Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 538: 538

"Life is a hero, death is a ghost Sister Li, the first two sentences of your poem are good, but I don't quite agree with the last two

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"If it were me, I would have taken the boat and fled back. Why should a man care about one or two failures? He should be strong psychologically. Du Mu's poem is quite right. It's hard to predict the victory or defeat of a soldier or family. Bao is a man who bears shame and humiliation. Jiangdong's children are so talented that it's unknown that they will make a comeback! "

Not far from the fishing City, another stronghold near the river area, there was a slightly rambling sound.

"Peigong Are you talking like that with some Well, standing and talking doesn't hurt your back? Killing people? Versailles

Chu Yin's expression is a little surprised, a pair of slender eyelashes eyes staring at a middle-aged man who is dressed in ancient clothes, wearing a rather loose black bottom gold lace long shirt.

"No, I don't have it. Don't talk nonsense. I just feel it. How can it be" shrimp and pig heart ", and it's not the kind of show off behavior that you choose to say Versailles first!"

"Brother Liu, I really think that if my brother Xiang Ji had chosen to go back to Jiangdong, I would have less than 100% chance to win the world in the end."

The middle-aged man in black gold robe has a look of injustice.


Chu Yin is a little speechless.

Is it true that you, as a founding emperor, are so indifferent to your own image?

It's true that there are not many people who are called "Peigong" in history. With the restriction of the founding emperor, it is natural to point out a person.

Han Gaozu, Liu Bang!

As a famous rogue emperor in history, the time when Liu Bang chose to accept the introduction of Longcheng was actually when he was not an emperor or even a rebel.

As a result, his character is not as Regal as he imagined. On the contrary, compared with other outstanding people, he is super "grounded".

Some of Longcheng people will take the initiative to contact players and learn modern culture, such as Zhou Yu.

However, Zhou Yu is selective in learning from the players, mainly to master some modern knowledge and culture, and even inevitably self-identity in the learning process, just like famous college students to practice on the construction site. Although he learns very fast, some details are lack of "authentic".

Liu Bang is really mixed with the players in a short time.

It's hard to imagine that he is actually an ancient man from his eloquent modern discourse and even his understanding of "stem".

After all, when Xiang Yu killed his father, he also yelled for the master to save a bowl for his brother. No matter how shameful he is, no one in the emperors of the past dynasties is better than him.

"I said chuyin, you're too boring. Brother worm is more to my taste."

Seeing that Chu Ying hasn't answered for a long time, it seems that it's hard for him to talk to his brain waves. Liu Bang talks to himself there.

"It's Chu Yin!"

Chu Yin finally can't help but correct it.

"Besides, when you talk here, you really feel that the overlord below can't hear you?"

In the front of the stronghold called "Hongmen" where they lived, there was a large area of cavalry arrayed like a dark cloud. Each cavalry was all dressed in black and had black armor. He had a black shield in his hand and rode a tall horse with a black scale on his head. His head was lofty and his eyes were upright!


rank: moufan level 5

rank: Elite

Description: it contains the blood of extraordinary Jiaolong and has the ability to "walk in the air".

In the center of the 8000 cavalry, a tall and powerful general with a body size of more than 1.9 meters and a black dragon scale battle robe is riding on a larger black dragon head wuzhui battle horse, with a pair of overlapping purple pupils in his eyes.

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It is Liu Bang's "sworn brother", a legendary hero and famous "overlord of Western Chu" Xiang Yu in history.

[Xiang Yu]

rank: extraordinary level 6

rank: Legend

note: Ji surname, Xiang surname, name and book, Zi Yu, Title: Western Chu overlord. The representative of the "military situation" of the four forces of the strategists is called "the courage of the feather is unique forever"!

"Xiang Yu!"


It's different from the previous live broadcast with fixed perspective.

This time, people on the whole earth can actually choose any person or a certain base to watch the live broadcast. Among the many people, those who choose to watch Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, can rank in the top three.

After all, from any time point of view, this one should be regarded as the pinnacle of ancient Chinese generals.

"I don't know if concubine Yu is in the dragon city?"

"Hongmen, Liubang, Xiangyu, you don't want to fight by yourself, do you?"

"It shouldn't be. It looks like your army is facing the outside. It shows that the two sides should belong to the cooperative relationship.""Come on, Wang Yang bang, let's hit him in the face

Especially at this time, Xiang Yu and Liu Bang appeared in the same stronghold, which made the understanding of Chinese history feel a little excited.

"Who is stronger, Xiang Yu or Lu Bu?"

"Idiots all know that Xiang Yu is stronger, and Lv Bu's level is only quasi legend. His stronghold has been destroyed by other races a month ago. How can it compare with the overlord?"

"Yes, Xiang Yu is definitely stronger. According to experts' investigation, both Xiang Yu and Lv Bu have our Korean blood, but Xiang Yu's blood is more pure!"

"I'm so happy. I'm afraid I'm worried about the destruction of your last" King Shizong "stronghold."

Even Gao Liguo and cherry blossom, who belong to the Dragon Kingdom cultural circle, are curious about Xiang Yu's fighting power, and even quarrel on the players' Forum.

"If you want me to say, Xiang Yu's fighting power should be able to fight against an alien race alone."

"It's not that easy. You see, the alien race rushing over there is not easy!"

Boom, the Earth continues to boom, as if there had been a magnitude 8 earthquake, several extremely tall shadows, are gradually closer to the "Hongmen" stronghold!

It is a kind of alien called "mountain giant", whose characteristics can manipulate the earth and mountains, and its shape is positively related to its own strength level.

The size of these approaching shadows is as high as three or four hundred meters. Human beings are like an ant in front of them. Their detection and display levels are as high as level 5, with a "perfect" rating!

The only better is probably the small number, only four.

No, more than four.

These mountain giants are also covered with a layer of armor and fire weapons condensed by fire, and even have another head composed of fire growing on their heads. This is a kind of extraordinary alien called "fire Lord", which is an element creature that can divide their bodies at will.

Not only humans will cooperate, but so will the alien race.

The superposition of the two alien forces makes the combat effectiveness of the four Mountain Giants reach the extraordinary level 6.

And the "Flame Mountain Giant monarch" in the combined state rolled on the ground like a huge wheel and approached the Hongmen stronghold.

Where we passed, the ground several kilometers wide was melted into magma, and all the trees, grass and vegetation turned into coke, just like a river formed by magma!

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There is no doubt that they only need to roll over like this, or even do not need the so-called means of manipulating the earth and breaking mountains and earth. They can destroy the "Hongmen" sub base with a population of more than 100000 by their bodies alone.

Xiang Yu led the Jiangdong children's army station to line up outside the stronghold.

Obviously, there is only one possibility, that is, to "keep the enemy out of the country"!

No, it's to "defend the enemy against the river.".

"Son of Jiangdong, follow me across the river!"

Looking at the four "Flaming Mountain Giant monarchs" rocking across the moving mountain

Xiang Yu didn't retreat into the stronghold. Instead, he turned over, jumped down from his horse and walked directly in front of him. With every step he took, Xiang Yu's figure, which was covered in black dragon scale battle armor, would grow by one point, from about two meters in the beginning to five meters or ten meters By the time of crossing into the water, the body has reached more than 100 meters.


After hearing Xiang Yu's order, Jiangdong's children responded at the same time.


The eight thousand horses in their crotch were also roaring, and their limbs covered with black scales were moving and running.

The speed is faster and faster. In a flash, it rushes to the river, and then it rushes into the river without stopping. The flow of this river is huge, the deepest is more than 10 feet, and the width is more than one kilometer.

A total of 8000 troops rushed into the river and were engulfed by the rolling river. They didn't even raise big waves!

No, there are waves!

After the last one of Jiangdong soldiers jumped into the water, the river began to churn violently. About a few seconds later, a roaring black dragon came out of the water, covering more than one million tons of river water all his life, and rushed into the sky!

No, it's not Jiaolong.

It's a "black dragon battle" composed of a thousand "Jiangdong soldiers" riding on their horses. It's not a single dragon, but eight black dragons, surrounded by a huge amount of sea water.

The ability to control water flow is a natural characteristic of dragon blood creatures. After eight "black dragons" carrying more than eight million tons of sea water flew into the sky, they all surrounded Xiang Yu, whose body shape had reached about 300 meters, forming a full-bodied "black dragon river crossing armor".


Finally, Xiang Yu's "wuzhui horse" was also a roar.

In the air, body shape changes when facing the wind. First, it changes into an Oolong with metal scales, and then it shrinks into a black dragon spear with a diameter of more than 100 feet, which falls into the hands of the giant overlord!With eight black dragons wrapped around his body and "Western Chu overlord" holding "wuzhui dragon gun" in his hand, his breath is infinitely close to the extraordinary seven levels!


The huge black Tyrannosaurus Rex spear cuts straight ahead.

Hit the first head, first rolled to the river's mountain giant body.


The latter's rolling and high-speed body stopped abruptly, and a "Canyon" with a depth of tens of meters appeared in the cut position.

Even the huge body was hit by this blow and sank to the ground for more than 50 meters. The flame and magma on the body spread around for several kilometers, just like a small-scale volcanic eruption.


Wuzhui dragon spear fiercely stirred up, the second rushing mountain giant's body was shot to the sky.

When they fell to the ground, even the stronghold a few miles away was shaken, and hundreds of houses collapsed.

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The huge "Western Chu overlord" swept the third Mountain Giant more than ten miles away with his gun in his hands, and even knocked down half of the mountain!

"how powerful

"Is this really what people can achieve?"

Just this short battle, let the earth to watch people's eyes and heart beating violently.

After all, it's almost an extraordinary seven level battle, which is not inferior to the means of the gods in the myths and legends of various countries!

"But these mountain giants are not weak either."

"Yes, although it was shot, it didn't look like it was seriously injured!"

"You know, many non powerful aliens will even be killed in the face of some ordinary legends."

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, Xiang Yu is definitely one of the top talents on the earth.

But even if he has the advantage in his own strength level, he can't kill these "Flame Mountain Giant monarchs" quickly, which is enough to show that these mountain giants have good combat effectiveness.

The main reason is that the size of Mountain Giants is too large, and any one weighs more than 10 million tons.

Moreover, the rocks that make up the gas are extremely hard, and their physical defense is absolutely not inferior to that of the river boy before.

Even so, they are not as weak as river boys.

Because the flame monarchs attached to them, as elemental creatures, belong to the category of spiritual energy, and even have the extraordinary power to transform all kinds of extraordinary energy into their own "fuel"!

As a result, there was a war between the two sides.

Although the mountain giant's body broke down under Xiang Yu's attack, the flames on his body became more and more vigorous, turning the area more than ten li into a sea of fire.

Even surrounded from all sides, the "overlord of Western Chu" who was not inferior to them was covered, just like the flame mountain and Bagua furnace in journey to the West.

"On, on, on..."

However, the eight dragons on the "black dragon river crossing armour" composed of 8000 Jiangdong soldiers are also roaring, opening their teeth and dancing their claws. On the one hand, they help Xiang Yu reach eight extraordinary alien attacks, and on the other hand, they continuously absorb water from the river behind them to fight against these flames.

It seems to feel that the attack on Xiang Yu is not effective.

After being hit by Xiang Yu again, the four Mountain Giants looked at each other and pressed their arms on the ground.


The yellow light, which symbolizes the power of earth movement, rises. A large amount of land is rolled up under the control of extraordinary power. With the huge and hard body of the mountain giant, it is surrounded from all sides, forming a two kilometer diameter earth rock cage, trapping and locking the "Western Chu overlord" with eight black dragons.


Then, all of a sudden, the four fire lords roared.

But it turned into a large number of flame elements, flew into the sky without the body of Mountain Giants, condensed into four huge faces hundreds of meters high, blew out the sky and earth flames from the mouth, and rushed to the "Hongmen" stronghold with 100000 people!

"To die!"

In the huge "mountain cage", the overlord of Western Chu roared.


All of a sudden, the sky and the earth changed color.

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Two kilometers in diameter, the stone cage composed of four extraordinary Mountain Giants was broken at the same time.

A force 20 hurricane like tyranny, like the explosion swept around, has covered ten miles of the scope of the churning magma and flame all extinguished, the air four giant flame grimaces as if by missile bombardment, instant collapse, fan into a group of flames, like a candle in the wind, tottering.

Xiang Yu's talent is overlord.

As a "first" general in the whole history of the Dragon Kingdom, Xiang Yu's natural ability "overlord" is immune to all negative states and can't be "repelled", and can obtain "unlimited" blessing in physique and strength.However, there is a restriction, that is, the power that an individual can bestow on Xiang Yu is affected by his "respect" for this Chu overlord.

Take Liu Bang as an example. Even if Liu Bang is a legendary hero, the power he can bestow on Xiang Yu will not be too high.

After all, it is impossible for Han Gaozu to respect Xiang Yu too much.

And if you put Ji ye on it, you'll be able to bestow great power.

Because, although Ji ye, who is now in a position, will not "respect" the overlord of Western Chu too much, his own strength is very strong, even a part of it is considerable!

However, even Ji ye, the power of blessing can not be compared with the 8000 "Jiangdong soldiers".

Because eight thousand soldiers have absolute trust in Xiang Yu, they pass all their strength into the "eight black dragons".

In fact, unlike Liu Bang, Xiang Yu actually chose to accept "Jieyin" after the defeat of the battle of Hai Xia, that is to say, he came to Longcheng after his death.

Time point, in fact, he started the 8000 Jiangdong soldiers have all died because of his failure!

Having died in the war once, or at least knowing that the fate of following Xiang Yu would be "death in the war", these 8000 Jiangdong children still choose to follow Xiang Yu to come to Longcheng together, and face the more powerful alien race, they are willing to die, which is enough to show the personality charm of "Western Chu overlord".

It is worth mentioning that, like Yue's army, the eight thousand Jiangdong soldiers have a legendary characteristic called "breaking the bridge and sinking the boat". The characteristic is that their fighting strength is influenced by their will and determination to fight.

When the commander of them was the overlord of the lower Western Chu Dynasty, there was no doubt that the degree of this characteristic was directly promoted to "full value".

"If you are tired of all kinds of battles, you will feel sad, but if you are defeated in the Central Plains, you will not be able to return. Although Jiangdong's children are here today, are they willing to come with the king? "

"There seems to be an answer to this question."

The headquarters of Longcheng is closely protected by the five claw golden dragon, the core of the extraordinary seven level stronghold. Players usually call it the "administrative center" in the building, in an office with a sign.

A middle-aged man in a civil servant's robe muttered as he stared at the 3D projection of Hongmen stronghold made by Skynet.

"Wang Tongling, there are several strongholds that may not be able to resist the alien race. The strategy Department has decided to transfer the residents to the three sub strongholds of" Mohist organ city "," fangcunshan "and" Longku "by using the super time and space portal. Please follow up with Commander Fang and Commander Zhang respectively."

Suddenly, the 3D projection changed.

There was a golden population book in his hand. Although his face remained unchanged, his temperament was much more mature than that at the beginning, and he even had the face of Su nongying, a dignified superior.


The surname Wang, together with the poem just written, is enough to prove the identity of this middle-aged man.

Wang Anshi, Prime Minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, thinker, reformer, poet, one of the eight great poets of the Tang and Song dynasties.

There is no doubt that in terms of political and literary achievements, this one can definitely rank among the outstanding people of the Dragon kingdom for thousands of years.

As for Di Tongling and Zhang Tongling.

It's the people who live in Wang Anshi's "office". The signs on the door read: Fang Xuanling, Zhang Juzheng.

Fang Xuanling was a famous prime minister, politician and historian in the early Tang Dynasty. Together with Du Ruhui, he is known as "Fang Mou Du Duan", one of the 24 meritorious officials of Lingyan Pavilion.

Zhang Juzheng, a politician, reformer and cabinet leader of Ming Dynasty, assisted Emperor Zhu Yijun of Wanli to carry out "Wanli New Deal".

In fact, even if all the strongholds are in a state of fighting, the whole dragon city is still in good order. It is precisely because of the credit of the outstanding people represented by the house numbers of this "government affairs center", such as Wang Anshi, di Renjie, Xiao He, LV Buwei, Xun Yu, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui

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