Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 536: 536

"Ha, why think so much?"

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"No matter whether other strongholds choose to reinforce us or not, we need to get rid of these alien groups and kill them last time!"

In the face of what seems to be some low atmosphere, Jiao's loud voice rings in Skynet channel, but it makes the atmosphere recover all of a sudden.

"Yes, in the final analysis, it was the first World War."

"So many difficult situations have come step by step. How ever have we pinned our hopes on others?"

"War, war, war!"

Soon, the morale of the commanders and the front-line fighters in Skynet channel has recovered. Facing the extraordinary alien groups that are about to be formed, they begin to rub their hands and show a ferocious smile!

["there is a live broadcast that can be watched from the place of inheritance. Do you want to watch it?" 】

["attention, this is a crucial live broadcast!" 】

at the same time, all people on the earth, regardless of countries, have received a message in their minds.

And different from those before, this time there is a solemn reminder.


A dark alley in northern Europe.

A young man with a yellow face and thin tattoo was stunned, and his dagger relaxed unconsciously.


A woman screamed and took the opportunity to escape from the confinement of his wrist and the dagger on his neck.

"Damn it

"I'd like to see what live broadcast is."

Instead of catching up, the young man picked up the hamburger left by the woman on the ground and gulped it down while looking for a safe place to watch the "live broadcast".

"Live, live what? Is it to inform the dark that tomorrow is coming, and the world will be destroyed immediately? "

"Ha ha, if it's destroyed, we'll all die together."

In South America, a group of Mexican people who are fighting for drugs and living in "before the dark" are shaking their heads and swearing.

But in the confusion, many people still choose to watch

"A temporary cease-fire!"

In Africa, the two fighting forces have been controlled by the player forces. Both of them have been ordered to withdraw their positions by the high-level cease-fire.

At this moment, due to the threat of "great darkness", the situation on earth was extremely chaotic due to the loss of control.

There was a temporary relief.

And in the land of inheritance, tens of thousands of exotic bodies of extraordinary levels are also fully condensed.


Dozens of ghost clan's eyes are burning blue and purple ghost flames, manipulating the skeletons of dragon, Phoenix, unicorn, white tiger and other "god beast" creatures, encircling the "Guobei county" stronghold nearest to the dragon city!

"Kill man!"

In the flicker of the blue and purple ghost fire and the fluctuation of the spirit, there is a boundless evil spirit.

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More rolling black soul power, spread out, blocking the sky and the sun, constantly spread around.

Affected by the ghost gas, cracks appeared around Guobei county and on the ground of the city. One by one, white bone creatures with mud came out, just like a "natural disaster of the dead"!

"Bold ghosts, how dare they disturb the world!"

With a burst of drinking, Yan Chixia, whose breath has reached the extraordinary fourth level, flies over the whole city.

"Heaven and earth are limitless, heaven and earth borrow the law!"

The golden sword box on his back suddenly burst.

Then, thousands of golden flying swords rushed to the city of Guobei County, destroying the white bone creatures one by one!

"Open up!"

In the center of Guobei County, Jiushu has already been on the altar of Dharma.

Waving a legendary "Millennium peach sword", a large number of golden seal characters appear on the wall of Guobei county.

"Poop, poop, poop!"

Those white bone creatures who try to cross the wall and rush into the city touch these Fu Zhuan characters. Their bodies immediately tremble and are unable to move. Then they watch their bodies catch fire and are swallowed by the golden flames triggered by Fu Zhuan characters and turn into a pool of ashes.

Once again against the soul clan, Jiu Shu's Taoism is still extraordinary.

However, the soul clan is also very strong.

The soul clan recites a mantra, then the "Millennium peach sword" in his hand ties up a string of yellow paper money and lights it on the candle.

Throw it in the air.


The paper money flew in all directions in the air, and quickly pasted on the bones of the beasts manipulated by the soul clan.

All of a sudden, the attack, movement and other actions become a lot slower!

"Ten hell formations!"

However, tens of thousands of fighters led by Zhu Wu, the "Shenji military adviser" and Qiao Daoqing, the "magic king" joined the fight.Facing the weakened action ability of the soul clan, launched an attack.


If you look at it carefully, you can see that all the buildings in Guobei county are designed in the way of "eight trigrams and nine palaces". You only need to arrange people to different positions, and then you can construct a huge "Fa array".

However, due to the limitation of talent evaluation, the strength of Zhu Wu and Qiao Daoqing is limited.

Even if it is to cooperate with this group of fighters to form an "array", it can only reluctantly contain the soul clan weakened by the ninth uncle soldiers, and can't kill them!

Fortunately, as Uncle Jiu said, reinforcements came quickly.


The air above the battlefield was twisted, and a white light appeared. In the white light, a group of figures turned from illusory to solid.

Super time and space teleporter, a super weapon from "Red Alert", is the first tactical technology that Longcheng has mastered and can use on a large scale.

Most of the people who were transported were wearing Taoist robes.

After all, there is a specialty in the art industry, such as ghost creatures, which will naturally be dealt with by professionals!

"Lei Gong help me!"

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Gongsun Sheng is wearing a nine palace Taoist robe and waving his sword.

All of a sudden, the sky is full of wind and clouds, thunder bursts, lightning is like a robbery, like a silver dragon, hit on the head of one soul clan after another!

"Heaven is dead, Huang Tian should be established, and the world is very lucky when he is a year old."

A Taoist with an apricot yellow robe thrust a nine section staff with a seal character into the ground under his feet.


It seems to have some vitality, like being quickly pulled away,

with his feet as the center, the vegetation and even rocks on the ground quickly appear weathering, the green disappears and changes into yellow sand all over the sky.

And there was a bright green light on the rune scepter.

"Imperial edict, huangjinlishi, listen to my command."

After that, the yellow sand surged and combined with the green light in the nine section Rune staff to form one by one yellow scarf strongmen, each with a height of more than ten meters, blocking the front of each soul clan, and blocking their damage to the city wall with their bodies.

[Zhang Jiao]

rank: extraordinary level 4

rank: leader

Description: Da Xianliang, who led 100000 yellow scarf troops to fight for stronghold with Longcheng, was suppressed by the leader of Longcheng and joined Longcheng.

"Heaven and earth are bound up by kindness, and there are eight wastelands of law."

A stout man in a blue Taoist robe was holding a "rice bucket" in his hand.

Grab a handful of rice from it and sprinkle it on the ground. A blue light flashed by. All the rice grains changed into people one by one.

Magic power: Sadou (rice) becomes a soldier!

These soldiers are not the same huge melee size as golden warrior, but belong to the same casting type as Taoist.

Chanting incantations in the mouth and raising hands, yellow lights shot out one after another, hitting the summoned white bone creatures around the city wall. After shaking their heads, the white bone creatures turned and killed the ghost clan who made them!

[Zhang Lu]

rank: extraordinary third level

rank: leader

Description: the third generation of wudoumi Taoist "Zhang Tianshi" is the tenth grandson of Zhang Liang, the Marquis of the Western Han Dynasty, and the grandson of Zhang Ling, the ancestor of Taoism.

Two heroes appear and summon the golden warrior and the magic soldier.

All of a sudden, so that the already precarious defense pressure by no small relief.

However, the whole situation is still relatively passive.

Because each of the above supernatural soul creatures has different supernatural abilities. The skeleton of the attached "divine beast" is extremely hard. Even if it is hit by a large caliber shell in the front, there are only some cracks.

Even, because of the strength of the soul, these cracks were quickly repaired and healed in the battle, and the number was absolutely dominant.

Although Longcheng Renjie with cooperation to block the attack of the soul clan, it can not be eliminated.

Once the delay continues, the human side will undoubtedly fall into a disadvantage.

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Because the enemy is not just the soul clan. In fact, in the detection of the dream battlefield, there are two more alien races approaching Guobei county.

And there's a particularly troublesome place for these supernatural souls.

Once you kill a soul clan, the nearby soul clan will quickly absorb its residual soul power, recover its own state and become more powerful!

Even Yan Chixia and Jiu Shu, who are the top-ranking people in the extraordinary level, can't survive after killing several soul clans in a row.


Yan Chixia's body fell from the air, smashing a series of houses in Guobei county.

"Bah, these ghosts have some abilities!"

Or broken a long sword, half of the body almost broken Yan Chixia spit out blood from her throat, a ghost family with hundreds of white bone arms growing on the back of one head in the sky, has sent out the breath of extraordinary level 5!"Hateful, my talent is insufficient, difficult to break through the extraordinary five levels!"

"Dong, Dong..."

Two more extraordinarily talented people were hit by the arm of this ghost, and all of them were seriously injured.


Next, Gongsun Sheng, who tried to use Leifa bombardment, was also shot down.

Extraordinary level 5, which is the same level as Jiye and qingjiao in the past, has the terrible fighting power to destroy a low-level extraordinary stronghold alone!

And there are many outstanding people on the field.

However, there is no "extraordinary perfect" level of assessment, their own skills, can not be directly practiced to the extraordinary five levels.

It's hard to avoid consuming more resources to cultivate other skills!

In view of the greater guarantee of the "legend promotion" of the stronghold, most outstanding and outstanding people have previously given up their resources to the perfect and legendary people who are more in need.

"If you want to prove the longevity, you can take the crane and destroy my heart. You can see the mysterious sound one by one

Just when a group of outstanding people began to fall into a disadvantage because of the lack of level, a voice came into the ears of a group of outstanding people.

"Practice yourself, forget the world, collect herbs according to the season, there is no weight in nature, there is no fire policy, only the old and the young. But if you do not want to be civil or martial, you can't have a clear sword. In October, you hold the yuan foetus. In nine years, you add the face wall. You change the tripod to give birth to your grandson. You ride the dragon to break the thunder. "

"Heaven and earth are sometimes bad, but immortal Weng's life is endless!"

There is a kind of moral principle in the voice, and a pure "immortal power" poured into their bodies.

Zhang Jiao, Gongsun Sheng, Yan Chixia and other outstanding people of the fourth level seem to have some kind of insight. Their breath is growing one after another, and they step into the fifth level at one stroke!

Even Zhu Wu, Qiao Daoqing and others quickly broke through to the "extraordinary" level.

"I see!"

"I've been taught."

"Thank you for your advice!"

Then, one by one, his face was happy, and more people expressed their gratitude on the spot.

"This is Legendary talent "aura" characteristics? It can enhance the fighting capacity of the rest of the people around you! "

"Immortal Zhang, legendary. Is it Zhang Daoling? "

"No, it should not be Zhang Daoling. This poem seems familiar."

Among the earth's observers, there are people who belong to the place of inheritance and see what happened.

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"I'd like to invite you, Emperor Zhenwu to subdue the devil."

On the battlefield, that voice has spoken again.

In the sky, a huge golden and purple shadow appeared. Sitting on a tortoise and snake Xuanwu with a full length of thousands of meters, he looked majestic. Holding a black gold sword in his hand, he slashed down the extraordinary five level hundred arm "king of soul clan" with a sword!


With a roar of the extraordinary five level soul clan, hundreds of white bones waved their arms together, and in the form of "entering the white blade with empty hands", they clamped the black gold divine sword.


After killing this extraordinary fifth level soul clan.

This sword did not even disappear, but continued to fall from the air, extending for a full kilometer, into the camp of the soul clan below!

"Poop, poop, poop..."

In addition, more than ten super soul families were killed by this sword.

Even if they are attached to the bones of dragon, Phoenix, unicorn and other "god beast" creatures, they can not resist the power of the sword!

"Roar, roar!"

After so many companions were killed by one blow, the rest of the soul clan suddenly became angry and didn't directly absorb the power of the soul clan.

On the contrary, he roared in his mouth, and his body also exuded the power of amazing soul, gathered together and rushed to the sky.

A lot of soul power, the tide generally submerged the air. After the strong attack, it has become illusory, making the whole battlefield boundless and dark.

In Guobei County, it is difficult for a group of outstanding people to attack.


However, just to maintain a few interest time, this black world was broken.

A huge "Taiji map" is spinning out of the air and spreading over the whole Guobei county.

Originally, the power of soul permeated from these soul clans condensed into a dark cloud, which was absorbed by the rotating "Taiji map". After a circle, it turned into white sunlight.

Even the extraordinary level of soul clan in this sunlight, the body is also a lot of smoke.

In the twinkling of an eye, it turned into piles of ashes!

In the center of "Tai Chi", a white haired old man in a Taoist robe, with round hands, is playing a set of Boxing at home!

"Emperor Zhenwu, Taiji I see. This is Zhang Sanfeng! "

"When other people practice martial arts, Zhang Sanfeng is the one who cultivates immortals!"

"Master Wudang!"People all over the earth are watching, and there are many capable people. They soon locked in the identity of this outstanding person.

[Zhang Sanfeng]

level: extraordinary level 6

grade: Legend

Description: founder of Wudang and Sanfeng schools of Quanzhen Taoism, founder of neijiaquan, founder of Taijiquan and founder of Daofu calligraphy.

There is no doubt that Zhang Sanfeng is well-known in the Dragon Kingdom and even in the whole cultural circle of the Dragon kingdom.

As a legend, the most close to the existence of immortals, but also belong to the real historical figures, comprehensive strength in the legend are strong!

With him in charge, and Yan Chixia after the breakthrough, after destroying the soul clan by powerful means, it is enough to stop the next two alien races.

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