Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 392: 392

"Sure enough, you're the one who's against me!"

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"Prime minister, I treat you well. Why do you want to betray me?"

Tian Hu's heart has sunk to the end, people stop in the gold chariot angrily asked.

"Your Majesty knows it. Why do you ask again?"

"Since you can't accommodate me any more, a good bird will choose a tree to live in, and a wise minister will choose a lord to serve, I can't blame myself for switching to others!"

Qiao Daoqing, with five flaming birds hovering on his head, shakes his fan, but his face is cold.

In fact, with Qiao Daoqing's mind, it is absolutely impossible for Gongsun Sheng to betray Tian Hu so quickly and choose to accept Ji Ye's "contract" just because of his "apprenticeship".

The bigger reason is that Gongsun Sheng at that time used a special item called "eye of keeping watch" (the city of Qi Yun and Zhu pangzi got it through trading), which made him know the conversation between Tian Hu and the bodyguard commander at that time!

"Hum, what did the prime minister say? I don't understand!"

"However, I understand one thing. I think you colluded with the enemy to cut grain yesterday."

Tian Hu, one of the golden chariots, did not admit it at all. Instead, he questioned another thing.

"We did make arrangements for this."

"But then there were some accidents. Liao people were really ambitious."

Qiao Daoqing shook his head.

After learning the inside story of Tian Hujun from Qiao Daoqing, and through aerial surveillance, it was found that the envoys of Liao state had contact with Tian Hujun.

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It is true that Erlong Island specially arranged the "Dongwu water army" and "Water Ghost camp" led by Ling Zhen to sneak ashore from the water with "crocodile turtle warships", disguised as Liao people to rob food and kill people, so as to stir up the contradiction between the two sides.

Unexpectedly, just when he was about to attack, he met the real soldiers and horses of the Liao army who attacked the Tian Hu army.

That's why the escorted general was so sure.

Of course, the grain and gold and silver seized by that group of Liao people were not able to be transported back in the end.

Moreover, none of the food robbers could go back.

The army of Liao was also surprised and worried that Tian Hu's attack on them even weakened.

Erlong Island, which has suffered serious casualties, has been given half a night's repair time. With all kinds of resources and materials, it has recovered more than half of its combat effectiveness!

"In fact, your majesty, it should not have happened."

"Because, your majesty, the" emperor luanjia ", which was built by wasting people's money and money, has been given by heaven after entering this fairyland, and has changed into an immortal thing with" heaven and earth "in it If your majesty is a Ming Lord, he will choose to use this car to load food and supplies, so that the army does not need to transport food and grass separately, and naturally does not worry about the plunder of Liao people. "

After that, Qiao Daoqing's expression became a little serious.

"But your majesty did not. Instead, they filled the car with the treasures and delicacies collected from the fairyland, and even took their concubines and maids with them. When many soldiers are fighting with the enemy, they are drinking and having fun with women in the car

"So fatuous and ridiculous, how can we not be defeated?"

Finally, Qiao Daoqing's voice became severe. He raised his fan and pointed to the gold chariot to scold Tian Hu.

"Shut up. What can I do to make a minister of you talk so much! "

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"Well, do you really think you know me well? I'll kill you traitor first, and then I'll kill the Erlong mountain! "

The voice of Tian Hu's fury came from the golden cart.


Then, the golden light on the gold chariot was very bright, and a layer of nearly a foot thick golden light appeared.

After the Dragon chanted, the chariot wielded its four claws and drove the chariot toward QIAOQING road!


Qiao Daoqing fanned the magic fan of five birds and drove five flaming birds of different colors to fly towards the golden chariot.

The flames flying all over the sky, accompanied by the black clouds surging, frightening.

"Poop, poop, poop..."

However, after contacting with the shining golden chariot, the five birds condensed by the flames were immediately scattered and changed into five feathers of different colors and fell to the ground.

"Ding, Ding, Ding..."

All kinds of bullets shot by the people of Erlong island could not cause any damage when they hit the golden chariot. They were all resisted by the golden light on the surface.

Even in the case of not being able to escape, he was crushed by the golden chariot, killing and injuring more than a dozen people!


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Even Qiao Daoqing inspired all the power of his magic weapon, and the black winged Mirs transformed from the whole fan could not stop the strong impact of the gold chariot.

You know, these five bird magic Eagle fans belong to the magic weapon of the Ninth level.

Obviously, this golden chariot should really belong to the extraordinary level of things!"Go

Reach back to the shining golden chariot smashed into the prototype, the dim light of the five birds magic Eagle fan.

Qiao Daoqing's face sank, and a dark cloud appeared at his feet, but he carried himself up and ran away towards the top of the volcano.

"Well, you can't escape!"

In the golden chariot, the enraged Tian Hu is reluctant.

The Golden Dragon followed a turn, and even pulled the shining golden chariot into the air, chasing the black cloud and flying towards the top of the mountain!

"Here it is

On top of the demon volcano, Jiu Shu, wearing an apricot yellow eight trigrams Taoist robe, picks up his iconic eyebrows.

Then, he said the mantra quickly.

"Disciple burning incense three percussion please, welcome the golden winged Mirs come quickly..."

Jiushu is a Taoist in modern times. Because of his diversified film and television background, he has the talent of "asking God".

Therefore, even the "golden winged Mirs" in the legend of Buddhism can also be introduced.

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As for who is the target of this time?


On the altar of Dharma, a virtual shadow of the golden winged Mirs appeared, with its eyes shining with golden light and full of a kind of ferocious force. Then, with a wave of its vibrating wings, it turned into a golden light and rushed into the billowing yellow crater with Martian smoke.

To be exact, it should be the body of Li Yuanba, who is in the heart of the black purple demon body in the magma inside the volcano.

In Erlong Island, it is not only heroes of the water margin who have the reincarnation status of gods and demons.

Li Yuanba, like Yue Fei and Zhang Fei, is said to be the golden winged Mirs of the upper world!

Therefore, it is natural to integrate the power of the golden winged Mirs.


With the golden winged Mirs in his body, Li Yuanba's eyes suddenly turned into gold, and his vitality surged out, condensing into the power of white fire.

Infuse into the devil's heart, and then through the surrounding purple blood vessels, flow the devil's upper body.

At the next moment, the "demon corpse" in the volcano, which originally needed hundreds of magma people to burn "fire" to drive, had a reaction under the power of Li Yuanba, who was in the state of "inviting God".


A pair of eyes with burning vitality and purple flame suddenly opened, and the huge upper body that could cover the crater protruded its head. A house like "devil's claw" grabbed it towards the sky, just like holding a toy, holding the "golden chariot" that was about to catch up with Qiao Daoqing in the palm of its hand!

Then, it directly pulls the golden chariot shrouded in the yellow light to the volcano.

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