Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 544: 544


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"Two sides."

"Can't you keep it?"

People on earth are feeling again.

This situation is really a wave not even, a wave again.

The water army of Longcheng is already unable to cope with a large number of alien races and water monsters in the sea.

Now, there are new alien species in the river behind, which set off a rolling wave, triggering innumerable aquatic organisms to attack the last line of defense of the Longcheng water army from the rear.

At the same time, the dragon city water army may really repeat the same mistake that the whole army lost in the war with the sharks in the past!


At this time, the wide river burst open, and a thing from the bottom straight into the sky.

It was an ape shaped figure with a head and neck of 100 feet long, white head and green body. He was dressed in a fire red gilded armor and covered with thick hair. On Lei Gong's face, his eyes were shining with lightning!

"Monkey King!"

"Monkey brother is powerful

Seeing this powerful and domineering figure, many people on the earth have been surprised and yelled.


The ape with golden eyes is growing in size in the air. When it falls back into the sea, it is already 100 meters high. A pair of arms covered with thick hair fiercely grasp towards the rolling wave ahead.

Then, void a grip, left and right two points.


The huge water waves, which span several hundred meters and are more than ten meters high, are torn in two by huge claws.

This scene is similar to the previous scene of Leshan Buddha blocking the wave of nuclear explosion with the palm of Buddha, but it is more bloody and ferocious!

Because then, with a pair of golden eyed giant ape claws toward the center, the two water waves are squeezed smaller and smaller toward the middle by an invisible force, and thousands of aquatic creatures are completely squeezed into a state of flesh and blood under great pressure.

Even a crocodile like alien can't resist the pressure. After being crushed, it turns into a giant "meatball" with countless fish and shrimp, and is grabbed by the dazzling giant ape and thrown into its mouth full of tusks.


Big bite, blood along the body's hair wantonly cross flow!

"Hiss, how does monkey brother feel a little strange?"

"Yes, is it so ferocious?"

"Shouldn't brother monkey be a golden monkey? This is like a white headed langur

However, some people seem to be wrong.

"What's so weird? That's what your monkey king looks like

"The monkey king in your mind is actually the result of beautification by later generations. In fact, the monkey king in the original book of journey to the west is such a ferocious beast. It's all relying on the Buddhist scriptures passed from our country that the anger in your people's hearts has been dispelled. "

There are Indo Vatican people who understand the characters of the Dragon Kingdom speaking on the forum.

"Fart your mother, the characters and images in the place of inheritance are generated according to the cognition of most civilized people. For us, the monkey king is a rebellious fighter. It can't be like this... "

"Yes, I saw the live broadcast of the monkey king's coming last time. It doesn't look like this at all."

"This is not the monkey king. It should be wuzhiqi, the prototype of the monkey king recorded in Shanhaijing."

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Some experts who are proficient in ancient Chinese culture have made their own judgments.


rank: extraordinary level 6

rank: Legend

Description: wuzhiqi, an ancient demon, was born in Huaguo Mountain in the south of Henan Province. He was a natural monkey with a head and neck of 100 feet long, and his strength exceeded nine elephants. When Dayu ruled the huaishui River, wuzhiqi made trouble and was suppressed!

Remarks: wuzhiqi once unified the Longjiang River, then led 100000 Shui people to kill Longcheng. He was defeated in the battle with the Lord of Longcheng, surrendered and contracted with the Lord of Longcheng, and became a general under his command.

Yes, wuzhiqi, not monkey king.

As a famous water demon of Huaihe River in history, it is also recorded in Shanhaijing that it is most likely to be the prototype of Monkey King.

After succumbing to Jiye, wuzhiqi became the river god of the "Dragon River" that runs through the whole Longcheng. In the arrangement of the strategic Department of Longcheng, wuzhiqi was originally used as a surprise for the Hai people.

Now the situation is critical, and see alien from their own control of the river to kill up, fury to fight!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

But it's not the same as fighting on the ocean side.

Although there are a lot of these water monsters in the river, their levels are all ordinary. Although there are a lot of them, the threat to the super level creatures is limited!


On the contrary, after wuzhiqi jumped out of the water.

Next, the water is like cooking sesame dumplings, and a large group of decaying soldiers and crabs, Prime Minister of tortoise and concubine of Jiaolong burst out.Just because, as the river god of this river, the noumenon is a big demon in troubled times. Before this battle, wuzhiqi had already taken all the demons in the river into his command!

As for the super level above the demon king level water monster.

In front of the Longguo people, who are famous for eating goods, how can this kind of food material, which can greatly enhance people's Qi and blood, be wasted?

Therefore, as the only king in the river, Qi Leigong had a ferocious face and bright eyes in the face of the extraordinary creatures.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

Although, under the attack of scales that can vibrate with high frequency and are similar to particle knife, there are many wounds on Wu Zhiqi's body, but these wounds are almost healed by silver rays at the same time.

This kind of "healing" ability was acquired after it contracted with Ji Ye.

Today, Ji Ye's healing talent has been improved again compared with the past, and she can even heal her own contract creatures in space.

As an ancient demon, wuzhiqi is cruel and easy to kill. With the power of healing, he completely ignores his own life and death.

The more you kill, the more courageous you are. You will never retreat. The fighting river is dark and the water blows 30 Li.

"It's amazing. I'm afraid this one is not much worse than the real monkey king!"

"So far, the Lord of dragon city has not participated in the war. He just sent a contract creature of his own to block an alien race. How strong is he?"

"It can't be said that some people's natural ability is in the aspect of" contract ", but their positive combat effectiveness is not too strong!"

After watching this scene, the rest of the players who specially went back to the earth to watch the battle talked about it.

"I don't know if it's strong or not, but I'm sure it is!"

"Even if the monkey's fighting power is amazing, but if there is no other stronghold reinforcement, Longcheng is still doomed."

An internal test player's face is dignified.

Because, even if this "primitive Monkey King" blocked the alien giant crocodiles killed from the river!

However, the alien offensive in the sea is still more and more fierce, and the third line of defense is about to be lost.

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You know, not far behind the third line of defense, there is a sub base with more than 200000 people. If the Longcheng water army is defeated, 200000 people will have to be buried with them, because even if they have the space-time transmission technology, they can't transfer so many people in a short time!

But when it comes to Hyperspace Technology


At this time, in the sky above the battlefield, the white light representing "super time and space transmission" flashed, and several figures appeared!

The leader was broad-minded, dressed in a black and gold boa robe. His skin was dark, his eyes were shining, and there was a crescent shaped mark in the middle of his eyebrows. His momentum was inviolable and he was not angry.

"Why, does this man seem familiar?"

"Crescent birthmark, is this man?"

"Mr. Bao?"

"Bao Qingtian!"

Such an obvious feature, the dragon people who watched the war recognized him almost at the first sight.

"Article 2 of the law of the Dragon City, whoever kills human beings within the scope of the dragon city shall be killed!"

Bao Zheng's eyes were wide open, his forehead was shining, and his voice was not loud, but it spread all over the audience.

Although they can't understand people's language, they can clearly feel the information transmitted by the spirit.

Later, it was ignored at all.

On the contrary, it drives a large number of aquatic creatures, regardless of life and death, to spend their bodies and lives, impacting the already precarious third line of defense!

"Exhibition guard, please order!"

In the face of these alien actions, Bao Zheng's eyes were completely different, and he spoke in a high voice.


Behind Bao Zheng.

There are also several guards with weapons and honor guards in their hands, and their strength is at an extraordinary level.

One of them has a Chinese character face, eyebrows like a sword, and is dignified. He is wearing a red hat and dressed as a knight. In his left hand, he holds a huge sword.

In his right hand, he held up a box with golden dragon pattern and made of gold and jade.


In the box, a piece of imperial edict with a paragraph of text and a golden red "Ji" mark appeared.

The imperial edict is attached with a large amount of power of dragon city. The imperial edict is condensed into a small golden dragon with five claws and auspicious clouds, floating in the air like a small sun!

"The edict?"

"Ha ha, these Longcheng people are really funny."

Cherry Blossom country's "Sea King Building", several high-level players of the pirate king stronghold look a little strange.Originally, because Mazu saved many fighters, she felt that she was beaten in the face, and then turned to ridicule again.

"The imperial edicts of ancient dynasties do have a special power like" Qin Qi Shu Hua "in the place of inheritance, but the problem is that the imperial edicts should only be effective for human beings, which will greatly reduce the effect of alien races This scene reminds me of a line from a movie about the kingdom of dragon. I actually took the sword of the former dynasty and cut off the officials of the current Dynasty... "

The short fat player with evil eyebrows and crooked eyes chews the grapes sent by the maid in her mouth, and speaks in a very strange tone.

"I don't like grass!"

However, the next moment, his small triangular eyes suddenly opened.


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In the sky, Bao Zheng, who had sent out the "imperial edict", threw off his black robed gentry.


The imperial edict in the sky suddenly blooms a dazzling golden light.

It enveloped the personnel including Bao Zheng, Zhan Zhao and four extraordinary guards, as well as a large area around them.

In the twinkling of an eye, a building similar to the ancient government hall is outlined. There is a huge dark red table in the middle of the hall with a height of tens of meters. On the left side of the table, there is a startling wood and a book with a black cover. On the right side, there are only three tokens, black, red and gold, juxtaposed!

There is also a black plaque on the top of the hall, on which there are three vague handwriting.

"Eh, the ancient court should not have four characters, such as" bright mirror hanging high "and" fair and bright ". How can this plaque be a three character plaque?"

On the earth, many people's eyes are too big to see the three words clearly.

When Bao Zheng said "going up", most people's first reaction should be the ancient yamen, which is similar to the drama or TV play.

But there's a hall in the air.

Not to mention the ordinary Yamen in ancient times, even the Yamen in the three provinces and six departments of the central government are far behind, right?

What's more, it's not only the environment that has changed, but also the people who have been covered by the golden light.

Zhang long and Zhao Hu's strong clothes turned into black and white robes, holding mourning sticks and shackles.

There were also two black and white hats on his head, one with the words "get rich at first sight" and the other with the words "peace in the world".

In the dynasty, the clothes of Mahan and Mahan turned into broad animal head armor, with black chains in their hands, and their heads turned into a bull's head and a horse's head respectively, with black soul fire flashing in their eyes!

"It's black and white, with the head of a cow and the face of a horse?"

"What's going on? Is it to construct a... "

What do people in the Dragon Kingdom cultural circle on earth realize.

The "imperial edict" in the air continues to shine golden light, and the building of the main hall is still taking shape. On the left and right sides, there are black stone columns towering into the clouds, on which are written couplets that make people feel shivering at a glance.

"It's a pity that a fool has no such thing in the hell because of his delusion. Now when he comes to this hall, he knows that his soul has gone and his soul has come."

"Tears are sour, blood is salty, mouth is sweet, hand is spicy, there is no sea of bitterness in the world, gold, silver, white eyes, red heart is black, you should know that there is a blue sky on your head."

"Although the official punishment in the Yangshi era was spared, the law program of the Yin Department could not escape."

"It's up to you to do good and evil. It's up to me to reward and punish."


The dignified and dignified Bao Zheng went to the back of the table and sat down. At last, the three characters on the plaque on his head became clear.

It's true that the laws of human dynasties are only applicable to human beings, but according to the ancient legend, King Yama can judge the souls of all creatures and determine the status of his next life in the six samsara!

Most people know that Bao Zheng is called "Qingtian", but I'm afraid only some people know that Bao Zheng, like Guan Yu and Mazu, is also a "semi God" level person.

It is said that because of his honest life, he was regarded by the heaven when he was alive. He tried the sun every day and cut off the Yin at night. After he died, he took over the post of the master of the fifth Hall of hell, which is commonly known as the "king of hell"!

At this time, "Yama Palace" appeared, of course, to judge many alien and aquatic creatures.


Bao Zheng's dark forehead and crescent moon flashed, and his voice spread all over the battlefield!

"Bawang squid, Haiwang jellyfish, flying fish, black and white nine ring snake All 9011816 creatures have violated the law of our dragon city. "


The black book "book of life and death" on the desk automatically turns the pages, and scenes emerge in the air, which are pictures of various aquatic organisms, alien killing or participating in the killing of human race.

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Bao Zheng's gifted power of "judging crime" can identify the other party's guilt and the good and evil of the soul!

This is not a combat talent.Because "criminal responsibility" itself needs the other party to break the law to be defined as a crime, and although he can identify the criminal responsibility, Bao Zheng's talent does not have the ability to punish directly!

However, with the imperial edict with the seal, this talent can be used in the battlefield.

Because the attributes of the two quasi mythical objects, imperial edict and jade seal, are: imperial edict can create "rules", while jade seal can endow "power".

It seems very simple.

However, if you think about it carefully, the attributes of these two items are not comparable to those of legendary heavy weapons.

For example, on the battlefield below, the third line of defense is about to collapse under the attack of the alien sea.

However, if a "sea restriction order" is issued according to the "imperial edict", all marine creatures will be limited in the scope of Longcheng area, and can not use extraordinary power.

In the whole mainland of Longcheng, this rule will be triggered by all the forces of qi movement.

Then, naturally, the fighting situation will be reversed immediately.

You can even issue an order for an item or race.

For example, if you enter "tyrant squid, die immediately", or "Dragon City Superman is immune to all sea creatures"!

It can also change the situation on the battlefield to a great extent.

The "power" given by the jade seal also belongs to this similar situation, which enables an ordinary person to master the extraordinary power, even the power that a legendary person can possess.

By using "rule + power" together, the power is close to the real "artifact" as described.

For example, the divinity of wuzhiqi's "dragon river water god" was conferred by Ji ye with an imperial edict sealed with a jade seal!

The legend of Bao Zheng as the "king of hell" is not well known. In the place of inheritance, Bao Zheng does not have the extraordinary power of the king of hell. In front of him, this "Hall of hell" also relies on the power of imperial edicts and jade seals!

Of course, even the artifact is not really invincible.

Because of this level of heavy weapons, even legendary players can not rely on their own strength to use.

Only by consuming the power of Qi Yun in the stronghold, can words or seals be left on the imperial edict.

Moreover, the more advanced and complicated the rules or powers, the more energy will be consumed!

For example, the rule that "all alien races will be killed once they enter the area of Longcheng" seems invincible, but there is no doubt that even if they consume all the Qi Yun power of Longcheng, they can not write such an imperial edict.

And such rules as "tyrant squid dies immediately" can be achieved naturally.

However, it is not as cost-effective as sending a few legendary heroes.

Therefore, the use of these two items needs to be strategic.

The "strategy Department" of Longcheng set the tone after discussion, that is, only a part of the alien race at a time!

Because, along with the battle, Longcheng has determined that these alien races are not monolithic. It is more meaningful for the enemy's psychological pressure to formulate such a "murderer chop" rule.

"In fact, this promotion assessment is not only a test for us, but also a test for these foreigners."

In Skynet channel, Meng Lao's voice rings.

"According to the analysis of the strategy department, the status of these extraordinary aliens should belong to the villains among the aliens, and they also need to fight for their right to stay in the inheritance place by defeating our dragon city..."

As a result, there is also a need for foreigners, which is their weakness.

After all, compared with "breaking the rules" and risking death to become a leading bird, why not wait for another alien to take the first step to consume the power of Longcheng, watch the tiger fight on the mountain, and wait until the last step to reap the benefits of yuweng?

It is obvious that if all the alien groups are in this idea, the threat of the alien groups to the dragon city will not be defeated.

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