Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 518: 518


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To the north of Longcheng.

Four golden vertical eyes look at each other across the air, one side is full of dignity and dignity, the other side is more cruel and domineering.


In the sky, dark clouds surge to cover the sky and the sun.

On the sea, huge waves surged into the sky, setting off a violent hurricane.

The battle has not yet started, just the chance between each other, has caused the surrounding environment unconsciously violent turbulence, those puppet sea monsters manipulated by the chimpanzees are extremely uneasy, trying to dive under the sea!

This is the extraordinary fifth level!

The real dragon, in the myths and legends, is already a "God level" creature, which belongs to the extraordinary existence!

Of course, this kind of "God level" is not the same as inheriting one's own "myth level" evaluation.

"You have eaten the heart of the real dragon

"Colorful dragon" through the spirit of the words, with anger, and even at the end of the emphasis on repeating the "eat".

"It got into my mouth by itself,. Well, it tastes good! "

Ji night also reply with mental strength, he is not in a hurry to attack, but carefully mobilize their own strength, brewing the ultimate blow.

Although the fusion of the "real dragon heart", but the latter before the power consumption is too large, the residual energy can not let him fight in the extraordinary level 5 state for too long!

"Hateful, hateful!"

"This is a relic of our dragon strongmen. Why should we give it to you? Is it because of the "myths" that came out before you

"My parents also died to perfect this inheritance place. Why don't I get this heart of a real dragon? "

It seems that he has been strongly stimulated. The spirit of the "colorful dragon" has a sharp shock and roars in his mouth.

"You say, Terran, myth? Perfect the place of inheritance Do you know the real purpose of this "heritage place"

Different from Li Yuanba, Ji Ye is acutely aware of the important information contained in qingjiao dialect.

Suddenly a shock, looking at the "colorful dragon" asked.

"Roar, if it's too big, I'll kill you again. Then I'll draw out your blood and refine the real dragon's blood again!"

However, qingjiao, who was already furious, obviously didn't want to continue "in-depth conversation" with Jiye, or he saw that Jiye was gathering strength in the dark.

With a roar, the colorful dragon pulled up from the sea and rushed towards Ji Ye.


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And as it soars, a lot of sea water floats.

Because before, a large number of sea animals had fallen, and the whole sea water was blood red, shrouded in it, forming a "blood dragon cloud" thousands of meters on the battlefield.

The colorful shark silk of the shark people is afraid of extraordinary fire, but "dragon Qi" itself belongs to extraordinary power. With such a protection, even the nuclear bomb can not be ignited, so that it can fight without worry.


It's also a dragon chant, and Ji Ye's "five clawed Golden Dragon" sound is melodious.

After long Yin, a large amount of thunder force fell madly in the dark clouds in the sky, which also covered his body, covering a range of kilometers, but directly formed a "thunder cloud"!

Then, fearlessly toward driving the "blood cloud" and the colorful dragon collided in the past.


A thunder cloud, a blood cloud.

The front end of the two soon collided with each other at the junction of the grassland and the sea in the north of Longcheng.

All of a sudden, whether it's the dragon city people or the shark people, the vision seems to suddenly change color, the sky and the ground seem to be torn from the middle, leaving only the violent purple and bloody color!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The "thunder cloud" and "blood cloud" within kilometer range are constantly destroyed and reborn in the process of collision.

Wave after wave of impact, the whole northern grassland ground was overturned, the rocks below were dyed bloody, and the sea water was also surging. A large number of shallow moufan sea monsters were caught up by the power of thunder and killed immediately.

This is just the collision of two people's peripheral forces, Long Yun.

For example, the previous battle between "qingjiao" and "real dragon vein" could even directly destroy Longfeng without the protection of the golden compass.

At this time, it is more terrible than before.

Shuangshuang has reached the extraordinary level 5 strength. Once fighting starts, there is no doubt that he can even destroy the whole dragon city!

As a result, Ji Ye tried her best to keep her position and concentrate the battlefield on the periphery of the dragon city to avoid direct impact on the city wall.

"High, roar!"

And just when the "thunder cloud" and "blood cloud" on them are destroyed more than half, and their real bodies are about to collide with each other.

"% @ * (withdraw)..."All of a sudden, the chimpanzees did something unexpected.

All the chimaeras stopped singing and cut off the connection between the silk thread and themselves!

Then, without hesitation, with a large number of sea monsters, through the huge waves generated by the battle, they quickly retreated to the rear.

"Shit, what's going on?"

"What's this for, chimaera?"

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Even in the Dragon City, most people's hearts have been raised to their throat, and their faces are tight.

In the face of this sudden situation, I can't help thinking.

Aren't the chimaera and qingjiao together?

Before that, he helped qingjiao heal his wounds. How could he suddenly withdraw his hand at this critical moment?

"Not necessarily. It's really a group!"

Only on the eastern Eagle Peak, Cao Cao, whose robe was stained with blood, seemed to have something to show. He waved his sword.

Throw a shark on the ground and squint at the projection of the sky.

In the battle of Chibi, Sun Quan and Liu Bei joined hands to defeat him by various means, which made him lose the chance to unify the world.

Are these two people in the same group?

If they were together, how could Sun Quan send someone to attack Jingzhou and kill the Marquis of Hanshou pavilion after the Chibi war.

There is a very good saying of the chosen in the stronghold. There is no eternal ally, only eternal interests!


And the center of the battlefield, Jiye in the thunder cloud.

At this time, my mind is also changing, but I guess some possible reasons.

The ability to manipulate the colorful silk thread of the mackerel clan should be ineffective for qingjiao, but the powerful strength of qingjiao itself made the mackerel unable to resist.

The Dragon nationality belongs to the overlord in the water and is domineering by nature.

It is very likely that qingjiao enslaved the "shark people" in some way, and forced them to take part in the battle against Longcheng by some means.

But as an intelligent race, the stronghold has been promoted to extraordinary level. How could the chimpanzees be completely at his disposal.

Secretly, it is estimated that we have already discussed in private to revolt, just waiting for the opportunity to launch!

And now is obviously the best opportunity. Facing Ji ye, a great enemy, qingjiao absolutely put in all his mental strength and strength. It's impossible for him to be distracted and separate his strength, and then start to target them.

"Dare you! I will eat you all. "

Qingjiao's voice was filled with fear and rage!

However, it's just incompetent rage.

Because, along with the removal of the additional power of the chimpanzees, it was directly beaten back to its original form.

Although the strength is strong, it is only equivalent to the extraordinary fourth level, and it has been destroyed two parts in a row. In the face of a full attack of "five claw Golden Dragon", which has reached the extraordinary fifth level, there is no possibility to resist!

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The most important thing is that we lost the colorful silk thread of chimaera blessing.

At this time, it's like a cocoon. It can't even use some magic powers to avoid Ji Ye's attack.


Qingjiao, it's exploded.

Multicolored silk thread explodes in the air, dragon meat and dragon meat are all separated and scattered, and all the bones on the body are broken The dragon's blood all over the sky fell to the sea, making the water more bright red.

Whoosh, a dim "dragon soul" emerges, trying to escape into the sea full of blood.

Although qingjiao does not really turn into a dragon, it is also an extraordinary fourth level creature. In time, it may not be impossible for qingjiao to make a comeback.

It's just, how could Jiye give it a chance.

That is, some of the information in the words just put forward by qingjiao makes it impossible for Jiye to let it go.


Five clawed golden dragon, a dragon mouth, "hundred dragon spirits" appear.


Countless runes on the handle and chains burning with fire on them entangle and lock the "soul of qingjiao" who is trying to escape. Then, in the constant struggle of the latter, they forcibly drag it into the blade.


When this "dragon soul" entered the blade, the sea turned into blood color, and the waves rose and fell again.

A large number of black soul forces rush out of it and converge like a tornado to "hundred dragon spirits".

Just now, tens of thousands of sea animals and the whole dragon city water army were killed in this battle, and many of them were very large, even if these soul forces were only part of the escape, it was also a terrible number.

In addition to the tens of thousands of "Yin soldiers and ghost generals" of black mountain old demons absorbed in "Guobei county", there is no doubt that once they are completely integrated and digested, Ji Ye's "hundred dragon soul" will definitely be promoted again to the level consistent with her name!

"Kill qingjiao (extraordinary fourth level leader), gain experience: 60480, merit: 12398, rare merit: 300!" 】At the same time when the "dragon soul" is dragged into the hundred dragon souls, a message emerges in Ji Ye's mind.

Compared with the extraordinary level 3 black mountain old demon, the reward for killing qingjiao is more than doubled.

In addition to the higher level of the latter, Ji Ye was the last winner rather than the main force in the fight when she killed the old black mountain demon.

As a result, most of the contributions are actually shared by the rest of the people.

But qingjiao is different. Ji Ye is the main key figure in the whole process of killing, and another key "real dragon" is also fused by him.

Both of them belong to themselves. Naturally, they are very rich.

Of course, Li Chunfeng is also a key figure.

"According to the rules of the last round, as long as Longcheng can be promoted to legend, Li Chunfeng should have a chance to revive."

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Ji night thought in her heart.

This is also the reason why Longcheng is not too sad about Li Chunfeng's death.

"By the way, I remember that the original projection of qingjiao seemed to mention" legend ". How should it be promoted to legend?"

Ji ye thought of another thing.

When it comes to qingjiao.

When qingjiao was killed and Haizu chose to retreat, this battle of dragon city came to an end.

According to the rules, it's time to harvest.


There was a lot of light on the sea at the same time.

"Wow, so much!"

Tens of thousands of creatures have died, and there is no lack of extraordinary level.

As a result, the white light on the sea surface is as numerous as the stars, which means that there are more than ten silver lights on the extraordinary level. This is just like the propaganda picture of "one knife 999, big bang and special Bang" in some web games.

Moreover, Longcheng also killed a "big boss".

Qingjiao, who had been smashed into many parts by Jiye, naturally showed a white light of booty.

There are several silver rays of extraordinary light, and even a trophy displayed as "sacrifice" attribute. Among a large number of silver rays, it also emits a part of orange light. This is a rare sacrifice which is consistent with the loot attribute of the "lucky seed" Queen of the "yecha" clan after her death, and has a chance to attract legendary heroes!

"¥ # @% ¥# (move the stronghold away)..."

Long distance, has withdrawn from the Dragon City air transport coverage of the shark people.

The male leader blowing conch, looking at the loot light, and Jiye in the air.

With a sigh and a word in his mouth, he led the army to the sea.

And Longcheng didn't say pursuit.

After all, there are no dragon city water army, and the rest of the outstanding people are injured after a series of wars with "black mountain old demon and shark man".

Jiye's fighting power, to a certain extent, comes from the blessing of "Tiangang Disha tablet". Once she catches up and leaves the Longcheng area, she will lose it.

There are still tens of thousands of fighting capacity in the chimaera.

Of course, what's more important is that Ji Ye attaches great importance to some of the information that "qingjiao" said before. He urgently wants to know more about it.

In addition, there are some gains just after the integration of "real dragon heart" promotion, which also need to be sorted out.

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