Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 509: 509


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The "Shenwu Unicorn stick" made of huge yellow wood is much smaller than that of female chimpanzees. The moment of palm contact.

The shock of terror is scattered everywhere. The female shark is covered with white scales. The sea water below her tail is like a tsunami triggered by a magnitude 9 earthquake. The huge waves are tens of meters high!

However, the female chimaera is no more than one meter tall and holds the "Kirin stick" crystal hands, but it doesn't move at all.


On the contrary, there are some cracks in the position where the Kirin stick contacts the palms of the hands of the female shark.

You know, the main body of Lu Junyi's "Qilin stick" is made of yellow wood. It has the extraordinary characteristics of "energy absorption" and integrates Wang Qing's "golden Panlong stick"!

It's hard to imagine. What's more, the extraordinary characteristic of huangmu is "broken target", but now it's cracked by a pair of hands of female chimaeras.

There is no doubt that this female chimaera belongs to the extraordinary level, and is not an ordinary extraordinary chimaera, a player of extraordinary level.

Because, between the palms of a female shark.

At this time, you can see some silver light on behalf of talent ability emerge!

After catching Lu Junyi's blow, the female shark's fingers were claw like, and her silver fingernails were hooked into the "unicorn stick" from the crack, which was about to be completely broken!

Fortunately, "huangmu" can not only grow larger and longer, but also shrink. After its power has been completely consumed in just one blow, the next moment, it has been yellow and quickly recovered, making the female extraordinary shark grasp a loneliness with both hands.


Hands lost, "Stormy" female shark king mouth issued a sound seems to be dissatisfied with the hum.

Then, he raised his hands again, and the air on the sea fluctuated violently, forming a pair of nearly 100 meter long, completely transparent palms. Taking the Longcheng defender standing on Xuanwu's back as the center, he grasped hard towards the center!


With a roar, the snake body on Xuanwu's back appeared, and the tortoise brain attacked each other left and right, blocking the closed palms.


The head of the snake and the brain of the turtle vibrated violently at the same time.

The huge sound made the eardrums of hundreds of Longcheng fighters crack and the orifices bleed.

Several people even fainted under the impact force, slipped into the sea and fell into the sea. They were gobbled up by a bunch of sea monsters who were also dizzy but still had a big mouth.

There is no doubt that this female shark has "perfect level" combat effectiveness!

And not only these two, but also more extraordinary chimpanzees appeared to take part in the war, and there was no lack of extraordinary level treasures similar to "conch".

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Obviously, this one of the chimaera's strongholds has also been promoted to "extraordinary".

Moreover, the strength is more powerful than that of the "yecha and misty clan" strongholds on other lands.

After all, although Longcheng is "the first promotion", but in terms of the abundance of resources, limited to the upper corner of the land, it may not be comparable to the shark people who occupy a large area of the sea!

Therefore, even Wu Song, Lu Junyi and other outstanding people led a large number of fighters to help.

The situation in Longcheng is still getting worse and worse.


After several battles, Ruan Xiaoqi, who had consumed too much strength, had his scalpel knife smashed by the light of a purple scaly shark and a ruby coral in his hand.

More was broken after the scalpel, flying upside down inserted full body, into serious injury.


Youming blood tiger's body, several feet long, was pierced by the tip of a spear changed from a sea monster, which was similar to a swordfish in the hand of an extraordinary king.

It belongs to the existence of "half weapon and half life". Although the body is extremely hard, it is difficult to block the attack of the extraordinary level of the chimpanzee. In particular, the talent of this chimpanzee seems to have some similarities with Li Guang's talent, and has a certain "destruction" ability.


There are more cracks on Lu Junyi's "Shenwu Qilin" machine armor, and there are signs of collapse. This is due to the excessive consumption of extraordinary power in the "huangmu" which makes armor.

"Well, some I can't hold it! "

Although he has a high level, he is more bloodied than he has no combat experience. His leg is seriously twisted and he gasps heavily. The bright "bone chopper" in his hand is in tatters.

It was eroded by the ink of a supernatural sea monster, which is similar to a squid. It was eroded along with the resentment of tens of thousands of creatures attached to the blade and the residual soul power.

Its own level, even fell to the ordinary level!


On the sea, a red squid about a foot in size jumped out of the water, covered with a layer of red light, rushed to the head of he Dahai, and jumped up again. Hao Dahai, who was exhausted, was no longer able to escape."Damn, I don't know which stronghold I will be reborn in."

"In the future, is there any chance to see you again in the place of inheritance?"

"However, the" dragon city group "on earth has been built. With my merits, how can I be a middle-level one..."

At this moment of dying, he Dahai didn't have much fear in his heart, but had some worries and thought about many things quickly.


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With a roar, a Western Red Dragon pounced on the red squid from the back of he Dahai. It hit the squid and threw it out at one stroke. In its open mouth, it spat out a red flame with high temperature to the quasi leader squid who reached the eighth level of ecdysis.

When the "dragon breath" dissipated, the red dragon disappeared. The squid, which had been completely cooked, was inlaid with a bronze "bullet" which was still smoking!

"Fortunately, I arrived in time."

"The commanders are working hard. Next, let me wait here!"

A warm voice sounded from the sea's communicator.

The "rosefinch" guarding the south, with a long cry, flew off several pieces of feathers the size of a table and fell to the periphery of the five geomantic array. It seemed that it wrapped something and passed through the protection of the five geomantic array.

Then, all the way to the north of the "Xuanwu" back, after the dissipation of a pile of people!

Zhou Yu, Li Guang, Yan Qing, Dian Wei

It was a group of dragon city heroes who had been intercepted by qingjiao on the way back in the golden chariot.

Among them, Yan Shuangying, who is wearing a black windbreaker, has a pair of "flame · red dragon guns" in his hand. The mouth of the red dragon with open eyes is full of high temperature and red light.

"It's a big deal to turn sound into shape and to turn water into soldiers!"

Zhou Yu's face was not so dignified when he shook the feather fan with a little spark and light in his hand and looked at the large number of "sea giants" and all kinds of sea monsters in the sea water, which was more than 100 meters above the ground.

In the final analysis, compared with the previous scene that the old black mountain demon rushed to Guobei county with a high mountain, the two were actually between Bozhong county and Guobei county!

"Afraid of fire?"

After listening to the voice of information from the messenger, Zhou Yu's eyes moved and his face showed a smile.

"Then, please have a look!"

As soon as the word "Guan" fell, a jade white flame bloomed on the feather fan in his hand. It rose against the wind and swallowed up Zhou Yu himself.

After that, the flame rose into the sky. After reaching about ten feet high in the air, it suddenly moved back toward the center. However, Zhou Yu, who was re exposed, had changed his appearance. His whole face was translucent and made of jade white flame. His face was as rich as jade. There was a bright flame rising in his eyes, which made people worship him Breath!

[Shenghuo · Mingwang · fan]

level: extraordinary second level

grade: perfect · rare

Description: it is made by the Lord of Longcheng by fusing "Shenghuo crystal" and "shenghuoling". It can lead the "holy fire" to incarnate into the "king of Ming". All those who have "great disrespect" for the king of Ming will be purified by the flame!

This extraordinary treasure, of course, came from Ji Ye.

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The materials used belong to the crystal of the "sacred fire altar" left by fangla and the "sacred fire order" in these days, and even contain some fragments left after the original fusion of "fire Trident".

In terms of rank, this piece of equipment is not too high, but in terms of rarity, it is powerful.

Because the "holy fire" of burning body comes from inside, just like the fire of the same trade, which is fueled by the power of spirit. As long as there is an enemy in the heart to "Zhou Yu", the sight will "burn body" after seeing him!

In particular, the enemy is still the "shark".


A chimpanzee warrior, who is in the state of "Zhou Yu", suddenly turns red in his eyes. In the twinkling of an eye, a ray of fire appears in his pupils.


He screamed and stretched out his hands to cover his eyes.

However, the bright white flame came out of his eyes and ran to his hands.


The next moment, in the face of panic of this shark warrior, his body suddenly exploded as if he had been ignited a gasoline can.

A huge explosion swept the surrounding area of nearly 100 meters, and several molting sea monsters who were protected by colorful silk thread were directly blasted into pieces of burnt meat.

And a few sea monsters, who are far away or relatively strong, have not been killed by the explosion. Because of the death of the chimpanzees who are involved in controlling themselves and the colorful silk threads that bind themselves are burned and broken by the fire, they suddenly become furious and rush towards the nearby sea monsters or the chimpanzees!

And the flame of the explosion spread to another shark, and then there was another explosion that swept 100 meters."Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

The grease in the human body of the chimpanzee people burns at the sight of fire.

So that on the battlefield, a large-scale series of explosions suddenly appeared, and in a twinkling of an eye, thousands of chimpanzees and tens of thousands of sea creatures died!

More importantly, the explosion burned a large number of colorful silk threads, so that the sea monsters, which were originally controlled by the chimpanzees, rioted and madly attacked the chimpanzees.

All of a sudden, the formation of the chimaera became chaotic, with many casualties.

“#@%…… %#@!”

The male shark, who was playing conch, could not help but stop and looked at Zhou Yu with solemn and serious eyes.

Then he said something in a loud voice.

Zhou Yu is definitely the goal that must be solved quickly for the chimaera.

"Wu ~"

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as the conch was blown up again, the sound wave became very intense and urgent, and all the "sea giants" manipulated and formed began to gather and charge in the direction of Zhou Yu.

These sea giants are not real creatures, there is no so-called "hostility", and they will not be affected by the "flame".


In addition, the "Stormy" female player, the king of the shark, also made another move.

A silver light bloomed on one palm, and he pressed "Ming Wang Zhou Yu" across the air.

The whole air above the Xuanwu was moved and condensed into a giant hand covering a hundred meters. It was hard to shoot at the "king of Ming Zhou Yu" flying in the air!

However, Zhou Yu is not alone.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

In the sky, there are lots of "snowflakes" falling on the sea giants who are attacking.

The location of the landing point, first appeared a small piece of ice crystals, spread around in an instant, just a few seconds, a giant sea giant became a motionless ice sculpture!


There is also a completely transparent "ice dragon" roaring into the sky, smashing the invisible giant palm shot by the female King shark player!

On top of the lifelike "ice dragon" dragon, Zhao Yun stands with his ice gun shaking off the shadow of the sky. It's like the sky general guarding in front of Zhou Yu, blocking all kinds of long-range attacks from the sharks.

In addition to Zhang Yide, Zhao Zilong is the only outstanding person in the Three Kingdoms!

Zhao Zilong is not the only outstanding person in Longcheng.

"Heaven and earth are limitless, heaven and earth borrow the law!"

The golden sword soared into the sky, cut through the sea and cut off 300 demon heads.

"Let's invite the third prince to come down to earth, cross the river and pour the sea to settle the world."

The auspicious clouds come down from the sky, and a figure wrapped in red silk falls on the sea. The river and the sea shake together, and the Dragon Palace shakes!

"Kaka kaka..."

There is no Gatling Bodhisattva in the south. He is merciful to pass the world with 3600 turns of breath.

It's not just Zhou Yu.

Dian Wei, Yan Qing, Jiu Shu, Gong Sun Sheng, Yan Shuangying, Dian Wei, Lu Zhishen, Li Guang

After joining the battlefield, every outstanding person is the first time to do his best to show the excellent and perfect fighting capacity of the outstanding person in Longcheng!

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