Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 451: 451


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"This What's the situation... "

"What's the monster in the wine?"

Seeing this scene, a group of guards and officials in the hall suddenly changed their faces and rushed to wave the green ant wine to the ground.

"Is there really something wrong with wine?"

But Guo county magistrate, who was not happy with himself, also had some silly eyes at this time.

Looking at the grimace made up of wriggling green insects in the wine, his face was even more flustered.

"County magistrate Guo, how did you get this wine? By whose hand

And with his table unintentional, at this time is finally a voice, expression seriously asked.

"This It was made by my wife last night. She and the two maids did not go through anyone's hands

Guo county magistrate's forehead is slightly sweating.

"Come on, get the lady out!"

After a little hesitation, Guo county magistrate still ordered a yamen road.

"Sir, here comes the lady."

Mrs. Guo was in the middle of the dragon and Phoenix Restaurant, but she was eating in the room with several officials' wives, so she soon showed up.

The magistrate of Guo county is thin and short, but the lady is quite tall. Among the ancients, she is definitely one in a hundred.

Although they are already 30 or 40 years old, they are still charming and even have a different charm!

"Strange, Madame seems to be more beautiful than before!"

The constable next to him whispered.

Hey, the focus of attention seems to be wrong!

make complaints about her heart.

Well, wait How can a 40 year old woman suddenly become charming?


After going downstairs and seeing the "poisonous wine" in the form of green insects and grimaces on the ground, both the county magistrate's wife and the two servant girls who followed her turned pale with fright and made a cry.

"Strange, the expression on this woman's face is a little strange His eyes were a little dull, though afraid. However, there are some details that are not quite right. "

Looking at the countess's face, he didn't use the talent of "reading heart".

Because he belongs to a few days ago to the Dragon City, but also Ji night's four "professionals quota" invited by the only player.

Even though Ji ye took special care of him in these days and gave him a lot of things to accumulate and contribute, she didn't have much energy to use to show her talent.

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At this point, it has been consumed.

However, as a micro expression expert, he can become one of the millions of beta players.

It is enough to show the professionalism in this aspect. For human beings, even without the talent of "reading heart", he can get enough information from the change of human face!

"There may be nine people poisoning wine They are the owner of the hotel, four small two who go to carry wine, his wife and two servant girls. In order to prove your innocence, please stand still Miss Xiaoqian, I'd like to borrow your seal script. "

After commanding several tiefutu with his eyes and standing quietly, he inadvertently took the "Buddha light Pudu mantra" given by the old monk in white from Nie Xiaoqian.

"Next, please put your hands on this Rune!"

Then, let a tiefutu gold walk to these people.


The owner of the hotel looked a little frightened.

"Don't worry, it's a magic talisman. It can dispel evil spirits and ensure safety!"

As a special talisman for ghosts, even if it doesn't say that it can stimulate power.

Once you touch someone with ghost spirit, you will have a very obvious reaction.

"I let go, I'm innocent!"

After hearing this, several suspects did not dare to hesitate, one by one put their hands on this "Buddha light universal mantra" charm!

And all the way from the restaurant owner, to several sophomores and a servant girl, there was nothing unusual after they came into contact with the charm.

"It's me, it's me, it's my poison..."

However, just when there were only two people left, the servant girl next to Mrs. Guo suddenly knelt on the ground with a pale face and said in a loud voice.

"What, green, how could it be you? Why are you doing this! "

Guo county magistrate couldn't believe looking at the servant girl crying and kneeling.

"The master told me As long as you poison the wine and kill the master, you can go away with him when there is trouble I have his flesh and blood in my stomach! "

However, the reason given by the servant girl crying makes people feel that she really has some "credibility".

"What, asshole Wang Chun

Hearing this, Guo's expression became more green than green wine.You know, the ancient lady's girls are almost all the master's "Tongfang", which is equivalent to wearing a green hat for him.

But also in front of the public, a lot of his staff and a lot of guards and core of the Longcheng chamber of Commerce, how can people tolerate this!

"Oh, it's so exciting..."

For example, Zhiqiu Yiye is laughing at this time.

However, the magistrate is small, thin and ugly.

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Although the master has a moustache, he is tall and has a little talent. The girl can't help but be normal.

"No! Her eyes are a little dull... "

Unintentionally, she stares at the maid's white face.

"Come on, arrest this pair of dogs and put them in jail..."

However, the county magistrate has already ordered the captor and the people nearby to take orders.

"Don't come here, or I'll kill her!"

However, when he gave the order, a wave of internal strength appeared on the master.

Then he suddenly took out his hand, grabbed the county magistrate's wife, put his finger on her neck, and yelled threats.

"You, Wang Chun, you know martial arts!"

County Magistrate Guo's face was startled. Instead of going forward to save people, he quickly stepped back from the master who showed his martial arts skills.

"Of course he knows martial arts."

"Perhaps, Guo county magistrate, you should call your master the third leader of Jiaolong Gang!"

A voice rang out, but Ji Ye finally came out from the upstairs, and behind him, Dianwei, who was like an iron tower, was holding a pair of "thunder halberds".

"What, three masters of Jiaolong Gang!"

"Shiye is the third leader of Jiaolong gang. How is that possible?"

"Isn't there only two leaders in Jiaolong Gang?"

After hearing this, both the officials and some guards in the hall stared straight.

"You have some means, even to find out In that case, I might as well admit it. Yes, I added it half a year ago. "

In the face of a bunch of disbelieving expressions, the master's finger is against the throat of the county magistrate's wife, but his eyes are a little proud of Ji Ye's words.

"Mrs. Guo You can understand us, can't you? "

However, Ji Ye interrupts him directly and stares at Guo Fu who is controlled by him.

"What don't understand, understand!"

"I would like to advise you that the leader of the Jiaolong gang has brought people here. From now on, the Jiaolong gang will be in charge of Guobei county. If you are wise, you can just lay down your arms and surrender Otherwise, none of you will live tonight... "

The master exclaimed fiercely.

"What do you say? If Jiaolong Gang dare to rebel, they are not afraid of the army of the government..."

The magistrate of Guo county was shocked and completely ignored his wife.

"Rebellion, court? Guo Yong, you are really mediocre. You still don't understand. Now there is no imperial court. "

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"The world outside the city has changed. All the people you sent out for help are dead on the road. Of course, you will be with them soon

At first, the master was a little disdainful.

"Originally, I was worried about the fact that the granary was filled with your own pocket and almost emptied."

Then there was some excitement.

"I don't want to. Today, the" Longcheng chamber of Commerce "is just coming. Besides grain, there is also gold. God really helps us. Our Jiaolong gang will make great achievements based on Guobei County..."

The master looked at several people in Longcheng, and his face showed an expression of wisdom bead.


"They're all in the restaurant."

"Rush in and kill Guo Yong first. He said, "don't kill a woman. Leave it to the leader."

And almost as he spoke.

Outside the dragon and phoenix wine, there was a loud cry of killing.

"Da, Da, Da..."

However, as soon as these voices were heard, they were suppressed by a strange sound that they had never heard.

"What's this, hidden weapon..."

"The ambush on the opposite side."

"Poop, poop, poop..."

In addition, there seems to be a dull sound of hammers hitting flesh and blood.


Suddenly, the door of the restaurant burst, and a black knife light penetrated into it at high speed.

It's a Black Dagger with a length of two meters, a thickness comparable to a young man's wrist, and a weight of more than 100 Jin. It's carved with several monsters!


After flying in, he went straight through the hall and bumped into the wall next to the stairs where Jiye and Dianwei were.

Even more than half of it has not been lost, leaving only a small part of the blade. It can be seen that the power of this blow is absolutely amazing. It seems that it is a "demonstration" to Ji Ye!"This knife Big boss, you're here. Kill him quickly... "

The master's eyes widened at first, and then his face brightened.


However, it was followed by another loud noise.

The wall on one side of the hotel collapsed directly, and then the one that flew in had been hammered to the bone, and the flesh and blood became mud.

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All rely on a body and knife material similar to the thick black armor barely maintain, did not say the scattered body.

Obviously, the Black Dagger just now was not a "demonstration" at all, but was smashed to death in the battle and then sold!

"Big boss!"

On this corpse, the only one well preserved was a bald head with a face full of flesh and a scar on the forehead that cut off the eyebrows.

The eyes of the master were full of disbelief.

"Ah, help

"The leader was killed by him."

"Run, he's a monster!"

Outside the restaurant, the sound of fighting quickly subsided.

Then, a pair of Li Yuanba, who was holding in his two hands, turned into a gold hammer of about one meter. Li Yuanba, who was dripping red blood, walked in with a cold face.

"It's Qin Shou, the leader of Jiaolong gang."

"He's dead Unexpectedly Dead

"It was this young man who killed him and one of them killed the Jiaolong gang. It turns out that what the Li brothers complained about today is true.... "

The restaurant, to see this scene of tolerance and security are face, with some fear.

"Since Qin Shou is dead, the people of Jiaolong Gang have also escaped So... "

Then he turned his eyes to the master who still controlled Mrs. Guo.

"Don't come here, or I'll kill her!"

In the face of a group of ill looking guards and officials, the master finally turned pale.

Although he has some martial arts, it is absolutely impossible for him to fight against so many people.

"Kill me You Do you have the heart? "

And in his fingers excited, involuntarily hard, has been Guofu neck to grasp almost suffocation.

Suddenly, Mrs. Guo looked sideways at the master.

Originally there were some dull eyes, suddenly appeared a white light!

"No I can't bear it

"You are so beautiful, how can I have the heart to kill you How can I threaten you? "

"I'm guilty, I should die..."

Immediately, the master's expression became stagnant, and then he grabbed his neck and pulled off his blood vessel and throat.

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