Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 541: 541

When it comes to the poem "where to find a bosom friend at the end of the world".

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In fact, its source is not far from here.

"Ding Ding..."

On the high mountain, the water is murmuring.

An old man with long sleeves and green clothes is sitting on a rock and playing the piano.

"Moo, moo, moo..."

Around him, more than a dozen tall, big chested or muscular Tauren sat in a circle. They were the Tauren who planned to go to the Mohist organ city after splitting into two from the battlefield on the other side of heimuya!

Playing the lute to a cow is supposed to be a derogatory idiom, but it is obviously in line with the scene.

Because these Tauren did not attack like those in the gorge. Instead, they shook their heads one by one. They listened to the piano seriously, heard the beauty, breathed white air from time to time, and cooperated with the surrounding mountains and rivers. It was really a picture like scene.


However, this harmonious picture was soon broken.

"Gulu, Gulu, Gulu

A new alien passed by and made a sound similar to a blister.

"Tauren, what are you doing here? Don't you mean to go to the siege with us? Do you deliberately fall behind and take advantage of it? "

And pass the information through the spirit fluctuation.

It's a kind of alien called "Gulu". It's similar to the homonymous creature in the Lord of the rings. It's holding a bone spear in its hand, and even wearing some skinned human skulls as spoils and food reserves!

"Gulu (is human)!"

Because of their short stature, it was not until the road approached that the golu people found the old man in green who was surrounded by Tauren.

In this "legend assessment", it's not without benefits for foreign people to participate in the battle.

As long as the dragon city is defeated, it will eventually divide up the strength of the dragon city according to the contribution of the participating alien races, and use it to enhance the comprehensive strength of its own race and civilization.

Therefore, the interior of the alien race is not as monolithic as Longcheng originally thought.

Although "revenge" to Longcheng is still the first goal, but in the case of occupying the absolute advantage, the two sides will inevitably have competition.

(Gollum, Gollum) kill that man and cut off his head for food

The eyes of a Gulu nationality suddenly showed a ferocious color. His body jumped on the ground and rushed up.

However, just when the golu people jumped over the head of the Tauren and rushed to the old man who played the piano, their bone spear in their hands was waving at their head, trying to harvest their heads.


His neck was suddenly seized by a hand with half hoof.

"Moo, moo!"

Each Tauren's eyes turned red and his mouth spewed white with anger, which surrounded this grunt. Then, mainly in the scream of the latter, his thick hooves trampled down and turned it into a pile of mashed meat.

"Gulu, Gulu (damn tauren, what are you doing?"

A group of Gulu people have an angry expression on their faces. Who could have thought that looking at the simple and honest tauren, they would stab their accomplices?

"Moo, moo!"

But each Tauren is already red with the same eyeballs as the car lights, turns his head and stares at the Gulu nationality, starts to inhale in his mouth, inflates his body, and then directly rushes to the past!

Bo Ya, the "master of Qin", is a legendary man with natural talent. He can turn the person who hears the sound of Qin into a "bosom friend" and regard himself as the most intimate person.

Yes, Boya, not Yu Boya!

There is no Yu character in the name of "Qin Sheng".

"Surname Yu Mingrui, word Boya" is the fiction of Feng Menglong, a novelist in the late Ming Dynasty.

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Speaking of "Feng Menglong", this "legendary talent" has a chance to come to Longcheng, but Ji Ye refuses!

Because Feng Menglong, who is equivalent to the "author of network novels" of that era, has a bad habit of taking ancient celebrities as the protagonists in novels and arranging many stories.

Changing the name of Qin Sheng is only one of them. For the sake of "sales", they even made up a lot of black stories, such as "Su Dongpo's concubine changes horses, Chuang Tzu tries his wife, Wang Anshi is a beast", and so on. But many modern people do not have the ability to distinguish, so they take his novels as historical facts and scold these heroes!

Because of this reason, Ji ye even made a special request that "Feng Menglong and LAN lingxiaosheng" should not come when she used a sacrifice that might involve him.

After all, for many ancient people, fame was more important than mountains. It was the pursuit of countless people to keep a name in the history of Qing Dynasty. If Feng Menglong really came to Longcheng stronghold, I'm afraid there would be a large group of people queuing up to find him!

So for the sake of the harmony of the stronghold atmosphere, this guy is better not to come here for the time being.

(PS) this paragraph does not include the number of charging words. In fact, these are also the reflection of the author himself. There are too many historical figures in this book. Although I carefully check the information of each person and try my best to write their positive, it will inevitably affect the image of these outstanding people in the minds of readers. I hope you will carefully distinguish history, unofficial history and novels)."Gulu, Gulu (it's a matter of sound)..."

The intelligence quotient of the Gulu nationality is obviously higher than that of the Tauren. They soon realized that it was the problem of the Qin sound, so while fighting with the tauren, they beat the drums made of the human skulls, trying to wake up the Tauren!

However, there was no sound at all.

[horn bell]

level: extraordinary level 6

grade: Legend

Description: one of the four famous ancient Qin in the legend, the sound of the Qin is like the sound of a bell, the sound of the horn is long, it is deafening and enlightening, the sound is ten li, and it suppresses the sound of all musical instruments in a certain range!

"Moo, moo, moo!"

Niutou people and Gulu people fight against each other, killing blood everywhere. In the blood everywhere, an old man with erung and erudite plays the piano leisurely, with his simple clothes and the sound of the piano echoing in the mountains!

At the same time, higher up the mountain, a cloud covering several kilometers surged.

In the center of the fog, there are two trees, one is jujube, the other is jujube.

Under the two jujube trees, there is a gray 19 stone chessboard. Two people are sitting opposite each other playing chess.

"Think of seven dangers, point down nine palaces, travel eight poles, cross ten directions!"

On the right, a middle-aged man with light blue hair and a sky blue fluffy Cape whispers and drops a white piece on the chessboard.


At the same time when the chess pieces fall, the clouds with a diameter of several kilometers around them are tossing like something stimulated.

The one on the left was dressed in simple clothes, wearing a yellow suit with big sleeves without any fancy, and holding a black chess piece in his hand.


And when the man in yellow put the black pieces on the chessboard, the white fog around him seemed to be suppressed, and became a lot more sluggish.

"Chess player, you've entered qingqingjin alone. You've been tricked by the mist clan, and now you've become a puppet of the mist clan. How can you beat me when playing chess for seven or eight points at most

Looking at the middle-aged man in blue, he raised his head.

"Seven or eight points of chess might not beat you."

"Besides, I don't have to beat you. I just need to play chess with you, which will consume your natural ability and Qi power. When the time comes, your "heaven and earth chess game" will break itself, and then they will help me tear you to pieces. "

There is a thin layer of white fog in the eyes of the people in blue. You are full of it, and a hand of white chess falls.

In the white fog, Black Ghosts appeared one by one. There are Cyclops more than ten meters high, spiders with 32 legs, stone creatures similar to sculptures, and even human figures.

Mist clan, a familiar race in Longcheng, can manipulate other creatures and turn them into puppets.

The villain on the left side of the chess game called "zongzi", known as "chess evil", was ambushed because of the process of encircling and killing alien race.

At this time, he has been controlled by the mist clan. He wants to break the block chess game laid by the people in yellow!

"I'm afraid they won't come to me."

People in yellow clothes speak, but they continue to think a little.

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"Pa pa pa..."

Along with the acceleration of the two sides, the shadow also approached the chessboard one by one.

A one eyed giant stretched out a strong hand as big as a table, trying to beat the man in yellow who was playing chess. However, when his arm stretched out towards the chess game, wrinkles appeared on his skin.


When the man in yellow was photographed with his arm, the whole arm was hardened like rotten wood, and even rotted into a pile of dust.

On the other hand, a translucent yellow dragon appeared on the man in yellow clothes. A wind swept away the dust to avoid falling on the chessboard.

Not only the one eyed giant, but also the other puppet creatures are getting slower and slower as they get closer to the chessboard, and their faces are aging rapidly, even their hair is withering in a large area.

You know, even though people and creatures are swallowed up by the fog, they become puppets.

But in fact, it is still the most complete life activity. It is not the dead creature of the soul clan. The rapid withering only shows one thing. The chessboard or chess game in front of us has some extraordinary power to interfere with time!

[Langke chess game]

level: extraordinary level 6

grade: Legend

notes: 1. You can be slow and spend a certain amount of time around you.

2. He has been endowed with the talent ability of "heaven and earth chess game" by "Huang Longshi". All players can't leave the range of ten li before the end of the game.

Chess saint, Huang Longshi, named Qiu, the word on the day, the number of Longshi.

The national player of go, together with fan Xiping and Shi xiangxia, is known as the "three great masters of chess in Qing Dynasty". The style of chess is not stick to one pattern, leaving behind the famous "chapter of blood and tears".

With the alternation of the two sides, the chess game has gradually shown a winning and losing trend.Step by step, white has the upper hand, and the fog has spread all around go, one step away from the two players!

"Ha ha, your mind is uncertain. Is it because of them?"

The evil of chess is another one. On the chessboard, a big dragon with more than a quarter of white characters is built. On his face, he looks at Huang Longshi with a sneer.

In the fog, there are several puppet human figures have been close to the chessboard, aging and decaying under the influence of time acceleration.

In order to save these people, Huang Longshi had to speed up the falling speed, so that there was a deviation in the layout.

At this time, although entering the "long test", the situation has been difficult to recover.


And the fog around him has even gathered together, forming an almost real "fog dragon" standing behind Huang Longshi, opening his mouth, waiting to swallow him at the moment of losing.


At this time, long test for a long time in the hands of the yellow man is a black chess down.

The "big dragon" built by white chess was cut off suddenly, and the winning and losing situation was reversed in vain. Even because the chess game was in the middle, the big dragon was slaughtered, and black chess could not return to the sky!


Correspondingly, the "dragon" formed by the fog roared violently, trying to swallow the two players in one gulp. Just at the moment when black chess fell, an invisible force had already arrived. Under the rule force that it could not resist, it turned into ash and smoke!

At the moment when the dragon was slaughtered, the opposite "Qi Xie" closed his eyes and stagnated.

Until a few minutes later, the motionless "chess evil" suddenly opened his eyes again, the white fog in his eyes has been cleared, and even his own strength has been enhanced a bit, reaching the extraordinary sixth level!

"Daoyou are willing to take risks and use himself as bait to lure the mist clan to this point. This dangerous move really makes people sweat!"

Huang Longshi had some feelings in his mouth.

"People who have died once naturally care less about life and death than others."

"What's more, I firmly believe that this misty clan is not good at chess. If you want to break your" heaven and earth chess game ", you have to keep me a little bit of intelligence, and dare not erase my true spirit. In this way, we can lead it to death step by step according to the layout of our previous drills, and we can use its power for our own use after erasing it! "

Qi evil looks indifferent, as if his own life into the control of alien, this dangerous chess, but also a common thing.

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"The alien race is rampant. Other strongholds need reinforcement. I'll go first."

He nodded to the chess sage Huang Longshi. The evil Qi opened his mouth and roared. A white crane in the sky flew over and carried the evil Qi to the sea of clouds.

"The immortal is waiting for the Yellow Crane, but the seafaring is not willing to follow the white gull. Kneading and shaking, watching Qingxiao. Black and white have a way, strong Qi Fu cloud tide


And still in this mountain, a grand banquet is being held in a certain position!

Mountains, lush forests, turbulent clear water, the flow of the stream floating in a glass, when the glass stopped in front of someone, someone needs to take the glass, or drink, or write poetry!

"In the ninth year of Yonghe, I was in Guichou, at the beginning of late spring..."

In the pavilion in the mountains, a middle-aged man of letters in black was filling his mouth with a wine pot in one hand and writing with a pen in the other.

"Well done, well done, well done!"

"When it comes to light."

"Drunk as a song, how much is life?"

And the surrounding thought of a burst of lively shouts.

But they are some scholars who pretend to be different, and their faces are also ugly and beautiful.

Or recite poetry, drink wine, play throwing pot games.

But in the eyes of people watching live on earth, these people actually have another face.

For example, a Confucianist with rough hair and nine long braids eating fruit is actually a hydra demon with nine heads fighting for fruit.

A scholar in black gauze and waving a fan in his hand is an extraordinary Lich with dark wind around him There is also soil with some weeds, showing a pair of yellowish eyes, and even organisms formed entirely from air It's like the banqueting of the demon king in journey to the West!

These creatures are alien, but they think they are human literati. It is obvious that the middle-aged literati in black who is drinking and writing made all this.

Wang Xizhi, a legendary man, is a "master of calligraphy" with natural ability. He creates a dreamland by writing words. Before his own Qi power is consumed, the enemy is ready to surpass him, otherwise he can't get rid of this influence!

The preface to the Orchid Pavilion collection, which is also a legendary masterpiece, directly involves 20 or 30 other people.

However, it's just a check, even if Wang Xizhi's strength is as high as the extraordinary level 5, he can't confront these 20 alien people."Brother Wu, I can't support you soon. How long do you need?"

In addition to Wang Xizhi, there was only one other human.

He was a middle-aged man in grey robes. His hair and beard were hard. In his hand, he was holding a brush that was half a person tall. He created murals on the surrounding ground with rocks. It seemed that his temperament was a little out of place with ordinary literati!

"Well, I've already prepared some paintings. If necessary, I can delay them for a while."

"No, no..."

And in the conversation between the two, a handsome face has to shine. The Confucianist, who was wearing a cloak made of white feathers, looked confused, and his eyes were twinkling with white light.

The environment of preface to Orchid Pavilion is very real, but after all, not all the alien species are soft persimmons. This is a kind of creature named "bright bird". It looks like a crow, and its body can emit a very bright power. A pair of white wings are similar to the legendary angels.

Because, with the holy power, can resist the mirage attack to a great extent!

"Hey, brother Guang, it's your turn. It's your turn to write a poem."

At this time, there was a loud noise around.

Indeed, the wine cup stopped in front of it downstream. According to the regulations, it should write a poem or perform a talent!

"No, no..."

Bright bird alien scholar's expression becomes more and more disorderly.

The white light in the eyes is getting stronger and stronger, and even stands up suddenly from his own position!

"Brother Ming, you are drunk."

All of a sudden, a voice rang out. A middle-aged man with a slightly rough appearance stopped painting murals, reached for a painting, and then handed it to him,

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"come on, how about enjoying the painting made by Yuxiong!"

"Get out of here!"

Headache and irritable roar, the bright bird scholar with white light all over his body reaches out to hold the table. It looks like he wants to lift the table directly.

However, in this process, his vision is still unconsciously looking at the middle-aged people, as well as the murals just created by the middle-aged people!

And then it looks like he's suddenly shocked.

It's a picture of celestial beings. In the dreamland, it looks like a noble emperor standing in the center. There are many holy angels around him. There are all kinds of fairy Qi around him!

However, when the bird of light stares at the painting, it finds that the picture suddenly changes.

From heaven to hell, many ghosts in this hell are fallen angels.

However, the king of hell, who is in charge of hell, belongs to the God of light!

For the bright bird who believes in the light, this is undoubtedly the collapse of faith, and it has been severely hit immediately.

"No, I don't believe it!"

Because he has changed into his spiritual consciousness.

These creatures who have fallen from heaven to hell have all changed. Their faces are ferocious. They roar and surround them. Their feathers are torn off one by one His body was so bloody that he was torn to pieces!

"Brother Guang, brother Guang. Brother Guang is really drunk

In the eyes of those other scholars of different races, this man was just a bit drunk, because he was drunk.

"Something's wrong..."

"There's a problem!"

Every time I see an alien looking wavering and trying to get rid of the illusion of calligraphy, a young man surnamed Wu will put a painting in front of him and ask him to enjoy it.

For example, a "White Snake" alien whose whole body is made up of ice can see the picture of the king of tota, which is directly suppressed by the generals holding the exquisite Pagoda in their hands!

An alien whose head is similar to a dog's head burning with fire sees a Peacock King Ming with five colors of divine light and Buddhist power.

There is also a ghost king with Yin Qi all over his body, like a cloud of smoke. He only saw the picture of Shizhi Zhongkui, which is a big mouth, chews all kinds of ghosts in his mouth, and even eats his ten fingers together.

And in the face of these lives, it's hard for these aliens to fight.

Be killed or suppressed!

"Oh, it's a trick."

"Roar, it's a mirage!"

"Jie, damn it!"

When Wang Xizhi's talent and ability are completely exhausted.

A group of extraordinary alien people get rid of the interference of mirage and roar one after another.

"Time, just right."

The middle-aged man surnamed Wu stopped his giant pen. The whole battlefield ground, rocks and even the sky were completely covered and surrounded by huge murals.

The Peacock King Ming, the magistrate of the earth, the king of tota, and all kinds of demons subduing Pan Long, hell emperor Shi Long, and Baize beast all opened their eyes. After breaking away from the murals, they turned into gods and Buddhas all over the sky and killed these alien creatures!

"I know who it is. It's Wu Daozi."Watching the live broadcast of the earth people, some people have awakened to the identity of this person.

Wu Daozi, a legendary figure and painter, is good at painting figures, gods and monsters, birds and animals, especially large murals.


And a white light of "trans time and space transmission" appeared in the air. A group of outstanding people hold pens in their hands and use pens as knives to join the battlefield.

Zhao Mengfu, Dong Qichang, Wen Zhengming, Tang Bohu, Gu Kaizhi

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