Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 534: 534

"No, they are not real Buddhists at all. This is the test of" real and fake Leiyin temple. "

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Above the city wall, Guo Wei's glasses reflect the scene of "Lingshan" in the sky.

All of a sudden, he looks like he's thinking of something.

In the journey to the west, Huangmei Laozu built a fake Dalaiyin temple and won all the four people group of sutras at one stroke. In front of him, the Tathagata Buddha may not be true.

No, it must be false.

The test of sacrifice is all caused by the villains of the human race and the power of the alien race, and the Buddha of the Tathagata can not be the villain anyway!

Just, to borrow a sentence from a movie.

There is a Buddha in the heart of practice. Even if the name is false, it may not be able to exert all its strength.

Monkey brother was pressed by the Tathagata at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain for hundreds of years, and then he lost his wild nature. Obviously, the Tathagata Buddha should be his "heart demon"!

The key still depends on whether the monkey king himself can find out.

["be stubborn and don't think about mistakes!" 】

"my grandson, what's wrong?"

Sun Wukong raised his head fiercely, and his eyes burst into golden light.

Magic power: eye of fire!

Under the golden light, the image of Buddha in the sky changes.

There are three eyes growing on the forehead, a beak with barbs, a pair of yellow eyebrows, and a pair of golden wings on the back. It is a "golden winged roc" possessed by the eagles.

Not only the "Buddha", but also the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas all over the sky have changed into white elephants, golden bulls and Jiaolong with insects and bats on their backs. They can be said to be monsters, snakes, insects, rats and ants. They are full of monsters and ghosts!

"It seems to be the combination of the incarnation of Huangmei ancestor, which is equivalent to the joint force of two big demons, Jinyi Dapeng and Huangmei ancestor, who are enough to confront the monkey king head-on, plus the two alien races who are attached to them, which is equivalent to the power of four demons."

In the face of this image of "Buddha", Meng Lao saw some clues.

"This power has completely reached the extraordinary seventh level, and it belongs to the strong in the extraordinary seventh level."

Ji ye more clearly judged the power level of this "Eagle man Buddha".

And the monkey king in the repeated battles, it is impossible to have no consumption.

In fact, anyone can already see that he has some difficulties in self-control, even with a golden cudgel.

The reason for this situation, in addition to the amazing difficulty in the assessment of quasi mythical heroes, is also because the core of the stronghold of Longcheng has only extraordinary level 6 at present, and the "Jiuqiao immortal stone" is a sacrifice of extraordinary level 7. The power of Qi Yun that Longcheng can provide for the Monkey King is "not enough".

"Bold monkey, but also dare to resist, quick ambush!"

However, although the image has changed greatly, the face of the "Eagle man Tathagata" still has a high posture, and the thin golden arm is explored in the air to condense a golden Buddha claw in the shape of "Five Finger Mountain", which is photographed towards the monkey king.

"Fu Zhu, Fu Zhu, Fu Zhu!"

On the other side, many birds, animals, insects, fish, strange people, and the Buddhist scriptures read in their mouths are also transformed into golden lights, and they join forces to bless this "Five Finger Mountain".

The reason for the latter is that it even covers the whole battlefield, just like a real mountain falling from the air.


One hit down, when it's still hundreds of meters above the ground.

At the foot of the monkey king, the sea water has been emptied. There is a huge five finger print in the depression!

Sun Wukong, who has been unable to exert his magic power of "Fa Tian Xiang Di", is like a tiny ant under this huge Foshan.

"No, what's the situation?"

Even when this "Eagle man Buddha" was handed out, the Eagle Peak in the east of Longcheng was shaking violently, showing a strong golden light.

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Then, cracks burst out on the whole peak, and the golden light condensed into a golden "Gallo". He grabbed the Eagle Peak with both feet, intending to pull it up and throw it to the crowd in Longcheng like Foshan in the battlefield.

"Ah, run!"

"Asshole, this eagle demon Buddha can even use his magic power under the isolation of Qi and fortune, and arouse the residual power inside the eagle stronghold."

The watchers on the wall were in chaos. Some fled in a hurry, while others were frightened and yelled.

This is also the obvious manifestation that the core Qi Yun force of the stronghold of Longcheng can not completely suppress the higher level sacrifice.

However, distance from the core can not be suppressed, does not mean that people can not be suppressed.


Seeing the golden gallow, we are about to pull up the mountain peak and smash half of the dragon city and tens of thousands of residents watching over the city wall.

With a cold drink without any emotion, the golden Mirs, which have no breath of Buddhism and are totally ferocious, have been grasped by a bigger golden dragon claw."Bang!"

Then, the five dragon claws closed, just like the "Buddha" on the battlefield suppressed the monkey king. Directly, the chaluro was pinched into a huge piece of "light gold". Then the Dragon claws were pressed back to the Eagle Peak. With a flash of orange light, the whole Eagle Peak was restored to its original appearance.

When I raise my hand, I turn back to heaven and oppose the sun. This is a magic power!

Ji Ye's hand in the air changed from dragon shape to human shape, and she continued to pay attention to the battlefield with a serious look.

"Wow, who is this?"

"It's so powerful that the golden winged ROC can move a mountain, but it can't bear the power of his paw at all!"

"It can't be the real Buddha, can it? Put down the golden winged Mirs

"Terrible, is that the power that players can master? If the players are so strong, the whole earth will not be occupied by these "players". I've learned that the so-called "big dark" is that the earth is ruled by these players, and we ordinary people have no hope of becoming slaves... "

Some people are surprised, others are panicked, and some are shouting conspiracy theories.

"It looks like I've seen it before. Ah, the God of crossbow

There are also Yangcheng people who have seen Ji Ye's "hunting black snake" at the beginning, and the memories in their heads become excited after being awakened.

"Don't mess with the people in Longcheng. Don't get close to the base of Longcheng group!"

And some people are jealous of Longcheng, and even have people in mind who want to attack the newly established "Longcheng base" in Yangcheng to see if they can win over some promises of the government by coercing public opinion.

After watching this scene, I can't help sweating on my forehead, losing color on my face, and fear in my heart.

"Seventy two courage, I'm determined not to dodge this time." 】

in contrast, the monkey king on the battlefield was rebellious all the time, with no fear in his eyes.

Even though he had exhausted his strength in the previous battle, facing the Buddha's palm, which turned into "Wuzhishan", a pair of iron arms still held the golden cudgel tightly and smashed it into the sky.


The huge golden Buddha's palm, which entered the mountain, had a glass like crack mark under this blow.

But its volume is too huge, this blow did not destroy it, but the speed did not reduce, completely engulfed Monkey King's small body, leaving only a sharp point like a blade into the sky "five claw mountain"!

"Great sage!"

No matter in dragon city or on the earth, people who see this scene through live broadcast all mention it in their hearts.

"No, Dasheng, you stand up."

"Monkey, you'll be fine."

A lot of people are shouting.

After all, the success of the monkey king is not just about the dragon city.

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However, the whole battlefield remained silent.

In the air, many other people show off their power with demons. On the ground, the sharp point of "five claw mountain" seems to pierce everyone's heart in Longcheng.

Is it really so difficult for a quasi mythical hero to pass the test, even the monkey king?

No, the great sage has not failed yet.

Otherwise, the battlefield should dissipate.


In full view of the public, there was movement on the battlefield again.

The golden "five claw mountain" was shocked.


The ghosts and goblins in the air changed their faces.

"Dong Dong..."

Then there was a crash.

On Wuzhao mountain, the gap that was knocked out by the golden cudgel became larger and larger.


In the end, the whole mountain broke into golden light, revealing the figure of monkey king who was half kneeling on the ground. The golden cudgel of more than 10000 Jin was already unable to hold.

But with a pair of steel fists, with invincible perseverance, he smashed this "five claw mountain".

"Not dead yet, refine him!"

Seeing that the monkey king got out of trouble, the demons in the air screamed in fear and began to use all kinds of means to smash the monkey king's head, which was half kneeling on the ground.

Ghost cry, wolf howl, blood rain, fishy wind, magic, yinlei All kinds of attacks engulfed Monkey King's body again.

"Don't worry, Dasheng."

"Brother monkey, you must hold on!"

At this time, the Dragon Kingdom on earth, no matter men and women, old and young, almost lost their voice.

Even those who attack the player also temporarily stopped the jealousy and complaining, only the eyes with tears, in the heart to pray hard.

In the end, the demons in the air are not strong enough to consume the power given by their own race, and finally stop.

On the ground, the armor on the monkey king's body was completely broken, but his arms were tightly supporting his body, so that his knees could not kneel down, and his head was always raised.Hold on!

A large number of alien people in the air, with unwilling eyes and swearing in their mouth, can only turn into a bright yellow force in the sky, pouring into the core of the Dragon City stronghold, making the five clawed Golden Dragon's body further grow, and its breath has reached the peak of level 6.

"Win, win!"

"It's a terrible test to have hundreds of extraordinary and legendary people in the" 9981 "difficulty."

"But it's finally over, the great saint's power!"

"Five hundred years has come. Welcome the return of the great sage!"

Tens of thousands of residents on the wall of the Dragon City, as well as more than one billion people on earth watching the live broadcast, are ecstatic.

The whole land of China is full of cheers and thunders, and even firecrackers, gongs and drums are sounded. The festive atmosphere is like a festival, sweeping away the haze brought by the "great darkness" in recent days.

"Well, isn't it?"

But on the battlefield, the monkey king did not relax. He raised his eyes and looked up at the sky!

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Sanskrit sound bursts, fairy music resounds.

In the sky, the just dissipated Buddha of Lingshan Buddha reappeared, surrounded by eight Bodhisattvas, four vajras, five hundred Arhats, three thousand Jiedi, eleven great glories and eighteen Kalan figures, which are ten times larger than before.

Even more than Buddhas and Bodhisattvas appeared.

The heaven also appears in the sky. The Jade Emperor in the Lingxiao hall is high here, and all kinds of immortals are arranged around, with magnificent bearing.

Golden light, red neon, auspicious gas, purple mist!

"No? There's a test

"And it's Buddhism and Taoism together."

"It's impossible to pass the test. Even the great sage is exhausted!"

See this scene, the player face above the city wall has shown a look of despair with some.

Even some of the aborigines who did not know the origin of the monkey king were worried.

Who can pass this endless test?

"When it's over, it's a trap to attract outstanding people with a" myth "rating. It's a test deliberately set by the place of inheritance."

"Just like the extraordinary heroes, only when the core rating of the stronghold is high enough and reaches the legendary level or above, can the mythical heroes defeat a group of enemies at the same level."

"And Longcheng's ambition is too big, so he began to lead before he was promoted to the legend assessment. As a result, this situation has not only led to the depletion of Qi Yun power, but also led to the loss of Qi Yun power of the whole human race, and even wasted the only sacrifice of Qi Tian Da Sheng. Dragon city is guilty! "

There are also some so-called experts, who make a lot of speeches and attract people's attention.

However, what happened next made all these people shut up.

"You have passed the general calamity of 9980. If you have achieved the right result, you will be able to fight against the Buddha."

On Mount Lingshan, the Golden Buddha sits on the Jiupin lotus stand and looks at the scarred monkey king below. His voice is like a bell. Many Bodhisattvas are kind-hearted and solemn.

"The great sage has extraordinary strength. The jade emperor has decreed that you should be" the great sage of the heaven "and enjoy the three realms of incense with the heaven and the earth

On the other side, the Jade Emperor, sitting high above the Lingxiao hall, is also in a high position. There are also many immortals on the left and right.

With smiling eyes and eyebrows, Taibai Venus stepped on the clouds and yelled at the monkey king.

"Fight against the Buddha, Qi Tian Da Sheng..."

Looking at the gods and Buddhas in the sky and listening to the promises in his ears, the monkey king's original irascible expression became calm, his brows wrinkled, his eyes turned, and his expression seemed to be thinking about something.

"In the square inch, the square inch cannot decide!" 】

and the voice of chanting poetry, just like the voice of the narrator, sounded again.

"What's the situation?"

"Can we say that the quasi mythical heroes need to be canonized by heaven or Lingshan?"

"Is it the last reward link to pass the assessment?"

Most people are curious about this situation because they have never experienced the introduction of quasi mythical heroes before.

"Great sage, no!"

"There are only eighty difficulties ahead. That's the eighty first difficulty."

Suddenly, Guo Wei called out.

He counted carefully. There was no 81 difficulties ahead, just 80 difficulties.

Just like the last difficulty in the original journey to the west after obtaining the Sutra, this hidden difficulty is also the enemy's trump card and the real "last pass"!

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"Dasheng, don't be fooled by these foreign demons. All the gods and Buddhas in the sky are disguised as foreign demons."

And soon there are other players also react, mouth crazy shout.

Even on earth, there are a lot of people who also find the wrong number shouting, trying to remind the monkey king on the battlefield.

However, the battlefield of qi movement is like a wall, where no sound can be heard at all. Sun Wukong's hands and eyes are closed, and he seems to be hesitating and struggling."The coming of the monkey king should be different from the situation of the heroes before."

"Maybe because the core of our stronghold only has the extraordinary level 6, and we can't connect it completely. At the beginning, the monkey king should only have the memory before he learned the Scriptures. And every time he defeats his opponent, he actually wakes up a part of his memory

"As a result, the fighters are becoming more and more crazy, and they are becoming more and more confused psychologically."

"In the end, we first met a real monkey king with six eared macaques, then a fake Dalaiyin temple, and then a real Buddha From the perspective of a normal person, it's really not necessarily possible to see through this last difficulty! "

Shangyan, a psychologist, holds her hands tightly, and her tone seems a little nervous.

On the battlefield, the golden cudgel that fell to the ground gradually became transparent and was about to disappear.

This weapon is undoubtedly the reflection of Monkey King's fighting heart.

Does giving up the golden cudgel mean that it really wants to choose to "become a Buddha on its own" rather than enter the dragon city to flow the muddy water of the war between the race that created it and other races?

From the dragon city to the Dragon kingdom of the earth, the dead silence lasted for several minutes.


Facing the promise of "becoming immortal, being holy, being as high as heaven".

When the golden cudgel on his face was about to dissipate, it suddenly changed from the original illusion to the essence again. Monkey king suddenly opened his eyes and burst out two golden beams of light into the sky.

"This world, after all, I really go through. Nine hundred waves, nine thousand mistakes. Lingyun ferry is the right fruit, but I have 9981 】

the golden light sweeps and destroys everything.

All over the sky, the gods, the Buddhas and the Tathagata have turned into illusions.

"The great sage of heaven, the traveler on earth!" 】

Sun Wukong's choice is not to go to heaven to become a Buddha, but to be a "Walker" on the earth.

The chanting stopped. In the eyes of millions of Longcheng residents and billions of people on the earth, they were all the figures who were defiant and rebellious despite their broken armor.

[monkey king]

rank: extraordinary seven

rank: quasi mythology

Description: quasi mythological heroes from the legend of dragon kingdom of the earth are called "Monkey King", "Qi Tian Da Sheng" and "Dou defeated Buddha". He has a strong strength, and has mastered the great immortal formula. He has seventy-two changes, turning back to heaven and opposing Japan, drawing the earth as a prison, making the size as he wishes, making the eyes as bright as gold, and somersault clouds.

The whole battlefield dissipated into a sky full of light, covering the body of the monkey king, so that all his injuries disappeared.

Once again, he became the first person to become a legend in Longcheng, wearing a phoenix wing purple gold crown, a lock golden vest and lotus silk walking cloud shoes!

"It turns out that the last test does not come from the alien race, but from the place of inheritance itself. For these virtual heroes, only when they meet certain conditions can they really get the qualification of "quasi myth."

"Qi Tian Da Sheng, a traveler on earth The former is a God, an immortal and a demon saint. Only the latter is a person and a qualified "human hero"! "

Through this unprecedented sacrifice, Ji ye also understood something in her heart.


At the same time, the dragon's body shape began to soar, and the golden light on the body surface became more intense, breaking through to the extraordinary seventh level. Well,

now, everything is ready, just waiting for the "legend promotion assessment" to start.


[Note: "the poem" comes from the lyric "9981" written by "evil calling the leader", which is partly modified. The original song "9981" is very nice. 】

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