Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 474: 474

However, not all Yasha can resist the power of "six clean depleted uranium bombs"!

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A blue faced tusk, the head is as big as a bucket, but the body is very thin and small, behind a pair of golden wings, emitting a "ball" shaped golden power.

After the explosion of the nuclear bomb, he rushed out near the center, facing a "six clean depleted uranium bomb" which was fired towards it, he roared, and a pair of golden wings waved forward, from which he burst out two crossed "golden knife gas"!


The "six clean depleted uranium bombs" flying at high speed in the air, even before the fission reaction is fully activated.

They were evenly divided into four parts by this pair of cross Sabre Qi, and even two golden "Sabre Qi" were not only flying out of the air for more than a few kilometers, but also bumping into the "Nanwu Gatlin" Bodhisattva controlled by Lu Zhishen.

"Click, click!"

Two of the six arms of Gatling Bodhisattva were cut to the ground with their wrists in line, and there was a deep cross depression in the chest and abdomen, from which some blood gushed out.

"Lu touling!"

In the command channel, Mr. Zhou Yumeng and other people's voices changed slightly.

Above them, suspended in a "Mirage gas cloud sea mirror", can see clearly the battlefield situation!

"Nothing. It's just a slight injury!"

Lu Zhishen's voice is relatively calm.

"Why is the attack so strong after such a long distance?"

"Fojin" as an extraordinary level of material, but very hard, general attack close range can not cause too much damage, not to mention this kind of a few kilometers away from the case of long-range attack!

"It should be his natural ability!"

Zhou Yu began to judge.

Although "Gatlin Bodhisattva" is an extraordinary level, it only belongs to "equipment" after all. It can't be compared with a truly extraordinary alien with talent and ability!

"Qiang, Qiang, Qiang..."

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And in just a few seconds of human communication.

A pair of wings of the male Yasha king on the opposite side have been waving continuously, and the "golden sword Qi" from it has formed a dense and crisscross "sword net" in the air structure, all of which are chopped towards the "Gatlin Bodhisattva" standing on the top of the mountain.

There is no doubt that this is to kill Lu Zhishen.

"Welcome to Tiangang star!"

At the critical moment, a "please God" order sounded.

Then, a star in the sky was bright, and a pillar of star light fell to cover Gatling Bodhisattva.

In the face of the coming "sword net", a pair of fists shrouded in the purple armor bravely hit out, and the vast power of stars straight into the sky!

Tiangang star, which is the title of Lu Zhishen on the stone tablet of Tiangang Disha, is one of the most outstanding people in Longcheng.

And the power of the stars is far above the ordinary stars!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The next moment, the top of the mountain gold and purple light flashing.

When the light dissipates, the purple "Tiangang God General" and the golden net disappear.

However, the remaining four golden arms of Gatling Bodhisattva have been raised, and a wave of "six clean depleted uranium bombs" have been shot in the direction of the male Yasha king!

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Four shells, shooting from four directions.

And the flight path, is very accurate to block the retreat of the male Yaksha king.

No one knows that in order to control this "Gatlin Bodhisattva", Lu Zhishen spent more than 10000 points of experience in practice, and even in order to master a special quality civilization stone he obtained in the last round, he transformed it into a technological skill that can remotely control "shells".

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

Four "six clean depleted uranium bombs" exploded around Yaksha king at the same time.

Four fireballs rising from the sky and the mushroom cloud rising immediately after them gathered together, covering a full range of 100 feet.

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But soon, a golden light burst out of the mushroom cloud again.

Black faced tusks, only a child's height of the big head, the male Yasha Wang looks black and red, and looks extremely embarrassed.

However, with some extraordinary level of life-saving ability, he escaped from the "nuclear explosion" again.


However, he was almost killed by a person who was a nine step slough, and his expression was obviously out of anger. After

roared as like as two peas of gold, the male Yak's body suddenly burst out of ten golden rays, and it was condensed into more than a dozen of the same bodies in the air.

Then, in addition to the real body left behind, all of them flew out of the coverage of the "six pure bombs" and flew in the direction of Lu Zhishen!"Separation?"

Ji Ye's expression moves.

After he killed the tree demon grandma, he got an extraordinary level of "demonizing thousands of bodies", but because it was an alien skill.

There is no way for human beings to practice directly, and Yasha has some similarities with human beings.

If after killing the yecha king, you can break out another extraordinary "separation" skill.

Maybe we can try to integrate all at once.

"Leader Li!"

And in thinking, Ji Ye opens her mouth at the same time.

Although Lu Zhishen and Jiushu, two of Longcheng's most senior talents, can temporarily play a power comparable to the extraordinary level.

But if we want to compete with an extraordinary existence and continue to fight, it must be insufficient. In particular, the virtual shadow of "Tiangang God General" has been broken, and each of these figures split by the male yecha king has the same breath as the Ninth level of ecdysis!

Even in the case of opening the "eye of the real dragon", Ji Ye clearly noticed that the real body of yecha king was also hidden in the separation.

In fact, what we left behind is a separate body!

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"Yes, Lord!"

Li Guang's "Yasha Ming Wang Jia" bloomed with gold, then turned into a golden rainbow, and rushed towards the real body of the male Yasha Wang.

At the same time, once again condensed a huge golden bow, shot an arrow straight to the Yasha King's body!

Because the time he came to the stronghold was short, and Li Guang's contribution was less. The "arrow of nuclear peace" just now had consumed all the energy he could use.

So this arrow does not carry the "invincible" talent red light!

However, as the first outstanding person in the stronghold, the arrows he used can't be ordinary. The arrows of these arrows are all made of high-strength "Buddha gold", while the shaft is made of "huangmu", which is also upgraded to a higher level. The tail feather is made of the golden light of "yecha Mingwang armor".

The combination of three extraordinary forces will not weaken the power of the explosion!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

A head of the Yasha Wang split up in the air, Li Guang directly shot the arrow to blow out.

Even after the two high-speed pilots collided with each other, the real male yecha Wang was directly carried out by Li Guang with a piece of "Millennium ice" in his hand. After Jiye fusion, he joined the ice gun, which became much harder.

In the air to draw more than a mile away from the cold track!

You know, Li Guang is a famous general who can shoot his bow and arrow directly into the stone, and his strength naturally belongs to his strength.

However, the most powerful aspect of "speed" of Yasha Wang was facing Li Guang, who also had golden wings and borrowed "ice and snow gun" from Zhao Yun to restrict it, but it didn't work.

Moreover, although the two levels are consistent.

However, according to Li Qing's observation, the yakha clan stronghold should still be at the level of moufan nine, and has not been able to advance to "extraordinary".

It's very likely that this extraordinary level of yakha king is just a "great man of extraordinary level" cultivated by his own strength, rather than a "great man" of the yakha clan originally called by the soul of civilization. Naturally, he is not the opponent of Li Guang, who is also the top in the extraordinary level.


However, there is not only one outstanding character in the yecha stronghold.

In the process of Li Guang's fight with the male yakha king, another extraordinary yakha with a pair of golden wings burst out of the smoke of mushroom cloud!

This is a female yecha, tall, broad chest, noble face, almost no difference with human beings, compared with the male yecha king is a world of difference.

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In his hand, he held a gray looking mirror.


And after she broke out of the scope of the nuclear explosion, she immediately pointed the mirror at the high-level silver winged night fork that was manipulating "Dawei Tianlong" and constantly flapping in the air against the "Buddha light" to fight!

Then the gray on the mirror dissipated.

In the mirror, it reflects the figure of a dozen armed tiefutu, including Jiye and Jiye.


Immediately after that, the sharp blue fingers of the female yecha King condensed a foot of silver.


And then cut the mirror with silver on the hand.

At the same time, the body of Ji ye and others is also reflected in the mirror.

"Pa, PA, PA..."

The next moment, Ji Ye's body surface shrouded in the dragon spirit of body protection appeared a sunken trace, like being cut open by an invisible force, her clothes also suddenly cracked a hole, and even a shallow bloodstain appeared on the surface of her chest.

This is also his own extraordinary level, and more than a dozen dragon city people who are also reflected in the mirror, even though they are famous for their defense, and their strength is above the fifth level.In this invisible force, they don't have much resistance. The armor, including the body, splits into two parts from the legs, arms, even the neck and chest!

It can be said that all of a sudden, the biggest casualties since the war began in Longcheng.

"It's that mirror!"

This also made Jiye stop distracted from the manipulation of "Dawei Tianlong" all of a sudden, and her eyes looked at the source of the attack - the female yecha King's hand had become a gray mirror again.

Obviously, the attack just now should be the extraordinary power of a mirror.

By attacking the target figure in the mirror, this power can be directly fed back to the real target with extraordinary force.

The degree of strangeness is even above the trident of fire and the chain of enchantment.

"Is it another rare and extraordinary treasure?"

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