Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 478: 478

In thinking, Jiye has broken into the core area of the yakha stronghold.

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Although this area has just experienced a nuclear explosion, there is still a very strong radiation force left, but for him who has the talent of "healing", there is obviously no fear.

The core color of the yakha stronghold is green, but its shape is very similar to that of the yakha. Wearing armor, it looks like a god of the yakha!


Because he has already fallen into the Ninth level, his consciousness is obviously much stronger than that of ordinary strongholds.

At this time, looking at Ji Ye close to him, a ferocious expression!

Just Ji night didn't pay attention to it at all, didn't have the ability to advance to the extraordinary stronghold core, didn't have any attack ability at all.

At this time, the yakha tribe had been bent on running away, and no one said they would fight to stop it.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

The purple light on the ring of void flashed and put away a pair of swords.

Ji Ye raised her left hand and clapped it out with one hand. It was six dragons roaring out, hitting the face of the "God General", the core of the yakha clan stronghold!

"Qiang, Qiang, Qiang..."

Above his right hand, he released 8864 golden sword Qi, which also hit the "Shenjiang" of the yecha stronghold.

"Taiyijin lightsaber Jue", which has reached the "Dacheng" level and is one step away from perfection, has an amazing attack frequency and is continuous, just like playing a drum beating music.

And the light in the core of the yakha stronghold becomes dim with the naked eye speed.!


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And see Jiye attack the core of the stronghold.

Those villains in the distance, flying Yaksha, look ferocious and eager.

Immediately, in the mouth roars regardless of everything, a part struggles to be injured to break through Li Guang's barrier, madly pours toward Ji Ye.

Because once Jiye destroys the stronghold core of yecha tribe.

According to the information that appears in the mind, they will disappear from the place of inheritance, and even die!

Flying night fork speed is very fast, in the twinkling of an eye there are dozens of head rushed to Jiye nearby, a pair of wings silver flash, together toward Jiye attack!


However, the next moment a dragon sing, these flying night fork, and one after another to fly out.

Because Ji Ye directly chose the human form change to become the "black dragon" form, and the violent thunder around directly electrified these flying night forks!

Next, a paw is patted on the head of the core general of the yakha stronghold, whose light has been dim to the extreme.


The last point is the protection of the dark green air, which is broken by the sound.

["destroy the yecha stronghold, obtain merit: 10398, rare merit: 230!" 】

"? 5 ¥% (no)!"

And after Ji Ye holds the "stronghold core" of yecha clan.

You can see the murderous and crazy attack of the yakha people around, the color of fear in their triangular eyes, and the shrill sound of hysteria in their mouth!

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"Pa, PA, PA..."

However, it can't change their body shape. They burst up in the air and burst into a group of bright yellow air power belonging to the human race!

Finally gathered together, rolling to the direction of the dragon city.


Then, from a distance, you can see the direction of the Dragon City, and there are yellow Qi carrying Double Dragons soaring into the sky.

["the core of your stronghold is promoted. Current level: extraordinary level 2!" 】

at the same time, all the personnel of Longcheng have a message in their heads.

The accumulation of Longcheng stronghold itself is very sufficient. Before, it was because there was no ecdysis nine levels, so it was too late to start promotion.

As the first ethnic stronghold to be promoted, though it is very difficult in the assessment, it also gains extra strength.

Combined with the two, the level of dragon city stronghold is not far from the second level.

Now, while destroying the yecha stronghold, it has solved the thousands of yecha "reinforcements" at one stroke, and the strength of Qi transportation is enough to advance to the "extraordinary second level"!

"Well, from this point of view, there are shortcomings in this strategy of fighting with" reinforcements. "

"If we don't win as expected, we will inevitably lose a lot of strength of our own civilization!"

What's more, Ji ye saw the problem of "reinforcements" relying on the promotion assessment from this change.

This practice should be detrimental to the whole civilization of the stronghold.

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But for a single stronghold, it is advantageous.

Whether to use it or not, the answer may be like the question he just thought about "inheriting talent"

"Your stronghold has activated the mission - legendary road!" 】

["your stronghold has successfully passed through many difficulties and stood at the top of a large number of competitors, but this is not the end. Let the reputation of "dragon city" spread all over the mainland, awe hundreds of ethnic groups, and achieve the name of "legend." 】In the promotion at the same time, a message emerged in the minds of Longcheng personnel.

Just like when the core was promoted from the first level to the second level, this promotion also has the task to start the next round.

"The road to legend?"

Ji night's mouth whispers.

"Ten races fighting for supremacy" is the only "leftover", demanding to kill the rest of the alien races, while "a hundred clans fighting for status" is the only "winner".

And the next round of "legendary road" is not "only" from the description of the mission. As long as you want to frighten hundreds of ethnic groups, you can become "legendary" instead of asking to eliminate them!

From this point of view, the ultimate purpose of the existence of "heritage land" is not to let many races kill each other, but to "compete" with each other.

In fact, if we really want different races to kill each other, it is estimated that there will be no "Resurrection" setting.

Perhaps, because the stronghold of the yecha tribe is already "quasi extraordinary".

After the destruction, dragon city obtained a roll of "special" level graphics booty!

[hundred ghosts travel in the night]

level: special

level: perfect · rare

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Description: the power of human Qi has transformed the cultivation method of the yakha people. After understanding, you can get a "hundred ghosts ability" at random!

Note: every time you comprehend, you will consume the power of qi movement in the stronghold. There is a certain probability to obtain the ability of moufan level ghosts, and a minimum probability to obtain the ability of supernormal level ghosts.

"This picture..."

Ji Ye pondered slightly.

He knows the legend of ghosts traveling at night.

Although it is a legend of Cherry Blossom country, most of the ghost stories actually come from the dragon country and the Three Kingdoms.

Perhaps, it is also because of this reason that this kind of "spoils" appeared. After all, Longcheng is the stronghold of the Dragon Kingdom, and yecha is a creature in the legend of the Three Kingdoms of Afghanistan!

For example, in front of the jade algae of the Nine Tailed Fox, there are nine Yin candles, dry deer and Gu Huo birds.

Among them, there are many ghosts with extraordinary power or even extraordinary power.

For example, the ears can understand fish, birds and human language, and the water tiger can make the body invisible and disappear at will. For example, there is a water basin on the top of the head, in which as long as there is water, it will not die. Obviously, it belongs to the extraordinary level of power of the river boy!

It can be said that the value of this article, which can be mass produced, is absolutely equal to or even better than that of "radiant spring" and "sacred fire altar".

"Lord, there is something strange in the fog on the East. It suddenly speeds up and pours on our stronghold!"

And in Ji Ye's thinking.

A long-distance communication from the direction of the Dragon City relay pulled his thinking back.

Immediately, Ji Ye suddenly turns to, in a pair of eyes the vision is like electricity.

"At last, I can't help it. It's a pity that you've missed the best chance! "

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