Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 454: 454

"These monsters want to eat people's hearts!"

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In the hall, facing the rush into the silver winged night fork in Guobei County, both the guards and the Yamen servants were in a bit of panic.

"Jie Jie..."

The main reason is that the appearance of the men in the night fork is a little terrible, and the act of eating people's hearts raw is undoubtedly frightening.

"These are yecha!"

"It's a kind of ghost that eats people. We still have old people and children in the city. If we can't kill these nocturnal forks."

"Then all the people in the city, including your families and children, will be killed and eaten by these night forks!"

And heartless mouth is shouting, let the people in the dragon and Phoenix Restaurant scattered to the county to save the field.

This is a must.

Although Guobei county has a fierce folk custom, almost everyone has a weapon.

However, the level of these flying night forks is above the fifth level of moufan. Ordinary people in the Jianghu can't be their opponents at all. Only the carefully selected guards in the hall and the Yamen officers who have mastered the combat ability can fight one or two.

Moreover, since there are Terrans in the world of these nocturnal forks, it is estimated that the way of human fighting will not be too strange. In contrast, human information is undoubtedly backward.

"These night forks are extremely poisonous. Don't be bitten by them with teeth."

"their vital heart is in the chest corresponding to the left wing, or you can cut off their heads directly!"

Fortunately, Longcheng has a certain understanding of Yasha, because the bodies of those Yasha that died before have been dissected by the professional forensic personnel of the medical department of Longcheng.

"You all move in groups, and each group of ten can kill these ghosts!"

Ji Ye's voice is steady and steady. It's in everyone's ears in the restaurant.

These people are carefully selected. All of them are above level 8, and half of them are above level 8. They can deal with one Yaksha with ten enemies!

After all, although silver winged nocturnal forks are all above the fifth level, they certainly can't be all leaders.

However, there is one more thing we have to solve first, that is, these silver winged night forks can fly to heaven!

"Wow, wow, wow..."

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In the backyard of the restaurant, a crying girl was taken to the sky by a silver winged night fork.

"It's ER Niu!"

It's the little beggar that Nie Xiaoqian helped before.

"Jie, Jie!"

In the air, the male silver winged Yasha's blood stained tusk mouth just "ate" showed a ghost smile, a pair of eyes came out of the faint blue fire, and the thin claws grasped the little girl's ankles and hung her head upside down.

Behind the wings of a flash of silver, in her body on the top of a dozen to the leakage of bleeding wounds.


"Let her go."

Seeing this scene, many people in Guobei County in the hall were angry.

Although these people fight each other when they don't agree, it's very common for them to die.

But in the face of a little girl who was caught and tortured by ghosts, it made many people angry.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Many people even directly used crossbows, concealed weapons and other long-range attack means, and even some people directly threw their axes into the sky.

"Jie, Jie..."

However, as soon as the silver wings on the back were shaken, the flying Apsaras in the air had already gone more than ten meters to dodge these "hidden weapons".

Yasha's speed is extremely fast. This kind of silver winged Yasha's flight is not much worse than Jiye's "shrinking into inches". After dodging, he even paddled to the tianlinggai of the little girl who had just passed out because of the sudden acceleration in front of a pile of human beings on the ground.

His face was full of ferocity and ridicule!

Obviously, he was not prepared to "dig the heart" as if he had just targeted the adult human.

Instead, they are going to lift the skull of this little human girl and eat the young brain inside.


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However, at the same time that its wings touched the little girl's head, a purple halberd shrouded in thunder rushed into the sky at a speed that it could not avoid, and penetrated its chest.

Even the silver wing, which has a very strong protective ability, was blown out a big hole by this short halberd!

One shot, second kill!


And the comatose injured little girl who fell from the air was caught by Zhiqiu Yiye, who was wearing "Qimen flying armor" and rushed into the sky.

It was a magic talisman that was pasted on it to contain her injury.

"% ¥¥ @ (he can fly, kill him)!"

However, such a move will undoubtedly arouse the anger of silver winged Yasha.

Zhiqiu Yiye was besieged by two silver winged flying night forks, fighting with each other in the sky!"Warrior, your counterpart is my body!"

In his hand, he held two short halberds, and Dianwei, who was ready to support him, was blocked by the nine step female nocturnal fork, whose wings appeared silver light and landed from the air.

After getting Ji Ye's nod.

Dian Wei didn't say much either. With a wave of his "thunder halberd", his body was directly enveloped in the boundless evil spirit and rushed to this powerful opponent.

"Kill, kill!"

At this point, the whole dragon and Phoenix Restaurant, the whole Guobei County, should be said to have fallen into battle.

The battle between human beings and other races in this place of inheritance broke out again, but it was different from that before Longcheng had always been in a dominant position.

Strictly speaking, human beings are relatively passive in the fighting in Guobei county.

The main reason is that Yasha has the ability of "flying" and can retreat and attack freely in battle with its high speed and high defense of wings.

But these people in Guobei county are really ineffective air attack weapons!

"Ding Ding Ding..."

All of a sudden, in the county government next to the restaurant, there was a sound of zither, which seemed to have a faint voice of Zen singing.

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The six character Daming mantra is the result of Nie Xiaoqian's stone of civilization.

Compared with the psychedelic music of the last ghost fairy, the six character Daming mantra is more precious and rare.

And it's more powerful.

Because the six character Daming mantra itself is the heart mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

It is said that as long as you recite the "six character Daming mantra" in your mouth, you can turn it into "the body of King Kong" and not be disturbed by all ghosts!

However, this is obviously just talk.

The power of "Vajra body" is not only the old monk in white who is still in lanruo temple at this time.

Other people estimate that even if they read the six words so that they vomit blood in their mouth, they can't stimulate them.

With Nie Xiaoqian's current level, it is definitely impossible to play the folk song that protects the whole Guobei county.

In fact, her music itself is not aimed at the people on the ground in Guobei County, but at the silver winged flying night fork in the air.

Because another function of "six character Daming mantra" is to subdue ghosts and demons with the help of Guanyin Bodhisattva!


Above the Golden Dragon chariot, at this time, a large number of mirage Qi accompanied by the Qin sound condensed to form an illusory Bodhisattva Dharma statue about three feet high in a white jade vase.

The invisible sound waves spread to every area of Guobei county.

"Roar, roar, roar..."

The flying night fork attacked by the sound wave of "Daming curse" in the air, except for the golden winged night fork and a few others who are above the Ninth level, or have special things to protect their body, all of them can't help but cover their heads and make a noisy roar in their mouth!

Yasha is a kind of evil spirit. Since they are accepted as one of the eight sects by Buddhism, it is obvious that their power is absolutely restrained by Buddhism.

Especially for the ability of "subduing demons", Avalokitesvara is definitely a professional.

Even the lawless monkey can't help but bite his teeth for a long time.

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The means of Longcheng is not only the "six character Daming mantra".

At the same time, the tattoo of Dawei Tianlong behind Ji ye also blooms a light golden light. Then, he flies up into the sky from his back and rises in the wind. In an instant, it turns into a length of more than 50 meters.

At the same time, there is also a gold lacquer painting charm in Longkou.

It's the "Buddha's light shining mantra" left by the extraordinary old monk in white before!


After flying into the sky, it seems to be stimulated by a lot of ghosts around. The power of this Rune paper is directly activated, emitting a bright and pure golden Buddha light, illuminating the whole Guobei county like a suspended "little sun".

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

And those in Nie Xiaoqian sound wave attack, cover the head of the flying night fork suddenly in the light of the Buddha color, body out of a lot of black gas!

They also have to choose to lower their height, or even stop flying, looking for the shadow of some buildings to escape the Buddha light in the sky.


However, this "Buddha's light shining mantra" is being held by the extraordinary level of "great power Tianlong". It only needs to move in the air once to clean up these so-called Dead places.

What's more, Dawei Tianlong has absorbed the power of the Buddha and the sun in the "Buddha's shadow, light and gold" before the fusion. To a certain extent, the two powers have the same origin, which can greatly increase the existence time and even the power of the "Buddha's light and gold".


And that's not the end.

At the same time, Yifang manipulates the "Buddha's light" like a "Dragon Ball" to dispel the ghost Qi.Dawei Tianlong is also gathering his own strength. After a few seconds, he transformed a lot of Buddhist power and formed a very dignified "dragon roar"!


The sound waves are like tides, accompanied by the pure and incomparable Buddhist power and the oppressive breath of the dragon people.

In the twinkling of an eye, it swept over the whole Guobei county.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

All of a sudden, those "flying night Forks" in the air, which are still barely supporting the flight, are like boiling dumplings in a pot, falling to the ground one by one.

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