few times.

Between the two, it's really a high and low sentence.


Qiao Daoqing, standing in the rolling black cloud and ignoring the shell and bullet attack of Erlong Island below, arrived at the battlefield with hundreds of "demon troops". Ma Ling in the sky had been forced into a mess by Wu Qiao's "silver" and had several more wounds on his body, even bleeding from his neck.

"The military division is here in person. Let's go first!"

Therefore, after noticing that the "black cloud" carrying hundreds of soldiers came up, Ma Ling decisively chose to withdraw.


A pair of "wind and fire wheels" at the foot spewed out a lot of flames, carrying Ma Ling's body shape to the direction of the black cloud.


However, Ma Ling's face suddenly changed when he escaped more than ten Zhang.

Then, his body faltered and fell from the air like erha before.


At the critical moment, a dark cloud appeared below it, but the falling Ma Ling was lifted up.

"Boom, boom..."

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However, that pair of extraordinary quality "wind and fire" is smashed into the volcanic ground below, causing two explosions and a sea of fire.

"Well Thank you, military strategist. I'm not good at fighting. Please punish me! "

Ma Ling, who is entrusted by black cloud to Qiao Daoqing, obviously doesn't care about his magic weapon for the time being. Instead, he says to Qiao Daoqing not very clearly.

"This person knows Tiangang Wulei Zhengfa. You are not her opponent!"

"But how did you suddenly slip up?"

Qiao Daoqing shook his five color fan.

A pair of eyes appear light purple light, staring at Ma Ling.

"Well, no!"

The next moment, Qiao Daoqing's face suddenly changed.


But see a few silver light suddenly from Ma Ling's body, will be able to withstand bullets around the "magic soldier" body to a sudden penetration!

Wu Qiao's "flying sword" is a kind of equipment with extraordinary power, but it is not qualified to be said to be extraordinary just because it can be manipulated like "flying sword".

In fact, the extraordinary feature of this weapon called "silver awn" is that the person hit by the silver blade will be invaded by a part of the "silver awn", and this part of the "silver awn" can also be controlled like the "part" of the throwing knife.

And these silver awns have some kind of "paralyzing" nerve toxicity, which makes people unable to detect the abnormality, which is also the reason why Ma Ling quickly fell behind in the battle before.

Before the battle, Ma Ling had been stabbed several times. Wu Qiao didn't stir up this part of his strength. He just wanted to make such a blow!

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