Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 416: 416


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Long pool water, emitting cold air, a three foot length of black Jiaos, along the pool wall composed of all the cold iron moving all the way down!

"The cold pool is really weird. The pressure increases much faster than normal waters."

When she went down to about 100 meters, Ji Yeh felt that the temperature around her became very low.

And the power of water pressure is enough to make people slough, and the nine level creatures also have difficulty breathing. No wonder even Ruan Xiaoer can't find out.

However, for Ji ye, it's not a problem.

For one thing, the Jiaolong clan itself is the overlord in the water, and can adjust the pressure balance inside and outside.

Secondly, the body of Heijiao is so strong that it can withstand the pressure even if it dives into a trench ten thousand meters deep.

Even if the passage in the pool is less than 100 meters, it will become various twists and turns. Some places are less than one foot in diameter, so the light will become completely dark.

For Ji ye, who has the dual abilities of "big and small Ruyi" and "real dragon's eye", there is no big limit.

While diving all the way, Ji Ye finds that the grade and quality of the cold iron on the pool wall are getting higher and higher, from the first ordinary to the sixth and seventh excellent!

"Well, it's just ahead!"

After more than five minutes in the pool, when the quality of the surrounding cold iron has reached the eighth level.

Incarnate as three feet black Jiao, a pair of eyes in the light of golden light Ji night finally reached the easy and "Xuan tortoise shell" crack indicated position.

"Well, there's no way ahead!"

However, Ji ye did not directly see the core of the "fluctuation".

Because, in front of him appeared a "ice", a translucent color, with a kind of blood red, but also exudes a cold "ice"!

The quality of cold iron on the left and right sides of the ice layer has reached the limit of the Ninth level.

It shows that it is very likely that this "ice layer" is the cause of the cold iron resources, and the thickness of the ice layer is amazing. Now a pair of dragon eyes with "insight" ability can not see through the situation in the rear directly.

"Well, you can see the direct attribute!"

However, it is unexpected to see the attribute of this "ice layer".

[Millennium Dragon blood ice]

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level: extraordinary

grade: excellent · rare

Description: Millennium Dragon blood, which has been infected by the legendary level of real dragon blood, is still a very rare high-quality and extraordinary material, although it has lost more than half of its power over time.

"Extraordinary quality materials!"

This is Jiye's first time to see materials of extraordinary quality.

Besides, it's still such a big piece.

However, more let Ji night care, from this attribute obviously confirmed a guess.

That is, the origin of Erlongshan stronghold is really related to a legendary real dragon.

At the beginning, Ji Ye was still envious that the mirage stronghold had a complete and extraordinary level "Mirage keel" and "Mirage dragon ball", which was a valuable treasure.

Now it seems that the potential of mirage stronghold is not at the same level as that of Erlong mountain.

It's very likely that after the internal test, when the inheritance place assigned strongholds to the internal test players, it was decided according to their respective talent levels.

For example, the "internal test results" of the soul clan and clay monster clan players are estimated to be no more than excellent level, so the resource estimation of the stronghold is transformed from ordinary and excellent level supernatural creatures.

The corpses of the extraordinary creatures in the metal man and the forest monster stronghold may have excellent and outstanding evaluation. For example, the eagle player has obtained the "perfect" talent, so he has obtained the Buddhist creature suspected of sitting as the body "Eagle Peak" stronghold.

And he has acquired the talent of "inheritance", so the background potential of Erlong island is very large.

Even, it involves the level of "legendary" creatures!

"The core of the previous fluctuation with" legendary true blood "should be behind this" ice layer. "

"Well, is it completely blocked?"

"Then try and see if you can break it."

Ji night about looking for some, found that there is really no path, want to decide "violent demolition".


There was a dragon chant in his mouth.

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After that, the body of the black dragon, which had shrunk to three feet, soared in a layer of black light, and directly changed into the size of five feet.

Well, there's no way to make it bigger.

Because this has reached the limit of being free to play in this pool!


It is closely followed by the black four claws similar to the real dragon, on which there is a very sharp pale gold claw blade.

A layer of white dragon Qi appeared on it, and then it hit hard on the "ice layer".


The whole water area is shaking violently, just like a large bomb exploding in a highly enclosed environment.The destructive force can be said to be terrible, and even some cracks appear on the "pool wall" formed by high-level cast iron!

However, after being hit by the dragon claw, the surface of the ice was only splashed with some white pieces of ice, and several white spots appeared at the tip of the dragon claw, not even a trace of fragmentation.


A pair of pale golden dragon eyes of the black dragon showed a very surprised color.

It's not necessary to say more about the extraordinary strength of the dragon's body. Previously, the "green dragon's body" could destroy the hardness of the jade dragon sword with one strike even though it was seriously injured by the collapse of its body.

However, Heijiao's body, which is in perfect condition and better than qingjiao's body, can't break this layer of "Millennium Dragon blood ice" under full attack.

Even the surface with its own marks is rapidly solidified and repaired at the speed visible to the naked eye under the use of a cold air flowing from the ice.


On the contrary, after close contact with the "cliff", even Ji ye, who was in the state of black Jiao, felt a cold air invading from the claws. The dragon's blood, which contained huge energy in the claws, was a little frozen!

This is under the protection of the Dragon Qi, which has the ability to isolate all levels of energy.

"The eye of the dragon!"

The black dragon with a length of more than ten meters humanized wrinkled its nose.

Then, a pair of dragon eyes in the golden mang Dasheng, shot two sword like golden light, pierced the dark waters, shining on the ice!

Relying on the extraordinary insight ability of "real dragon eye", Ji ye still vaguely saw the vague outline of the objects behind the Millennium Dragon blood ice.

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"It seems that A heart? "

Ji night big eyes try to distinguish.

Although it's just a heart, its diameter should be no less than that of his incarnation.

At the same time, Ji Yeh can feel that her "blood of the black dragon" seems to have some feeling of getting hot at the moment when her eyes contact it.

"It should be the heart of the legendary dragon."

"It seems that he's really dead, and probably more than a thousand years old."

Combined with the attribute of "Millennium Dragon blood black ice", Ji Ye's blood is almost certain that the origin of her blood is indeed dead.

"However, since the heart can produce" fluctuations ", it should have some activity. It is estimated that the loss of power will slow down because of being blocked by the Millennium ice.... "

"But, in that case, I'm sure I can get it?"

The hardness of this millennium black ice is amazing, and it has the ability of automatic recovery.

Moreover, because all around is cold iron, he can't find a way from other directions through skills like "whip mountain to move stones".

"Well, don't worry."

"A drop of legendary real blood has enough power. It is estimated that the energy contained in the whole heart can not be absorbed now. Let it freeze to reduce the loss of power in dragon blood."

"Moreover, since the" dragon heart "still exists, the rest may not disappear completely Perhaps we can take advantage of this time's "authority" to double our search. "

Before the deepest ice layer of Erlong mountain, Ji Ye stopped "the eye of the real dragon".

This promotion of Longcheng, however, has been approved by the "land of inheritance" and has the authority of violent "demolition". If it is not enough, the mountain will be completely stripped, and all the "real dragon remains" can definitely be found.


moreover, although the "body of black dragon" can't break the "Millennium ice".

However, around the ice, there are several pieces of "Millennium Dragon blood ice" fragments, ranging from fist to head size.

"It is estimated that it fell off from the ice in the process of" resonating "with the legendary true blood before..."

Ji Ye has a guess in her heart.

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"Well, these pieces of" Millennium Dragon blood ice "may be used to make a" dragon blood ice sword "of extraordinary quality!"

And for this can resist the black claw attack "Millennium Dragon blood ice" Jiye's interest is naturally very big.

Because this kind of material itself contains the "blood of the real dragon", and has the hardness and chilling air of the "Millennium black ice", it can be said that it is the best material to build weapons.

Although the "black dragon" state is the best weapon in itself, when it returns to the "human form", it lacks all the swords.

After all, Yujiao sword has been completely destroyed, and even "black snake soul" has been transformed into "dragon soul". Although "Xuantian Hunyuan sword" has been temporarily replaced, the "Xuantian Hunyuan sword" is only eight level equipment after all.

In the absence of promotion before extraordinary, Ji night also feel belongs to a very good weapon.

But after realizing the real power of the extraordinary level, Ji ye knew that she needed to find a new weapon.

Because he can be sure that if he attacks with all his strength, his pair of "black dragon claws" can definitely break the "Xuantian Hunyuan sword".Of course, even his black dragon claw can't leave a big mark on the Millennium ice. The only way to make it into a "dragon blood ice sword" is to wait for the fusion talent after promotion!


Black Jiao's mouth opened, and he vomited out an object, but it was a "ring of void" emitting purple light.

Ready to put in a few pieces of "Millennium Dragon blood ice"!

After all, it's too cold to hold in your hands.


However, after manipulating the ring of void with mental force to open, Ji Ye suddenly has a look.

Instead of rushing to collect the Millennium ice, he released an object from the ring of void.

However, it is a jade seal with a transparent surface and a faint dragon shape inside, which is the "Fengshui jade seal" of extraordinary level in Wang Qing's hands.

Although Ji Ye has not yet formed a "King's destiny" and can't directly use this extraordinary treasure to lead the "dragon power" to her body, she can still feel that there seems to be an invisible power pouring around her when she holds this extraordinary equipment on the dragon claw.

In the process, the faint dragon shape in the Fengshui jade seal quickly became solid.

The "dragon power" in this extraordinary treasure was consumed by Wang Qing before the battle. Because it is special, it must absorb the "dragon power" before it can be restored.

The "dragon vein" in Wang Qingjun's stronghold was "sucked up" by him before, which should have been unavailable for a period of time, but he didn't want to be supplemented at the bottom of the cold pool.

In other words, the bottom of the cold pool actually contains a huge "dragon power"!

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