Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 466: 466

"Sacrifice, sacrifice!"

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"Is it time to introduce new talents?"

"Run fast, let's go to the altar and stand in a good position."

Among the Dragon City, the players look a little excited, just because the dragon city is about to attract the first talent who has reached the extraordinary level!

Although before, Li Yuanba, Zhao Yun and others actually belonged to the extraordinary level, but after all, because they came early, they were sealed with extraordinary power.

This time, it was a real and extraordinary level. Naturally, I was looking forward to it.

"Those who are below the moufan level will leave the altar area and watch from a distance above the cloud screen."

On the altar, the safe use of "thousands of miles of sound" cried out.

The reason why people with too low strength are not allowed to get close is that this time it's an extraordinary level of leading, and it's hard to guarantee that there will be something different from before.

"Up, up!"

Above the altar, two long dragons about nine feet in height hovered around each other, murmuring in their mouths.

On the altar, there are a pair of pure gold wings, thin as cicada wings, edge like a knife, reflecting a kind of extraordinary atmosphere in the sun!

It's just a pair of wings that yecha King burst out before.

However, at this time, this pair of wings has obviously gone through Ji Ye's "fusion".

There are some parts linked together in the middle, and a set of gold armor flowing with gold and silver light is attached below!

[night king · Ming Guang Jia]

level: extraordinary first level

level: perfect

Description: the Lord of dragon city is made of a pair of wings of yecha king, which are combined with a large number of extraordinary levels of 'light gold' and 'silver liquid'. It is not only powerful, but also has the ability to fly, speed, and absorb the extraordinary power of the sky than the sun and the earth metal!

In fact, it took a lot of trouble to integrate this item.

Because, after the first fusion, yecha Wang Yi did not succeed in promoting the "perfect" quality, but still only the "excellent" level!

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This makes Jiye have to find a way to improve her level by integrating the rest of the items.

After several attempts, it is unexpectedly found that the "silver liquid" with promotion as the extraordinary level is the "intermediary", and the "Guangjin" which should not be dealt with by the yakha clan in theory can actually supplement its "defects".

In the end, it produced such a unique armor with a pair of wings, based on the Ming Guang armor of Tang Dynasty.

"Up, up!"

And accompanied by two dragon chants.

This sacrifice named "night king" Ming Guang Jia by Ji Ye has been hit by Jin Guang.


Then, it was a huge black air wings rushed out.

In the sky for a time, the storm surged and the dark clouds covered the sun. Among thousands of players, yecha King's green face and short body were gathered, with a strong sense of hatred and bloodthirsty!

"Wow, this This night fork King How ugly

Outside the altar, a group of players point at the Yaksha king in the air.

The main reason is that compared with women who are highly similar to human beings and even more attractive, men's appearance is totally different from human taste.


However, when the air that fully condensed into shape of the Yaksha king suddenly a roar.

A bloodthirsty and brutal killing intention rushed out of him and swept to the people outside the altar like a storm.

"Qiang, Qiang, Qiang..."

Then a pair of wings on the back vibrated with high frequency, and the body was covered in a layer of gold covering the whole body, moving at a high speed. The edges of a pair of gold wings were like two sharpest knives, marking a large number of shocking cracks on the altar.

Looking at the path of its movement, it is the place where the crowd is most concentrated.



"My ears..."

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Among the new players, there was no small panic.

"What, can the supernatural spirit of civilization actually break through the battlefield of qi movement and attack the outside world substantively?"

The management of Longcheng pays more attention to the significance of this unexpected situation.

This is absolutely an important message.

There is no doubt that if this is the case, a base at the level of moufan will rashly start to be introduced in an unknown way, it will probably cause extremely serious losses.

After all, the extraordinary level of "sacrifice" once the riot killed all sides, it was enough to kill a lot of core personnel!

However, this is certainly not likely to happen in Longcheng.

Just because of this extraordinary level of Yasha king, the power of the theory is really strong.

Even far ahead of the strongest Yuan people "emperor, Nanwang".

However, the "Qi Yun Shuanglong" has now reached nearly nine feet in length, and is quite the top in the first stage of ecdysis.In fact, most of the power issued by the yakha king has been blocked by the two dragons, and the remaining small part is intentionally leaked by Ji ye, which makes ordinary players feel personally and prepare for the full-scale war with the yakha clan!

However, Qi Yun double dragons can only passively limit "yecha king", but can't suppress it by themselves.

Because, according to the assessment rules, its real opponent only belongs to the "soul of civilization" confirmed by the extraordinary quasi leader at the center of the altar!

"All of you, step back again, and leave the altar area."

At the same time, the safety of "transmitting sound from thousands of miles" conveys Ji Ye's further orders.


The soul of civilization has been transformed into a hero who is not too tall in size and wears black armor of Han Dynasty style.

A pair of long arms, as strong and powerful as ape arms, firmly holding a black iron heavy bow.

From a pair of hands full of calluses, and the gray hair under the helmet, we can see that they are obviously old.

And his body is a long stay in the military atmosphere, such as Yuan like Yue.

Should be, is a real experienced veteran!

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"Veteran, I mainly use bow and arrow. Is it Huang Zhong of the five tigers

Outside the altar, there was a player who resisted the "attack" of Yasha king.

After all, there are many Three Kingdoms figures in Longcheng, and the attraction of the Three Kingdoms heroes should be second only to the heroes of the water margin.

And "Water Margin" in the extraordinary level of talent certainly exist, but to say that meet the "perfect" evaluation of the staff certainly not too much!

Of course, this refers to not counting the background of "Water Margin" under the premise of those famous officials in the history of Song Dynasty.

"Huang Zhong's words are very good!"

"In terms of combat effectiveness alone, there is no doubt that Lu Bu is the first among the outstanding people of the Three Kingdoms."

"If you want to say who can match it, I'm afraid it's only Huang Zhong in his youth!"

But some Three Kingdoms fan's player, hears Huang Zhong, in the eye not from emerges the excited light.

In the romance, Huang Zhong was able to compete with Guan Yu when he was 60 years old. If he was 20 years younger, he might be able to compete with Lu Bu, the "God of war of the Three Kingdoms".

As for how to be young?

There are not too many resources in Longcheng that can restore people's vitality and indirectly increase Shouyuan.

For example, Mr. Meng, Mr. Jiao and others have recovered to about 40 or 50 years old.

About 40 years old, Huang Zhong's fighting capacity is absolutely at the peak of his life, which is enough to add another general to Longcheng!

"It can't be Huang Zhong, according to historical assessment."

"Even if Huang Zhong has the high popularity bonus of the three kingdoms' outstanding people, he can't be a" perfect "outstanding person at most."

Hearing the excited words of these players, Guo Wei, standing on the edge of the altar and knowing the quality of "night king · bright armour", shakes his head in reflection.

It's obvious that the evaluation of historical real human level in the place of inheritance is based on the whole history of the Dragon kingdom. Among the "five tiger generals", Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, who are listed as the "64 generals of wuchengwang Temple", naturally have the qualification of "perfect" or even above!

Zhao Yun's popularity and popularity are high enough, and his image in people's hearts is perfect enough.

Naturally, it also meets the standard.

But even if the other two generals have the popularity of the Three Kingdoms, it's hard to say that they are "perfect" in the whole history of civilization.

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In fact, it's not only "five tigers · Ma Huang", but also some special talents who came before.

Even Dian Wei, a figure of "one LV, two Zhao and three Dian" level, obviously has some "difficulty" when facing the test of perfect level.

In terms of strength, Dianwei is also at the top of the extraordinary level, but in terms of popularity and popularity, he is no doubt far inferior to Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu.

So strictly speaking, like Gongsun Sheng and Yanqing, Dianwei was between "excellence" and "perfection" and was able to arrive last time.

Thanks to the powerful and domineering power of Nanwang of Yuan Dynasty, and the requirement of "fierce generals" limited by Longcheng, the last party was able to get the chance to come to this "No.1 stronghold on earth".

However, the first outstanding person in Longcheng this time must be Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun, who even have the capital of "legend". They can compete for the number of places in theory!

Well, who is this veteran!

This problem didn't make players wait too long, because at the moment of the figure forming, the loud "poem number" sound has appeared.

"The moon was bright in the Qin Dynasty and the pass in the Han Dynasty, but the long march was not yet completed. But if you make the Dragon City fly, you don't teach Hu Ma to go to Yinshan. " 】

however, it is different from the grand voice of the previous Hongzhong.

This time, he was like a young man, full of spirit and full of emotion."The moon in the Qin Dynasty, the flying General of Longcheng Is this time... "

As soon as the poem comes out, the faces of both the players and the readers in the original residence all move.

"The forest is dark, the grass is windy, and the general draws his bow at night. Looking for white feather in pingming, it's not in the stone ridge! " 】

however, a new "poem number" has appeared before some people have "disclosed" the news.

And the voice of recitation is different from that of "Dragon City Flying general" read by young people, but it is the voice of an old man.

"At 15:20 a.m. in his youth, he won the horse riding on foot. Shoot Zhongshan white forehead tiger and count ye xiahuang Xuer. He fought three thousand li with one sword, and once served as a million divisions 】

["Xiaowei Yushu flies in the vast sea, and only hunting fire shines on Langshan. Half dead in front of soldiers, singing and dancing under the curtain of beauties You don't see the hardships of the battle. You still remember General Li. " 】

["last night, the autumn wind came into the Han pass, and the moon filled the western mountain by the new moon. Even more urge the flying general to chase the proud, don't send the horse back to the battlefield. 】

and then, sentence by sentence "poem numbers" are read aloud by people with different timbres and mood.

Some are old and depressed, some middle-aged people are calm, some are young people's indignation, and some are young people's excitement.

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