Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 379: 379

"Kill, kill!"

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"Boom, boom, boom..."

Erlong Island, Qi Yun hall.

Compared with the roar of killing outside, the air in the hall of Qi Yun is stable and heavy.

Stability is due to the vital power of the core of the stronghold, and the safety of hundreds of women, girls and children will not be a problem.

The reason for this is that on the biggest altar in the hall of Qi Yun, there are five pieces of white sacrifice and five pieces of black civilization soul!

Naturally, there are more than five sacrifices in this battle.

As a matter of fact, almost every commander of the fangla army revealed a sacrifice.

In addition, the Deputy generals and elites of the quasi commander burst out more than a thousand sacrificial offerings, as well as hundreds of souls of civilization!

But so many "booty" can't make the people in the hall cheering as they used to.

On the contrary, we can see that many Aboriginal women are weeping slightly.

Just because behind each sacrifice is a symbol of a cruel killing, and each "soul of civilization" represents the death of at least one aborigine, among which their husbands, fathers and sons are inevitable!

In fact, although the battle against fangla army won a great victory, Erlong island also paid a considerable price because of the five times difference in the number of people.

A total of 700 core fighters were killed, including six commanders.

The descendants of Di Qing, a soldier of the Yue family, belong to di Lei, the copper hammer, Ruan Liang, the cheap son of Ruan Xiaoer, the fire eyed lion dragon of Disha Renjie, Deng Fei, and Meng Kang, two players who have successfully won the commander's evaluation.

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Almost all the people who survived the battle were injured, even Ji Yeh lost half of his hand, because Fang La's "power of the holy fire" belongs to the extraordinary level, and even the healing talent can't be completely eliminated in a short time.

Although there is an element of "acting" in the picture projected from the sky, it is not completely false.

Only a few sacrifices and the soul of civilization were put in this sacrifice.

Instead of taking out all the souls of civilization, we should also consider the emotions of the people in the hall of Qi Yun.

Another reason is that there are so many people in the hall of Qi Yun that it is impossible to offer sacrifices on a large scale!

Therefore, the most valuable sacrifice and the soul of civilization were selected. All the five sacrifices were excellent.

And the soul of civilization is all at the commanding level, including the soul of civilization "moufan eight" and "moufan nine" which were shot and killed by Yanqing Pang Wanchun and fangla!

"Don't these two spirits of advanced civilization be used to attract outstanding people?"

When Ji ye so orders, Su nongying, who is arranged to preside over the sacrifice, is a little confused.

"I can't get it!"

Ji Ye shakes her head.

Because in the initial stage of the test, the "Qi Yun Shuanglong" of Erlong island was besieged by the Qi Yun core of hundreds of competitive strongholds and "injured" a lot.

In addition, more than one-fifth of the people belonging to the stronghold were killed in the battle (the four battlefields together) and their body shape was much dimmer than in the past, although after the killing of Fang La army in Erlong Island, there were yellow forces of human Qi transportation converging to the direction of Qi transportation hall.

Before passing the test, the two dragons could not absorb the power of qi movement to heal and evolve, so they could not suppress the sacrifice of "Lei Ji and Ding Shui Shi".

So, this time, it's still the top level.

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However, unlike last time, this sacrifice has a "perfect" quality.

"Shua, Shua!"

The color on the body is a little dim, and the "Qi Yun Double Dragons" with tired look spit out golden light towards the sacrifice and the soul of civilization below!


After being shrouded by the golden light, the first sacrifice that was activated was a "bow" that could not be seen visually.

[invisible bow]

level: moufan eighth level

grade: excellent

note: Pang Wanchun is most proud of his weapon, with which he killed a total of 103 personnel belonging to Erlong island!


And almost at the same time as the invisible bow glows.

On the other side of the soul of civilization, one of them began to react, emitting a strong white light.

"Well, the first one is the eighth step? In this case, we should be able to increase our chances of winning a lot! "

Su nongying's face brightened.

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He should be an outstanding person who is very good at fighting because he has the confidence to complete the test so quickly.

In addition, the sacrifice is a "bow". A hero who is good at fighting with bows and arrows can definitely play a lot of roles in this battle. After all, Pang Wanchun, who provided the sacrifice, is an example. He shot 103 people in Erlong island with one bow and one person!"Well, it doesn't seem right!"

"I remember that the soul of civilization seemed to be just a seventh step metamorphosis."

However, Su nongying is slightly absent-minded. At the same time, a female player in charge of the core logistics who is responsible for offering sacrifices, suddenly stares and shouts.


"Is this Step up the challenge

Su nongying's lips are open and Liu Mei is slightly frowning.

"Invisible bow" is the sacrifice of ecdysis, but the soul of civilization is only ecdysis.

This means that the people who came chose the "cross level test". You should know that if they came at the same level, it would not be very difficult for some outstanding and perfect fighting heroes, especially the core level of Erlong Island stronghold is very high, and even now the injured state is enough to suppress a large part of the strength of the sacrifice of moufan level.

But, step up!

This means that even if there is the force of Qi Yun to suppress, the difficulty of the test is absolutely no less than that of the same level of people fighting with all their strength.

"Yu Qilin Lu Junyi", who is now with Wang Qingzhan, has made such a choice.

At that time, it happened that the decisive battle between the Terrans and the Hawks was about to start. Lu Junyi "promoted" directly after coming with high-level sacrifices, and played a big role in the subsequent battle!

But Lu Junyi himself belongs to the "perfect" evaluation level, and is the first existence of combat effectiveness in the water margin.

However, this celebrity is only "outstanding". How dare he choose to step up the challenge at this critical time?

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If he fails in the challenge, it will inevitably affect the promotion situation of erlongdao!

Su nongying's head is a little confused.

Because at this time, the fighters have gone down to support the battlefield to deal with Wang Qingjun's last crazy attack.

Ji Ye is the only one to stay outside the Qi Yun hall, but she wants to control the "battlefield live broadcast" above the clouds and give her all the power to preside over the sacrifice!

It made her feel a little nervous, afraid of something wrong.

"Hoo It's all right. Since he dares to make such a choice, he must be fully confident! "

However, as a leader who has been trained and qualified, she naturally won't show her emotions in her heart. Instead, she will face a few female logistics players who are a little confused, and her tone is calm and authentic.

And after the soul of civilization of the seventh stage has reacted, the song of "long lost" in the hall of Qi Yun also appears!

"The Shu Brocade is decorated with the light of Baoting, and the horse of the five Ming Dynasty is decorated with jade." 】

from the bottom up, the white light condenses into a figure of outstanding people who choose to cross the level of challenge.

First of all, there was a "Baojun" with a jade bell, a saddle made of Sichuan brocade, a dark purple mane, four hooves like frost and snow, and a bright white moon on his shoulders.

["tiger tendon string buckle carving bow hard, swallow tail slightly save feather arrow long." 】

the light continues to condense towards the top. The most powerful tiger tendon is the string, and the hard battle bow carved on it is full of the feeling of the combination of artistry and hegemony. Twenty feather arrows inserted obliquely in the tube are all made of the best gold feathers.

"The green robe is bright with golden peacocks, the red robe with purple mandarin ducks. He is half exposed to gold armour, with silver wire and iron gun in his hand. " 】

the final sketch is a military general with a golden armor, a green robe, a purple mandarin duck jacket, a delicate bright silver iron gun on both hands and a fuzzy face.

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