Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 386: 386

"Since you are from the state of Jin, why do you want to sell?"

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Wang Yin secretly looked at Ji ye and then asked Qiao Daoqing.

"Because I understand the essence of this" heritage place. ". If you have the same insight as me, you will naturally understand that I am not a "seller" at all. "

"Because in this world, every celebrity is their own" master. "

Qiao Daoqing said.

"Aren't you afraid that you can't finish the order and disappear from the world, and your soul will be broken?"

For Qiao Daoqing's words, it is impossible for the three people who have no concept of "inheritance place" in their head to understand.

However, they are still very clear what "shackles" themselves.

"Of course, he doesn't need to worry about it. Qiao Daoqing is the first person to choose" surrender ", so he can get" quota "directly."

Ji ye said.

Qiao Daoqing's performance is naturally because he has become a member of Erlong Island stronghold.

And can directly from the "villain" into the "Aboriginal", naturally also because of the acceptance of Ji Ye's "contract"!

Of course, to make this "magic king" who was captured alive before willingly accept the contract, as his "master", ruyunlong Gongsun Sheng has made great contribution.

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"And only one of you can experience it in advance. The rest of them have to complete the tasks I have assigned them before they can get the "quota."

"Now, choose one of you."

Ji night sees to three people, the mouth says.

One was silent.

This is natural, although Qiao Daoqing has already come to the fore.

But the three people on the scene belong to a high-level country. How can they completely believe Qiao Daoqing's words?

Moreover, it does not rule out the possibility that Qiao Daoqing himself is controlled by others, and even the people of Erlong Island fake their identity.

It's really agreed with the so-called "contract" in Ji Ye's mouth, which may become a "puppet" just like Qiao Daoqing.

"Let the family come."

"Now that you've captured me, I've lost my life. I really want to know the essence of the world..."

However, after a while of silence, one of the three still stood up and chose to accept Ji Ye's "contract".

But Deng Yuanjue, the "Baoguang Tathagata"!

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Perhaps, because they are very similar to Lu Zhishen in appearance, character and weapons, they are more free and easy to face this problem than the other two.

"You should feel lucky for your choice."

Ji night's mouth said a meaningful.

Because the talent level of "contract" obtained from the eagle's air seed player is only ecdysis level. It's not too bad to contract a superior combat power of ecdysis level 8!

However, this talent is only used five times in total.

The first opportunity was used to contract the mutated blood tree, the second was to contract the Golden Eagle leader, and the third was Qiao Daoqing.

Now, Deng Yuanjue has successfully grasped this last quota.

Last place?

Shouldn't there be another chance?

Just because, this last "contract" talent Jiye is not ready to use at all.

Because, at present, the talent of "fusion" has not been cooled down!

"Gongjin, these three people will be in charge of your navy."

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"When it's night, you'll take the two thousand soldiers in warships and dispatch them to fight together."

After the three fangla Army leaders were settled, Ji Yeh told Zhou Yu, who was the "leader of the navy" in the command channel.

The reason why we spent so much effort and even wasted the number of contracts twice is not just for the fighting capacity of several ecdys.

In the final analysis, Lin Chong, who has just arrived, already has five outstanding people of the ninth rank of moufan, and three Erlong Island, Zhou Yu, Zhao Yun and Li Yuanba, who are equivalent to the ninth rank of combat effectiveness. Four of them are not well-known, and the eighth rank of moufan Commander, who has limited potential, has limited growth in combat effectiveness.

However, it is of great significance at the level of "tactics" and even "strategy".

For example, there are a large number of people under Tian Hu's command who, like Qiao Daoqing, surrendered to Liangshan in the battle. These people can let Qiao Daoqing "persuade him to surrender". With his prestige and status as the number two figure in Tian Hu's forces, he can influence many people.

And Deng Yuanjue's three people are equally useful.

Because after knowing that Fang La and a group of high-ranking officials died and were captured, more than 2000 of Fang La's soldiers chose to throw away their weapons and surrender.

And Erlong Island did not kill all the people who surrendered like the "Wu'an Jun", who is estimated to be a legend in this inheritance place.

Because a total of 2000 fighters, even if they are just placed there, will be a deterrent to the rest of the three enemy forces.Now, with these three men leading these troops, only Erlong island has the advantage of "water army". By carrying these men to key positions in the battlefield through "armored warships" and "Mirage dragon warships", they can definitely increase their chances of victory.

As for after boarding, will these demobilized soldiers seize the opportunity to rebel?

Although this is possible, Ji Ye is not very worried.

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This is because half of the more than 2000 soldiers have been poisoned, and they are not ordinary. They are "soul viruses".

It comes from the "reparation item" left by the duckling with a short voice and a black robe who was looking for Baihua Valley to challenge him in the original battle field!

[wand of the virus]

level: special

level: excellent

Description: a wand made by an extraordinary Lich can infect the soul of a creature with powerful "virus". This Lich once created a "natural disaster of the undead".

The power of this staff is very powerful. If it is not limited by energy, it can only control thousands of people, and even destroy one villain army directly.

Of course, although only half of the people are infected with the virus.

However, the remaining 1000 people are also absolutely afraid to act rashly, because they do not know whether they are infected or not.

In particular, I once saw a "holy fire believer" who was hiding his identity and surrendered, and suddenly rushed to Ji ye when the Erlong islanders took over their weapons. Suddenly, black gas came out of his body, and his flesh and blood quickly rotted and shriveled at the speed visible to the naked eye. He fell from the brightest "Saint" to the most terrible "undead" After.

Even if Wang Yin, Shi Bao and others were leading the rebellion, most of these soldiers would only be watching.

As for the contract with Ji ye, there is a kind of Deng Yuanjue in his heart who "suddenly breaks the golden yoke, here breaks the shackles, and today I know that I am me".

It's impossible for nature to rebel at all!

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