Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 520: 520

Longcheng, conference hall.

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All the people sitting here today are players, and all of them are the core players!

Jiao Lao, Meng Lao, Li Qing, Shang Yan, Su longying, Chong Ge, Chu Yin

In addition to Guo Wei, even Wu Qiao, the later high-level players, did not appear here.

"After these two days of statistics, the summary of the battle against the black mountain old demon and the chimaera has come out."

At the side of Ji Ye's seat, Su Nong Ying, who looks a little tired, is reporting some information.

"On the whole, our losses are unprecedented..."

It's really a big loss.

Dozens of heroes were killed in the battle, such as he Dahai, the head of Longcheng's "dining room", Ruan's three brothers, Huarong, Xiaoli Guang, Hu Sanniang, yizhangqing, etc

And because the battle took place in the Longcheng boundary, the loss of various resources is also quite a lot.

The "fast-growing Grassland" in the North was directly wiped away, and some cattle and sheep fed on it fell into the mouth of sea monsters before they could evacuate.

When the chimpanzees withdrew, they also ransacked all the resources of the original mirage stronghold. In addition to the completely destroyed water army barracks and the battle with the old black mountain demon, the dragon city lost at least one third of its heritage!

"However, the harvest is also great."

"In terms of sacrifice alone, we have obtained more than 18000 ordinary sacrifices, 3100 exuviating ordinary sacrifices, and 19 extraordinary sacrifices in total With all the people in Guobei County, it is estimated that the number of people in Longcheng will officially exceed 40000! "

In the room of Su nongying.

Skynet also presents all kinds of data and booty in the form of three-dimensional projection in front of a group of people.

It is worth mentioning that, because of its sense of autonomy, "Skynet" has also been contracted by Ji ye, and is similarly named "sky" just like the "blood" of the mutated blood tree and the "gold" of the Golden Eagle commander!

Now, after Ji Ye's promotion to the top in this year's "contract talent", the intelligent life purchased in the city of 100000 civilized people can go further through "integration" or even "treasure refining".

Perhaps, one day it will become a legendary existence similar to the function of "heavenly way".

"By the way, in the process of returning from Guobei County, our people accidentally met a group of powerful Terran cavalry riding purple war tigers, claiming to be under the hand of" Duke of Wei Li mi. "

"He said that he had defeated a group of alien forces composed of 'werewolves' and settled in them. Now he wants to win over the four Terrans, make great plans together, and build an immortal Foundation..."

Su nongying's fingers once again made a stroke in the air, unfolded a three-dimensional map around the Dragon City, and marked a location.

"It's interesting that we've just got off Liangshan, and we're going to be pulled into Wagang again..."

The name "Li Mi" is no stranger to the people sitting here.

After all, the spread of "Sui and Tang Romance" is not under "Water Margin", but because of the background classification of Longcheng, we have added a lot of ancient history and novel knowledge these days.

"Wagang army" even appeared on this land. It is estimated that Li Yuanba joined Longcheng, and it seems that he defeated an alien stronghold. Therefore, he became a "stronghold force" and knew some rules of inheritance place!

"Wagang, there is a problem. There should be a lot of outstanding people in it, right? "

Chu sound lips slightly open, a pair of smoke eyebrow light Cu.

In a way, the wagons may be more powerful than the chimpanzees.

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Because among the "Wagang 46 friends" in the romance, there may even be legendary heroes!

"Not so strong..."

Su nongying shook his head.

If it is a complete "Wagang army", it is indeed an opponent that needs to be paid attention to, but the huilongcheng people actually encounter an incomplete one.

Because "Wuxin", who has the ability of "mind reading", happens to be nearby. With his natural skills, he has learned some information from the "heart" of the scouts.

Among the Wagang army, Li Mi, the "king of Wei", was the first, and Wang bodang, the "white arrow" was the second.

Just like Zhang Yan of "Heishan Huangjin army", they should belong to the extraordinary level according to their historical status and popularity.

Even, Li mi may be above "excellence" among outstanding people.

However, other famous historical figures, such as Qin Qiong, Li Ji, Wei Zheng, Cheng Yaojin, Qu Toutong

These outstanding people, who have extraordinary top-level and even legendary talents and are among the "24 meritorious officials of Lingyan Pavilion", did not appear in the inheritance place with Wagang army.

The fictional or unknown "Wagang village 46 friends" in the romance, such as Ding Tianqing, Wei Chi Nan, Wei Chi Bei and Du Wenzhong, are just like the "Tian Gang Di Sha" in the back of Liangshan in terms of strength. They are excellent, excellent and even excellent.Even if the number of Wagang soldiers in the intelligence is more than 30000 compared with the "black mountain yellow scarf army".

With a Wagang, it is not necessarily wishful thinking to "accept" Longcheng.

The "werewolf" stronghold they defeated before was only a stronghold of eight levels, and there was no extraordinary level in the stronghold.

It is estimated that Li Mi and Wang bodang, who are directly endowed with extraordinary strength by the place of inheritance, are too inflated and think that they are "the son of destiny", similar to Wang Qing and Tian Hu, who wanted to achieve "great cause" and establish "immortal kingdom" in the place of inheritance!

"But we can keep in touch with them..."

"When we have digested all the sacrifices and spoils of war this time, and fully restored the strength and population of the stronghold, we can have a good" discussion "with them about the" great cause "and bring all these people over. Maybe we can really consider the" Founding of the people's Republic. "

Under Guo Wei's glasses, his narrow eyes flickered.

Without Qin Qiong and Wei Zheng, the top talents in history.

Even if the number of Wagang is more than that of Longcheng, it is not in Longcheng's eyes at all.

Well, it's not totally ignored.

The Wagang army has tens of thousands of people, which means that once Longcheng subdues it, its population will double again.

Even if we can't sweep the whole land, there should be no difficulty in completing the task of "legendary road"!

"Moreover, the romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties is a work of the Qing Dynasty, and has something in common with outlaws of the marsh, both of which have a certain mythical color."

"Many of the leaders of the vatang army belong to the lower boundary of the twenty-eight stars in the sky. For example, Li Mi is a" Lou Jingou "and Wang Bo is a" Niu Jinniu " Our five directions geomantic omen array was broken before, but now we only rely on the "28 stars array flag". Our defense is relatively weak, and we may be able to further strengthen it after subduing Wagang. "

Mr. Meng has made up his lessons for everyone.

"In fact, I'm not very interested in Wagang village. What I'm more interested in is qingjiao, who was killed by the city leader. Which legendary figure will be attracted by the" colorful dragon silk "sacrifice that came out?"

"The legendary hero will be very helpful to the stronghold. Theoretically, he can greatly enhance the strength of the stronghold's Qi and fortune!"

Shang Yan's tone is a little excited.

Yes, it's just like Cao Cao's talent of "cooking wine to talk about heroes", which can arouse the extra power of the earth's civilization to bestow blessings on the heroes.

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When legendary figures come, they can not only greatly enhance the power of qi movement, but also inspire the blessing of qi movement of the earth civilization, even on other people.

This is different from Ji Ye's "Huangming Longqi" talent.

Jiye talent can obtain "extra" Qi power from subordinates, and also consume these Qi power to improve subordinates' ability, so that they can create greater value and feedback more Qi power.

It seems that there is a feeling of increasing the power of qi movement, but in fact, it is only the internal change of the "power of Qi Movement" in a stronghold, and the total power of qi movement in Longcheng has not changed much.

From this point of view, the arrival of any legend can undoubtedly greatly enhance the comprehensive strength of a stronghold.

Even, to a certain extent, it will involve the competition among the countries on earth.

Because it can not be ruled out that the "extra power of Qi Movement" of the whole earth civilization is limited, whose national stronghold receives more legendary talents will be able to occupy more power of qi movement!

"Do you think the city master has been promoted to legend?"

All of a sudden, bug brother opened his mouth and threw out a sentence, which made the whole meeting room temporarily quiet.

Everyone's mind, can not help but recall before, Jiye fusion "real dragon heart" after.

When fighting with qingjiao, it shakes heaven and earth, like the breath of gods. Has it been promoted to "legend"?

"Not yet, but soon."

A voice rang out..

And at the end of the story, Ji Ye has already appeared in the main seat of the conference room.

As previously speculated, for the "legend" Ji ye, we really know something from the memory fragments of qingjiao.

In fact, the conditions for being promoted from the extraordinary level to the "legend" level are not too complicated. On the contrary, they are just as simple as the literal meaning, that is, in the land of inheritance, relying on the real personal ability to complete some things that are enough to be called the "Legend" level.

For example, this time he succeeded in surviving from death, not only changing his life, but also integrating the legendary level of "real dragon heart" and killing the powerful qingjiao.

To some extent, this series of things have completely met the requirements of "legend".

But Ji night to do these things, not mainly rely on their own strength!

In the process of "changing fate against heaven", Li Chunfeng played a very important role. The "fusion" talent of the core factors also belongs to his "inheritance", not his own strength.And the killing of qingjiao, even part of the credit should be attributed to the temporary defection of the shark people.

Because of this, Ji ye did not get the "legend" rating directly, but brought a "quasi" word!

However, this is not a big problem.

His strength has almost reached the "God" level of the extraordinary fifth level.

At this stage, in addition to the "last round" creatures like qingjiao, they should have reached the top level!

For "players", even from those "extraordinary planes", it is impossible for them to be so strong. It is not too difficult to achieve "legendary" achievements under absolute strength.

"Here comes the Lord!"


Ji night a appear, originally for Wagang army hot discussion suddenly stop, have a voice greetings.

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Everyone, including Qin Yueyu, who is in charge of the shooter camp, and Li Qing, who is in charge of the sniper camp, failed to see how Ji ye came into the meeting room.

What's more, even if Ji Yeh didn't do anything specially, the people sitting there didn't feel a sense of oppression.

Mainly before the first World War of Guobei County, the whole dragon city had seen the most powerful monster, and it just reached the extraordinary level!

Before the battle, in a short day, he first saw the black mountain old demon who reached the extraordinary third level and drove a huge mountain to attack the city with tens of thousands of ghost soldiers and zombies.

Then he encountered the extraordinary fourth level, which caused the black clouds and thunder to oppress the city and covered half of the dragon city.

There are even five clawed golden dragons and multicolored dragons whose ultimate strength level reaches the extraordinary level 5, and the impact of long-range combat alone will "destroy heaven and earth".

There is no doubt that Ji Ye has a clearer understanding of her strength. It is hard to avoid "awe" in her heart!

"This time I'm going to ask you to have a little meeting."

"Because I just got some important information."

Ji Ye didn't pay attention to these, but directly went into the theme for the first time.

Ji Ye's tone of voice was obviously a little dignified, which also led to the other people's face unconsciously serious.

"You should know that the dragon people have their own memory inheritance, and in the memory inheritance of qingjiao, I found something..."

Consider a sentence, Ji night continues to say.

"About the nature of the place of inheritance..."

With Ji Ye's words, the faces of the people sitting there are constantly changing.

The great darkness, the destruction of civilization, the shelter, the extraordinary plane With all kinds of concepts and information, people are constantly shocked on their faces, and their hearts gradually feel like they are on the rocks.

"So, I guess that the so-called dragon, eagle and mirage are all creatures in the same universe and on different planets with us In fact, the world of cultivation, the world of fantasy and the world of magic civilization that we thought before are all "special planes" created to improve the place of inheritance. "

"There is no so-called universe. There is only one real universe, the earth universe."

Ji night said his guess, or "conclusion".

"That is to say, the big dark is actually our universe? The universe where the earth is, all life will be destroyed! And the place of inheritance is the only place that can inherit the fire of civilization, similar to the "Noah's Ark" in Western mythology, and we are lucky to get a ticket for the end of the day

Qin Yueyu's red pupil widens slightly and looks at Ji Ye.

A pair of hands that can smoothly hold the bow and arrow to the extreme and shoot more accurate trajectory than bullets in the air, but at this time, there is obviously some shaking.

In fact, it's not just him who's shaking.

Chong Ge, Li Qing, Guo Wei, even Shang Yan, who is a psychologist, and Chu Yin, who is always cold.

At this time, the heart is extremely restless, like waves ups and downs.

How can it be peaceful?

Although all of you do hold a "ticket" in your hand.

Even because of the development and progress of Longcheng, the "tickets" in our hands have been gradually upgraded to "business class" and even "VIP class".

However, there are still a large number of people on earth who do not have "tickets".

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The "player quota" equivalent to the ticket is only over 10 million even now, while the total population of the (parallel) earth is close to 10 billion!

Who among you has no family or friends?

Even people like Ji ye who enjoy the treatment of "leading role".

Or if the parents of menglao and jiaolao have passed away, there are still other relatives.

These people have no tickets!

"Damn, it's like this. Then the quota I got after the last promotion should be directly given to my mother... "

Brother worm's face became ugly and his tone was very impatient.

The last time Longcheng was promoted, he got a place.

Finally, he gave it to his cousin, who was studying for a doctor. He thought that he could be his own think tank in the power camp to make up for his lack of intelligence.Who knows that guy has become a nerd. He tries to write a doctoral dissertation on the study of inheritance land in the stronghold every day. He wants to win a prize and become famous on the earth. He is so angry!

Now we know that the earth universe will enter the "big dark", which means that the "quota" is far more precious than we thought.

In my heart, I really regret it to the extreme.

You know, he was one of those kids who didn't like learning and always made trouble.

Father in prison, single parent, fighting since childhood, playing truant, wandering in the street, with a knife on his body In addition to not smoking, almost all kinds of "bad deeds" in the eyes of normal people have been committed.

In the neighbor teacher's place, is all appropriate, belongs to "the negative teaching material".

Only his character is very weak, small and thin, even shorter than him after junior high school.

Never said anything serious to him.

Just silently, every time after he got into trouble and fled to hide.

Crying out, one by one to find the door to bow to apologize, low voice.

Then, when he came home in the dark, he cried and warmed up his meal again and again in the face of angry curse and even "hunger strike".

This repeated cry, accompanied by his primary school to his high school dropout!

Although I complained more than once in my heart, it was because of my weak mother that I went astray.

But when he saw her, after he got the place of inheritance by accident, when a group of armed personnel came to her door, she closed the door and yelled to him to go.

Finally, even for the first time, when he knelt down in front of others.

Brother Chong, who thinks he belongs to the "hero of the river and lake", is completely red in the eye, which is also the reason why he so simply "recognized counsels" after he came to Longcheng at the beginning!

He didn't give her the previous quota.

It's because she doesn't want to let her enter the "land of inheritance", see all kinds of terrible monsters, and even face the risk of death, even if it's not really death.

With her character, it is estimated that she will also leave serious psychological trauma!

In fact, she would have to cry constantly even when she saw him fighting with a strange race or monster, half dead and half dead, breaking hands and feet. In that way, she would lose the "face" of his leader in front of a group of younger brothers of the psionic camp.

However, today.

Compared to the risks she faces, her face is worth Farting!

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