Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 422: 422


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In the sky, two six foot yellow dragons soared into the sky.

With the sound of the Dragon chant, the heart of the dragon city is divided into ten altars, which are easy enough for ten thousand people. On the nine altars, there are many figures of players who have changed from illusion to supplement!

"In, in!"

"This is the place of inheritance?"

"Heaven, what a magnificent ancient city!"

"Look at the sky, it's a dragon! Yellow dragon with five claws, or two ends! "

"That's what the forum said. Be careful, this is comparable to the extraordinary fighting power of the nuclear bomb! "

More than 5000 new players are attracted by the "dragon city", which has been "renovated" at the moment of its arrival and integrated the former four islands of dragon city, covering an area of half of the whole stronghold.

"Beauty, where are you from?"

"Yangcheng people!"

"It's a native of Yangcheng. I really envy you. I'm from Jiangcheng. Please take care of me from Yangcheng in the future! "

Of course, there are also a lot of people who talk excitedly with each other for the first time.

"It's said that there are only 30 places in Jiangcheng this time. You're lucky, man!"

A Mandarin speaking man interjected.

"OK, OK. Man, where are you from? "

"I'm from the capital!"

"I'll go. Your luck is good. Although the overall population of Jiangcheng is not large, it is a city in southwest province and its competitiveness is relatively small. There are tens of millions of people in your whole capital, and there are only a dozen places, right? You should buy the lottery first

"Oh, there's no time at all! I have 30 buildings in the capital. It takes a month to collect rent from beginning to end. How can I have free time to buy lottery tickets? "

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The capital man sighed.

The man in Jiangcheng felt he had been further hit.

"In fact, you don't have to envy me, my house is in Yanjiao, and it's worth a lot of money. A few days ago, a quota in Longcheng was sold at a price of three billion yuan. Now your wealth is no less than mine

"Yes, a quota in Longcheng is worth three billion" rice gold ". It's really crazy!"

Then they continued to look around.

This is a strange but full of opportunities.

"So, the composition of the fourth group. Is Yangcheng local half, while southwest province accounts for half of the other half, and the remaining quarter are from other provinces? "

"That is, more similar to the rules of the last third round?"

The "imperial palace" in the center of Longcheng, on the top of the largest building, Ji ye and Su nongying stood at a distance.

This imperial palace, originally belonging to Tian Hu, was set as the core of the "sub stronghold" in Ji Ye's plan. However, after Li Chunfeng arrived yesterday, he suggested that the "imperial palace" designed by Qiao Daoqing should be moved into the Dragon City, so as to cooperate with the "dragon vein" to a certain extent.

Jiye naturally will not object.

However, the plaque on the palace has been changed to "city Lord's Mansion"!

In fact, although we have obtained the "real dragon" and even have the "King's contract", we can condense the "King's life".

However, from the beginning to the end, Ji ye had no idea of taking the road of "emperor"!

Because, that's too tired, far less comfortable than now.

"Well, it is."

"Because of the policy of buying a house and settling down, the real estate prices in Yangcheng have gone crazy these days, and they have tripled in a week. And the piece of land where our Longcheng group is located is estimated to be more than 50 billion if we want to sell it now. "

Su Mingcheng, standing beside Ji ye, sighed with emotion.

The Yangcheng government has set aside a large piece of land for Longcheng, which is no less than the "Longcheng" in the land of inheritance.

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Although it is a wasteland in the suburbs, it has become the headquarters of "Longcheng group".

Today, the surrounding land price has directly increased by more than ten times.

"It's crazy!"

"Well, people have arrived, so let's start!"

Looking at 5000 excited new people, Ji Ye shakes her head slightly.

Then he spoke softly.


With a flash of purple light on his hand, "Mirage dragon ball" rushed out of the ring of void.

Just above the altar, in the sky, suddenly appeared a beautiful picture!

"Everyone, be quiet!"

"First of all, welcome to Longcheng!"

"As the new personnel of Longcheng, according to convention, the first thing you need to know is the general situation of Longcheng now."

"Please listen carefully, because it may be related to your life safety!"

As the "manager" of Longcheng, Su longying, a formal dress of classical and modern combination specially designed by an international fashion designer in the third round, appears on the projection screen."It's manager Su!"

"Wow, it's so beautiful. I heard that she is only in her twenties. How can she sit here?"

"I heard that there is a background. She is the daughter of Su Mingcheng, the new richest man in Southwest China!"

"No, how did I hear that it was because of her that Su Mingcheng Fang became the new richest man?"

"Well, that's the advantage of getting into people first!"

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Although there was a small amount of noise.

But most of the people were immediately quiet.

After all, this time, all the people came to Longcheng. Naturally, they knew something about the management of Longcheng.

"First of all, the total area of Longcheng stronghold is 1.5 million square kilometers. Taking Longcheng as the center, it is roughly divided into four parts."

"The northern part of the stronghold belongs to the grassland!"

Picture a turn, showing the northern grassland overlooking the graphics!

"Hey, Lulu!"


And on the grassland.

At this time, Lu Junyi, Qin Ming and Lin Chong were all riding a decadent BMW.

Behind each of them were five hundred cavalry, one man and two horses, divided into three horse formations of black, red and white, fighting each other.

"In the previous promotion assessment, Longcheng defeated the state of Liao and captured more than 3000 horses. At present, they are being trained by Lu Junyi, Lin Chong and Qin Ming respectively."

"Lin Chong, which one is Lin Chong?"

Of course, although Su nongying mentioned three people, "leopard head" Lin Chong's popularity is obviously higher than two of them.

"It should be the one riding a leopard spotted BMW with a black long gun in his hand."

"Lin Chong! Did headmaster Lin come to Longcheng? When did this happen? "

"Didn't you do your homework before you entered? In this promotion assessment

In addition to Lin Chong, there are ten "black armored wolf riders" led by Yang Zhi, which undoubtedly attract new people's attention.

"Isn't that cool? Can we choose to join?"

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"I'm afraid not. It's said that the equipment of the black armour army is very special. It's always limited to eleven people."

However, in the picture, Su nongying's words surprise these new people.

"Black armored wolf riding" is the first special army in Longcheng. At present, all the soldiers are above the level of the seventh rank quasi commander! "

"Next, we will recruit some new people to join us as reserve personnel!"

Only because "black armor" is really obtained from the air transportation battlefield.

But after Jiye has the talent of "fusion" which is not limited by flash time.

It has been found that it is only necessary to combine the spoils from the ghost ship and the military spirit in the "bloody battle flag" with some special metal mines found in the territory of Tian Hu army.

It will be able to copy "black armour" in the same way as the equipment of "divine arm army", and even the level and quality will be higher!

In other words, theoretically, the number of "black armored wolf riders" will no longer be limited to 11.

Of course, if we want to really expand the scale, we still need to solve the problem of the number of "iron backed wolf"!

Unfortunately, these wolves are not vegetarian.

Otherwise, relying on the grass that can grow rapidly on the grassland will be enough to make it expand rapidly!

"Well, it seems that these" black armored wolf riders "are driving away grassland creatures!"

And a part of the people's attention, focus on these running "black wolf riding" is moving.

"Yes, it seems that there are at least thousands of them, just a small piece of grassland. There are too many creatures. In order to avoid the collapse of the biological chain, we should take the initiative to kill some of them. "

"It's said that after the monster in the inheritance land is killed, he can not only gain experience, but also gain the spoils related to the earth. It's said that a player kills a cow and directly explodes a big box of red bull!"

Many newcomers have heard that the rules of the place of inheritance are similar to games.

And the idea of "fighting monsters and upgrading" which can "quickly" gain power undoubtedly makes many people's eyes jump.

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