Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 546: 546

"Longcheng is really worthy of being the first stronghold. The inside information is too deep. We really can't compare with some strongholds."

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To the south of Longcheng, the players of Cybertron stronghold of Miying Kingdom, who are arranged to fight in a technology stronghold with "three body" background, look a little depressed and obviously feel some gap.

"I can't help it. Who can tell that people are the only ancient and transitional place on the earth that has kept civilization passing on for thousands of years, or this kind of historical stronghold. Under the rule of the place of inheritance, the attraction to top talents is much stronger than ours! "

A black skin female playwright said with emotion.

The purpose of inheritance is to preserve civilization. Obviously, the more profound the history is, the more favored countries are.

There is no doubt that China's historical and cultural heritage is among the top in the world, and the Miying kingdom is one of the countries with the least historical and cultural accumulation. As the "first stronghold of Miying kingdom", they are strictly selected from the short men.

In China, with the background of well-known films, we can boast, and compared with some ancient civilizations in the whole world, there is a gap at once.

"Oh, don't patronize there. 12 o'clock, about 20 kilometers, fire coverage! "

Robert, the "first man of Miying kingdom", is holding down the head of a seriously injured "tyrant lizard" alien. His body is covered with silver talent and skill light. In a flash, this extraordinary fifth level creature is transformed into a red "mechanical dragon"!

By "inheriting" the quality, talent and skills, the mechanical bishop can transform all creatures with souls into mechanical forms, or even forcibly change their soul "data" and turn them into their own combat power.

"Fire with all your strength!"

Next to the change into a variety of forms, holding super large extraordinary weapons, launching missiles bombardment of the car man with mechanical electronic sound said.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

With the extraordinary level of "space ammunition depot" that Autobots have mastered, a "death bombing zone" with an area of more than 10 kilometers has been directly created, which has blown a group of translucent alien creatures to ashes.

But the smoke of gunfire has not been dispersed, those who have become the ashes of the alien body on the re condensation, continue to charge towards the Autobot defense.

This alien race, named "trisomy" by human beings, can transform into each other in solid, liquid and gas states, which is not so easy to kill.

"How long has the Miying Kingdom been established? There is nothing comparable with the historical details of the Dragon kingdom. However, we are not the same! "

At the same time, a whole mountain was carved into a sub base of thousands of Buddha statues, and more than a dozen players and talents from the Hindu Vatican kingdom came out from a projection of a base that looked like a "Palace".

"According to the information on the forum, this site is called" Longmen Grottoes "and belongs to a stronghold with a" Buddhist "background."

"Buddhism itself originated from our Vatican state, and the outstanding people of the Dragon state named Xuanzang, who were in charge of this stronghold, came from the Dragon state to study in our great Vatican state in history. Then he brought a large number of advanced cultural classics and went back to open up the people's wisdom of the dragon people! "

Several dark faced Indian and Korean players observed the surrounding environment with a sense of confidence and superiority in their tone.

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As a big country with a population of more than one billion like dragon Kingdom, there are still more than 20 strongholds left in India and Vatican Kingdom, and this "bahobali Palace" is in the first place. The most important thing is that like dragon city, this stronghold is completely dominated by players.

"If it wasn't for Wang who was too old to be qualified for the internal test at the beginning, we should be better than Longcheng!"

The only female player with white skin and veil should be a "high breed" female player. Looking at the leader of the whole team, who is tall, wearing gorgeous gold armor and wearing golden armbands, his eyes are full of worship and admiration.

Bahobali king, extraordinary level 7, legend level evaluation.

As a non beta player, it's very difficult to be the leader of a player led stronghold at this stage.

Therefore, in the eyes of most Indo Vatican people, the potential of their "King pahobali" is not weak compared with the so-called "Lord of the dragon city", and they are destined to replace it and become "the first in the world" in the future.

"Don't say these words to affect unity. Don't forget that we are here to reinforce for the great cause of the whole mankind."

King bahobali, dressed in gorgeous gold armor, yelled at his companion, but his eyes looked up at the sky.For the sake of the great cause of mankind, this is only a kind of high sounding words.

In fact, his stronghold can choose to come to reinforce, largely because of the difficulty of promotion test through live broadcast.

I hope I can get the reverse reinforcement of Longcheng after I reinforce Longcheng in the future, so as to increase my chances of winning!

In addition, we also want to show the strength of "India Vatican state" through global live broadcast.

In the final analysis, although there are more than one billion people in India and Vatican, before the place of inheritance began, all the big countries on the whole earth are the poorest and backward, which are looked down upon and ridiculed by people in many countries.

Now, in the land of inheritance, relying on the heritage of ancient civilization, we have turned over to a great extent. Naturally, we want to show it and enhance our national pride.

King bahobali looked up at the sky. He knew that the eyes of hundreds of millions of people of his own country were gathered on him at this time, with the excitement, confidence and excitement of belonging to a big country in his heart!


However, when he looked up, the whole sky suddenly became dark.

A huge figure more than 3000 meters high rises from the sky. One side of the left and right sides of the head on the top becomes a charming female face. The other one presents a male face with blue face and tusks. Thousands of smaller faces are crowded on the lower part of the body. Men and women, old and young, are in pain, and there are thousands of hands and eight giant feet!


The two men's and women's huge faces spit out red blood and flames, which are interwoven to produce poisonous smoke. It's like a huge storm sweeping all over the country. If the Buddha statues carved on the mountain don't emit golden light to cover the people around, these flames alone can destroy the whole battlefield.

"It's Asura, and it's one of the" thousand faced Asura kings. "It's made up of two quasi legendary Asuras with a man and a woman who are above five levels. The combat effectiveness is one, which is equivalent to the top legendary level."

The dark faces of Indo Vatican players are discolored.

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"This is the enemy of life and death in our last war. It is known as the" demigod race ". It is extremely bloodthirsty and violent, and its combat effectiveness is amazing. The thousand faced Asura king has killed more than 100000 of us. Can Longcheng cope with it? "

At the beginning, the original Aboriginal "King bahobali" in their stronghold was killed by a "King Asura", and the current king bahobali succeeded by killing the seriously injured "King Asura".

"If we can't deal with it, we'll just wait for a while. Wang will kill it himself and show our strength. People in the Dragon kingdom will be surprised."

There are some excited and confident faces of Indian and Korean players.

"Things in the world are like chess, and the universe is unpredictable..."

However, after the appearance of the great thousand faced Asura king, the people sitting on the top of the Longmen Grottoes, one by one in cassock and holding a floating dust in their hands, began to recite the "Buddha's name".

Its face is a little red cinnabar in the middle of eyebrows, half closed Phoenix eyes, showing a very dignified appearance. Its arm muscles are as hard as bronze, with a "pineapple head" similar to Buddha's.

"It's Lord Brahma!"

Dragon City, some are avoiding the flame of the players, eyes a bright mouth said.

This Buddhist hero, who is known as "Brahma", shakes the dust in his hand and walks in the air step by step. With each step, a Golden Shadow of Buddha emerges from his body and exerts an extraordinary level of Buddhist magic power in the air.

"It's a big book!"

"Wow, Shuda is also in Longcheng. Is Su really with ye Xiaochai? There is also my gold and silver show. I'm happy in heaven! "

"Why is this alien called Asura? It's like the combination of Buddha Dharma twins and magic Buddha

"These moves, is a pneumatic mountain and river, Lotus Mountain Road open, armor piercing sharp seven spin finger, nine Sanskrit seal..."

On the earth, a small island province in the south of dragon Kingdom, tens of millions of people are excited in their eyes and feel a little excited in their hearts.

Because, as a province with a small population, their strongest "Thunderbolt" stronghold has been destroyed by other nationalities in the first half of the month. Now, it's absolutely unexpected that these heroes appear in Longcheng!

"This man dares to call" Brahma ". His tone is really big!"

Only on the ground, the players in Indra are dissatisfied.

You know, "Brahma" is one of the three main gods in their country. It is called "book making heaven". A person in the Dragon Kingdom also called it.

In the sky, the Buddhist heroes named "Brahma" have one-step magic power, the power of blood darkness, eight dragon gods, fire, and Twelve GodsBehind him, a path of bright Buddha light has been formed, and his appearance has gradually changed into a halo of Buddhism on his back, with white hair flying all over his head, hands holding the seal, and a golden seal in the middle of his eyebrows.

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One page book

Level: extraordinary level 6

Rank: Legend

Explanation: the Buddhist monk, who is quick in style and envious of evil, is the most powerful one in the Central Plains!

"Kill, kill!"

Half of his face is extremely ugly and half is extremely beautiful. The legendary king of Asura, who is male and female, only has the intention of killing in his heart.

In the face of the initiative to fight a single page of the book, there is no soft hand, shrouded in the blinding blood fireworks in the thousands of arms at the same time pinched their fists, toward a page of the book shot up!

The wind and cloud in the sky also surged with this blow, turned into a more majestic face of fierce Shura, and roared towards the huge Foshan.

"All smiles are heroes!"

In the face of Asura King's attack, which was obviously strong to the extreme, "close to god man · one page book" did not dodge.

With a long drink in his mouth, a lot of Buddhist supernatural powers in the sky came out step by step behind him. Behind him, a huge golden angry Buddha statue with a height of 1000 meters was formed. He grabbed the seal of the Buddha and bombarded the king of Asura.


The Golden Buddha's light and the bloody fire's light block out the sky, and the sun's light in the sky is covered up. The earth is shaking like a violent earthquake of magnitude 10.

After a few breath, the Golden Buddha light dimmed down, and the huge golden Buddha collapsed inch by inch.


The white hair page of the book spits out a large bowl of blood, falling from the air to the ground, and its appearance returns to the original "mushroom head" from the "near God" state of white hair.

On the other side, the king of Asura, who covered the sky, had no change.

On the contrary, the blood flame on the body is more fierce, and the black smoke rushes straight into the sky and breaks through the clouds. Byebye.

"It seems that the victory has been divided, so I said that the people of dragon city can't deal with the king of Asura."

"Do you think King Asura is a common alien? A person wants to go up single, especially the positive hard work. You know, the body of the thousand faced Asura king is so hard that he claims to be immortal. Even the king was killed by attacking his spirit

"This is also called Brahma?"

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After watching this scene, the voice of the Indian Vatican players, including the Indian Vaticans who watched the live broadcast on earth, revealed some ridicule and some pride.

Just because "Asura", a mythical creature of alien race, was originally recorded in their religious classics, "rounding" can be regarded as one's own, and the monsters recorded in their own civilization are powerful. Rounding can almost prove the strength of our country in the last round of inheritance.

"Let's take the initiative of King bahobali, the No.1 Hindu Vatican. He has the power of God and is Shiva's favorite. There is no problem in killing King Asura."

There are fanatical fans from India and Vatican even shouting on the forum.

"Is the king Asura so strong? Even the leader of Brahma could not be defeated! "

On the battlefield of the place of inheritance, I look at the "thousand faced Asura king" whose bloody flame is more intense and even engulfs his whole body.

Some Longcheng personnel frowned and looked solemn. Looking at the flaming blood flames on the other side, I'm afraid that they will make more terrible attacks next!

"Eh, it seems that it's snowing in the sky..."

What's more, it seems that the smoke produced by the fierce fire causes the cloud changes in the sky, and something is falling.

"No, it's not snow, it's like ash..."

A Longcheng native looking up at the sky reached for the snow and found that it was more like some ashes, and the source of these ashes


The king of Asura, with thousands of hands and faces, was burning in the flames, Half of the sky was covered with blood.

However, under the strong wind blowing in the high altitude, it began to collapse from the head position, and changed into bloody dust all over the sky, falling to the ground like snow.

Obviously, Vatican was seriously injured in this legendary duel.

But the king of Asura died, and his soul died!It is self-evident who wins and who loses.


The people in the Indian Vatican stronghold fell into some silence. Even the "bahobali king" with extraordinary seven levels of strength had some contraction in his pupils.

The smiles on the faces of the hundreds of millions of Indo Vaticans who were watching the battle also stopped.

Originally, the clown is himself< br>

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