Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 381: 381

"Do you have any way to deal with the next move?"

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After Pang Wanchun stopped, the people on the battlefield automatically separated a piece of open space in chaos.

Let Pang Wanchun and Hua Rong see each other face to face.


Eyes serious toward Huarong said, is still hand speed faster Pang Wanchun first shot the arrow in the hand.

This time, five white feather arrows were directly shot at one time, and the extraordinary power of the "invisible bow" in hand was used. After shooting, the five arrows turned into ten in the air, and then into twenty, like pear blossoms flying all over the sky, covering Huarong on his horse.

For example, there was a certain angle between the two people's arrows before. Hua Rong, who attacked from the side, could shoot down his two arrows with one arrow, so as to keep the middle-aged aborigine when his shooting speed was only half of his.

However, this kind of frontal combat can no longer use the same way of "one against two". Hua Rong thinks that it is impossible to break two with one arrow.

What's more, even if you can shoot down two, three or four arrows with one arrow It's impossible to break 20.

And Pang Wanchun's judgment is correct. In the face of this attack with the help of extraordinary force, not to mention that Hua Rong's shooting speed is not as fast as Pang Wanchun's, even if he can match, he can't do it with an arrow without the same attribute of extraordinary weapons.


Besides the arrow, Hua Rong has a gun in his hand.

"Ding, Ding, Ding..."

In the face of the pear arrow rain, Hua Rong picked up the silver gun and waved it into a piece of silver in the air. He suddenly turned all the 20 arrows into the sky!

"Strong enemy!"

Pang Wanchun's expression became very dignified.

The next moment, he chose to catch only one arrow at a time, and displayed his most unique skill "Lianzhu fast arrow"!

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"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Eight arrows in a line, all refers to riding on the four hooves on the snow BMW Huarong.

Compared with the previous 20 arrows, although the number of arrows is reduced this time, Huarong is undoubtedly more difficult to deal with.

Because there were a lot of arrows in the previous round, but the power was too scattered, so that he could easily fly!

But this time, each arrow was shot separately, and they were all powerful. Moreover, all the eight arrows were connected together, which did not give people any time to fly.

In the face of Pang Wanchun's killing move, Hua Rong once again picked up the carved bow hanging on the horse, and then put the silver gun on the bow string!


Meanwhile, his legs and legs on the hip and his horse on the moon wheel are running towards Pang Wanchun's position at high speed.


Then, the bow was like a thunderbolt, the string was startled, and the silver spear was like a dragon.


In the middle of the two, the silver spear collided with Pang Wanchun's first arrow.

Immediately, a crack appeared on the head of the gun, but Pang Wanchun's first arrow collapsed.

"Bang, Bang..."

After that, the second, the third, the fourth

Although, after each arrow, the cracks on the silver gun increase a lot.

Even after the fourth arrow, the toughest gun head had been directly broken.

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However, compared with the ordinary feather arrow, the weight of the long gun is undoubtedly much stronger, and this silver gun is even made entirely of metal, which is supported by the high-speed charge of the war horse.

The rest of the body is still in the fifth, sixth and seventh arrow in the impact of winning!

Although Pang Wanchun's "Lianzhu arrow" is not equal, and even Ji yelongqi's separate protection can be broken through, it is a "test battlefield" after all, and his own strength has been suppressed by the power of Qi Yun.

Otherwise, the previous round of arrows should be divided again by 40, not 20!

As a result, eight arrows with straight tracks were blocked by the silver gun, although the silver gun blocked the "eight arrows" and broke apart.


However, when the last remaining silver gun fell from the air with the eighth arrow.

On the trajectory of the eight arrow, unexpectedly, a white feather arrow shrouded in the sharp spirit came out again!

In the face of this "lifelong enemy", Pang Wanchun even inspired his magic power. He shot not only eight arrows, but nine.

For a marksman, even the first eight arrows all failed.

The last arrow is still absolutely deadly.

But this is an arrow.

Unexpectedly, it failed.

"Hey, Lulu!"

Just because the other end of Huarong's crotch was charging, and a bright moon was growing on his forehead. Suddenly, he jumped up on the battlefield, and the white horse's hoof stepped on the ninth arrow, flying high in the air with the posture of "horse stepping on the flying arrow"!"You can ride a good bad horse and love to let go of haidongqing. 】

at this time, the actual "poem number" in the Qi Yun hall broke into the scene.

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In the air, Huarong once again opened the bow of Baodiao tiger tendon, put on a golden arrow, and then, towards Pang Wanchun's position, pulled the bow string like a full moon, juxtaposed with the "moon wheel" on the horse's forehead, just like a double moon in the sky!

"A hundred steps pierce the willow, the divine arm is strong, the bow opens, the autumn moon is clear, and the carved plumes and arrows burst out cold stars!" 】

"not good!"

Pang Wanchun's face changed greatly. After shooting the "nine star arrow" which exceeded the limit, he was already in a state of detachment.

At this time, facing Huarong's attack, he couldn't do the same. He shot down the other side's arrow with the same arrow.

However, because he was on the defensive side, his feet were the fortifications of the barracks, so Pang Wanchun resolutely chose to stay close to the ground and get out of Huarong's view, and then rolled to the side!

In this way, even if Hua Rong jumps in the air, the angle of the arrow can only wipe his back and fly over, and because of the barrier of the wall, he can not accurately lock his exact position.


Just the next moment, a bright and meteor like carved plume arrow flew to Pang Wanchun's position as if it had a sky view.


Directly on the stone of stacked fortifications, there was no arrow in it, leaving only a small golden feather!

Then, the whole picture suddenly stopped.

The fierce battlefield between the two warring parties suddenly became silent.


Only a loud and clear eagle in the sky, a special god Jun, a pair of sharp eyes, more than the stagnant gold carving in the sky, the white haidongqing of Pang Wanchun's body fell to Huarong's arm.

Haidongqing has the title of "God of ten thousand Eagles". It is said that only one jade claw "haidongqing" can appear in one hundred thousand eagles.

Hua Rong is also a "marksman". The Chinese side of 100000 ordinary archers can produce a "Xiao Li Guang" who can shoot stones with arrows!

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"I Lose

At this time, after penetrating the bunker, the carved plume arrow pierced his chest from the shoulder position, and Pang Wanchun seemed to think of everything.

Even understand the meaning of "heritage place".

"You fit it better than I do. I hope you can go all the way

Reaching out to lift the "invisible bow" in his hand, Pang Wanchun looked at Huarong. There was no hatred in his eyes, but some relief.


Hua Rong did not speak, but a grasp of the invisible bow.

The next moment, the whole battlefield began to dissipate, all the power was returned to the bow.

At the same time, because it is a step-by-step challenge, there is also a part of the power transformed from Qi Yun directly into Hua Rong's body.


With Hua Rong's breath of ecdysis, his face became clear.

It shows the vacuum that all the female players are concerned about.

White teeth and red lips, eyes like meteors, eyebrows flying into the temples, ape arms and bee waist, more heroic spirit in the beauty.


rank: moufan eighth level

rank: Commander

note: nicknamed "tianyingxing", nicknamed "xiaoliguang", leader and pioneer of Liangshan horse army, excellent in archery, good in shooting, excellent in riding, good at taming Eagles!

Su nongying has a white light in his eyes. He can see Huarong's attribute through the population book.

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