Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 484: 484

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

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After the introduction of Cao Cao, this sacrifice did not stop.

The five clawed Yellow Dragon continued to spit out several golden lights and fell on top of the sacrifices placed on another altar.

All the sacrificial offerings there are "misty crystals". After fusion, they have the ability to enter the "dream"!

Therefore, these sacrifices do not need to set the requirement of "dream mirror combat effectiveness", but are changed into "good at fighting in the battlefield" by Ji Ye.

And these sacrifices are not ordinary objects.

Because those "misty crystals" killed in the "dream" will actively "fuse" with each other as long as they have the same attributes. Therefore, the lowest level of these sacrifices is also the fifth level.

There are even two "special" offerings.

And with the spirit of civilization, a famous general of the Three Kingdoms in history was introduced!

"If you can conquer everything, you will be invincible; if you want to set up an array, you will die but not live!" 】

along with the "assessment battlefield" emerging above the altar, the "red dragon" on it was beheaded by a black sword, and a tall and thin general in black armor was bathed in the hot "dragon blood" like a flame, showing his thick eyebrows, big eyes, cold and resolute face.


rank: special

rank: quasi leader

Description: at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Zhonglang general under Lv Bu's charge was innocent and dignified, and was not good at drinking. The troops he led were very elite, known as "trapped camp". He had excellent martial arts skills, and he must be the first in every battle!

"Gao Shun!"

In the face of Lv Bu's command, he was silent, but he was an outstanding general.

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Ji night didn't even speak, the expression on the face of boss Cao's pair of beards, who just came next to him, had become slightly ugly.

When the heroes come to Longcheng, they can know part of the stronghold information.

As a result, he actually knows that there are some people who have no good relationship with him in today's dragon city.

For example, Zhao Yun, Zhou Yu, Ling Cao and Xiao Qiao, who are outstanding people from Wu and Shu, and Li Guang, who are loyal to the Han Dynasty, are unavoidably not happy with him as a "Han thief".

But on the whole, it's not a big problem.

After all, there is no deep hatred between them.

It's just a rumor that Zhuge Liang inspired Zhou Yu in the romance. In real history, the Tongque terrace built by Cao Cao was actually used for gathering of literati.

As a result, there is no so-called "hatred for missing one's wife" between boss Cao and Zhou Yu, now the commander of Longcheng Navy!

But Gao Shun is different.

According to the memory of later generations in his mind, he killed Lu Bu, Chen Gong and Gao Shun in xiapi City, and hung his head in Xudu.

And since he has this memory, Gao Shun must also have this memory. This is the real "revenge" between them!

"This Trouble

Boss Cao was a little flustered.

Although Gao Shun's rating is only outstanding, he is legendary. There seems to be a big gap between them.

But in terms of single combat effectiveness, he may not be as good as Gao Shun.

Because, as I said before, the above assessment of commander is not different from each other in combat effectiveness, and the strength of legend level is not in combat effectiveness.

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Of course, this does not mean that Cao Cao's own strength is weak.

You know, he himself is "the eighth captain of Xiyuan school", and he is also a "good chivalrous man".

Zhang rang, who once sneaked into the ten constant attendants' mansion, was found chasing him. He held a halberd in his hand to fight. He retreated all over and walked over the wall. When he was fighting against the rebellion in Yangzhou, he even held his sword for dozens of soldiers!

It can be said that throughout the ancient emperors, Cao Cao's military value should be first-class.

However, if compared with Gao Shun, who is the most good at "entrapment and murder" under Lu Bu, he must be a bit down.

What's more, today's age is old in ancient times, while Gao Shun is in his prime.

In the Dragon City, the only person belonging to the Cao Wei camp, Jie Dianwei, had no dragon city at all. Instead, he was guarding against the old black mountain demon in Guobei County!

"General Gao, who has been known for a long time, has been able to see him today. It's said that his demeanor is more prosperous."

However, although the heart of "Deng.".

However, Cao Cao's face did not change at all. Instead, his eyes narrowed into a line. He touched his beard and said with emotion.

Whatever else, first of all.

Show that he didn't "kill him" before coming, so that he wouldn't burst into action on impulse!

"The past is over!"

However, Cao Cao thought too much.

A pair of eyes staring at Cao Cao, silent to see for a while, Gao Shun mouth spit out a word.Gao Shun really didn't hate Cao Cao.

If the two armies fight against each other, it is inevitable for them to succeed and defeat the aggressors.

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In fact, what Cao Cao doesn't know is that Gao Shun came at the same time as Li Guang after his death, which means that he has experienced the ups and downs of his life and has more feelings than ordinary people.

Therefore, compared with Cao Cao, Gao Shun thought more about Lv Bu at this time.

As the well-known "trapped camp" leader, Gao Shun is loyal to Lu Bu.

However, "although Lv Bu knows his loyalty, he can't use it." even the army "trapped camp", which he trained himself, usually collects military amulets and gives them to his brother-in-law, commander Wei Xu. When fighting, Gao Shun is allowed to lead this army to "trap the enemy".

Even when he was besieged by Cao Cao's troops in xiapi, he was worried about his "rebellion" and refused Chen Gong's proposal to let him guard the main city.

In the end, Wei Xu and others rebelled.

Even so, in the face of Cao Cao's persuasion, Gao Shun finally died with Lv Bu.

"Gao Shun is dead, which can be regarded as a return to general Lu's gratitude. Next, there is only gaoshun of Longcheng, no more gaoshun of Lvbu army

Then, looking at Ji ye, Gao Shun said in a deep voice, which shows his attitude.

Born in the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms, in order to fight for the world and survive, people have to fight against each other.

But in this land of inheritance, the opponents of human beings are the rest of the alien race, and the internal struggle should be shelved.

For this point, Gao Shun clearly see through!

"With Cao touling and Gao Tongling, the next step is to face the alien race in Longcheng, and you will surely see the power of knowing our race."

For Gao Shun's idea, Ji Ye naturally agrees with it in every way and says with a smile.

The only regret is that another "special" sacrifice failed.

It is mainly because of the lack of time that Ji Ye failed to further integrate this sacrifice to improve its quality. She only evaluated it as "excellent". The hero who participated in the test was defeated by the mammoth in the process of leapfrog challenge!

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However, the other ten or so items of sacrifice at the moufan level were all successful.

"Tiger and leopard riding He Chong, have seen the Lord of the city!"

"Tiger and leopard riding on Linping, have seen the city Lord!"

"Zhang Lei, I've met the city master!"

"Sunqi, I've seen the Lord of the city!"

Moreover, perhaps because of Cao Cao's and Gao Shun's reasons, there were also two captains and five soldiers trapped in the camp.

Although the number of people is not much, but all of them are above the seventh level, and all of them are excellent leaders!

You know, there are only about 5000 tiger and leopard riders, and they are all selected according to the standard of "100 generals". In this inheritance place, the most common tiger and leopard riders belong to the level of "quasi commander".

This proportion is even higher than that of Yuejiajun, who is rated as "elite".

Of course, the main reason is that the Yuejiajun in Longcheng actually belongs to the "Romance" series. For example, the "Beiwei army", the most elite of Yuejiajun, which is absolutely equal to "hubaoqi" in theory, has never come to Longcheng.

It is probably also because Longcheng is still short of a top general who really belongs to the Yuejiajun!

However, since there is Cao Cao, Ji Ye believes that Yue Fei should not be too far away.


However, it seems that due to the stimulation of the vast scene when Cao Cao was introduced, the fog around Longcheng became more violent and the offensive became more violent.

The hidden puppet creatures began to attack the front of Longcheng regardless of everything, so that even with the blessing of Longcheng's Qi Yun power, the "five geomantic omen array" had some ups and downs!

"Cao touling, Gao Tongling, let's" kill "the mist clan together."

In view of this, Ji ye, who has spent some time simply integrating "dream stealing", and Cao Cao directly entered the "dream battlefield".

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