Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 414: 414

And with the promotion to the top.

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"Heijiao" state under the Jiye attribute also obtained a variety of "extraordinary ability"!


With another dragon chant in the sky, the body of the black dragon in the clouds changed.

From the original size of a few feet, it directly reduced to a short size of about three feet, and then changed from about one foot to a full size of ten feet.

It's the dragon's magic power that the previous "green dragon" once exerted.

[big and small Ruyi]

rank: extraordinary

rank: excellent

Description: dragon can be big and small, can rise and hide; big can make clouds and fog, small can hide!

This time, the absolute true sense of the "magic power"!

This "big and small Ruyi" ability, like "shrinking the earth to an inch" and "whipping mountains to move stones", is also among the Taoist "thirty six heavenly Gang" powers.

During the journey to the west, the monkey knew this magic power very well.

Not only can it grow bigger and fight with the archetypal ox demon king, but also it can grow smaller and sneak into Princess Tiefan's belly to call her "sister-in-law".

However, Ji Ye originally thought that she probably got this magic power by integrating the five thunder heavenly Gang Dharma, but she didn't expect that it was through the dragon blood!

Since it is one of the "heavenly Gang powers", human form should also be able to grasp this power.

In theory, after the "fusion" talent skill has been promoted to "extraordinary", after a round of "fusion", he estimates that he can master it one step closer.

In addition to this "big and small Ruyi" ability, the pair of black Jiaos in the air have completely turned into pale golden dragon eyes, which also contains a kind of extraordinary power.

[eye of the real dragon]

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rank: extraordinary

rank: excellent

Description: the dragon's magic power that can be obtained only by having the blood of the real dragon can see through the illusory, and can also trace all kinds of virtual and real energy.

This is totally different from the feeling of the eye of the golden carving in the human state. The former belongs to the super long distance and dynamic visual addition. In essence, it is still the vision of ordinary people.

The latter is more similar to a kind of "micro" observation, which can clearly see what normal people can't see.

For example, spiritual power, evil spirit, unexcited magic energy, etc., and even have the ability to see through "vanity" like the monkey's "fire eye golden clear"!

Of course, there must be some difference from monkeys.

Otherwise, it's not just an excellence assessment.

In addition to "dragon eyes", Ji Ye's "Dragon Spirit" has also changed.

After being tempered by the power of "legendary true blood", the Dragon Qi, which has already reached the Ninth level, is also a step closer and has new abilities.


Ji Ye's mind moves.

But see the sky suddenly surging, the original white dragon gas.

In the twinkling of an eye, it turned into a big cloud of thunder and lightning.

Dragon, breathe into clouds, control thunder and lightning!

Dragon Qi can be transformed into a real cloud or even thunder, and the power of dragon Qi can be integrated into it. Seemingly ordinary rain can play the same terrible lethality as "arrow rain"!

This ability, which involves the transformation of "energy and matter", undoubtedly belongs to the "extraordinary" level.

In addition, because the Dragon Qi is extremely "overbearing", things hidden by the Dragon Qi or the dark clouds formed by the Dragon Qi can block the detection or even attack of all forces below the extraordinary level.

But strictly speaking, the first three "extraordinary powers" are not vulgar.

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However, the biggest gain from this breakthrough should be his "body of black dragon" tempered by the power of "legendary true blood" and "turning Dragon into light".

Take the level of "Terran city card" as an example.

If we say that the former moufan level is as hard as metal due to the hardening of various resources, it is probably the "bronze" level, while the newly condensed "green dragon body" is almost the "gold" level.

Well, the body tempered by "legendary true blood" is absolutely equivalent to the "diamond" level!

There is no doubt that Ji Ye feels that she is in the "black Jiao" state. She will not be hurt when she is shot by the electromagnetic gun "dragon's eye" which can threaten the Ninth level of moufan.

The physical attack of ordinary weapons such as knives and guns is meaningless to him in the state of dragon body.

In addition to the strong energy resistance of Longqi, it can be said that on the physical and energy level, he almost ignores the attack of moufan!

Once such combat effectiveness enters the battlefield, it is conceivable that it has the ruling power when the extraordinary power is not consumed. It is far from being achieved by mastering one or two items containing extraordinary power.

In addition, the soul of "black snake" in the soul mask is also transformed into the state of "dragon soul".In theory, Ji Ye's level of soul power will reach the level of the Ninth level when she is wearing a soul mask. Moreover, because she is tempered by the blood of the real dragon, the "dragon soul" is more powerful than the ordinary soul!

That is to say, even if it's a soul attack, ordinary ecdysis level skills can't work on it.

The size of Ruyi, dragon gasification rain, real dragon eye, black dragon body, dragon soul!

A breakthrough has gained five forces, four of which are extraordinary.

Ji Ye feels that even if she is compared with some ordinary and extraordinary creatures who have been promoted for a long time, her combat effectiveness is estimated to be superior.

And this also makes Ji Ye feel the power of "fusion" talent again.

Even if this talent is still in the "ecdysis" level, it also has the possibility of making people directly obtain extraordinary power.

Moreover, if it wasn't for the lack of fusion talent level to thoroughly analyze "qingjiaozhu", he should be able to obtain a magic power called "dragon projection"!


In the air quickly on a circle of waves, feel the power of their own now, Ji night at this time to notice not far from the Dragon Peak abnormal situation.

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The dark clouds all over the sky are transformed into white dragon Qi again, carrying the black Jiao's body to move towards Longfeng!

To be exact, it was flying towards a cloud above Longfeng, which was controlled by Gongsun Sheng with a brush in his hand.

On this cloud, there are Jiushu, Qiao Daoqing and two players.

They are Yi He, who is holding a compass in his hand, and Lin Dong, who is also the chief designer of the new "Longcheng" stronghold.

This combination, Taoist and civil engineering experts, ancient and modern architectural culture double combination!

"Congratulations to the Lord of the city for successfully breaking into the" extraordinary "realm!"

And after seeing the black Jiao that Ji Ye turns into shrouded in the clouds filled with thunder and lightning, Qiao Daoqing, holding the magic fan in his hand, is not afraid, but with a flattering expression to Ji Ye Dao.


Yi he's face has returned to the ruddy of normal people, but his attitude towards Ji ye in the state of "black Jiao" is more low-key.

After the promotion of Longcheng, Jiye's "healing" talent no longer has the cooling time limit, so it's not too difficult to save him.

The reason why Yi and his attitude are so low-key is that Ji ye said a word to him while saving him.

"You've got talent skills, right..."

However, Ji night also said this sentence.

He did not ask about the specific situation of his "gifted skills" and whether it was just a "coincidence" that the Jiaofang stronghold, which was guided by his divination, met Erlong island.

Even, instead, he gave Li Zhu's "celestial compass" to use!


Ji Ye opens her mouth to say something.

But the opening is the sound of the thunder.

So that several people above the clouds were shaken slightly unstable, and even the clouds at their feet were also violently surging.

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Originally, I went to the sky to avoid the earthquake. I didn't expect that the sky would also be affected. Fortunately, Ji Ye didn't get the extraordinary power like "dragon chant" in this breakthrough. Otherwise, she might be hurt directly!

"Sorry, I just broke through. I'm not familiar with power control!"

"Well, what did Longfeng find out? Why are you all here?"

In the "dragon cloud" formed by dragon Qi, Ji Ye's body shape changes from dragon body to human body again.

Then, the light of the empty ring on his hand flashed, and a suit of clothes appeared, which was directly put on under the cover of dragon Qi.

The dragon's magic power of "big and small Ruyi" is really easy to use. One drawback is that clothes can't change with it.

He was originally wearing "seven wolves" underwear, with a certain degree of elasticity, and can be tightly attached to the body when it gets bigger.

However, they can't get smaller together!

Before a moment of excitement, rushed to the sky "size Ruyi" for some time.

When I stop now, I find that my only underpants have fallen off at any time.

Fortunately, there are clouds formed by dragon Qi all over the body, and now dragon Qi can isolate almost all the forces below the extraordinary level. Even Gongsun Sheng, who has reached the Ninth level of mental power, can't see his "embarrassed state"!

"Well, you mean in the process of my breakthrough, there was an earthquake in Longfeng."

"Moreover, the celestial compass has detected abnormal power fluctuations in the mountains!"

However, after hearing Gongsun Sheng's reply, Ji Ye's mind can't help shifting from the embarrassment of her state.

He has just made every effort to deal with the changes caused by the "Legend of true blood" and at the same time he has to distract and manipulate the "painting dragon and lighting brush". Even though he has the ability of "dual-purpose distraction" and "golden wind does not move cicada foresight", he has no time to take into account the external situation.However, he could vaguely feel that in addition to the fluctuation of the "legendary blood" in his body, there was also an external fluctuation at work.

Otherwise, it will not be able to get so much improvement in the breakthrough.

According to Yi he and others.

Obviously, it is the Erlong mountain, which has been removed from the core of its stronghold, that has fluctuated with the legendary true blood!

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