Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 459: 459


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In the golden carriage, it broke into two pieces. The light on the Golden Buddha dissipated and became a complete form again!

"This time, the harvest is really full!"

And the Ji night that opened an eye, the facial expression not only does not have exhaustion.

On the contrary, there was some excitement.

Although the attribute of this "Golden Buddha" says that it requires "Buddha nature and affinity with Buddha", for him, this requirement obviously does not constitute an obstacle.

Even, the attribute of Buddha only indicates "a certain probability" to comprehend supernatural powers. For him, this is just like the fusion of "black snake blood" at the beginning, which can become almost 100%!

The only suspense is what kind of supernatural power of Buddhism he realized?

Buddhism is different from Taoism in that there are not as many kinds of supernatural powers as Tiangang 36 and Disha 72.

As I said before, there are five kinds of Buddhist supernatural powers, namely "Tian Yan Tong, Tian Er Tong, He Xin Tong, fatalism Tong, Ruyi Tong". In addition, there are six kinds of "Liujin Tong" needed to cultivate Luohanguo!

However, each kind of magical power actually contains many kinds of effects.

For example, "tianyantong".

There are the types of "thousand mile eye" that can cross the visual barrier, the "true eye" that can see through all illusions, and the "Dharma eye" that can see the karma in the body!

Some of "fatalism" can see people's previous life, and others can see people's life, old age, illness and karma in later life. For example, master Zhizhen, Lu Zhishen's master, has seen through that he can "listen to the tide and be round, and see the letter and be silent".

And Ji Ye's Buddhist magic power this time belongs to "tianyantong".

Its effect belongs to "insight" and so on. You can see that your strength does not exceed too many goals. The higher your strength is, the less you can "insight"!

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It sounds like Li Qing's "combat effectiveness detection"?

In fact, the player's talent skill itself is a kind of "extraordinary power".

Like Zhou's "3D printing" and Meng's "Wang Qi", Qin Yueyu's "trajectory judgment" You can do it with some extraordinary equipment or skills!

In other words, his "fusion" talent is really hard to replicate in a sense.

If it wasn't for the lack of the level of "fusion" talent, Jiye would not be able to comprehend all the "five powers of Buddhism" contained in the Golden Buddha!

Fortunately, in just "fusion" talent has ushered in the dawn of promotion!

Because in the case of continuous integration of several Buddhist objects related to "idea", Jiye's idea finally broke through some bottleneck in the integration and entered the "extraordinary" level.

And this promotion, he suddenly got a lot of information in his mind.

For example, about the subsequent level of the place of inheritance.

In fact, strictly speaking, there are only three levels of creatures in the place of inheritance, that is, the ordinary level, the ecdysis level and the extraordinary level.

As for "legend" and "myth" actually belong to the category of "extraordinary", they are not "grade" as the earth civilization thought before, but "evaluation"!

Ordinary, elite, commander, leader, legend, myth

Of course, there is a big gap between "legend" and "myth" and ordinary transcendence, just as there is a gap between the commander and the quasi commander and the elite.

It's like a vampire earl with the same level of mythology. No matter how much restraint each other has, it's estimated that the latter will kill ten of the former.

It doesn't even need to say the level of mythology, even if it comes across the legendary level of Fahai.

"Bold demon, I see at a glance that you are not a human being, Dawei Tianlong!"

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"Well, in theory, even the supernatural soul of civilization can actually summon some characters among white snake, Westward Journey and Fengshen?"

Ji Ye has some ideas in her heart.

Of course, this definitely refers to those mythical characters with low strength and general popularity.

The real characters like white snake and monkey brother need sacrifices of corresponding quality and the soul of civilization to receive a proper evaluation of "legend and myth"!

And according to the information in the head.

In theory, it is almost impossible to advance to the "legend" rating before the extraordinary level 5!

As a result, Ji Ye soon calmed down her excitement.

Because, in contrast, another message has a more direct impact on him.

"Because your" consciousness "is promoted to the extraordinary level, your inheritance talent promotion trial task starts!" 】

["with your own mastery, you can 'fuse' an extraordinary level item. The evaluation and grade of the fused item will determine your talent inheritance and change." 】

"fusion" talent, finally can be promoted!

The last time the fusion talent was promoted from ordinary level to ordinary level, it was because it killed the black snake perfectly.Originally Ji night guess promotion extraordinary may also be similar, but before killed "Yasha king" but did not get promotion tips.

Now, it's obvious that the transcendence of "mind" is the condition to trigger the task.

"Promotion mission, only one chance?"

"Then this" integration "must be adequately insured. It seems that you'd better go back to Longcheng and have the whole stronghold to protect the Dharma... "

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For this talent promotion, Ji Ye naturally attaches great importance to it.

After all, he can come to this step, this "inheritance" talent can be said to be crucial.

However, we can not go back for the time being.

After all, since we have made a commitment, we have also benefited from the "golden body".

Then, the old monk Baiyun who was captured by the tree demon Grandma could not stay.



In lanruo temple, a tree trunk is black red, which covers the whole temple. The tree shakes violently.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Over the whole canopy, a large number of black leaves were shaking off.

After that, all of them shot towards the entrance of lanruo temple. The place they passed was like sharp knives, marking deep marks on the walls and houses of lanruo temple.

"I have nothing to do with you. Why do you want to kill them all?"

At the time of rushing out of lanruo temple, the black air on tens of thousands of leaves condensed into a face of both male and female, screaming in the mouth.

"Pa, PA, PA..."

At the same time, there are also a large number of branches shrouded in the black air on the ground, which are like poisonous snakes. After converging from all directions, they form four aggregates similar to poisonous Jiaos!

Also rushed out of the temple gate, toward a direction.

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"Poop, poop, poop..."

Just, so powerful, after the attacks all over the world rushed out of the temple gate.

It just broke up.

"No injustice, no hatred?"

Ji night with Nie Xiaoqian and Dian Wei, and Zhiqiu Yiye, ten monks several people.

There was a great dragon air billowing in the surrounding area, and the fallen leaves that could mark on the green brick wall were smashed out of thin air when they were within one foot of him.

"It's really hateful. Look who's next to me!"

At the same time, accompanied by six high pitched sounds of the dragon, the roaring palm strength of "Shicheng six dragons" is completely destroyed towards the "poisonous dragon" which is wrapped up by the roots of the trees sweeping all around!

"Grandma, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Nie Xiaoqian took off her white veil, and her face was calm.

"You are Xiaoqian! How come you were rescued by Yan and Ningdi a hundred years ago? "

In the air, a large number of leaves condensed into a black ghost face, instantly showed a surprised expression.

"Damn it, you bitch. You've led wolves into the house again and again Even if I want to die, I want you to be buried with me! "

Then, it turned from surprise to anger.

She was seriously injured in the battle with the old bald donkey yesterday when the other side exploded several magic weapons.

Although he has forced all his subordinates to replenish themselves, he can't recover completely. He even has to consume extra mana to suppress the white cloud monk who has "good gold body".

However, Jiye, who is fighting lanruo Temple today, is still superior to monk Baiyun. The part of "tree demon grandma" was destroyed after a few fights with Jiye. This hard to move "Millennium tree demon" can't support for long, so she is ready to pull Nie Xiaoqian on her back before she dies!

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