Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 401: 401

However, Ji Ye is not ready to use this stone of civilization for the time being.

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Because the transformation of extraordinary items requires great energy!

Considering that Erlong island has become the "end point" of the alien race and enemies will constantly appear around it, it is better to use the power of Qi transportation first to pick up the heroes and resurrect the dead.

"Well, next report on the territory of the" four bandits. "

"Preliminary surveys have been carried out in these four areas, and there are a lot of" resources "on them. For example, the "grass" that can make war horses grow at a high speed in the Liao region mentioned just now, as well as some grassland creatures with exuviating quality

A core player who is a professional teacher of animal husbandry on earth, stands up and makes a report.

"In fangla army territory, there are" lakes "that can speed up the growth of aquatic organisms, and there are a lot of decaying fish!"

Then, a professional in aquaculture introduced the situation of fangla territory.

"In the territory of Tian Hujun, there are" soil "that can speed up the growth of plants. There are many deciduous plants. Among them is rubber that we need more On the top of Wang Qingjun's territory, there are a large number of exfoliated ores, which can extract many exfoliated metals Well, this is one of the uranium mines

Finally, a geological player looks more excited than the previous two.

"What, uranium?"

"So we've developed nuclear power?"

And this sentence, many players in the conference room face immediately changed.

Even Zhou Yu, who is sitting on the side of the hero, is very active. As the most adept at learning among the whole aborigines, he already knows a lot about the earth and knows the meaning of "uranium mine".

"But isn't it a big step? Are we technologically mature? "

"Thousands of civilization stones can be smashed even from the most basic parts."

If it is to complete the task of "competing for the best", with the scientific and technological level of Erlong Island, there must be some distance to develop nuclear weapons.

But now there are thousands of civilization stones that can be transformed into military equipment, and Skynet has detailed drawings of Miying's nuclear weapons, which have the basis of manufacturing.

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"Well, speaking of this, I just mention the distribution of spoils."

"The amount of booty this time is huge, and the new" contribution value "calculation method will be used for its distribution."

And seem to think of what, Ji night openings say.

Before, Erlong island had no idea about the distribution of spoils.

In general, it adopts the principle that half of the sites belong to the unified distribution, and half belong to the members who participate in the killing.

But there are inevitably some problems.

For example, many people go to pick up the enemy's weapons and shields before the battle is over, and then carry them on their bodies to form a burden and affect their combat effectiveness.

For example, to kill a powerful enemy, in many cases, there will be several people involved. For the more precious spoils, there are often several people arguing with each other about the ownership or even using weapons.

This time, in order to solve this problem, we adopted the "contribution value" system.

After the battle, there will be a special team to collect the spoils.

If the fighters choose to take the booty directly, they need to deduct a certain "contribution value". For example, Ji Ye's "golden chariot" and two "gifted light balls" have already paid the contribution.

Of course, these contribution values are usually supplemented by "rewards" after finding out that they are really killers.

This "contribution value" was successfully established thanks to the computing power of Su nongying's "population book" and "Skynet" which can view personnel information.

"People who are willing to contribute the stone of civilization to transform specific items will also convert the" contribution value "of the stronghold according to the level of the stone of civilization."

"In addition, the stronghold will set up a 'trading system'. The items you don't need this time can be traded with others!"

"This matter will be in the charge of MI Zhu and you two."

Ji Ye is very kind to MI Zhu and safety.

With enough stones of civilization, not only nuclear weapons, but also Skynet can be put on the agenda.

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Therefore, in the future, this kind of transaction will not only be limited to offline, but also expand the function of "online". Presumably, after seeing "Taobao", a group of aborigines will also move their fingers!

"Well, next thing, let commander Lin tell us."

"Well, after completing the" extraordinary test ", we have a chance to make a major adjustment to the layout of the stronghold!"

As the person in charge of "construction", Lin Dong got up and spoke in a somewhat excited tone.

As an architect and urban planner on the earth, he is one of the most famous ones in southwest province and even in the whole country.

The whole erlongsi Island, as well as the territory of the four villains, is about 150 square kilometers.Maybe it's only a medium-sized city on the earth in area, but because of the existence of "special permission", it can change the world, transform the original Qianzhang mountain into a Shili Canyon, build waterfalls and rivers between hands, and build cities underground

No designer on earth can imagine this.

To this end, he even sent people off the line to invite his tutor, an academician level urban planning expert, to seek the help of the top people in the industry.

And the old academician, who was not much younger than the old men, was so excited that he immediately pulled out his oxygen tube and dropper, and directly gathered a group of famous disciples to form a design team.

However, people on earth finally don't know enough about Erlong island.

Therefore, Longcheng personnel need to put forward their own requirements first.

"We need two ports with better location. If we want to be adjacent to the mirage waters, we can use mirage gas to cover the important military positions."

This was put forward by Ruan Xiaoer, the leader of the Navy.

"Since the soil in Tianhu's territory can accelerate the growth of plants, ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum and red fruit in the herb garden can be transferred to the past."

This is what Shang Yan, an Daoquan and other people in the logistics and medical department said.

"The height of Yingfeng can be increased a little. In this way, the intensity of" cyan vigorous wind "can be increased in disguise."

"The magma group volcano should be moved to the edge. On the one hand, if it is close to Longcheng, the pollution is too serious. On the other hand, the volcano itself is also a natural barrier..."

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Of course, the efficiency of collective wisdom and effort is needless to say, and soon the general plan for "Longcheng" has taken shape.

One of the important decisions was to move the core of Erlong island's stronghold to the new center of "Longcheng" as the "political center.".

The original Erlong island will be geographically separated from the rest of the region, surrounded by water for protection, following the example of "Shuibo Liangshan", becoming a "military important place"!

In addition, the "imperial palace" left by Tian Hu will be arranged outside and a "branch stronghold" will be established.

"Mr. Gongsun, please work with Qiao Tongling, Jiushu and Yihe to take charge of the Fengshui pattern and array layout of the stronghold!"

After the general elements were determined, Ji Ye was humane to the Gongsun Sheng of Ledu.

Among the demoted generals, Qiao Daoqing was the only one qualified to attend the meeting.

After all, he went back to undercover in the army of Tian Hu and broke down thousands of people for Erlong island at one time. The credit is even greater than most of the original commanders!

In addition, his attainments in Fengshui are very important for the construction of Longcheng.

Among the players, "Yihe", as the representative of this aspect, has been approved to enter the "Fengshui group", which also means that because of the performance of this battle, his identity as the "black spot" of Jiaofang stronghold has been exposed.

"Well, in terms of the overall layout, we need a strong enough" dragon vein "!"

And finally, Ji ye also said a request of her own.

Now he has the talent of "King's contract", and with the help of "Yin dragon jade seal", he can arouse "dragon power".

As long as the geomantic omen pattern is strong enough and combined with the "Taiyi mixed sky array", even if the enemy is of extraordinary level, it is impossible to directly endanger the core of Erlong Island stronghold!

As long as the core of the stronghold is carefree, it can develop in the inheritance place with ease.

"On this basis, our stronghold will once again usher in a change of name, from Erlong island to" Longcheng. "

Finally, a piece of news announced by Ji Ye excited many people in the assembly hall.

The name of "dragon city" sounds more "domineering" than Erlong mountain stronghold or Erlong Island, and more in line with the status of "the first stronghold on earth" now!

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The most important thing is that from "village" to "island" and then to "city", the change of name undoubtedly represents that the stronghold is becoming stronger and stronger!

"Next, we'll talk about the special award."

"With the strength we have gained, we can probably choose two resources and two important tools."

Ji Ye opened her mouth and opened the next topic.

"In terms of resources, let's upgrade CHIGUO."

"To upgrade CHIGUO to Zhuguo, we mainly focus on physical and martial arts cultivation. Zhuguo must be the first choice."

These are the fighters on the martial road.

"No, I think it's better to promote" Shi ru "or" Qing se Gang Feng. "

"Because we have a lot of resources to enhance the power of Qi and blood, but there are not many resources to strengthen the power of spirit."

Of course, although there are not many people in Erlong island who practice "spiritual power", there are also some who put forward different opinions.

"No, it's better to upgrade mahogany."

"Mahogany must be a rare resource with excellent properties and a wide range of uses. You only need to upgrade a yellow wood and then use the power of Qi transportation to promote it, and you can continuously obtain extraordinary resources. ""Or" silver liquid "is OK. Now the" soul "of fuzzy consciousness has been condensed in the silver liquid pool, but the" metal man "has never been copied. I'm sure there will be a change after the transcendence! "

However, the voice of the logistics personnel in the stronghold is no less than that of the fighters.

"I think black mud should be improved. At present, the recovery speed of limb regeneration is too slow. And there are too many people injured this time, and the black mud is not enough. "

"How about upgrading the illusion mushroom? This time, the" illusion Qi "played a very important role. Only by letting the enemies kill each other did they keep the defense line of Yingfeng."

"I think it can improve manna, which is also a high-level treasure in journey to the West!"

One after another, there were many controversies in the chamber.

The fighters and the logistics personnel do not give in to each other, and the spiritual and martial arts practitioners also have their own ideas!

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