Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 506: 506

"No, leader Cao, it's dangerous!"

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"Stop that net!"

The Dragon City player with good eyesight immediately noticed the emergence of the five color giant net from the water. He immediately waved his weapons and rushed up to try to tear up the giant net!

"Poop, poop, poop..."

However, no matter whether it's a sword or a spear, when it cuts on this colorful silk thread, its power will disappear like a stone sinking into the sea. It can only break a tiny opening in the net that looks like silk.


And when they try to pull out their weapons and slash again.

However, he was shocked to find that the weapon seemed to be firmly absorbed by a force on the network cable, and could not move at all.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

On the contrary, the broken wire at the gap was torn off. Unexpectedly, it extended rapidly along the weapon in the colorful light. Suddenly, the arms of these soldiers were not able to defend, and penetrated into the blood vessels and nerves.

Then, he manipulated his body and waved his weapon to the people nearby!

"No, I'm out of control. Get out of the way."

Some players yell.

And although the people who won the game were surprised to remind them.

But because of the huge coverage of the colorful silk screen, people in the central area can't avoid it at all, and hundreds of Longcheng fighters are attacked in a flash.

In the past, people used to fish with nets, but in this scene, it's completely the reverse. The successful person is like a fish entangled in the net, struggling powerlessly on it.

Even, they are manipulated to attack those who are not netted.

More importantly, the center of this net is straight towards Cao Cao's net.

Once the legendary hero is manipulated by the sharks, the eastern war situation that has just stabilized will definitely collapse immediately.

"Qiao lie Call it a hero

However, although boss Cao was killed by Ma Chao in his own world, he abandoned his armor and clothes.

But in this dragon city, there is enough strength to be fearless of the alien race. The red cape on the body flutters, and a cold light blooms in the squinting eyes. I read the name of one person again.

"True magic, kill three thousand crows!"

Standing on his left side, Qiao Dao, the "demon king" with a sudden rise in his breath, gave a cold drink.

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Throw the magic fan into the sky.

"Quack quack..."

In the twinkling of an eye, it turned into a large number of black crows in the air. After flying into the air, it took these five colored silk threads in its mouth and pulled them with its claws!

Those multicolored silk is to manipulate the nerves of creatures to control their actions. Black crow just belongs to the generation of Taoism. Without life, they are not afraid of the special ability of multicolored silk!

As a result, three thousand crows flew out, and immediately restrained the encirclement of the colorful silk screen.


However, the Hai nationality is not just an extraordinary one.

In the face of Qiao Daoqing's Daofa, the giant devil fish on the opposite side of the shark also has a movement, a pair of huge wings shaking like wings.

Then, among the football sized spots on his body, a purple thunder burst out of each one, hitting the black crows with silk thread with great accuracy.

"Poop, poop, poop..."

The black crows in the air suddenly burst one by one.


Qiao Daoqing spat out a mouthful of blood.

These crows are generated by the way of Taoism, and their essence belongs to the "magic fan" connected with his spirit. When the magic weapon is broken, they will be eaten back.

As a villain hero, limited by his popularity and popularity, his level is still stuck in the Ninth level of moufan. Even if he won Cao Cao's "appreciation", it is difficult to face the extraordinary level!

"Take it!"

You can only remove spells.

More than a dozen surviving crows fell back into their hands and changed into more than a dozen feathers.

Fortunately, the attack before the "black crow" and the power generated by the explosion also caused damage to the "colorful net" itself, so that this big net was finally torn off, leaving only a few meters in diameter.


However, accompanied by the king's mouth light read.

Finally, this small piece of colorful silk screen suddenly lights up a purple light.

Then suddenly disappeared in place, the next moment, directly appeared in the top of Cao Cao's head, toward the center suddenly closed.


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Almost at the same time, there was a knife.

Then, a black knife light burst out in the air, and the covered colorful net was torn in two in an instant, and then the net split in two was grasped by two huge black arms, and then completely crushed.

On the right side of Cao Cao, Yang Zhi, a "green faced beast" with extraordinary breath, and a group of "Black Mountain army" riding iron backed black wolf stand like a mountain.Above it, a semi substantial black "Army spirit" figure about five feet high is suspended, with a dark red flag flying on its back!

[Baizhan · military soul]

level: extraordinary level 2

grade: excellent

Description: the treasure made by the Lord of dragon city, after combining "military soul battle flag" and several soul strengthening treasures, can play an extremely powerful role in the battlefield!

Looking at the shark king below, Yang Zhi, sitting on erha's back, puts down his sword and picks up the bow next to him.


The huge "military soul" in the air, the power of the soul surging in the body, is also transformed into a battle bow in the hand.


There are nearly 10 meters long bow was pulled.

The "battle flag" on its back is hunting, and a lot of soul power rushes out.

Flying to the bow string, it changed into a 10 meter long black giant arrow, aiming at the extraordinary "king of the shark" who frowned slightly after the attack was broken!

Yes, just a slight frown.

Although Yang Zhi is extraordinary, his level of strength is only barely reaching the extraordinary level.

Even if there is a pile of "Black Mountain army" and an extraordinary second-order "army soul battle flag" blessing behind him, this arrow will not pose a great threat to him.

The only problem is The king of chimaeras fixed his eyes on Cao Cao.

"Yang Zhi, after his martyrdom, is outstanding in bow art. A hundred battles on the battlefield, a thousand troops, ten thousand men What a hero

Sure enough, boss Cao spoke again.

Every "assessment" falls, Yang Zhi's breath is strong.

Meanwhile, the breath of "military spirit" in the air is also strengthened simultaneously, and the armor on the body and the black bow in the hand become more substantial.


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When Cao Cao's words were over, a lot of soul power came out from the flag and turned into a hundred war veteran standing behind the "soul of the army"!

"Kill, kill, kill!"

What's more, not only the old soldiers in the middle of the army flag, those who died before the Eagle Peak area, but also the soldiers who were just killed by the "colorful net", they also showed the power of soul and turned into virtual shadows to join them!


Finally, the bow is like a full moon, and the strings are thundering.


As the arrow flies out, the army composed of thousands of souls and shadows moves in the same way, and the evil spirit rushes to the sky, and then pours on the king of the shark sitting on the giant devil fish.

“%¥…… #…… %!”

The face of the extraordinary shark changed suddenly.

Followed by the body blooming purple light, in the moment before the arrow hit himself, disappeared in situ.

Obviously, this should be some kind of extraordinary force that has affected the "void" level.

However, he was able to dodge the arrow. As a mount, the extraordinary devil fish was too big to dodge.


Like a large javelin, the black soul arrow is heavily stuck on the top of the devil fish's head.


The huge impact force even caused the sea water within 100 meters to vibrate violently, and rushed to the height of several feet in the sky. The soul of the devil fish was born out of the body by this arrow.

"Hey, I haven't eaten fish for a long time!"

"Cut it off!"

The figures of the old soldiers of Baizhan and Longcheng soldiers with swords and guns in their hands and armor stained with blood suddenly show a grim smile on their faces. They rush to make the body to be an extraordinary creature, but the manta ray whose soul still belongs to the ecdysis level is cut to pieces.


And at the same time that these soul armies kill the devil fish.

The big arrow that forced out the soul of the devil fish took the initiative to burst, forming a force of soul like ink. It blended into the sea water and dyed all the surrounding water.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

Then, the Hai people began to fight each other, just like the dragon city people who were manipulated by the king of the shark before.

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Only because this arrow not only aroused the extraordinary power of "Baizhan military flag", but also contained Yang Zhi's "war spirit".

All the sea people and sea animals feel that their surroundings have become a huge battlefield, and all their companions have transformed into the faces of Yang Zhi and the black armour army.

As a result, it naturally fell into a melee.

Of course, Yang Zhi alone can not achieve such a scene.

Because the perception of King chimaera is right, Yang Zhi is only a outstanding person with excellent evaluation. Only a few days ago, with a lot of resources exchanged for his merits, he was barely promoted to the extraordinary level. In terms of his own strength, it is a common existence in the extraordinary level.

It's also an extraordinary devil fish that can kill with one arrow, which arouses thousands of sea people's internal fighting. Obviously, it's more because of boss Cao's "evaluation" ending with "hero"!Yes, boss Cao's talent and ability.

It's not that "he can govern the world and be a hero in troubled times". It's not that "he would rather teach me to take responsibility for the people in the world than teach the people in the world to take responsibility for me", but that "he talks about heroes by cooking wine".

This is the talent of boss Cao.

The effect is that some quasi commanders and even elites can be promoted to the "commander" level temporarily.

Or, let some ordinary commanders gain the talent ability, and they can also strengthen the weak talent ability to a higher level!

This ability is obviously a little against the sky, especially for the current form of dragon city.

Because everyone in the dragon city has accumulated a certain degree of "contribution" and is qualified to use the strength of the stronghold to show his talent!

However, the ability of "talent" can only be used after reaching the command level, which also means that those below the command level actually "empty" this part of Qi power.

Now, under Cao Cao's ability of "cooking wine to talk about heroes".

In an instant, there were more than 20 commanders and even top talents on the battlefield of Yingfeng.

With such a large number, plus the "green dragon" on top of the head, there is no problem to resist the attack of a small part of the chimpanzees.

"Well, hold on!"

In the city Lord's mansion, looking at the stable Eastern defense line, Su nongying breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is that the particularity of a legendary hero?"

Then, looking at a gold notebook in his hand, he was curious.

"The talent ability can not only strengthen itself, but also affect the rest of the people in the stronghold."

"Moreover, the most important thing is that the Qi power of the legendary hero's talent is not only from the core of the stronghold, but also from the extra Qi power of the whole earth civilization!"

Her "population book" has been promoted to the top, so she can see more information.

This message, in a sense, is of great significance!

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