Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 513: 513


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For the first time, qingjiao's red vertical pupil changed color.

The level of this "true dragon vein" has reached extraordinary level 4.

Although, from the level of itself is not stronger than its real strength.

However, this dragon's grade belongs to "legend", and it is only "extraordinary" level.

Or, for other races, the legendary level does not mean more "personal combat effectiveness" than the extraordinary level, just like Cao Cao's own strength is not stronger than Li Yuanba, Zhao Yun and others.

However, different from human beings, there is a special kind of "blood suppression" within the Dragon nationality.

This "dragon vein" is not really a "real dragon".

However, it is not much worse than the real dragon because it has a "real dragon heart" which has just been unsealed and contains a lot of dragon blood.

In the face of this "real dragon", qingjiao's strength could not be fully exerted.


However, the "real dragon pulse" out of the cold pool can not have so many thoughts.

With a direct roar, the dragon claw comes out with the sound of wind and thunder, and has launched an attack on the green dragon who has swallowed the "Yin dragon"!


The black and gold four toed dragon claws collide with the blue three toed dragon claws.

The violent explosion makes people feel like thunder on the whole battlefield of Longcheng. They want to split their minds, and the terrible impact falls on Longfeng.

All of a sudden, the mountain collapsed, and even the top of the mountain was directly removed.


Fortunately, the "Golden Compass" covering Longfeng has not disappeared.

At this time, is crazy to rotate, Tianchi needle, nine palace nine star, Chuanshan seventy-two dragon, do their best to stabilize the peak will collapse.

In the sky.

The green dragon's body was hundreds of meters away, and the blood of the dragon was dripping from the claws of the three toes.

Obviously, although the two are at the same level.

However, in the case of "blood suppression", in the just battle, it directly fell behind.

However, compared with the "real dragon vein", qingjiao also has its own advantages, that is, it also has some extraordinary level treasures.


In the face of the real dragon vein that kept coming back for a moment, the green dragon, still flying upside down, spits out a scallop with white surface and blue water inside.

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In the air, it rises in the wind and covers its own body.

In the boundless sea, the number of extraordinary creatures falling is more than that of land.

This "shell" is a "relic" left by an extraordinary "sea swallowing giant shell" after its death. It seems not too big, but it contains thousands of tons of sea water.

Can greatly alleviate the enemy's offensive power, has a very strong defense!


The attack of "real dragon vein" fell on "swallowing sea giant shell". The sea water inside it vibrated violently, and dozens of tons of sea water vaporized into water vapor in an instant.

However, most of the power of this attack has been eliminated, and the rest of the power has been resisted by qingjiao's extraordinary fourth level dragon body.

Then, for a short time.

The two sides fell into a stalemate in the air.


However, the standoff lasted only a few seconds.

Because when he found that he could not directly break the "swallow sea shell", the "real dragon" looked up and gave out a huge dragon chant.

The heart of the "real dragon" on his chest suddenly beat.


It's just the beating of a heart, but the sound is like thunder.

At the same time, the heart sent out a bright red light, like blood flowing through the real dragon.

The "Tunhai giant shell" protected by qingjiao was smashed by the sudden attack of the real dragon veins shrouded in the red light. The 100 meter long body suddenly fell, rolled and hit the Dragon Peak. Many scales on the body were smashed. With a large number of dragon blood drops falling to the ground, holes were eroded on the ground.

Fortunately, the vision created by the Golden Compass still exists.

Together with the "huntian seismograph", it emits a strong yellow light, barely protecting Longfeng, so as to avoid the collapse caused by this blow.


However, Li Chun's tuyere beside the cold pool also spewed out a lot of blood, even more than that of qingjiao!

"Real dragon heart" is a real legendary level item, and "real dragon Qi" is an absolute taboo for Feng Shui. Even with the help of "Golden Compass" and "huntian seismograph", he has just changed the "pattern" of Feng Shui for Longfeng, which has actually consumed all his mana.

Although there is no difference in appearance, in fact, the interior has been nearly exhausted.In this case, the "Golden Compass" was forced to absorb the huge impact of qingjiao's impact on Longfeng, which was beyond the load and had to be injured.

More importantly, Li Chunfeng's hematemesis is not only due to "qingjiao".

Just now that "real dragon heart" beat, not only let the real dragon's own strength soar and hit qingjiao, but also an invisible wave rushed to Li Chunfeng's direction.

How can Li Chunfeng not vomit blood when he is under double attack!

"The real dragon is extremely arrogant. Even if it falls and changes into a" dragon vein ", the remaining consciousness is very weak. At this time, we should also find the virtual reality of" Fengshui pattern "and know that both qingjiao and Yinlong are just bait."

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"I'm the one who really screwed it up!"

After spitting blood in his mouth, Li Chunfeng, whose face is like gold paper, is still above the Dragon Peak. His feet are standing in the same place, and he doesn't mean to retreat.

Just because, once he makes a retreat, this "dragon real dragon" will immediately attack the target and turn to him, and he can't even bear the aftermath of the battle between the two sides. How can he bear the positive attack of the dragon real dragon.

Most of all.

Li Chunfeng didn't want to go himself.


There was another "heartbeat" like thunder. Qingjiao, who had just climbed up from the Dragon Peak, was once again taken out by the "real dragon".

The blood on the body surges like money. A large number of dark green scales are scattered. A dragon scale falls to the top of the Dragon Peak, and the residual strength can make it plunge into the rock for several meters.

In the face of the Wujin dragon with the blessing of "true dragon heart", qingjiao still falls behind even though she has many supernatural magic weapons.


However, the sound wave from the beating of the real dragon's heart also hit Li Chunfeng heavily again.

Li Chunfeng vomited blood again, which had been mixed with a large number of black and red visceral fragments.

"Li Tongling!"

"Hold on!"

Because of the battle between the real dragon and qingjiao and the sound of "and thunder" all over the battlefield, the Longcheng people who look at the sky can't help seeing this scene through Skynet.

Someone can't help covering the corner of his mouth.

However, no one went up to reinforce.

Because there is no one involved in this kind of fighting.

Even if it is below the battlefield above Wusong, into the Dragon peak above also only spit blood upside down the result!


The battle between Zhenlong and qingjiao has become white hot.

Qingjiao vomited out a pile of extraordinary treasures, but all of them couldn't match the heart of the dragon!

And the aftershocks of the waves of fighting constantly hit Li Chunfeng.


When the ninth heartbeat rings, Li Chunfeng's body, together with his clothes, has burst into a rain of flesh and blood!


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"Leader Li!"

"Another one with extraordinary fighting power has been killed in the battle. It's still extraordinary second level."

"How could the strength of the chimaera be so strong that even such a terrible dragon could control it!"

Witnessed this scene of dragon city players and aborigines, there are many people's faces all appeared the color of grief.

Because, before Li Chunfeng died, Ruan Xiaoqi, the last of the three brothers, had already died in the hands of an extraordinary man. His bodies were all bitten by a bunch of sea monsters and completely swallowed into the belly of the fish.

Li Chunfeng's death was even more tragic than Ruan Xiaoqi's. He was shocked to death by the aftermath of the war between the two sides.

"Thousands of people cry for Chunfeng. It's really Chunfeng's good fortune."

However, in the cry of surprise, Li Chunfeng's body has turned into a bloody rain, and there is a figure condensed by the power of the soul and transformed from emptiness to reality.

Different from Ruan Xiaoqi, Li Chunfeng is a Taoist monk who cultivates "Yuan Shen" instead of the physical body. As an extraordinary second-level cultivator, "Yin Shen" has changed into "Yang Shen". Even if the physical body is destroyed, he can still survive in the world and ignore the strong wind and the hot sun in the daytime!

"The city master wants to build the" Great Harmony World "as the ancient sages said. This is according to the wishes of the people."

"However, at this time, the fortune of Longcheng was" flying dragon in the sky ", which was the first of many strongholds in China. In the future, there will be many emperors and generals, and legendary people will come. "

"Among them, there is no lack of Wei Wu, who is as ambitious as Wei Wu. There is no lack of brave and resourceful people under him. Or the emperors with the world in mind may not have the heart of self-reliance. However, it's hard to guarantee that some of his subordinates have the idea of "yellow robes add to the body."

Li Chunfeng, who reappeared in the state of "Yang God", didn't express any sadness on his face, but said something softly in his mouth.

"The best way to stop thinking like this is to It's heaven's right"And let Li Chunfeng transgress once!"



In order to block the fluctuation of the fierce battle between qingjiao and the real dragon for Longfeng, the "Golden Compass" which has withstood the strong impact of the series is finally broken.

However, after the collapse, the compass did not disappear. Instead, it turned into golden particles all over the sky. All of them gathered in the hands of Li Chunfeng, who was in the state of Yang God, and condensed into a shape similar to the original "Yin dragon jade seal" left by Wang Qing.

But on it, there is a pair of golden jade seals of "Xizhu Shuanglong".

"One life, two fortunes and three Fengshui."

"From ancient times to the present, what people want is nothing more than" longevity "and" wealth. "

"It's hard to live a long life, but you can expect wealth. There is no way to change the general situation of heaven and earth, but there is a little room to change the personal life style. "

Looking at the "Double Dragon Seal" in his hand, Li Chun said in a soft voice.

Then, turn over the bottom of the gold seal, use fingers as knives, and begin to depict characters on it.

Horizontal, vertical, skimming, pressing

With each stroke on the gold seal, Li Chunfeng's solid body of "Yang God" becomes illusory. After nearly a hundred strokes, he stops.

His body shape has become quite illusory, and his breath is almost the same as that of ordinary soul. On the gold seal, there are eight big words: "be ordered by heaven, live forever"!

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"In the old days, Bian he, a native of Chu, got the" he Shi Bi "and the first emperor got it. He ordered his prime minister, Li Si, to write on it that" he was ordered by heaven to live forever. "It became a jade seal handed down to the state and a symbol of emperors of all dynasties."

"However, this gold seal of Double Dragons is not the seal of passing down the country, but the seal of destiny. The person holding the gold seal will have the seal of destiny of the emperor!"

Li Chunfeng looks at the seal in his hand.

Although he came to Longcheng because of his mastery of fengshui, he was not good at Fengshui from the beginning to the end.

Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang once co authored 55 pictures of pushing back. It is reckoned that the future generations will do great things in China for two thousand years. What he is good at is the "deduction" and "destiny" of Taoism.

And Li Chunfeng's natural ability is not pure "Feng Shui power", but

Change the "life style" with the power of Feng Shui.

However, the premise of exerting talent ability is to have "Qi Yun power", which is far more than ordinary talent ability.

In addition, the higher the target level, the more energy needed.

Ji Ye's level has reached level 3, which is stronger than Li Chunfeng. Therefore, Li Chunfeng can only block qingjiao who can destroy the stronghold by death, and protect Longfeng in the battle between the real dragons of qingjiao.

Only then can obtain the huge contribution degree, lets him have the strength of enough good fortune to display "changes the life" the talented ability to Ji Ye!

"However, even with this gold seal, it's not enough to change one's life."

Li Chunfeng looked up at the sky and pressed the dragon's pulse.

On the one hand, this "jade seal" is only a semi-finished product, and it needs the help of "real dragon vein" to give full play to its ability of "modifying the temperament".

The two, different from ordinary people, Jiye has certain particularity.

Ji Ye is the "Lord of the dragon city" and is protected by the power of the dragon city.

What's more, Li Chunfeng's "heavenly eye" which opened the Taoist gate after he was at the top of the class shows that there is a greater power of human's Qi behind Ji ye (the son of Qi Yun)!

For example, this kind of extraordinary power, which involves "modifying the temperament", even if it is launched in the form of natural ability, can also be blocked strictly by "consuming Qi".

Therefore, even though Li Chunfeng has already exerted his talent of "changing fate against heaven", it is not necessarily successful for Ji Ye.

"It's up to the city master to decide the final result of this change."

He turned his head and looked at the southern sky of Longcheng. Li Chunfeng's expression was not sad or happy.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!"

Then, five purple thunderbolts in the sky burst into the air, hitting the illusory soul in the air, destroying the soul and turning it into a cloud of smoke.

"Changing one's life" is a matter against heaven. Naturally, it will be damned by heaven and thunderstruck!

In this case, even at this time in the sky south of Longcheng, a black dragon with a length of 100 meters has appeared, flying towards Longfeng at the fastest speed.

It's too late to save it.

Li Chunfeng, die!

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