Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 511: 511

However, the battlefield on the ground is stable.

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The sky battlefield is in danger.

The hundred Zhang "Yellow Dragon" formed by the "five geomantic array" has been completely suppressed by the 200 Zhang "green dragon" and is completely at a disadvantage in the battle!


Once again, the Yellow Dragon's body was hit and fell 100 meters. It hit the Dragon Peak obliquely, and the body was quite dark.

Because Huanglong was suppressed, there were some gaps in its operation, which could not completely block the thunderstorm in the air.

As a result, the heavy rain fell into Longcheng, and even lightning fell directly into the city's main residence.

"The Lord of the city is right. The extraordinary third-order creatures already have the power to break the" five directions geomantic omen array "

In the city Lord's mansion, the blue and white porcelain tea cup in the hands of Mr. Meng is white and foggy. It condenses into a crane around him. It blocks the debris splashed by thunder several feet away. Looking at the war in the sky, he whispers.

But he didn't look too nervous.

Five geomantic array, rosefinch, Xuanwu, Qinglong

Linked together, the power of either side can be transmitted to the other four sides, but on the contrary, once one side is broken, the other directions will be greatly affected, and even the whole array will disappear.

"Fortunately, there is a trump card!"

Immediately, Meng Lao's eyes, looked to the south!

The devil volcano in the south of dragon city, where the "rosefinch" is suspended, is the only place that has not been attacked by Haizu.

However, because of the torrential rain in the sky, under the collision of water and fire, a lot of white fog rises in the demon volcano, which seems to have a sense of "fairyland".


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

With a large amount of magma rising from the sky.

At the height of tens of feet, a huge demon figure shrouded in a layer of purple fire light rushed out of the volcano crater shrouded in white fog, leaping more than 1000 meters into the sky.

A general grabs the tail of qingjiao who is trying to attack Huanglong again and throws it out!

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But see this figure, the skin of the body is all filled with red magma from black, a pair of dark red horns on the head are curved like a pair of iron swords, a pair of lantern like eyes are blooming tyrannical, the purple flame of the head is like long hair flying wildly, holding a pair of black and gold colors similar to the dragon head, it seems that there are some ferocious hammers!

[purple flame Demon (corpse)]

level: extraordinary third level

level: Commander

Description: the body left by an extraordinary fourth level demon after death has been tempered in the magma for thousands of years, retaining a large part of the power.

"It's Li Tongling. Li Tongling is out of the pass!"

"Well, Li Tongling will certainly be able to block this green dragon!"

"Yes, Li Tongling can blow it up directly."

The ground Dragon City, because the Yellow Dragon in the air can't form a "protection" because of its inability to share its strength, causes the falling downpour in the sky, and the aboriginal faces drenched with joy.

Purple flame demon is a kind of middle level demon, whose level reached the extraordinary fourth level before his death. After his death, because his body has been in the lava of the volcano, his strength remains far above the "Mirage dragon" which has completely turned into bone.

A few days ago.

Ji Ye gave Li Yuanba a "devil heart" by combining a large number of "fire" of magma clan with "devil crystal" produced by volcano and a pair of "devil horn" swords left by the original ghost captain.

After these days of mastering, until just now, Li Yuanba was finally able to completely control this "mace" with his "endless physical strength" talent.

Although the wings of this demon corpse have been broken, it can't fly independently, but Fengshui Huanglong can fly!


Standing on Huanglong's back, Ziyan devil raised his eyes and looked at qingjiao.

Although compared with qingjiao, who is 200 Zhang in size, his figure is much smaller, but his momentum is not inferior at all.

"The devil?"

"I feel disgusted by this smell. Do you want to help these human beings stop me?"

"Well, No. It's just the corpse of a demon! "

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"Well, it's sad that a supernatural demon who used to be a overlord has now become a puppet of you new human beings in the land of inheritance!"

In the face of Li Yuanba, qingjiao didn't attack him. Instead, he used his mental strength to deliver a passage.

If Ji ye, Guo Wei and others heard this, they would be moved.

Because qingjiao's words clearly show that it belongs to human beings, and it has existed in the land of inheritance before entering, probably because of the origin of the land of inheritance, and even the ultimate goal.

"Boom!"However, the opposite "devil Li Yuanba" has no interest at all.

At the foot of the Yellow Dragon carrying the body covered with purple fire, he approaches qingjiao at high speed. In his hand, a pair of black gold hammers, which are comparable to the size of a house, directly smashes the extraordinary third-order qingjiao!


With the hammer of war.

In addition, a tens of meters long dragon with the shape and appearance of a Western dragon, red with black semi materialized dragon, emerged above the hammer, and its wings roared towards the green dragon.

[darkness · magic dragon hammer]

level: extraordinary level 2

grade: excellent

note: the weapon created by the Lord of dragon city after fusing several items such as "Zhang Jin hammer", "devil crystal" and "Red Dragon shield" is equivalent to adding an extra red dragon's power with each blow!

"Roar, roar!"

The roar of the dragon, accompanied by the black gold hammer shrouded in the purple fire, collided with a pair of dragon claws of qingjiao.

"Boom, boom!"

Warhammer, dragon claw, double shock retreat, purple fire all over the sky frenzy.

The strong impact even tore off the thick clouds in the sky, making the rain all over the sky stop temporarily.

The red dragon, the devil, Li Yuanba himself and the "Yellow Dragon", together, are no less powerful than the extraordinary third-order qingjiao. In addition, the devil's "Purple fire", which burns life force, has the characteristic of burning all energy, and even suppresses the qingjiao's green dragon spirit!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

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Riding on a yellow dragon and incarnating as a "devil", Li Yuanba's "endless physical strength" shows his crazy state. In the music of King Qin's battle, which is full of bells and drums, he strongly resists the extraordinary three-level qingjiao.

It is worth mentioning that the "extraordinary power" obtained by Li Yuanba after his promotion is a further transformation of his "endless power" talent.

Attribute is the ability to constantly stack their own forces, and then "burst" together.

In theory, given enough time, he can even push the "planet" directly.

Of course, this is unlikely.

Because the extraordinary power is actually a kind of consumptive power, just like "internal power" and "spiritual power", the upper limit of Li Yuanba's accumulated power will be affected by his own level.


When Li Yuanba takes part in the war as a demon.

In a sense, this time the dragon city is really out of the cards.

Almost all of the extraordinary combat effectiveness has joined the battlefield. The battle cry is so loud that people die every second and sink into the sea.

However, since it is close, there is naturally an exception.

On the top of Longfeng, Li Chunfeng, dressed in Tang Dynasty clothes and holding a golden book in his hand, stood on the body where the black snake once occupied the edge of "cold pool" and did not move from beginning to end.

"Fengshui array can block the wind, thunder and fog, but it's not omnipotent. Some extraordinary powers, like the" dream "ability of the fog clan, can penetrate the Fengshui array."

"The dragon people are born with the power of memory inheritance and mastering all kinds of" supernatural powers ". They always have a way to cross the Fengshui array."

"Am I right, sir?"

After reading the book quietly for a long time, Li Chunfeng suddenly raised his head and said something in one direction.

There was no response, only the demons in the sky fighting with qingjiao, the wind and thunder, and the thousand meter high Longfeng were shaking slightly in succession!

"Your goal is the" real dragon heart "in this cold pool, right? It's not so easy to get the heart sealed by the Millennium ice. "

Li Chunfeng continued to look at the place and said.


A stone in the center of Li Chunfeng's field of vision suddenly blooms a blue light.

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Later, it turned into a figure dressed in green clothes, with a dragon Python jade belt around his waist and a dragon head.

"It's interesting that you can find the Buddha?"

When people in Tsing Yi speak, they don't speak with mental power, but directly.

"We in Longcheng have a treasure called" mind detector ", which can detect those who have ulterior motives..."

Li Chunfeng put away the Golden Book and watched the "dragon man in Tsing Yi".

"Of course, you should have been aware of it before, so by virtue of the powerful mana and the dragon's magic power, you have blocked the perception of this important weapon, and even the" huntian seismograph "has avoided it at the same time..."

Immediately, Li Chunfeng pointed to the "armillary sphere" standing on his side.

The two pieces of heavy weapons in the dragon city are broken in front of the "dragon people in Qingyi". It shows that the dragon people in Qingyi really have a profound way and are definitely stronger than the black mountain old demon!

"However, there is no magic without flaws in the world."

"I've been sitting on this mountain for several months. Every stone, plant and tree on this dragon peak is related to Feng Shui and my destiny.""When you enter Longfeng, you have already changed the fortune of Fengshui and even my destiny, which makes me aware of the abnormality."

After Li Chunfeng said this.

The whole dragon peak above, a plant, a water, a flower, all in a slight shake, as if to respond.

The "real dragon vein" below Longfeng is the center of the whole "five directions geomantic array". The geomantic power of the whole stronghold is completely gathered here, which means that all the "geomantic terrain" above Longfeng is under the control of Li Chunfeng.

The "dragon man in Qingyi" took advantage of the previous impact, turned into a stone and fell to the top of the mountain.

Although it is very humble, it has caused a ripple to the "Feng Shui" on the whole Longfeng, and even expanded on the "fortune" level, causing a dramatic impact.

Therefore, as far as Li Chunfeng is concerned, even though the dragon people in Qingyi disguise well, the changed stone is no different, he can still judge whether there is a problem.

"Do you think you can stop me?"

After listening to Li Chunfeng's words, qingjiao finally stopped covering up and looked directly at Li Chunfeng with disdain in a pair of bloody vertical pupils.


A breath of changing the color of heaven and earth emerged from him, and the air on the top of the whole dragon peak seemed to turn into a swamp, which made people breathless!

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