Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 524: 524


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"Wu that black wind thief, eat your third master a spear!"

When Ji Ye is back on the line and her figure is still in the center of the altar.

Suddenly, there was a sudden burst of drinking in my ears. In the sight, I saw a black spear flying through the air. It was like a violent black demon Python in the air, with the great evil spirit that ran through all things and wiped out everything!


Ji night's eyebrows suddenly lift.

The black spear flying in front of us was only 18 meters long at first, but its volume was increasing in the air.

Two, three, five Until the black spear, which was like a demon python, almost covered the whole night of Ji Ye. The murderous spirit contained in it was so strong that even if he was a little weak, he could feel his hair standing up!

And the speed is also so amazing that Ji Ye's body has just condensed, and even can't move, she is directly passed by this black spear.

Well, it's really through.

It's like the spear of the black demon Python after hitting Ji Ye's body.

But it seems that he is not in the same space. He passes directly through the body and continues to rush to the other end of the altar behind Ji Ye. There is a black ghost like cloud, and there are thousands of Yin soldiers swaying in the towering black mountain!

Black mountain old demon!

This black mountain is obviously the noumenon of the black mountain old demon.

After becoming the spoils of war, Ji Ye ordered people to control the "Heishan stone" and bring it back to Longcheng area to supplement the deficiency of Zhencheng array!

Can we say that the black mountain old demon has the ability to separate himself like qingjiao, and is extremely cunning. Before, he pretended to be killed.

Let his own body be brought into the Dragon City headquarters by death, and take advantage of his rare offline time, suddenly launched!

Because of the heavy losses in the previous battle, Longcheng was hard to resist the black mountain old demon, and was killed all the way, even into the crucial altar area?

In this case, the possibility is obviously very low.

Although the black mountain old demon is also a little famous villain.

But the popularity is really not high, even half male and half female characteristics of the tree demon granny are not necessarily comparable, even if its strength reaches the extraordinary third level, a group of people in Longcheng are enough to resist, it is impossible to enter the hinterland of Longcheng.

And the battle before us.

Obviously, it should be a "sacrifice" that is going on. The figure of the black mountain old demon is transformed from its sacrifice.

Before Ji Ye goes offline, she tells Meng Laoren not to wait for him, but to open the sacrificial service.

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At this time, the line just stepped into the "test" battlefield formed by the extraordinary sacrifice. The owner of the black snake spear obviously belonged to the hero who was about to "come"!


After passing Ji ye, the black spear of the demon Python has grown to the level of 100 meters, just like a God's weapon, hitting the black mountain hundreds of meters high.

With the impact, boundless majestic evil spirit, rampant spread swept!

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Under the evil spirit, thousands of Yin soldiers themselves have no expression of face, obviously appeared a clear color of fear.

The body is more like being hit by a meteorite with a flame. The armor condensed by Yin Qi is as rotten as a rag, revealing the gray black skeleton inside.

After that, the bones of the whole body were smashed under the impact of the huge evil spirit. A second later, even the white bone with armor, the whole body was completely cracked into a large black air!


Not only thousands of ghost generals, but also the whole Heishan mountain, which is hundreds of meters high, collapsed under this spear. The old black mountain demon, which is strong enough to resist the nuclear bomb to a certain extent, can't stop this spear!

"Such powerful evil spirit, such weapons and such words The identity of this outstanding person is very obvious! "

Heishan old demon's sacrifice is only excellent level, but after his fusion, the quality has become "extraordinary level 3 · perfect".

[black mountain · ghost King armour]

level: extraordinary level 3

level: perfect · sacrifice

Description: the extraordinary battle armour, which is composed of the resentment spirits of black mountain old demon and 5000 ghost generals, has the ability to summon Yin soldiers to fight and add ten thousand ghosts to their bodies. If you don't fight on the battlefield, ten thousand enemies can't be subdued!

This sacrifice is just like Lin Chong's "holy fire belief crystallization" and Yan Qing's "pure green glazed heart", which has certain requirements for the characteristics of human heroes.

Because the sacrifice contains innumerable soul power resentment, it is not killing people like hemp, and the determined soldiers can't bear it at all.

But in Ji Ye's eyes, opposite to the "battlefield", stands a hero in black armor. He is eight feet tall, and he is a tiger and a leopard. His skin is dark. Even though his face is blurred, his eyes are full of evil spirit.

People think of the word "devil" at the first sight.Obviously, it's a top player!


The old black mountain demon, who was blasted by the black snake's spear, rushed into the air with the residual force of his soul and condensed into a painful black face covering a hundred meters. With the scream of countless ghosts and wolf howls, and the black wind enough to blow steel into powder, he rushed towards the black armor hero!

For the remnant spirit of the black mountain old demon activated by the power of Qi transportation in the sacrifice.

Now, it is undoubtedly its last chance to stay in the "fairyland".

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Although this black armor human's combat effectiveness is amazing, but just that hit threw a weapon.

Now, in the case of empty handed, it should have the strength of the first World War. If it can defeat the hero, it will prove its value.

Maybe the people in Longcheng will leave the sacrifice as an extraordinary treasure. One day, it may be able to turn back on the guest!

In the face of the black mountain old demon, who turned into a "ghost king" form and came with dark clouds and wind, this black armored and black skinned human hero didn't dodge at all when he lost his spear.

On the fuzzy face, a pair of leopard eyes and eyes showed the color of contempt, until the black cloud with a face, black mountain old demon has been close.

Just now I opened my mouth and inhaled.


On the battlefield, it was like a gale of force 10.

The air within tens of meters is inhaled by one mouthful!


A violent drink, heaven and earth thunder, the whole dragon city seems to shake because of this sound.

"Up, up, up..."

The huge sound wave turned into an invisible tornado and directly hit the old black mountain demon.

Whether it's the "giant face of the ghost king" covering 100 meters, or the boundless wind and ghost like dark clouds, it's all in the rolling sound waves brought by this drink.

It's going to break up!

Finally, the change became the black fog all over the sky. After shrinking towards the center, it condensed to the black armor man Jie, forming a set of strange black armor with ghost King shape carved on the chest, and each piece of scale armor had a different shape of Yin soldier.

"It's beautiful, but it's a little crispy!"

At the end of the battle, the black armour hero also showed his true face, with leopard's head around his eyes, swallow's chin and tiger's whiskers.

Looking at the body of the "ghost king a" speak, although only mutter, but the voice if thunder, into Ji night ear!

"If general Yide is not satisfied, in the future I'll make another one for you in the future. "

Ji Ye faces Zhang Feidao.

Yes, Zhang Fei!

With Zhang BA's snake spear as a weapon, you can kill the old black mountain demon with a drink. There is no one else except this three kingdoms general.

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[Zhang Fei]

rank: extraordinary third level

rank: quasi leader

note: one of the "five tiger generals" of Shu Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms and one of the sixty-four generals of wuchengwang temple. The force is superior to others. Taking the enemy's head among all armies is like searching for something!

The "outstanding person" of civilization formed in the place of inheritance is more based on the image of outstanding person in most people's hearts. Although according to some historians' research, Zhang Fei may be a white faced scholar, but the appearance of Zhang Fei in the place of inheritance is the standard "black faced evil spirit".

"Hey, that's a deal."

"However, this armor is nothing. I didn't like it when I was fighting. In the future, if only the Lord of the city could build a spear for me! "

"By the way, not only me, but also..."

After the arrival, Zhang Fei, who is very impatient, talks with Ji ye a little. On his rough black beard face, he looks to the other direction of the altar with concern!

The scope of "nine altars" in Longcheng is very large.

Moreover, after the promotion of Qi Yun core, it has been able to move freely within a certain range.

Therefore, this sacrifice was not only for Zhang Fei, but also for a large number of sacrifices.

The direction that Zhang Fei was looking at was shrouded by a huge vertical wave, in which a huge colorful dragon was overturning the river and the sea.

In the mouth, sends out the angry roar!


With the roar, colorful silk threads emerge from the colorful dragon, and behind each thread is connected a Chufan shark, with a number of tens of thousands.

It's the sacrifice of "qingjiao" - colorful pan dragon silk!

The combat effectiveness of qingjiao once reached the level of extraordinary level 5.

And this sacrifice is also the same as the original one, which has the possibility of introducing the legendary level!

Of course, it's just a possibility.

Whether can let receive lead to legend, or depends on whether there is a legendary hero response!

After all, qingjiao didn't really promote to the "real dragon". Strictly speaking, this item is just a sacrifice of "quasi legend".


The Double Dragons of the Dragon City activate the soul of the opposite civilization.However, he saw the silver white spirit of extraordinary civilization in the internal flame. After the power of Qi Movement entered, he was silent for a few seconds.

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And then, suddenly, there was an orange light!

"This It's legendary. "

"All the people below the extraordinary level are out of the range of the altar!"

Seeing this, Meng Lao and Su nongying, who were in charge of the sacrifice, immediately said.

Different from the extraordinary level of sacrifice, the legendary level of sacrifice can affect the personnel outside the battlefield to a certain extent when the sacrifice is assessed.

Of course, it's impossible to really hurt the people around him because of the power of qi movement to protect his memory!

However, qingjiao's strength is too strong, and he has a strong hatred for the people of Longcheng.

Even if the real lethal force will be isolated by the power of Qi Yun, the dragon power sent out by itself will make some ordinary players, even the non combatant at the moufan level, unable to bear it!


The spirit of civilization, which radiates orange light, has begun to condense from the bottom to the top. The first one is a horse with a red mane, blood like fur, stars like eyes, and a height of nearly ten feet.

But immediately, the general was a little strange. His whole body was covered by a light cloud, and he couldn't see any characteristics at all.

"Who is this?"

"The sacrifice is a dragon, a legendary hero? It should be a certain emperor

"It's strange, why isn't there a poem number?"

The player who has retreated to the periphery of the altar shows some doubts in the excitement of witnessing the arrival of the legendary hero.

Because, unlike when Cao Cao came, this legendary hero appeared without any "poem number" about his identity!

"Does it mean that this legendary hero is not sure that he can defeat this green dragon, so he is not willing to reveal his identity?"

There has been a precedent for this before.

Legendary heroes are well-known and popular.

But strictly speaking, there are some differences between them.

Just like "Gongsun Sheng" and "Wusong", although both of them have the qualification to receive the perfect sacrifice of ecdysone, Gongsun Sheng is strictly between "excellence" and "perfection", while Wusong is superior in the evaluation of ecdysone's perfection.

Therefore, it was easy for Wu Song to pass the examination at that time, while Gong Sun Sheng barely passed it after a hard struggle.

In the same way, qingjiao is a Dragon creature after all. Its combat power is strong at the same level, and it has the power blessing of tens of thousands of "sharks". Ordinary legendary heroes are not sure of coming!

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