Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 398: 398

Most of them are well-known in history.

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According to the information in my head, some of the real qualities should even be at the "legend" level. Only in the "hundred Geers competing for the best" mission, the first place to be promoted to be extraordinary can I choose at present.

Because only the first promotion base can meet so many villains and gather enough strength from them.


"Your site is ahead of the rest of the competitors, and will become the end of the competition!" 】

after all the villains were decomposed into bright yellow human forces and gathered in the Qi Yun Hall of Erlong Island, two new messages appeared in the heads of all the people who belong to Erlong island!

["your stronghold has completed the task of" competing for the best in a hundred boats'! " 】

if it is expected that the stronghold can be promoted to extraordinary, these two pieces of information are beyond everyone's expectation.

"What do you mean? The task of "competing for the best" has also been completed! "

"Shouldn't there be two requirements? First, the stronghold is promoted to extraordinary. Second, can we complete this round of tasks only after the stronghold reaches the "end"? How come all of a sudden it's finished

A group of erlongdao players, who had been lying on the ground with blood all over because of the end of the battle and were unwilling to get up, sat up all at once, full of doubts.

"It seems that the first place to advance to the top will be the end of this round. We are the "destination" ourselves. Of course, we have met two conditions at the same time and completed the task. "

"However, this is really unexpected..."

Some other players are more understanding and surprised.

"Sure enough, the first stronghold to be promoted to" extraordinary "will have an advantage!"

"As I said before, there is a word" struggle "in the struggle among all kinds of competitors, which definitely involves" time "..."

As a staunch "main fast faction" all the time, his stomach was cut by his opponent in the battle. He Dahai, who was lying on the ground with too much blood, was excited that I guessed right.

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"Advantage or disadvantage, it's not sure!"

Guo Wei, however, shook his head thoughtfully.

It has become the end point of "competing for the best", which means that all the competing enemies, alien races, even villains and monsters will finally take Erlong island as the center and merge into a real land.

This has certain advantages for Erlong island.

After all, we can "wait for work with ease" and deal with it well in advance. Especially after this promotion, we have obtained the authority to "adjust" the territory around the stronghold in a large scale, which can completely make the whole stronghold into an "iron wall".

Then, they can occupy all kinds of neutral resources and sites at the first time!

But there are also disadvantages.

It has become the "end point" of the whole mission, which means that there will be a steady stream of alien strongholds on all sides of Erlong island.

With the strength that Erlong island has accumulated all the way to the present, if it's just one or two strongholds, there's absolutely no need to worry about it, but it's really a lot of pressure to face the enemy!

"In this way, this" reward "is a pitfall?"

"We've worked so hard to finish this" battle for the best "with" one against four. "As a result, we were once again besieged."

"Even this time, there may be more than just" four sides. "There may also be flying aliens from above, flying aliens from the sea or even from the ground."

"Even the immortals can't win even if they are defeated by a few hundred?"

The bug brother with white cloth on his eyes looked disappointed.

His newly acquired "laser eye" ability was brilliant on the battlefield, but it also attracted the attention of the enemy and was blinded by a commander of Wang Qingjun's five tigers.

Fortunately, there is a player who has awakened his medical ability. Fortunately, he didn't lose his life.

But after a day and a night of fighting, I was very tired.

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I heard that it is very likely that I will continue to bear such pressure and siege in the next period of time, which will inevitably make me more tired.

Of course, the bigger reason is that there is a big gap between this "reward" and the original reward of the ten ethnic groups, which makes people feel disappointed.

"No, it's not necessary to fight a hundred with one."

"In this round of mission, the requirement is to" advance the stronghold to the top and reach the end ", not to reach the end for the people in the stronghold!"

"These alien tribes should only need to reach around our stronghold to complete the task, and like the" four bandits ", they have the requirement to seize the core of our stronghold."

"Therefore, there is a possibility of peaceful coexistence!"

See around many people and bug brother, morale is a little low, standing on the "Golden Dragon car" Ji night suddenly open mouth.

"In addition, after careful consideration of the message just given, Erlong island should be the first prize to be promoted to the top level."

"The reward for being the first to complete the task of" competing for the best "is not directly told to us. This reward is likely to be the same as the first "ten races fighting for supremacy" promotion to gain the advantage of the background of the gas transportation battlefield. It belongs to the hidden nature and needs to be explored by ourselves. "As a person with good academic performance, Ji Ye's "reading comprehension" ability is absolutely not weak.

In fact, I have noticed that for a long time, and I have some kind of speculation in my heart.

To be the "destination" is not a reward. It is based on the fairness of the place of inheritance and the generosity of the first person who completes the task.

Since Erlong island may need to be the enemy of hundreds of ethnic groups, it must also provide enough "capital" for Erlong island to be the enemy!

"We will know exactly what this" capital "is."

"Now, we don't have to worry about these things. Let's clean up the battlefield and deal with the unfinished business."

"Some things that need to be transported back to the treasure house can be put into this" Golden Dragon cart. "

At last, Ji Ye orders the humanity on the battlefield.

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Although the fighting is over, there are still a lot of aftermath to deal with.

For example, although all the villains who did not surrender have been "disappeared" as the force of Qi Yun, their weapons, equipment, armor, and war horses have all been left behind, which naturally needs to be picked up.

There is also an inventory of the specific resources in the "four bandits" stronghold. Is there any potential hidden danger that has not been solved? Thousands of injured people on Erlong island have received medical treatment Wait, there are so many things.

These things are no easier test for a stronghold than fighting.

Fortunately, Ji Ye doesn't need to worry about herself.

Because in this respect, Erlong island is also full of talents.

For example, Su longying, who has already arrived on the battlefield with a "population book" and a gold carving, Shang Yan, who has already instructed people to treat the wounded, and Zhou Yu and Mi Zhu, who are familiar with these things


And when the gold chariot interior is piled up by all kinds of light spoils, with a dragon chant, the gold dragon pulls the chariot out of the field.

"I need to be closed for a while."

"There's no need. Don't disturb me."

And in the manipulation of the golden dragon car all the way back to the stronghold, the important booty into the "treasure house".

Ji night sits in the gold chariot to order a way.

This chariot, renamed "Golden Dragon chariot" by Ji ye, can be completely isolated from inside and outside, and its defense is so strong that even "devil's claw" can't be directly destroyed.

Therefore, it is absolutely an excellent "closed" place.

Of course, the purpose of Ji Ye's closing this time is to try the effect of "infinite integration".

This is because the strength of "talent skill" is provided by the stronghold itself after the stronghold is promoted.

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The original cooling time naturally disappeared.

As for the goal of integration?

"Well, let's integrate the talent of contract first!"

Ji night heart way.

After all, a full 3000 soldiers need to provide a lot of energy every day. If they can be transformed into Erlong Island personnel quickly through contract talent, they will naturally save this part of expenses.

However, this "contract" talent itself exists in the form of "limit times skill".

Therefore, there is no way to choose to integrate with itself, you need to select a specific fusion object first.

"What to choose?"

All kinds of fusion schemes flashed through Ji Ye's head.

[dragon subduing palm] + [Contract talent] = slap the opponent to get down directly, and then "submit" immediately?

[dragon blood] + [Contract talent] = can the contracted target gain dragon blood or his own top blood at the same time through a drop of blood contract?

[Wulei Rune method] + [Contract talent] = develop a spirit rune that can be used for contracts?

Because her "quota" is high enough, Jiye can finally "open her mind" and think about all kinds of possibilities as she did in the first few fusions.

You know, because Erlong island has always been threatened by the enemy, it has been a long time that he has to use the times of "fusion" on the "blade".

It's not used to fuse special items, if it's used to fuse Gongfa or "sacrifice"!

Now I have hundreds of integration opportunities, but I want to do something.

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