Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 390: 390

"I see. These two men of Longshan had already had a fight with Fang La of that southern country, and they killed and injured 60% of their fighting power. Another fierce battle with Wang Qing resulted in eight out of ten casualties. There are less than a thousand people left now. We will definitely conquer them if we are strong outside but strong in the middle, and if we run out of people who can fight tomorrow! "

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After hearing that Qiao Daoqing himself had brought back the "internal information" about Erlong Island, a group of officials of the state of Jin were all beaming with joy.

"Then can't we stay in the fairyland?"

"This place is very good. After our great Jin Dynasty has established itself here, we will be able to make great achievements comparable to those of the pre Qin and Tang Dynasties."

"I don't want to pursue achievements for thousands of years. I just want to meet immortals and pass on the law of immortality."

Some people have even thought about how to find the "fairy fate" after they have a foothold in the "fairy world" so as to enjoy the glory and wealth forever.

"Don't be too happy."

Qiao Daoqing, who was still holding a five bird magic fan in his hand, shook his head and poured some cold water on these "hands".

"Don't forget that although Wang Qing and Fang La have been defeated, the rest of them are not a threat. But Liao is still strong and powerful, and there are still thousands of soldiers to fight. "

After that, it turns to Liao who is attacking Erlong island with Tian Hu.

"I heard that before sunset, the state of Liao sent someone to make an agreement with his majesty that the two sides should cooperate to destroy Wang Qing and Erlong mountain first, and then fight for the" core of treasure "by strength."

"I'm afraid it's not right, your majesty."

"Liao people have always been ambitious. This entry into the Central Plains is in itself a violation of the no war treaty with the puppet Song Dynasty, which is not worthy of trust."

"Besides, these two dragon mountains belong to China after all. If we can't get it, we shouldn't fall into the hands of this alien race! "

Qiao Daoqing shook his head and said to Tian Hu.

"It's not that I don't agree with the prime minister, but now we've made an alliance with Liao people, and I agree with them personally. If we withdraw our troops and do not attack, will it not be against morality and justice, and even more in the face of the oligarchs! "

Tian Hu stares at Qiao Daoqing, with a shimmer in his eyes.

"Your Majesty misunderstood."

"I don't mean that we don't attack, but that we should continue to attack on the surface. In fact, we should reduce the attack secretly and let the people of Liao share more pressure!"

In the face of Tian Hu's eyes, Qiao Daoqing had no fear on his face and shook his fan.

"The prime minister is right."

"Indeed, we can deal with it in vain, let the people of Liao contribute more, they lose more manpower, and we are more likely to be the final winner!"

The rest of the civil and martial arts in the big account also had a big face and praised Qiao Daoqing's words one after another.

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"This matter..."

Even Tian Hu felt that Qiao Daoqing's words were very reasonable. He didn't think that Qiao Daoqing wanted to reduce the attack pressure for Erlong island.

However, after seeing the reaction of his ministers, Tian Hu felt unhappy again and wanted to say no.


"Your Majesty, something's wrong."

However, just at this time, the voice of the bodyguard came out suddenly.

Immediately after that, the two bodyguards carried a military general whose helmet was askew and whose chest armor was full of blood, and entered the camp account.

"I Our food and our gold and silver have been cut off

Today's fighting has been going on for a day, but it has slowed down in the rear at night.

As a result, Tian Hu ordered people to escort grain and grass and a large amount of gold and silver from their own territory to the front.

The former is used as tomorrow's rations, but the latter is to fulfill the bounty promised in today's battle!

Although gold and silver are not of great value in this place of inheritance, it is still a good way for ordinary soldiers to boost their morale by rewarding them with gold and silver.

But I don't want to have an accident during the transportation!

"Who intercepted the people of Erlong mountain on the volcano?"

Tian Hudi suddenly got up, and his huge body was as heavy as a hill.

This is also the reason why Tian Hu wanted to attack devil volcano at the beginning. Leaving this nail is too big a threat to the back road.

"No, it's It's from the state of Liao! "

Blood on the ground flow of a pool of generals in the mouth of breathing, pale face tunnel.

"What, Liao people!"

"Liao people take our food?"

"Sure enough, the prime minister was right. Liao people can't believe it!"

All of a sudden, there was a lot of noise in the tent.

"Are you sure?"

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Tian Hu calm face, a pair of eyes like a waking tiger staring at the injured general.

"Absolutely, I took off his helmet in the battle. I saw that the leader was a Liao general no matter what he looked like or what his armor and weapons were. He used a black gold dragon head Liao Dao!"The general insisted, but also turned up his wounds to prove.

"Damn it

"The Liao people are really ambitious."

"If we cut off our food and grass before the battle and the army can't get enough to eat, how can we beat them tomorrow?"

And after hearing this sure words, the general in the big account immediately yelled at Liao people.

"Now, how much food is left in the kitchen?"

Only Qiao Daoqing is not surprised. He shakes the magic fan and asks a civil servant in charge of logistics.

"There's only some dry food left, barely enough for tomorrow morning's meal!"

Said the civil servant.

"No way!"

"The Erlang clan has been attacking for a whole day, and there are many casualties. You must be rewarded, otherwise your morale will inevitably be low!"

A general with his arms bound up stood up and said in a loud voice.

"Yes, your majesty has promised a reward. If the Sergeant can't see the reward, he may shake his heart of fighting!"

Another large general of the state of Jin with a height of more than two meters and a rank of eight was also attached to the Tao.


"Not bad!"

Soon, this view was supported by more than half of the people.

In the face of these coaxing hands, Tian Hu is calm and silent.

"The prime minister has great powers. What can he do?"

The civil servant of logistics was sweating on his forehead. Then he suddenly thought of something and asked Qiao Daoqing expectantly.

"What's the difficulty?"

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Qiao Daoqing smelled the speech and gave a confident smile.

"Take some dry food and water containers here, and bring in a few baskets of fine stones covered with cloth!"

"Five ghosts, yin and Yang move, move..."

When the civil servant took these things here, Qiao Daoqing recited a spell, and then waved his five bird magic fan.

All of a sudden, a pile of unsavory dry food turned into steaming cooked meat of cattle and sheep. However, the empty utensils were filled with wine, which made the people in the tent drool.

And a few baskets of stones, after the cloth is taken away, become a piece of gold scattered with dazzling color!

"It's your Majesty's reward to send these to the army."

"This It's really wine

It's just gold. All the senior generals on the scene know that gold is not necessarily valuable in the "fairyland", so they just look at it.

A good wine general, however, couldn't wait to take a drink from a pot of wine.

"Good wine, good wine. It's so delicious. I'm afraid it's not the legendary "jade liquor."

Later, his face was even more excited.

"If you like, you can take one jar each."

Qiao Daoqing shook the fan and said with a smile.

"Prime minister, now the war is coming, but it is not suitable to drink in the army."

Looking at a group of Wenwu palace members who were excited after hearing Qiao Daoqing's words, Tian Hu frowned secretly, and then his voice was a little bit deep.

"Your Majesty is right, it's my thoughtlessness!"

Qiao Daoqing had no displeasure of being beaten by Tian Hu.

Instead, he nodded, and the magic fan in his hand shook again. He saw a jar of delicious wine, but it turned into plain water.


Many generals showed dissatisfaction.

Just because it's different from them who lead the way alone.

Along the way, Tian Hu's "golden chariot" has a faint smell of wine, and more warblers come from the war.

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But here they can't even drink a mouthful of wine, they can only "drink water", which makes people inevitably have ideas in their hearts!

Moreover, compared with Wen, the general's dissatisfaction is more serious.

Because many people on the field have been fighting for a whole day today, and they are more or less injured. The reason why they just clamored for "reward" is that they were put in the "golden chariot" of Tian Hu, and those "treasures" that were collected after they came to the inheritance place.

However, Tian Hu obviously didn't mean to take out these "treasures" at all. He just wanted to use some useless "gold and silver" to kill them.

However, although dissatisfied, no one dares to take the initiative. After all, Tian Hu's strength growth after entering the inheritance land is far higher than theirs.

As a result, only very depressed to the hands of the pot of "water" to mercilessly pour down.


However, the wine is easy to drink.

Several generals of Tian Hu army suddenly moved.

Just because, although the contents of the cup look and smell like white water, they are full of the taste of wine in the throat as before.

And this matter, no one silly enough to say, are happy to see Qiao Daoqing one eye.As for the prohibition of drinking alcohol in the army, it's impossible for a group of generals who came from mountain bandits to have substantial binding force. What's more, they just drink water, and there's no possibility of getting drunk and causing trouble, right?

Don't say, the "wine" in the big account is really wine, it's just "water", and Qiao Daoqing directly made it out of local materials with the method of "carrying" in Disha magic.

There is only one water source in the snake ape island area, which is the "radiation spring" in the radiation land.

Although Erlong Island did not build a defense line among the snake and ape islands, it also did one thing, that is, it urged the force of qi movement and greatly strengthened the "radiation force" of the radiation land.

The radiation power of the spring water in the original radiation place is very powerful. After all, it can make people wake up to "power" in just ten days. The radiation is absolutely terrible. Now, after being specially strengthened, the "radiation power" in the water is even more amazing.

If you don't drink, it's nothing. Once you drink a lot, it will flow all over your body, and the effect will show quickly!

Originally, this move was not so easy to perform.

Because the "radiation force" is also an extraordinary force, which also has the possibility of being felt.

For example, this afternoon, after Wang Qingjun arrived at the snake ape Island, Li Zhu discovered that there was "an evil spirit" on the snake ape island through the celestial compass, and strictly forbidden Wang Qingjun's people to drink this water!

However, Ma Ling, the cultivator of Tian Hu, has been killed by Wu Qiao.

And Qiao Daoqing

"Your Majesty, the covenant with Liao state!"

Qiao Daoqing mentioned it again.

"Hum, let the attackers stop and rest. I'm sleepy. I'll have a sleep first. At dawn tomorrow, the army will attack with all its strength to win Erlong mountain and win the" treasure "!"

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